by K. C. Harper
My last month of college came all to fast and graduation was finally here. I had a job lined up as a counselor at my old high school back in Mooresville. I was so excited to be going back home. I missed everything; the town, the people, but especially my mom.
“I can’t believe it has been four years,” Judy said.
I was really going to miss her. She was a great friend. “I know it went by too fast, didn’t it? I’m going to miss you Judy.”
We spent all of our time together when we weren’t busy working. She helped me get ready for my date with Mike the night I lost my virginity. Judy even stayed up until two in the morning with me the next day giving me tips about what to do my second time around with Mike. We shared everything these four years.
“I’m going to miss you too Danni. Are you excited to be going back home?” Judy asked.
I couldn’t wait. If I could go now I would. “Yeah I can’t wait. What about you? Are you excited to be going to New York?”
She looked around the apartment as if she was thinking about something. “Yeah, I think so. Dan has a job there so that’s where we have to go, since I haven’t found work yet. He said I’d like it and I would find work quickly as a psychologist up there.”
Dan and Judy met her first year in college and had been together ever since. They were the dream couple. “You will, Judy. I am so happy for you and Dan, you two are perfect together.”
It was finally here after four long years. I walked on stage, accepted my diploma, and before I knew it graduation was over. Mom met me at the apartment to put the last few boxes in her car before we drove back home. I was so excited, I really missed home, and for some strange reason I felt like it was more than just missing my home town. I felt like something special was waiting for me.
“Oh Danni, you wouldn’t believe who I ran into at the super market,” mom said, as she put her bags down. I thought it was probably one of her old friends from high school.
“Do you remember Timothy Porter, the boy next door?”
I turned around, with a shocked look on my face. The last time I had spoken to Timmy was in high school almost six years ago. “You saw Timmy at the store? I thought he lived in L.A.” I couldn’t believe she had seen him. “When did he get back?” I thought to myself.
“His father got sick last year. He passed away a month ago and Timothy came back to clear up his father’s estate.” Hearing about Mr. Porter dying was news to me. She never mentioned anything about it when we talked on the phone. “Oh I didn’t know Mr. Porter died, that’s sad.”
“Yeah the poor man had cancer, he was so sick. He was alone when he passed away.” She looked around the room. “I don’t even think that Timothy knew his father was ill.”
As she said those words , I remembered the last time I saw Timmy. He was with his father in their backyard. Mr. Porter looked so disappointed. “Wow that has to be hard for him, just finding out and now having to take care of his things.” I wondered how Timmy was taking this news about his father.
“He looks so mature and grown up now, Danni.”
My mom looked at me with an insinuating glance as she finished putting away the groceries. I stood in front of the sink resting my hands on the counter looking out the window at Timmy’s backyard. I couldn’t believe he was back.
It was two in the morning and I couldn’t get to sleep. I didn’t know why, but sleep was just not going to happen for me tonight. I kept tossing and turning. At 5 a.m. I gave up and got out of bed. I decided to go for a run before starting my day. When I couldn’t sleep, or needed to clear my head I went running. It always seemed to make things better. I was almost home, making my way up to the driveway when I saw a car pull up next door. I looked at my watch. “5:45 a.m., that’s early, or late, for someone to be getting home,” I thought. I walked up the driveway looking at the car as the door opened and a guy stepped out…
“Holy hotness!”
He was tall, his body lean and muscular. It was still dark outside but the light from the porch and the street light was enough to see that he was a good looking man. He got out of the car and looked at the house in front of him. As his eyes caught mine, he stared at me for a second and then waved. I waved back, my mouth open as I gasped for air from the run. I made myself walk up the driveway, but I could feel him staring at me. When I got to the door step it hit me. I realized who it was… it was Timmy.
My mom wasn’t lying when she said he changed. Who would have thought Timmy, the scrawny, nerdy kid next door would turn out looking like a woman’s walking fantasy come true. I watched him walk up the steps to his house. I could feel my neck stretching just to get a better look at his body. His jeans fit perfectly in all the right places. His red t-shirt fit him like it was made just for his body, showing off his toned arms and chest. It made me wish for a glimpse of what was under that red material. When he got to the front door he unlocked it, then turned around and gave me one last wave, not even glancing back as he walked in and closed the door. I stood outside for a few more minutes in shock. I felt my body get hot just from the sight of him. He was more than hot. He looked like one of those men who could make you want to drop your panties with just one look.
My mom helped me move into my apartment that day. It took us all day but we got everything moved in. I told her I would spend the next few days getting things put away and in its place. I was too exhausted to do anything else. Later that night , I drove her back home and we had dinner at her place. I was exhausted from the move and wanted to go home, take a shower and get in bed. I was halfway to my car when I heard some movement in the garage next door. I walked over to the side of the house and saw the garage light on , with the door open. I knocked before I pushed on it…
“Come in, it’s open.”
Sweet Jesus, he was hot! Up close, and in brighter light, I got a good look at him. He was one good looking man. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bother you. I was just leaving and––”, Boy was he hot! I couldn’t even think. Just looking at him, I could swear I felt something tingle between my legs. What was wrong with me? I wasn’t the kind of girl that got like this over a hot guy.
