The Billionaire Lion’s Prey

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The Billionaire Lion’s Prey Page 5

by T. S. Ryder

  “Stephen must’ve been having us watched, because he was waiting for us in the alley we’d usually cut through. He shot Michael right in front of me and said “Now you’ve got no excuse”... and then he just... left me there as he walked away, laughing. I called 911, but Michael passed before they reached us.

  “I knew in that moment I could never go back home. The paramedics wanted me to wait for the police so I could make my report, but I snuck away before they arrived and went for the closest ATM. I had a bit of money saved, a paltry sum, but it was mine, so I took the money and just... ran.”

  I didn’t want to tell him the rest of it. Hell, I didn’t want to tell him everything I already did.

  But I couldn’t stop myself.

  “I didn’t really have a plan, so I just kept going from town to town until I spent my savings. It’s how I ended up in Williamstown. But something happened along the way... something I didn’t expect.”

  I paused, trying to gather the strength to come out and say it, and to his credit, Anton didn’t push. He just patiently let me tell my tale in my own pace, listening intently, not missing a single word.

  “My period stopped,” I finally told him, “I didn’t even realize it was late, I was so out of it from everything that’d happened, but when I did, I bought a test right way and... and it was positive. I’m pregnant.” I looked into his eyes. “So there you go. I’m a daughter of a crime family without a penny to my name, carrying my dead lover’s child.” I couldn’t help but laugh bitterly. “God... it sounds like a Jackie Collins novel.” I sighed. “And, to cap it all off, I can’t get a real job either, especially not one as a teacher. If I do that, I’ll be back in the system. My father has connections in the FBI. He’ll find me. They’ll make me pay.”

  It hit me again: the shame, revulsion, disgust, horror and fear. My own father had sold me away. My own family was willing to give me to a man twice my age just so my father could have a better place in the organization. They didn’t care about me at all. I was all alone, other than the man across from me who had saved my life. The one man who might be different from everything I had ever known.

  Anton was clutching his fork so hard that his fingers were white. He sighed heavily and I could hear the anger in his voice.

  “I would never let that happen,” he said.

  I scoffed and shook my head. “These are powerful men with connections. Money doesn’t stop them.”

  “I have more than money, more than connections. They have no idea how powerful I am. If anyone ever came for you I would send them back to their masters in several different pieces.”

  “What?” I said. This didn’t make any sense. Anton wasn’t a mobster. He didn’t cut people into pieces. “How?” I asked him and to my surprise, he gave me a rueful smile.

  Chapter Ten

  “Finish your meal and then I’ll show you,” he stood up and retrieved the steaks from the kitchen, my eyes followed him.

  “You promised to tell-”

  “And I will. I promised,” he said, matter-of-factly. We ate in silence for another few minutes, but I didn’t have it in me to stay silent.

  There was something else I needed to know... something he’d only tell me if I asked.


  He looked at me, silently waiting for the rest to come out.

  “About the baby...” I started, but he interrupted me almost immediately.

  “I know this is too much to take in at once,” he told me. “And I know it might be too quick for you to be believable. But you can trust me when I say neither you nor the child you carry will ever be without protection again.”

  I was stunned.

  “All I wanted to ask was if there was any way you could arrange for me to see a prenatal specialist,” I mumbled, staring at him.

  “Of course I can,” he smiled at me and resumed with his meal.

  It took me a bit to regain my faculties, but I did eventually follow suit and dig into my food. We finished quickly and then he stood and extended his hand to me. I took it carefully and followed him.

  “Are you going to show me where you breed the lions?” I asked.

  “We don’t breed lions,” he repeated. His words were slow, he was staring straight ahead with a look of concern on his face.

  “You asked me how I found you,” he said. “I didn’t follow you, I tracked you.” We walked through the kitchen and he opened another door that looked like it went to a pantry, but instead it opened to a second door. This one was made of a hard steel with an electronic keypad next to it. He entered in a long code and the door silently swung open.

