Shark Out of Water (Grab Your Pole, #3)

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Shark Out of Water (Grab Your Pole, #3) Page 11

by Jenn Cooksey

  “Tell me what?” Camie asked and scared the shit out of him. I’d been trying to tell him with my eyes that she was walking this way, but he was in the middle of another yawn so he missed it.

  I don’t know if it was just because he’s so cranky and tired, or because he thought she might’ve washed the shirt to be a bitch, or, if it was because she almost heard him say he loves her, which I’m ninety-five percent sure that’s what his unfiltered mouth was about to blurt out, but he snapped at her like an angry crocodile when he said, “Go to McDonald’s this week and pick up a Happy Meal…the girls love the new toy. And just so you know, Phineas likes mustard on her cheeseburger, Ferb prefers chicken nuggets, they both take ranch with their fries, and contrary to what you might think, they both prefer strawberry shakes over chocolate or vanilla…oh, here, you know the drill,” Then he took the bag out my hands, shoved it at her, and then turned around and started to stalk away. “I want that back soon!” He called over his shoulder as he made his way in the direction of the back parking lot and I’d put an assload of cash on that being where he’s planning on taking another nap.

  She opened the bag in her hands, took one brief look and then screwed up her face in a kind of wince, putting together his yawning and short temper quickly.

  “I didn’t do it!” She yelled at his back like a guilty child.

  His response was to holler over his shoulder, “SOON!”

  “He fed the cats McDonald’s? What’s that about?” Camie asked as she watched him go. And also, very obviously knowing the drill, she took a black shirt out of the bag and started rubbing it on her neck.

  “Not a clue.” What I’d like to know is why you came over here.

  She wasn’t even looking in our direction in the beginning and it appeared like she was just gonna walk by on her way to class, but then she looked up and saw him yawn and scratch at his hair, still trying to wake up, and I swear, it was like her feet just carried her here without her knowledge. It was very interesting and I’d love to know what was going through her head at that moment but instead of asking, I just walked away and left her staring at Tristan’s back.

  I Almost Got It ~ Jeff

  “So now we know for sure there’s something going on that we don’t know about,” Katy said Wednesday afternoon after school when we were talking.

  She bailed on cheer practice today to make up for last night so even though we’ll only have a couple hours to ourselves, I’m planning on taking full advantage of every minute and right now, she wants to talk, so right now…I’m giving her what she wants. I’m gonna think of it as foreplay. Besides, we didn’t have the opportunity to really discuss my conversation with Camie’s sister yesterday and after watching both Camie and Tristan, who was biting people’s heads off left and right this afternoon, which I’ll admit I found hi-larious…the smart people avoided him, but the others…well, they never stood a chance, but anyway, after watching the two of them today, I kinda wanted to talk to Katy and hear her take on things.

  “Yeah, I think we can safely say we don’t know the whole story.”

  “Why would Camie not tell us everything though? I mean, it just doesn’t make any sense and—”

  “Think about it, Katy…I don’t think she’s keeping anything from us. I’m getting the feeling that Camie doesn’t know the story either, which still doesn’t make sense!” Honestly, I just don’t get it, but I know there’s more to what we’ve been lead to believe happened or is happening.

  “Alright, I can maybe see that and yeah, it totally doesn’t make any sense especially if you take into account that Jillian obviously knows what’s going on and I’m guessing Pete does too, otherwise, why would he just blindly go along?”

  “Yeah, he wouldn’t,” I know I said Pete would pussy out and be neutral or side with Tristan just because he needs him to catch, but the thing is…he wouldn’t. Pete would have no problem defending an injustice even if it personally caused him problems, so if he believed Tristan to be unjust in what he did, Pete would definitely say so. He might even go so far as to physically point it out… “Oh shit, Katy…Pete told me he couldn’t understand how I could not be friends with Tristan anymore…”

  “You think that’s why he hit you?” She asked and wrinkled her cute little button nose in thought.

