Lady Knight

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Lady Knight Page 18

by Marisa Chenery

  She was back in London, living in modest accommodations far enough from court so as not to draw attention to herself. No one had realized she was in the city.

  Her father had yet to return from his excursion, but he had not left her alone during his absence. He had hired a maid to look after all her needs. Today, she had left the girl at home, wanting to go to the market by herself.

  Alwen went from one stall to another, and purchased fresh vegetables and meat. Coming to one that held bolts of material and other trinkets, she paused to look over the goods offered for sale. The vendor stood behind the table, ready to be of service if anything caught her eye. She smiled as she browsed through his wares.

  The material was of good workmanship, but Alwen did not feel like making herself a gown. What caught her eye were the gloves. They were kid skin, and were soft to the touch. She spotted a pair of dark green ones and picked them up to try the fit. A child’s high-pitched shrieking drew her attention.

  The gloves forgotten, Alwen watched Broc coming toward her. He had not seen her yet. He was too absorbed in the child he carried. The boy child was probably no older than a year, and his face was a match for his father’s. Broc had never mentioned he had a son.

  After hurriedly stripping the glove from her hand, Alwen moved to leave before Broc became aware of her. Before she could replace it, she felt Broc’s gaze on her. Too late. She would not be able to avoid him now. Sure enough, a large hand clamped down on her shoulder, stopping her from stepping away from the stall. She spun around to find Broc towering over her.

  “Where is she?” Broc roared the question, causing others to stop and stare.

  Flustered, Alwen lowered her eyes. “I do not know what you mean.”

  “Aye, you do. We are going to talk, and you will tell me what I need to know.” Broc tightened his hold on her and led Alwen through the market until they came to an open stretch of lawn.

  “I will ask you again. Where is Ariel?”

  “Why should I tell you anything?” Alwen snapped.

  “Because if you do not, it will go badly for you.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  Broc shook his head. “Nay, I am only stating a fact. If you do not tell me, I will take you to the king. He is very fond of Ariel. He is not too pleased with you or your father at present. It would be best if you spoke to me instead.”

  That was all the convincing Alwen needed. Her aggressiveness drained out of her. “Then what will happen to me?”

  “Nothing. You will be free to carry on with your life. I only want your father.”

  “Very well, I will tell you, only because it will do you no good.”

  “I will be the judge of that.”

  Alwen shrugged. “My father was going to sell her. To whom, I do not know.”

  Broc sucked in a sharp breath. “By what right does your father have to do that?”

  Some of Alwen’s antagonism resurfaced. She laughed. “It is simple enough. He made her a serf. Whoever he sells her to will believe her to be one. She is lost to you.”

  Broc scowled. “No one would believe Ariel is a serf. Her bearing is not that of a slave’s.”

  “My father thought of that. He collared her. You know as well as I it is a mark of a serf. As long as the collar is on her person, she will not be believed.”

  Broc swore. He tightened his hold on her shoulder with punishing force, causing her to shout in protest. The child started to cry. The sound of his son’s sobbing seemed to bring Broc’s anger to a simmering point. He released her and then cuddled the infant close as he reassured him by stroking his back.

  “Does your precious Ariel know you have a child?”

  “Of course. That is just another reason I want your father. You see, he stole Colwyn’s mother from me.”

  Alwen felt her face flush red. “She gave you a son? Then why the charade? You acted as if she were a man. You even knighted her.”

  “So I did. That is all the explanation you deserve. Are you sure you have no idea where Theodoric took Ariel?”

  “I told you, nay. He never spoke of where he was going. I will tell you this. I am glad my father’s plan worked.”

  Broc’s lips curled into a sneer. “You know, Alwen, your looks could rival those of an angel’s, but inside, you really are a heartless bitch.”

  Alwen gasped at the insult. Without a by your leave, she stomped away. Broc let her go.

