Behind the Secrets (Behind the Lives #4)

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Behind the Secrets (Behind the Lives #4) Page 13

by Marita A. Hansen

  Beth turned to Josie, unable to hold back her tears. She’d known Josie all her life, yet her cousin had taken Saul’s side. Yeah, she’d lied about some things, but she wasn’t a chronic liar like Josie had said, her cousin always exaggerating.

  “I know we’ve had our differences, Josie, but you’ve gone too far this time. This is why women don’t speak out when they’ve been assaulted—cos of the fear of not bein’ believed.” Beth wiped her eyes, still bewildered her cousin could be so heartless. “I don’t ever wanna see you again, and if you turn up to family functions, I will leave. I can’t forgive you for this.” She turned and ran for her car, stuffing her suitcase into the boot.

  “But you’ve lied before,” a soft voice said behind her.

  Beth spun around, finally seeing something on Josie’s face akin to doubt. “Not ’bout sumpthin’ this serious. I told you what had happened at Craven’s house—”

  “Only in regards to Dante. You didn’t mention anything ’bout what wuz done to you.”

  “I did! Just before, but you yelled at me, calling me a liar. You saw the newspaper articles ’bout the debauchery at Craven’s house. Do you think I wuz somehow left unscathed? That I managed not to have anything done to me?”

  “I didn’t think.”

  “That’s your problem, you don’t ever think. You’re more concerned with hooking up than bein’ loyal to your family. Are you so desperate to get a man that you ignore what they’re really like, more concerned with their face and body than their soul?”

  “You can’t talk; you’re with Dante only cos he’s gorgeous.”

  “I’m with him cos I love him! I’m in love with everything about him, even his flaws, which I know are numerous. And if I wuz only concerned ’bout looks I wouldn’t have cheated on Ash with Dante, cos they basically look the same.”

  “Dante’s nasty! He abused me, yet you don’t believe me.”

  “Again, he told me everything that happened, every sordid detail, even though he knew I would get mad, while you hid it until I confronted you. You even tried to deny it at the beginning. He may have led you on to teach you a lesson, but you stripped and threw yourself at him, even though you knew he wuz my boyfriend. Plus, you’re only sour at him cos he turned you down, and now you’re taking your anger out on me. You need to stop this, Josie. Stop choosing men on their looks and get some self-respect.”

  Josie’s face turned angry. “I respect myself! And Saul’s a cop; he wouldn’t do what you said.”

  “Every time you get angry, you throw out accusations and insults instead of thinking ’bout what comes outta your stupid mouth. Cops can be dirty, and Saul is the dirtiest. He stripped me naked in front of other people, then threw me over his shoulder and took me to the Russian roulette game, where people watched me and Kara take turns pulling the trigger.”

  Josie’s eyes went round. “I read ’bout that in the newspaper. I didn’t realise it wuz you and that blonde woman. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Cos I just wanna forget ’bout it, yet no one will let me.” Beth walked around to the other side of the car, needing to get away from Josie. All she wanted was to see her father, the one person who wouldn’t question her.


  Beth looked over at Josie. “What?”

  “Did Saul truly assault you?”

  “I already told you he did.”

  “No, say it again, I’m finally listening.”

  “He forced me against a wall and finger-fucked me while he had a hand over my mouth, telling me not to be afraid, that he would make me come like Dante did. He then tried to stick his cock into me. I screamed so loud it hurt my throat. That wuz when he let go.”

  “He put his fingers inside of you?”

  Beth nodded.

  “That is rape.”

  Beth went quiet, realising for the first time that Saul had done more than assault her. She’d always thought rape involved the cock, but Josie was right. It was still a penetration.

  “What are you gonna do ’bout Saul?” Josie asked.

  “I’m considering reporting him.”

  “Do ya think they’ll believe you? He’s a cop.”

  “I don’t know, but I hafta do sumpthin’, especially since he won’t stay outta my life. Why wuz he even here?”

  “He wanted to speak to you ’bout the Torres case. Since you weren’t here, I asked him out.”