  “Eh, I’m not sure that’s it entirely, but I think that’s part of it…I’m pretty sure he was telling me that I’m in the wrong. And then Jillian told me that shit about not bein’ able to see the forest for the trees…” She told me she was being cryptic so does that mean she was trying to tell me something without actually saying anything? I think she was. Huh.

  “Yeah, let’s go back to that whole thing…why in the world would she keep information about all of this a secret? I mean, it doesn’t even involve her! And if Tristan hurt Camie, Jillian would most definitely be the first one to seek revenge against him on Camie’s behalf. I was there when she asked Camie for permission to make an example out of him before…she seriously does not like people messing with her family.”

  “Right. And then she went one better and helped him get Camie back…she actually helped him, Katy. And then there was all that stuff with that chick at the desert. If it wasn’t for Jillian…well, you remember.”

  “Mm-hm. So, we have two people who believe Tristan to be innocent but neither of them is broadcasting their belief or why they believe what they do…why would they not say anything?! I don’t understand this, Jeff!” She said in frustration and threw her hands in the air, making my heart rate speed up by casting myriad rainbows onto the wall when the light coming in through our bedroom window hit her engagement ring.

  “I know…I don’t get it either. We might’ve gotten some answers if we’d gone to Jillian beforehand, but now she’s been sworn to secrec—oh Jesus!” It’s about to click…I can feel it!


  “Katy…remember I told you what she said, that she made a deal and she’s keeping her mouth shut?”


  “Well, she made a deal to be silent. He’s doing her a favor…”

  “Well, we kind of figured that out already…he’s gonna be buddies with their dad because of everything going on with their mom, I mean it’s not exactly a secret.”

  “Not that part of the deal, but her silence, think about what it means…it’s her payment to him! She wasn’t talking before but no one ever asked her! We were all in our own little bubbles and just wondering why she was on Tristan’s side, but we never asked! I bet that was the only thing she could offer to get him to go along with the whole thing! He doesn’t want anyone to know what she knows! And I’ll bet you anything Pete’s keeping quiet about what he knows out of a sense of fidelity…because Tristan asked him to!” Oh my God…it’s right there on the tip of my brain…

  “You’re saying that Tristan is the one who doesn’t want anyone to know Jillian and Pete think he’s innocent? But that’s just…I mean, that doesn’t make any sense either! He knows that we know that he broke up with Camie, so what’s the point of secrec—OH! Jeff, he’s hiding something!” Bingo, Katy baby!

  “Yes! But what I don’t get is what can he be hiding that’s so bad that he wouldn’t want Camie or us to know about?”

  “Hmm…well, let’s think about this…he’s not hiding the fact that he’s guilty of breaking up with her, that’s obvi—oh, wait…I’ve been using the word innocent…that Jillian and Pete believe him to be innocent…you don’t think…”

  “No. He broke up with her. She was there for Christ’s sake! Seriously, she might not know what’s goin’ on now, but come on, she’s not that ditzy. Besides, let’s just say for the sake of argument that he didn’t break up with her and she thought he did…why the fuck would he just let her believe that he did? You and I both know Tristan and if he wasn’t breaking up with her, he would’ve made that abundantly clear.”

  “Yeah, okay, I see your point, but still…there’s something with that whole innocence t
hing. Oh, what about this? Yes, he broke up with her but maybe not for the reason she thinks he did.”

  “Ahh…now we might be getting somewhere. Camie thinks he broke up with her because she wouldn’t have sex with him…what are the other reasons he would have to break up with her?”

  “You would know that better than I would, babe…” Shit. She’s right.

  “That’s just it, Katy, I can’t think of any other reason.” I feel like screaming…

  “Maybe we missed something the night of her party?”

  “Like what, Katy? They were having a great time…I mean they were drunk too, but big deal.”

  “Well, maybe we missed something after we left…we did kind of leave a little early so maybe something happened after that and that’s what prompted him to break up with her.”

  “What could she have done that night to make him wanna break up with her the following day? You’d think if it was that bad he would’ve done it right then and there…it’s not like he doesn’t have a temper, you know?”

