Returning To Claim His Heir

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Returning To Claim His Heir Page 15

by Amanda Cinelli

  He seemed almost to extend an arm towards her, as though he wished to pull her back, before thinking better of the movement. ‘It’s not okay. I know I can be harsh and judgemental. I’ve done it before to my sister and my best friend and now to you.’

  Nora looked down as his index finger and thumb circled her wrist and his hand slid down to entwine with hers. She shivered at the contact, tightening her hold on him and feeling her body sway towards his.


  ‘I’VE WANTED TO kiss you all day,’ he said quietly.

  His golden eyes were filled with such sombre sincerity that she felt her throat catch as his lips gently brushed hers.

  ‘I’ve thought of nothing else...’

  She felt herself fight against the intimacy of the moment, taking into account her own vulnerable state and the memory of his earlier proposal. But she wanted to kiss him too. She wanted to sink into the comfort of his heat and his strength and harness it, to chase away the shadows that haunted her.

  A small part of her cried out to stop, to keep talking about the deep, dark cavern of mistrust that still lay between them. But she shook it off, losing herself in the glorious sensation of his lips devouring hers and his arms holding her so tightly.

  When he lifted her up and walked them over to one of the plush sofas, she lay back and offered herself to him. His eyes darkened with arousal and he wasted no time in removing her pyjama bottoms and running soft kisses along the bare skin of her thighs.

  She stopped him as his mouth reached her centre, laying her palm against his cheek as he looked up at her. ‘I need you now, Duarte.’

  Her voice was a husky whisper and he reacted instantly, pulling himself up over her and covering her with his big body.

  The first contact of his bare skin flush against hers was almost too much. She spread her palms over his powerful shoulder muscles and just looked up at him for a long moment. She knew that this was real, not an instrument of anger, control or manipulation. And he felt it too, this intense connection between them. She could see it in his eyes as he slid into her in one sharp thrust, his hand splaying roughly through her hair to hold her in place.

  It felt far too intense, locking eyes this way as their bodies began to move in a rhythm that managed to be both frantic and heartbreakingly intimate. Nora felt words in her throat, the need to tell him what she felt. But she closed her eyes, burying her face into his shoulder and focusing on the pleasure he gave her. On the way he touched her, the care he took in ensuring she found her pleasure...

  Maybe that was his way of showing love. Even if trust could never truly exist between them, perhaps she could be happy so long as they had beautiful moments like this. Maybe that would be enough for her.

  They made love hard and fast, barely able to catch their breath by the time they both fell in a pile of limbs on the carpeted floor. Duarte gathered her against his chest and let out a sigh that she felt deep within herself. A sigh of relief, as if he were coming back into the warmth of home after battling through a freezing storm.

  But as she lay in the silent afterglow of their passion the silence crept over them once more and reality flooded back in.

  She excused herself to go to the bathroom and stared at her flushed face, wondering how something that felt so wonderful could make her feel so hollow inside afterwards. She closed her eyes, wishing that loving him didn’t have to hurt quite this much.

  Duarte had spent the night in her cabin, in her bed, his warm body curled around hers. Despite her sadness, she’d slept well in his arms and had awoken at dawn to find him sitting back on the pillows, feeding their son.

  After breakfast, he’d said he needed to run some errands for the day before the event that evening. She’d already told him she wasn’t sure about attending the event, using her lack of appropriate clothing as an excuse. But as he’d been about to leave he’d kissed her softly and said he had asked his sister to offer her services to help her get ready.

  Nora had not been prepared for Daniela Avelar to arrive an hour later, with a full entourage in tow. Though Daniela had made sure to double-check that her presence was welcome before she’d ushered in the small team of stylists, with racks of dresses and cases of hair and make-up.

  Now Nora felt overwhelmed, but excited at the prospect of being pampered for an hour. She had always enjoyed dressing up for her father’s events—she just hadn’t enjoyed his authority over her appearance.

  This wasn’t the same, she told herself sternly as she felt her anxiety rising. Duarte had done this for her, not to her. It was not the same.

  Her inner turmoil must have been apparent, because Daniela gave her a moment to collect herself and asked if she could hold Liam. Duarte’s sister seemed thoroughly enamoured by the tiny infant, and only reluctantly returned him when Nora said he needed to sleep.

  She settled him near the open balcony doors in his crib and immersed herself in looking through the expensive gowns on the racks in the makeshift dressing area that had been set up on the opposite side of the saloon.

  ‘If you don’t want to attend the event, you can move to my yacht,’ Daniela spoke quietly beside her.

  Nora turned to the other woman, noting the question in her golden eyes. ‘I wasn’t sure if I wanted to attend,’ she said, clenching her hands together. ‘But now I think I do want to be here for the celebration. I just haven’t been very sociable of late.’