  * * * *

  William lifted his face into the sun. He had been spending far too much time indoors. There was always someone demanding his attention, more so now with the work having begun on the stone tower that would replace the wooden fort.

  It was rejuvenating to be outside, breathing in the fresh air. Taking advantage of the free time, William leaned against the side of the hall, enjoying the sights. It relaxed him just to see his people going on with their daily lives.

  He spotted Broc as he walked through the gates with his son in his arms. William straightened and walked into the yard. Since Ariel had disappeared Broc was never far from his little son. Colwyn even slept in the same bed with his father.

  “How was your outing to the market place? See anything special?”

  “You could say that. Alwen was there.”

  William’s smile vanished. “She is back in London? She has more nerve than I had thought. What of Theodoric?”

  Broc shook his head. “Not with her, but Alwen did have some information that might help find Ariel. She says Theodoric has made Ariel a serf and has sold her.”

  “That bastard. Did Alwen know where he took her?”

  Broc’s shoulders slumped. “Nay. She was ignorant of his whereabouts. He probably wanted to make sure if we found her, Alwen would not be able to lead us to Ariel.”

  “He is very apt at covering his trail.” At the look of hopelessness on Broc’s face, William gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Fear not, friend. We are one step closer than we were before. It is time to send out some of my men. If they pose as peddlers, they will be able to gain entrance to any hall. We will find her. It is only a matter of time.”

  * * * *

  Life moved on. Two months had passed since her abduction by Theodoric. Ariel had finally eased into her new life enough to sleep at night.

  After her first one spent with Geoffrey, she had withdrawn into herself. Even though she had not made love to him, in a small way, she felt as if she betrayed Broc by accepting her fate. It did not sit well with her. Ariel’s continued silence had worried Geoffrey. Being a patient man, he had given her the space she needed to adjust to her new life.

  Now Ariel did not find the nights quite so hard to bear. If anything, they gave her a degree of comfort from the harsh reality of what her life had become. To have a warm body to lie beside and not have to worry about being mistreated eased her mind, making it easier to accept what could not be changed. During the day, she was treated like any other serf. The only difference was Geoffrey forbad his men to abuse her in any way.

  Today was more strenuous than the normal course of a day. The donjon of the castle had been completed, and Geoffrey wanted everything moved out of the hall and placed in his new residence. The packing, therefore, fell onto Ariel’s shoulders.

  As the last few items were carried out the door by a couple of burly guards, Ariel stretched the kinks out of her back. Being only three months into her pregnancy, it still was not noticeable. She placed her hand onto her stomach and felt the slight rounding of her middle. The new life inside her thrived. It was the only link she had with her former life.

  Shaking off her musing, Ariel took a final look at the hall to make sure nothing had been left behind. After finding it empty, she stepped out the door and into the yard. The day was still warm, even though the sun was on its decent. Summer was just around the corner.

  She took the well-worn path to the castle and then headed to what was to be her new home. Geoffrey was at the gates, waiting for her. She waved.

Is that the last of it?”

  “Aye, the hall is empty.” Ariel allowed Geoffrey to pull her close and softly kiss her forehead.

  “Good. I cannot tell you how glad I am to finally have stone walls around me again. I do not know how you Saxons can feel protected in a flimsy wooden structure as your home.”

  Ariel shrugged. “It is all in what you are used to.”

  “I suppose.” Geoffrey slipped his arm around Ariel’s shoulders before he led her to the donjon.

  The square tower dominated the yard. Ariel wondered how anyone could feel comfortable living in such a cold-looking dwelling. She would take her Saxon wooden walls any day over stone. She followed Geoffrey up the stairs and looked around the yard. Some of the outbuildings were completed, but construction continued. The barracks, that were closest to the donjon, was one of the finished buildings. A couple of guards talked in front of it.

  Stepping through the tower door was like walking from the bright sunshine into the dim light of darkness. The warmth of the day did not penetrate the thick walls, and there were no windows to let in light. Ariel took the stairs to the second level. She noticed the slits in the walls. Places for archers to fire their arrows down onto intruders.