  “True. And both of them are super impulsive so if she’d done anything like cheat on him, which I can’t even come close to believing she woul—”

  “Yeah, no. Even if that was an option, he would’ve murdered the guy and we would’ve heard about it no question.” No way did Camie cheat…I seriously doubt Tristan would’ve even given her the opportunity to.

  Katy sighed and then it came to us at the same time…


  “He was drunk, babe, it happened once before and you remember how guilty he felt about it…”

  “So what are you saying? That he got hammered and Camie said no so he went and fucked some other chick without her knowledge and then broke up with her the next day because he felt guilty about it?”

  “It’s possible…it might also explain the Jillian thing too. I mean, chances are that Jillian would know what he did so maybe he promised Jillian that he would break up with Camie because of it.”

  “Ah…I don’t know, Katy. I guess it’s possible, and I can totally see Jillian forcing Tristan to break up with her, and yeah, that would be something he wouldn’t want Camie to know about, but two things…why would Jillian be supporting him and why would he be cool with Pete knowing and not me?”

  “Well, I don’t know about Jillian, but you live with her best friend and he knows you almost always tell me everything, so…”

  “Katy, listen to what you’re saying! You’re saying that he was willing to drop me as his lifelong best friend just so I wouldn’t tell you that he cheated on his girlfriend of like three months?!”

  She blew out a frustrated breath that made a raspberry sound and I gotta say, I’m totally on board with her sentiments.

  “Yeah, okay…there’re some problems with that theory, but you have to agree it’s possible he cheated on her and felt so guilty about it that he broke up with her.”

  “I’ll only go so far as to admit it’s possible, but I think you might be right about Tristan hiding something he feels guilty about and it having something to do with that party.” This is fucking unbelievably frustrating!

  “What about talking to Pete? You could ask him what happened at Camie’s party after we left…”

  “He’s not gonna tell us shit. Even if he would violate a confidence, he won’t now…not after last weekend. Fuck! I wish I just knew already!”

  “I’m sorry, babe…I don’t know what to say but I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

  Goddamnit! I was SO close to figuring this shit out I could practically taste it, but now? Fuck, now I have even more questions!

  All I want is just little fucking SLEEP!! ~ Tristan

  Oh, what the fucking goddamned hell is this goddamned fucking bullshit?!!

  I think my mouth literally fucking fell open when I walked into my room Wednesday night after practicing with Pete and I saw my bed. One, it was made. Two, it was made with new blankets, sheets and pillows.

  And the fuckin’ hits just keep on comin’…

  I ripped the comforter back away from the pillows while I prayed and when it wasn’t there, I wildly looked around my room to see if maybe she’d just stacked the old stuff somewhere before getting rid of it.

  Oh God…no!

  Gone! My fucking pillow is gone! I feel like crying…

  My mom has some serious fuckin’ explaining to do!

  I went to the trashcan and pulled out one of the plastic wrappers one of the fucking interloping pillows came in and went to the board; she’s not home and I’m too pissed right now to not scream fucking bloody murder at her anyway so this is the best way to go. It’s really not cool to go off on your own mom…

  After posting the wrapper I stood there, fuming, and realized without Camie’s shirt and my Camie cuddle pillow that a natural sleep just isn’t gonna be in the cards for me tonight. But seriously, there has to be something I can do, so…what are my options? Options, options…Oh! I could just eat a fucking farm full of turkey and hope that the massive ingestion of Tryptophan will do the trick. Getting high and drunk would be so much easier though… You know; these are the times I really wish I could allow myself to go back on my vows to myself because I need to seriously medicate if I wanna get any kind of decent sleep. Wait a minute, medicate…medicine! That’s it! Shit! I don’t get sick so I don’t have anything to take. Okay, wait, that’s not a big deal…so I go to the store and pick up some…what? What the hell do I get? Nyquil I guess? Yeah, Nyquil and a turkey! I wonder if we have one of those food injecting needle things…I could inject the turkey with the Nyquil! Sold! I’m gonna do that and because she deserves it, I’m gonna make a fuckin’ huge mess in the kitchen and not clean it up!