  There was a series of stone steps that went deep into the earth. I followed behind him, taking the steps carefully, my one hand on the wall to steady me. After what felt like forever, the steps stopped and we were in a sort of unfinished basement. It was huge, about half the size of a football field. Running from wall to wall was a strong, iron gate.

  “Where are the lions?” I asked as I approached the gate and peered inside.

  “I am the lion,” he answered.

  I turned to look at him confused and to my surprise, he walked through a door in the gate and closed it from the inside. “I can control it,” he said as he slowly removed his black sweater and kicked off his shoes. I stared at him in confusion, unable to speak or even form words.

  “Most of the time the transition is controllable and I am in control when I’m the lion. The only exception is the full moon. That’s what this cage is for, to hold us,” he leaned against the bars of the cage and looked at me.

  I felt out of breath for some reason. “I have no control over myself when the full moon arrives. I would have killed you if I could. I failed to get down here in time that night. I lost track of time. When you refused my offer, I needed to let off steam. I transitioned. There are barrier spells all along the property lines. The “No Trespassing” and “Posted” Signs keep people out and the magic keeps the lion in.

  “I was in my lion form and I forgot all about the full moon. When night fell, the lion took over and I was out of the house.” He slammed his hand against the bars. “I’ve never made that mistake before and the one time I did, you were there. You came so close to dying, the thought horrifies me. I would never have been able to live with myself.”

  He unbuckled his belt and slipped off his pants wearing nothing but a pair of tight boxer briefs. He was strong, with a firm chest and back that was lined with muscles. His strong arms led to a strong torso and sturdy legs. He looked at me for a moment and then he turned away as he stripped out of the last of his clothes.

  Fur spread across his back. With a sickening crack, his legs and arms popped and reversed themselves as he fell on all fours. He let out a snarl as his jaw elongated and teeth exploded from his mouth. His hair and beard grew long and shaggy around his thick shoulders. In a moment, it was done.

  I took a step back and then another. There was a lion across from me. It licked its lips and paced behind the bars. But unlike the other night in the barn, he wasn’t hunting me. He purred loudly and rubbed his face along the gate. I held my hand out and took a step towards him.

  My hand was shaking. This was impossible. A Shapeshifter, here in this house, Anton? It couldn’t be. I couldn’t believe it. The lion sat and looked up at me with its big eyes. For a moment, it looked like a simple housecat, its tail flicking behind it.

  I reached through the bars and the lion nuzzled against my hand. He was warm and soft and I could feel his purring. I ran my hands through his thick mane and it leaned into me, it seemed to like the attention. It was huge, though. The lion was almost as tall as I was and its paws were bigger than my entire head.

  It felt impossible that I was sitting here petting the animal that only a few days ago had tried to kill me. He hadn’t meant it, though, he had been out of control. One I could easily forgive him for.

  I watched him change back. I imagined he would have liked the privacy, but my eyes could not look
away. It was like his lion form melted away to leave just the man. He was on all fours when he came to. It took him a moment to stand. He was gasping for breath.

  I opened the gate and walked through and wordlessly began to help him. Handing him his sweater and pulling it down over his firm chest.

  “I’ve never shown that to anyone outside of my family,” he said quietly. “You can’t tell anyone.”

  “Never. I’ll never tell a soul,” I said staring up into his brown eyes. He slipped his pants on, but his chest was still bare. I couldn’t stop my hand from lifting up to touch him.

  I trailed a line across his chest with my fingers. His arms snaked around my waist. He pulled me towards him. I looked up as he looked down and then our lips met. We kissed, gently at first, our mouths discovering each other.

  His hands were in my hair and then reaching down to grab my ass. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. His kiss was rough, but his lips and tongue were soft. I felt lost in him like I didn’t know which way was up. I clung to him, desperate for his touch.