  Beth rubbed her temples, feeling an enormous headache coming on. “If he returns, don’t answer the door. He’s more dangerous than he lets on. He acts remorseful, then does the opposite. Don’t go near him again.”

  Josie nodded, her expression now worried. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. Guys always dupe me. If you wanna stay, you can.”

  Beth shook her head. “I need my dad, he makes me feel safe.”

  “That’s understandable, but you’re still welcome back. And again, I’m sorry.”

  Beth nodded and got into the car, her heart still heavy. Josie’s turnaround made her feel fractionally better, but her cousin’s initial words still plagued her. The police probably wouldn’t believe her either, especially since Saul was one of them.

  Her eyes went to the car clock. 11:29 p.m. flashed in red. Realising it was too late to see her dad, she started up the engine, intent on seeing Dante instead. He also needed to know what Saul had done to her, especially with Josie now knowing, her cousin untrustworthy when it came to keeping secrets. She just wished she hadn’t kept it from him, although she knew why. She felt ashamed of what Saul had done to her, and had even questioned why he’d assaulted her, at times wondering whether she’d led him on. But deep down she knew she hadn’t. Although he was undoubtedly attractive, she didn’t want him, Dante her one and only. Plus, the man scared her, his demeanour too intense and overwhelming. She just wanted him to leave her alone, never coming near her again. If he’d done that she might’ve kept it a secret, but now, he’d left her with no other option than to ask for Dante’s help, the Ratas’ form of justice fast and hard.

  She headed for Dante’s new home, arriving in the expensive suburb of Herne Bay half an hour later. The houses were grand, all of them worth millions of dollars, the view of the Waitemata Harbour and its bridge adding to their value. Expensive cars filled the driveways, money lining the streets, only her old Volkswagen looking out of place...

  No, there was a much older car than hers—or at least it looked it. It was parked under a street light in front of Dante’s two-storied home, only the rust holding it together. The exterior was scraped and dented, the vehicle in even worse condition than the wrecks parked on her front lawn. And Beth knew who it belonged to.


  Beth parked her car behind the piece of junk and flipped the vanity mirror down, checking her reflection. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying, while she had dark shadows under them from lack of sleep, both her nightmares and pregnancy pulling a number on her. Even though it was night, she grabbed a pair of sunglasses and slipped them on, not wanting Kara to see any sign of weakness, which would be like blood to a piranha for the bitch in stilettos.

  Grabbing her handbag, Beth got out of the car and entered Dante’s ... no, Jade’s property, because all Dante owned was the bullet-ridden Holden sitting in front of Jade’s red Ferrari. Dante’s boss and flatmate was a successful music producer, with houses all around the world, no doubt as expensive as the two-storey mansion before her. She headed up the footpath, angry to find Kara knocking on the front door.

  “Jade!” the blonde bitch hollered, her Slavic accent strong. “You can’t keep me from seeing Dante! Let me in, you limp-dick little bastard!”

  “Can’t you get a hint?” Beth said, coming to a stop behind her. “Dante doesn’t wanna see you.”

  Kara’s head shot around, her eyes locking onto Beth. As usual, she was dressed like a hooker. Her painted on leopard-print dress barely covered her breasts and arse, while her stilettos added to the image, their six-inch heels making her bare legs look
longer than they were.

  “No, this is Jade’s doin’,” Kara snapped, “not to mention yours. Dante chose me, yet you’re using your pregnancy to get him back. Well, he promised he would never leave me, so get lost, you husband stealing witch.”

  “He doesn’t even remember marrying you. You got him blotto, so it can’t be legal.”

  Kara pointed a long fingernail at Beth. “He’s still my husband.”

  “Then why did he promise me he wouldn’t see you again?”

  “You’re lying!”

  “Ask him, then.”

  Kara shook her head vigorously. “No. He said no matter what he wouldn’t leave me.”

  Beth placed a hand on her stomach, drawing Kara’s attention to it. “He won’t choose you over his own child—no matter what.”