  Take that, Mom!


  Thursday, Week Two

  It’s Time ~ Jeff

  “Hey Katy? How closely were you paying attention to Tristan the other day when Camie asked to talk to him?” I asked her when she finally relinquished her post next to Camie and came over to sit down next to me during lunch on Thursday. Yep, I’ve decided Katy’s attentiveness to Camie is getting on my nerves. In addition to that, I’ve decided that I’ve officially become obsessed. I’ve also decided to not engage in expositional conversation as a form of foreplay ever again…it doesn’t work so well.

  “The electric shock thing?” My girl is so good! And at least I’m not totally alone in my obsession…

  “Yeah! Did you recognize his expression? Because I swear I’ve seen it before and I haven’t been able to get that whole thing out of my head. I don’t know why, but I think it means something.”

  “Yeah, it took me a little bit, but I’m pretty sure that was exactly how he looked her first morning of school and he grabbed her arm to keep her from falling, remember?”

  “Oh, I must’ve missed it…I was mostly watching her that day. Oh, wait! That’s it…it was the same look he had on his face when he saw her that first time at the beach!” Finally! Jesus, that’s been bugging the absolute shit out of me for days. “Katy, it was freaky when he saw her that day. It was like someone slapped him upside the head and then from that moment on, any time he saw her it was like he was under a spell or something.”

  I didn’t get it. I mean yeah, Camie’s actually really attractive...she’s not especially my type, basically because she’s not Katy, so her grabbing his attention was totally understandable, but, Tristan took just one look at her and he was completely mesmerized. It’s sort of hard to believe…you just wouldn’t think a guy like Tristan would fall that hard that fast. But again, I was there, and trust me when I say the dude fell harder and faster than a hippo doing a swan dive off the roof of a hundred foot building.

  In fact, he hasn’t been the same ever since and if I’m honest; it’s been kinda hard for me to accept. Not that I begrudge him a girlfriend or being in love, I’m just saying, it might’ve been a little easier for me to adapt to his massive lifestyle change had he done it slowly. However, that’s not how it h
appened. Not even in the beginning when he didn’t even know who she was, or, once he did and he was still making up his mind about how he wanted to play things.

  That was when it hit me. His expressions, body language, short answers…all of it. He’s undecided. Ever since he had that talk with Jillian on Tuesday he’s been behaving almost exactly like he did Camie’s first two weeks of school, which was when he was trying to get a feel for what kind of person she is and trying to make up his mind about whether or not they might work. Now I just have to figure out what he’s trying to decide now…

  I was in my head again, putting things together while intently studying Tristan, who was intently watching Camie with an almost scowl on his face while he drummed his fingers against his thigh, but I must’ve sighed or something because that was when Katy put it into words for me.

  “Babe, I think it’s time you face some facts…you can’t keep doing this. You miss him too much and personally, I think the two of you need each other.”

  Simultaneously watching him, sighing again and hearing the bell ring, I finally admitted to myself that she’s right. I also hereby acknowledge the fact that it’s time to go to the source.

  I just hope the source doesn’t kick my ass too badly because if I’m not mistaken, he didn’t have the best of nights last night.

  Masonry work with Kenny ~ Pete

  Damn it. It has to be here…

  I was rifling through the cab of my truck after school, looking for my glove after already having rifled through both my gym locker and baseball locker, plus the one on campus and I still couldn’t find it. Which means I took it home last night and left it there. It’s not an especially big deal; I’ll just have to go home and get it, but that also means I have to tell Tristan he’s gonna have to wait for me to get back and well, he’s in an even worse mood today than he was yesterday so I’m kind of not wanting to get on his nerves. I even thought of canceling our practice altogether but that would be a shitty thing to do. Even though he was nowhere near to being on his game yesterday, I think it did him some good to be out in the fresh air and it gave him the chance to focus on something that has absolutely nothing to do with Camie and what’s going on with them right now. Besides, with him being so completely wrapped up in his own affairs, I don’t have to really worry about him stumbling onto mine…


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