“Hi, Danielle…” He cut me off before I could even finish my sentence. He remembered my name. I walked over to where he was standing in front of some boxes. He smelled amazing, like soap and some sexy smelling cologne.
“How have you been, Timmy? It’s been a long time.”
He looked up at me and shook his head. “TJ,” he said.
I turned my head to the side, I guess, with a confused look on my face because he answered my thoughts.
“It’s TJ, no one calls me Timmy anymore.” He was standing there looking at me, heating me with his gaze, and grinned as he looked at me. His eyes roamed down my body. “I’ve been good, up until recently. I’m sure you heard about my dad.” This was a small town, he probably knew everyone had heard about the passing of his father.
“My mom told me, I’m so sorry. He was a nice man from what I knew of him,” I said, as he shrugged his shoulders, like he didn’t agree with his father being a nice man.
“Yeah, sure, it’s alright. We didn’t really talk much after I moved with my mom.” I couldn’t imagine how hard it must have been for him to not get along with his own father.
“Well––” I looked around searching for something to say. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you. I was just leaving …and…well it’s been a long day.” I turned to leave, and almost made it to the door, when he spoke again.
“Goodnight, Danielle. It was nice to see you. You look good.” His expression was hot and full of desire. I could feel it as he gave me one last glance. I looked at him over my shoulder, my hand resting on the door frame.
“It was nice to see you to TJ.”
He smiled at me nodding his head as I walked out the door back to my car.
The next da
y my mom invited me over for lunch. I sat at the kitchen table while she finished preparing lunch. We talked about my apartment and how things were at her insurance job. Of course she brought up me dating, which was no fun, because my love life sucked.
“Mom, I don’t have time to date right now, I’m going to be busy with work. Besides it’s not like I have anyone knocking on my door asking me out.” I couldn’t even remember my last real date since Mike. At that moment there was a knock on the back door. My mom looked at me and then back at the door.
“Mom, are you going to get that? Are you expecting company?” She seemed nervous, or maybe anxious as she opened the door.
“Oh hello, Timothy. I’m so glad you could make it.”
My mouth flew open. I couldn’t believe my mom invited him over for lunch and didn’t tell me. “I hope I put on something half decent”, I thought as I looked down at myself…
“Thank you Mrs. Bryan, I almost didn’t make it, but my plans changed.” He gave my mom a hug while looking at me over her shoulder, grinning.
“Lord, help me get through this lunch without going into heart failure because this man is killing me with his looks and those to die for eyes,” I thought to myself.
“Oh that’s wonderful! Come in Timothy, make yourself at home. You remember Danni, don’t you?”
I looked up, mortified at what my Mother had done, and waved.
“Of course I do, Mrs. Bryan. Hello, Danielle, it’s nice to see you again. You look very nice today. I really did enjoy seeing you last night.” He smiled a drop dead sexy smile. It sent shivers and tingles all over my body. How could he have this effect on me with just a smile?
“You two saw each other last night?” My mom was standing in the middle of the kitchen, acting like she didn’t plan this little lunch, when I knew she did. “Lunch will be ready shortly. Why don’t you two sit down and catch up with each other. It’s such a lovely day outside. Go sit on the deck and I’ll bring lunch out there.”
I looked at my Mother as TJ walked outside. “What is wrong with you?” I tried to whisper as low as possible so he wouldn’t hear me as I walked out behind him. We sat outside in an awkward silence just looking around.
Finally, someone spoke. Unfortunately, it was both of us at the same time. “You go first, Danielle I’m sorry.”
“How have you been? How is your mom? Are you still living in Los Angeles?” Leave it to my mouth to start blabbering.
“Wow, that’s three questions in one, Danielle.” He said smirking at my babble.
Oh great, now he was laughing at me. “I’m sorry, this is just… I don’t know…weird.”
He didn’t say anything, just looked at me as he pushed his hair back with his hands. He had great hair, not long, but not too short either. It was brown and fell perfectly over his forehead. He was wearing jeans, gray sneakers and a blue t-shirt with the words Porter Engineering. As I read those words I wondered if it was his company. The words came out of my mouth before I had a chance to stop them. “Is that your company on your shirt, Porter Engineering?”
He looked down at his shirt and back up at me nodding. “Yes, that it is, for about four years now.”
Hot and owned his own company. That made it even harder not to find him sexy. “Oh that’s cool, you get to work for yourself, no boss, go in whenever you want.”
He kept staring at me, I couldn’t believe how hot I felt. “Yeah, it’s a little more complicated than that, but it pays the bills.” His voice was low and calm. If he kept looking at me, I was going to melt into a puddle of desire. His eyes were heating up with each passing second and I was having trouble concentrating. All I could focus on was his finger running over his bottom lip. It was a great lip, one I wouldn’t mind sinking my teeth into.
“So, what are you up to these days, Danielle?” His eyes were still on me and when he said my name I lost all ability to think.