  The hall was not as large as the one in the Saxon building since there was no need for one that size. The guards would have their meals in the barracks. Only family and selected others would reside in the tower.

  This was the first time Ariel had been to the castle. She was impressed with its defenses, but coming to think of it as a home, she could not see it as a place a family could live comfortably. As she had told Geoffrey, it was all in what you were used to.

  She found him patiently waiting beside her, watching her reaction to her first sight of the donjon. “Well? What do you think?”

  “I can see what you meant by being better protected here.”

  “I know it is harsh-looking, but I am sure you can make it into something livable.”

  Ariel smiled weakly. She highly doubted that would happen. She was not a miracle worker. “I will try.”

  Geoffrey beamed at her. “Good. Do you think you can be finished in a month’s time?”

  “Possibly. What is the rush?”

  “That is when my wife will be coming. I want everything ready when she arrives.” After kissing her once more, Geoffrey headed back down the stairs, leaving Ariel alone in the hall.

  His wife was coming. Ariel could not see any good coming out of it. How would this unknown woman take to her? Especially when she found out her husband was sharing his bed with a serf, even if all they did was sleep.

  * * * *

  Later that evening Ariel lay in bed, waiting for Geoffrey. He was down at the barracks, talking to the captain of his guards. Now that the castle was occupied, guards needed to be posted on the walls. At the sound of his footsteps on the stairs, she rolled onto her side, feigning sleep. She closed her eyes and hoped he would just let her sleep.

  Geoffrey stripped out of his clothes and then slipped into the bed beside her. He rolled onto his side and cuddled close. “What is wrong? I know you are not asleep.”

  Ariel took a deep breath and opened her eyes, but did not turn to look at Geoffrey. “I am thinking about your wife.”

  “What about her?”

  “I am worried about what she will think of me.”

  Geoffrey kissed the back of her neck. “Have no fear. She will not be sharing my bed.”

  What kind of relationship did Geoffrey have with his wife? “What about your wife? She has not seen you for months. Maybe she would like to have you near her again.”

  Geoffrey grunted. “I doubt that. We have never met.”

  Confused, Ariel turned to her other side and stared at Geoffrey. “What do you mean you have never met? You did have a wedding ceremony?”

  “Aye, but I was not there. We were married by proxy.”

  Ariel had heard of marriages being performed with another standing in for an absent participant, but she had never seen it actually done. “When did the marriage take place?”

  “After William was crowned king. My parents thought it best for Lisette to be my wife instead of my betrothed when she made the crossing to England.”

  It was obvious this did not bother Geoffrey in the slightest by the matter-of-fact way he had answered her questions. “So, yours is not a love match?”


  Ariel knew Geoffrey wanted to drop the subject when he closed his eyes, but she was not ready to let it go just yet. “If she is unknown to you, she might not be what you expect. You could very well end up liking her, you know. She might be the woman of your dreams.”

  Geoffrey threw back his head and laughed. “That is not possible. I do not believe there is a woman out there who could be my perfect match. It rarely happens where someone finds a love so great. If it will make you happy, I will try to look objectively at my marriage. I just hope my wife will be pleasant enough looking. That way I will not find it hard to bring myself to consummate the marriage. That is all I intend to say pertaining to my new wife. You have had a hard day. Go to sleep.”

  Letting Geoffrey snuggle her against his chest, Ariel closed her eyes. It was possible to find a person you could give your heart to. Broc already had hers in his possession. She hoped Lisette would be to Geoffrey what Broc was to her.

  * * * *

  The sound of cart wheels rumbling into the yard took Ariel away from her work. She looked out one of the slits in the wall. Geoffrey helped a woman dismount her horse. Keeping his hands on her waist, he smiled. She had to be Lisette. His wife had finally come to England.