  He pushed me back until I was pressed against the cold, earth wall of the cell. My hands grabbed at his hair as he leaned down and created a trail of fire along my collarbone with his tongue and lips.

  “Anton,” I whispered as I threw my head back. “Yes,” I moaned.

  He let out a low growl that rumbled in his touch. He scraped his teeth along my neck and I shuddered as he kissed and licked my neck. I shivered in his arms and clung to his strong shoulders. I was trapped by him, he pinned me against the wall. His body pushed flush against mine.

  He broke away from the kiss and pulled back to look me in the eye. He reached for the hem of my skirt and then his hand snuck underneath. He caressed my leg through the thin fabric of my tights. Arching my back I leaned into him as his hands traveled farther up.

  He slid the tights off me, easily. The cold air of the room embraced my legs and I shuddered against him. He kicked my legs apart as his hand moved between my legs. I gasped as he slid a finger inside me. I strained for his touch as he began to gently stroke inside of me.

  My fingers curled into a fist as I whispered for him to keep going. “Yes,” I said, over and over again. His mouth was on my neck again, biting and teasing me. For a moment, he removed his hand, but only to lift my dress off of me. He easily unhooked my bra and I was standing naked in front of him.

  His right hand resumed its movement, as his left encircled my nipple. I grabbed his head as a bolt of sudden pleasure rocked through me. His hands, lips and tongue were devoted to my body. I was overwhelmed by his touch. My skin was on fire. Electricity sparked in my veins and I ached for him.

  He pressed against me and I could feel his erection. I reached down and stroked the length of him over his boxer briefs. He growled again and bit down on my shoulder.

  “I want you. I will have you,” he whispered into my ears.

  “Yes,” I moaned in response.

  He spun me around and then lowered me onto the stone floor. I gasped and shuddered when my back felt the cold stone of the floor. Anton quickly moved between my legs and took himself in his hand.

  “Are you ready?” He asked.

  “Yes,” I said. He thrust into me. I cried out as my body expanded to take him all in. He began to move, back and forth over me. I wanted nothing more than for him to keep going. He was consuming me and I let him. I could feel him move inside me. And then I could feel his hand as it began to spin just above the place where he entered me.

  I moaned loudly and clung to his shoulders. “Yes,” I whispered, my voice echoing around us. “Yes, Anton!” My body writhed underneath him. I was out of control. I never wanted him to stop. I would have done anything to keep him going.

  I was so close. My body was tense as he pushed and thrust into me. Finally, I could take no more and I screamed out the word yes as pleasure rocked through my body. My body writhed out-of-control as I rode my orgasm to its finish. Above me, Anton came with a groan. We were both spent and breathing heavily on the cold stone floor.

  Chapter Eleven

  After we were done, we walked up from the basement hand in hand. He kept his arms wrapped around me as if he could not bear for us to be separated. We slept together in Anton’s huge bed. I thought about my little shanty house in the abandoned office. It seemed like a lifetime ago I was huddled and starving. Now I was safe and warm, with strong arms around me.

  What would have happened to me if Anton hadn’t come? I would have died there. I would have smothered to death or frozen. I had been so afraid of Anton, so afraid of all men that I had run from the person who would eventually save me. I didn’t believe that kindness such as his could exist.

  He brought me tea in bed in the morning. If I hadn’t liked him before, I certainly did now. He had a television in his room and we watched the news as we sipped our drinks. Life had returned to the world. People were going back to work, kids going back to school.

  The bookstore would be open soon and I could go back to work. There was no question of me staying anywhere else. Anton insisted that I stay there with him.

  My life was starting to form again. I had a house and someone who cared about me... which, I had to admit, came as a bit of a shock. It was only two months ago when I was planning to marry another man, a man who’s child I was carrying, and here I was, catching myself falling in love with someone else.

  I should’ve at least felt guilty about it, but nothing about Anton or my feelings for him seemed wrong, not even in the broadest sense... or even similar to how I felt about Michael. I cared about Michael, I was smitten with him, and even more so with the life I thought we would have.