  “NO!” Kara turned to the door and started banging on it, screaming at the top of her lungs, “Dante! If you’re in there, come out before I break this fucking door down, you dirty, rotten, lying, cheating bastard!”

  She continued banging on it until the door finally opened. Dante appeared in front of them, looking like he’d just woken up, his black hair all over the place. He was wearing a T-shirt and boxers, along with some large bandages on his legs, covering his knife cuts.

  His eyes zeroed in on Kara. “What the fuckin’ hell are you doin’? You can’t come here, banging on my fuckin’ door in the middle of the night, yelling your head off like some banshee bitch in heat. This is Herne Bay, not Claydon; the cops will be called for this shit—”

  Kara shoved him, making him stumble back. “You lied to me!”

  “What are you on about?” he said, righting himself.

  Kara pointed at Beth’s stomach as she entered the house. “That! You can’t go back on your word just because you don’t know how to use condoms.”

  Grimacing, Dante brought a hand to his head. “Stop shouting.”

  “Not until I squeeze the truth out of you. Are you purposely avoiding me so you can be with her, even after you promised you wouldn’t leave me?”

  Dante breathed out, looking stricken. “I didn’t know Beth wuz pregnant when I made that promise.”

  “You still made it.”

  “And now I hafta break it, cos there’s no way in hell I’m lettin’ another man raise my child.”

  “She has no man, other than you, and you’re my husband.”

  “Our marriage isn’t legal, you got me shitfaced drunk.”

  “It is legal, it’s on file, plus you said you wanted to be married to me when you were stone-cold sober.”

  “I also want to raise my child.”

  Kara let out a frustrated yell. “You wouldn’t have this problem is you’d just used protection. For all you know, I could be pregnant too.”

  Dante’s face dropped. “Are you?”

  Beth cut in fast, “She said could, not is.”

  Kara’s head spun around like the demon child from The Exorcist, her eyes locking onto Beth. “This is between me and Dante, so keep out of it!”

  “I’m involved too.”

  “That’s the problem! And you’re only here because you’re blackmailing him.”

  “I am not!”

  “Oh, yes you are.” Kara pointed at Beth’s stomach. “You’re using your child to blackmail Dante into staying with you.” She sneered at her. “Back in Bosnia, do you know what my uncle used to do to people who tried to blackmail him? He killed them, like I should kill you.”

  Dante grabbed Kara’s arm. “Don’t you dare touch her!”

  Kara pulled free, her eyes spitting venom at Dante. “I said I should but I won’t, because it’s still your child in there.” Her sneer returned. “By the way, there are probably numerous children out there with your DNA, especially with the way you bareback every bitch in town.”

  “I’ve only gone bare with you, Beth, and Lavinia; you know that.”

  “I clearly know nothing, because your word means shit, not to mention you’re a bloody pisshead. You wouldn’t even remember half the women you’ve fucked, let alone whether you’ve used protection.”

  “Don’t be a bitch.”

  “No, you need to be told some home truths, Dante Rata. You can’t keep doing whatever the hell you like without understanding the consequences. You’re almost twenty-four, for Christ’s sake, not some pre-teen who doesn’t know how babies are made. Use a fucking condom the next time you screw another bitch or she’ll screw you for child support, because you can’t play happy families with every cunt you knock up.”

  “I don’t have any other children and I’m not gonna cheat on Beth.”

  “You already did, you fucked me.”

  Beth cut in, “That wuzn’t cheating, he wuz dating the both of us at the same time—which we all agreed upon.”

  Kara turned to face her. “I also recall him saying he wouldn’t have sex with either of us, which you’re conveniently forgetting so you don’t lose him again. Guess old dogs can learn new tricks if they want a bone bad enough, and Dante’s bone is real tasty.”

  Beth glared at her, wondering what on earth Dante saw in the vulgar bitch.

  Kara returned the glare a hundredfold, her beauty twisting into pure hate. “Yes, you’ve learned all right, it’s just a matter of whether you continue using your head instead of your heart, because I’m sure you know that Dante enjoys fucking me more than you.”

  “Kara,” Dante said, his tone a warning.