“Why do you call me that?” I asked, “You know everyone calls me Danni.”
He held his eyes on me for a few more seconds before looking away. “I’m sorry, I just think your full name is nice. I like it, but I can call you Danni if that’s what you prefer… Danni.”
Once he said it, I regretted saying anything because I actually liked the way he said my full name. No one ever used it so it was kind of a special thing when he did it. “No, that’s ok. I don’t mind. You can call me Danielle. It’s just um… I don’t know. My father was the only one who called me that.”
Right at that moment my mom came out with lunch. The three of us ate while mom asked TJ about his father and what he wanted to do with the house. TJ spent most of the afternoon stealing glances at me and smiling. It was really starting to drive me crazy.
It was getting late so I decided it was time for me to go home. “Well mom, this has been buckets of fun, but I should get going. It’s getting late and I’m sure TJ has more important things to do.” At that moment I realized my tone was a little rude.
He stood up, looked at me and thanked my mom for lunch. Then we both headed out the front door.
“Just so you know, Danni.”
He took my advice and was calling me Danni now. He emphasized my name when he spoke as to make a point about the name issue. “I can decide for myself when it’s time for me to leave a place. Thanks for lunch, it was buckets of fun.” He walked off the porch and over to his house. Instantly, I felt like such a jerk.
“Wait, TJ.” I caught up to him, grabbing him by his arm to stop him. His skin was warm under my palm and his muscle was hard. “I’m sorry. I was rude, I didn’t mean it. I’m just tired, or something I guess.”
He turned us both around, my back up against his front door and he looked down at me.
“Yeah, you seem tired, or something. You should really get some sleep or take care of that something because you seem uptight.”
When he said that, with a mocking tone, I knew exactly what he was referring to as that something. Sure it had been a while since I had sex, but I wasn’t going to admit that to him, At least not yet.
“Shut up TJ! That is not what that means. I get plenty, thank you, and it’s not what my problem is.” I tried to push him out of my way but he wasn’t budging. He looked down at me, searching my eyes, while I was looking up at him. Being so close to him made it hard to breathe.
“Danielle,” It was almost a whisper as he said my name. “You must be doing it wrong if you are still this uptight after doing that something or maybe you’re just doing it with the wrong person.” He leaned in a closer. He was so close that if one of us moved an inch our lips would touch. “Goodnight Danielle. Have a nice evening.” He backed away, giving me space to move.
It took me a moment, but I made my legs move and left. I felt a little disappointed that he didn’t kiss me. I went home that night annoyed and frustrated with him. I couldn’t believe he was insinuating I was doing the ‘ something ’ wrong. I thought when Mike and I had sex that it was good, but now he had me questioning my sex life. The next few days I got things unpacked, my apartment was starting to feel like home.
On Saturday night I was hungry, but had no groceries so I decided it was time to make a trip to the supermarket and stock up. In the frozen section, I was deciding on triple brownie with chocolate ice cream or cookies and crème when someone came up behind me.
“If you can’t decide on one, get both. But if it was me, I would go with the triple brownie with chocolate,” His voice was low and sexy.
I knew who it was even before I turned around. It was TJ. He stood there looking at me, smirking. That sexy bastard, why did he have to be so good looking?
“You know what TJ? Screw you, and your smirk. I know how to pick ice cream, thank you very much. If you’re here to just insult my ice cream picking abilities, like you insulted my lack of knowledge on how to have sex the right way, then please move.”
He stepped back with his hands up and an even bigger smirk on his face.
sorry, Danielle. I didn’t mean to insult your ice cream picking abilities, which by the way seem to be great from your choices right there. As for the other thing…” He stepped in closer this time, so he could whisper in my ear. He was so close I could feel the heat coming off his body, which was causing a shiver to go through mine. “I have no doubt in my mind that your abilities to have sex are just as amazing as your ice cream picking skill.”
I stepped back and he did the same, with that same smirk on his face.
“Good seeing you, Danielle and… good luck with that ice cream.”
Here I stood, mouth open, in the frozen section at the grocery store, holding both cartons of ice creams in my hand. I was so frustrated with him. This sexual tension was really starting to get to me. I threw both cartons in the basket and kept walking. I made it all the way to the fruit aisle without even thinking about TJ until I turned the corner and there he was again.
He was talking with some boxed bleach blonde with a low cut shirt. She was clearly over doing it on the flirting. I pretended like I hadn’t seen them as I walked over to the vegetables, casually picking fruits and vegetables to make it seem like I was busy shopping. I was trying to hear what Barbie was saying to him. She was practically throwing herself all over TJ. It was disgusting to think that guys found this attractive.
“So would you suggest the cantaloupe or the honey dew melon?” She asked TJ. She was holding one melon in each hand, in front of her chest on purpose of course; drawing his attention to her overpriced boobs.
He was laughing and it was really pissing me off the more I watched them. “I don’t know, it’s a tough choice but I personally like cantaloupe better.”
I couldn’t believe her. If getting naked in public wasn’t illegal, I’m sure she would have ripped her top off right then and there just to give him a better look at her boobs.