  The month had gone quickly for Ariel. There had been much work to be done at the donjon. A chamber had been readied for the new mistress of Kilsmere, along with a larger room for Lisette and her women to use. Everything had been completed at the expected date, but Lisette had not come. After another month had gone by, she had arrived to be with her husband.

  After backing from the opening, Ariel waited for the couple to come into the hall. Her baby moved within her, which caused her to smile. She was five months along, and her pregnancy was quite noticeable. She finally had to give up her tunic and trews. She needed the room only a gown could provide.

  They laughed as they came up the stairs together. She took that as a good sign. Her biggest wish had been for Geoffrey to like his wife. Just maybe, if he grew fond of her, Ariel would be able to convince him to release her.

  Lisette stepped into the room first. She was tiny, only coming to Ariel’s shoulder in height. What she lacked in stature Lisette more than made up for it with a large personality. This was no soft-spoken lady. Even now she talked excitedly to Geoffrey, making him laugh all the more.

  One of Lisette’s women, who had come up the stairs after her lady, noticed Ariel. The woman stopped in her tracks and gasped, drawing Lisette’s attention.

  Geoffrey took Lisette by the elbow and led her to Ariel. “Lisette, this is Ariel. She does all the work inside the hall. I am sure she will see to any of your needs.”

  Lisette’s deep green eyes looked at her from head to toe. Ariel found Geoffrey’s wife to be beautiful. She had thick chestnut-colored hair that fell in waves down her back.

  “You are a serf?” Lisette asked.


  Lisette dropped her gaze to Ariel’s protruding stomach, then lifted it to her face again. “I see you are with child. I will tell you right now, that will be the last child my husband will sire off you. Henceforth, you will stay out of his bed.”

  Geoffrey just about choked when he heard Lisette’s words. Ariel smiled.

  “The babe isn’t Geoffrey’s.”

  Lisette blinked. “Are you telling me you have never slept in my husband’s bed?”

  “Nay, I am not, but it is not what you are thinking. I will gladly step aside. I would not presume to take your rightful place.”

  Lisette smiled. “I am happy with your decision, but there is one t
hing. If the babe is not Geoffrey’s, then who is the father?”

  “That is something I keep to myself. I was already pregnant when Geoffrey bought me.”

  That last remark caused Lisette to blink, then she smiled. “Whomever the father is, have no fear for your child. It will be well provided for.”

  Obviously not liking how the conversation progressed, Geoffrey interrupted. “Do not worry, Lisette. I already told Ariel that exact same thing. Now come. I will show you to your solar.”

  As Lisette and Geoffrey, followed by the other women, left the hall, Ariel smiled. He would have his hands full with his new wife. She would not stand to be ignored. She and Lisette would get on famously.

  Chapter Eighteen

  As she had predicted, Geoffrey came barging into the small chamber Lisette had given Ariel for her use. It had originally been intended for Lisette, but Geoffrey’s wife had moved into his chamber instead. She had told Ariel he would just have to get used to her being in his bed, because she had no intention of leaving it.

  Geoffrey was not happy. “I thought I told you that you will still share my bed.”

  “Aye, you did. Lisette decided otherwise.”

  “I do not care what she wants.”

  Ariel shook her head. “It cannot be helped. What is the matter, Geoffrey? Do you not find Lisette appealing?”

  Geoffrey appeared to think about his answer before he spoke. “She does appeal to me. I just would prefer you next to me.”

  “Why? Your wife is beautiful, and could make you a happy man if you would only let her. You two seemed to get along. I think your problem is you are afraid.”

  “I am not afraid of Lisette.”

  Ariel smiled. “Oh, but you are. She is not exactly what you expected.”

  Geoffrey’s brows drew together in a scowl. “True. My father led me to believe she was a weak-willed and easily controlled female.”

  Ariel burst out laughing. Lisette was nothing of the kind. She wondered how Lisette managed to fool Geoffrey’s father into believing she was weak willed.


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