  She turned her glare on him. “Da, that’s my name, while yours is dirt. You need to stop promising people things you can’t carry through on.” She grabbed her chest. “You break hearts, you selfish sonofabitch—my heart. I don’t deserve this treatment. I did things for you I wouldn’t do for anyone else.”

  His angry expression dropped. “I’m sorry—”

  She waved a hand up in the air, cutting him off. “I don’t want your empty apologies.”

  “No, I truly am sorry. I love you, Kara, I just can’t be with you anymore,” he said, looking pained. “I can’t risk Beth hooking up with someone else. I won’t allow another man to raise my child.”

  “Has this got to do with your stepfather?”


  “Not all men are like him, so get over it.”

  “That’s easier said than done.”

  “No, it’s not! You think your life is hard? I’ve lived through a fucking war!” She indicated to his bandaged legs. “While you cause half your problems yourself, you weak-willed bastard.”

  Dante’s face turned vicious. “My stepfather murdered my mother, raped my brother, and beat me to a fuckin’ pulp, so don’t you dare talk to me about havin’ it easier than you!”

  “You forget that my father was murdered too, shot down before my own eyes. Not only that, I didn’t just watch someone get raped, I got raped—numerous times. Do you even have a clue about what happens to young, unprotected girls during war? They don’t get fucking handouts like you, pretty boy; they get passed around like pieces of meat. That happened to me, yet you don’t see me whinging and whining like a little bitch.”

  “Cos you’re a big bitch!”

  “Ooh, we’ve progressed to childish name calling now. I remember this; you always did bite back when I dented your ego. Well, how big is your ego now that Jade’s paying for everything? Are you still prostituting yourself for him?”

  His eyes widened. “I’m not a whore! That wuz a one-time thing and you know it.”

  “I don’t get the luxury of doing things one time. While you’ve been sleeping in a nice warm bed, getting Jade to pay for everything, I’ve been sleeping in my shitty car, having to suck ugly cock just to eat. So get off your fucking high-horse and grow some balls!”

  Dante started hollering at her in Croatian, completely losing his shit. She screamed back and shoved him. He grabbed her wrists as she went to shove him again. She struggled against him, shouting at him to let her go. She finally jerked free and pushed him into a staircase balustrade.

sp; “Get away from him!” Beth hollered.

  Kara spun around and went for her without warning, the woman no longer looking sane. Beth quickly backed up as Dante grabbed Kara in a bear hug, yanking her away from Beth. Kara stomped on his foot. Yelling out in pain, he let go of her and grabbed it. Kara spun around and knocked him backwards. His right foot went out from under him, sending him crashing to the floor. His head connected with the bottom of the staircase, a loud crack audible. Both Kara and Beth screamed at the same time. Kara dropped to her knees in front of Dante’s unmoving form and felt for his pulse, her relieved cry giving Beth hope.

  “Is he alive?” Beth asked, dropping down next to them.

  “Yes. Now call an ambulance!”

  Beth pulled out her mobile from her handbag, her hand shaking like crazy. With her eyes still on Dante, she dialled the emergency number as Kara leaned over him, pulling Dante into her arms.

  “Don’t move him!” Beth snapped. “You could worsen his injury.” A voice came over the line, asking what her emergency was. She quickly rattled off what had happened along with the address, hanging up several seconds later.

  A yell ripped through the air, drawing her attention to the second floor. Jade was standing at the top of the staircase, dressed in pyjamas. He pulled off some earmuffs and flew down the staircase. “What happened?!”

  Not answering him, Kara continued to cling onto Dante.

  Jade’s eyes shot to Beth, his face stricken. “Is he dead?”

  “No, he’s unconscious.”

  Jade let out a relieved cry. “Has an ambulance been called?”

  Beth nodded.

  “What the hell happened?”

  “Kara knocked Dante back. He fell and banged his head on the staircase.”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt my dragi,” Kara said, rocking Dante back and forth in her arms. “I love him with all my heart. I’d die for him.” Her eyes went to Beth. “I’d also kill for him.”


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