  But Anton... there was a part of me that he reached, a hungry part I didn’t even know existed until he woke it... and, somehow, it was clear as day to me that this, right here, was the kind of love that I’d waited for all of my life.

  Another thing that made me joyful was that I could look into getting certified to teach in Maine, and build the life I actually wanted. Teaching elementary school in a small town had been my dream and now I might actually be able to live it.

  It was noon when the doorbell rang. We were dressed and reading in the library. I was looking up certifications in Maine on Anton’s laptop. The staff had still not returned, we were still all alone. He stood up to get the door and I followed him, walking in my stocking feet.

  I hung back as he opened the door and my eyes went wide when I saw a man holding a gun directly in Anton’s face.

  “Hello, Kristen,” the man said. “Your father’s been looking for you. Vacation’s over, time to come home. Move aside, rich boy.”

  I didn’t recognize him. I had no idea who he was. That only meant one thing, my father had hired a professional to come and find me. My escape had moved up the organization and they were taking it just as seriously as I feared.

  “This is a very bad idea,” Anton said. “Leave now. Or this house will be the last thing you ever see.”

  “That right, rich boy?” The man said. “You ever heard of the name The Butcher? That’s me. And no, you haven't heard of me because I’m very good at my job. I know that there is no one else in this house other than the two of you and we’re far enough away that no one is going to hear either of you scream. Now, let’s go, Kristen.”

  “She’s not going anywhere,” Anton said, blocking the door with his body.

  “Kristen!” The Butcher called out. “Say goodbye to your little boyfriend. You and I both know that his money isn’t going to be enough to protect you. You want to watch him die?”

  I moved toward the door. He was right, my father would always find me. I would never be safe. I was only putting Anton in danger. I touched his arm, trying to get him to move, but he refused.

  “They call you the Butcher?” Anton said. “Why is that?”

  “Because I kill people and dispose of the bodies. I’m a ghost. No one knows me. The law can’t touch me.”

  “So no one
knows you’re here. No one will come looking for you once you’re gone?”

  “Don’t get any ideas, rich boy,” The Butcher said. “You aren’t going to take me. I have a gun on you. I’ll shoot you dead before you can take a step.”

  “Anton, please,” I said. I was crying now. I wiped away the tears and tried to move him, but he was like a solid brick wall.

  “How would I send a message to your boss, if I wanted to?” Anton said.

  The Butcher scoffed, the gun still trained on Anton. “This isn’t a problem that can be solved with money. Kristen ran and when she ran she offended a very powerful man. Nothing will correct that except for Kristin going home, apologizing and doing her duty.”

  “She’s not going anywhere and if you don’t leave, you’re going to die here.”

  “That’s enough talk. Let me in the house,” The Butcher said. He trained the gun on Anton’s face.

  Anton thought for a moment and then moved aside. He moved me with him, so I was always shielded by his body. I looked around him at The Butcher, who held the gun steady in his hands.

  “Let’s go, Kristen. I don’t have time for this-” his jaw fell open, but he was a professional and the gun remained in place.

  Anton was changing, morphing into the lion. The Butcher yelled out and then took a stumbling step back. He fired once, the sound of the gun echoing around the house. But Anton was ready, he dodged the bullet and then began stalking the man.

  The Butcher fired again, but the shot missed and Anton lunged. He hit him with his full lion’s weight and The Butcher slammed back against the wall. He dropped the gun and then he fell. I raced forward and grabbed the gun, training it on The Butcher, but he was frozen, staring at the lion in front of him.

  “What...” he said. “What’s happening?”

  In a moment, the lion was a man again. His clothes were in tatters hanging off of him, but he didn’t seem to care.

  Anton grabbed the Butcher by his collar and pulled him to his feet. The Butcher had an obvious concussion, but he stumbled up and barely managed to stay here.


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