  ‘Because of the baby?’ Daniela asked.

  ‘Even before that. I’ve been hiding myself away for a long time. I’m not sure I know how to be the kind of woman who wears gowns like this anymore.’ She gave a weak laugh.

  Daniela seemed to measure her words for a moment, becoming serious. ‘Valerio told me who you are. Who your father is.’ Golden eyes met hers earnestly.

  Nora stiffened, looking away towards where her son slept. She wondered if Duarte had told his sister what her father had done. Why their beloved parents were no longer alive. She felt shame creep into her, clogging her throat.

  Daniela stood up and closed the space between them. ‘He also told me that you risked your father’s wrath to try to save his life on that terrible night, and most likely saved my own fiancé’s skin too.’ She reached out to take her hands. ‘I want to thank you.’

  Nora shook her head, finding herself unable to find the right words to protest at the other woman’s gratitude. Clearly Daniela didn’t know the full story, because if she did she’d bet that this would be a very different conversation.

  ‘I’m sorry you had to go through all that,’ Daniela continued. ‘I just want you to know I don’t judge you for who your father is.’

  Nora pressed her lips together, hearing the kindness in the woman’s words but hating that they had to be said at all. She felt the reminder of her father’s influence like a weight in her chest.

  ‘When my brother came back from that place...’ Daniela sighed, reaching out to examine one of the dresses on the rack. ‘He was like a shell of his former self. I’ve never felt so helpless. But now here he is with you...with a child.’

  ‘It’s a lot to take in,’ said Nora, pursing her lips.

  ‘He hasn’t said exactly what you are to one another, but I can tell that he’s different. He looks more...alive.’

  Nora frowned, remembering that this woman had believed her brother dead for six months, just as she had. They had both experienced grief and mourning over him, only to have him reappear in their lives.

  ‘He proposed to me,’ Nora blurted out, feeling the sudden urge to confide her turmoil in someone. To try to sort through her own tangled mind.

  ‘Of course he did.’ Daniela rolled her eyes. ‘I bet he told you it was a practical solution too. I often wonder how a man can manage to run a multi-billion-dollar empire, with all its intricacies, and yet be utterly clueless when it comes to the workings of his own brain.’
r />   ‘It’s a rather complicated situation...’ Nora hedged.

  ‘With the Avelar family, it always is.’ Daniela laughed. ‘But if you do decide to marry him, I would be honoured to have you as my sister-in-law.’

  Nora smiled, feeling some of her misery lift a little, despite herself.

  Daniela walked over and laid a hand on the crib where Liam slept peacefully, taking a moment to gaze down at her infant nephew. Nora felt her heart swell a little, watching the obvious love this woman already had for a child she’d just met.

  And as she sorted through the beautiful gowns, feeling the silk and the embroidered tulle, she wondered... Would it be so bad to be a part of their family?

  Nora stood in front of the full-length mirror in her cabin, taking in the wondrous transformation Daniela’s styling team had achieved in just a few short hours. Her hair had been swept back from her face and made to sit in graceful waves over one shoulder. Smoky make-up had been expertly applied to enhance the colour of her eyes, and her lips had been painted a perfect nude pink that seemed to make the roses of her cheeks glow.

  She’d selected a pale blue strapless gown that accentuated her narrow waist and skimmed over her stomach. The material was a gauzy silk, embroidered with tiny delicate flowers that had glittering diamonds in their centres. She hadn’t been quite brave enough to choose anything tight fitted, even though, at only seven weeks post-partum, her body had begun to feel normal again—if perhaps a little wider and less solid. This gown was comfortable, and light enough for the warm Florida evening, and the colour was perfect for her pale complexion.

  She’d enjoyed every moment with Daniela, from selecting the colour for the polish on her now perfectly manicured nails to stepping into the expensive diamond-encrusted heels on her feet. For the first time in years she felt ultra-feminine and glamorous and...happy.

  She had a small smile on her lips when Duarte appeared in the mirror behind her. He was impossibly handsome, in a simple black tuxedo with a pale blue handkerchief tucked into his pocket in exactly the same shade as the dress she wore.

  ‘You look amazing.’ He moved behind her, watching her in the mirror as he lowered his lips to press them lightly against her neck. ‘But there is just one thing missing.’

  Nora watched as he revealed the small black box in his hand and held it in front of her. His eyes flicked up to hers in the mirror as he opened the box to reveal a stunning square-cut diamond ring that sparkled and played in the light.

  ‘Duarte...’ she breathed, feeling time slow and then spin around her as she turned to face him.

  Her eyes were glued to the ring as he took it from the box and slid it onto the third finger of her left hand. It was stunning. It was the kind of ring any rational woman would dream of... And yet, when he slid it on and released her hand it felt cold and heavy on her finger.

  She had told him she needed time. She had asked him to wait. He hadn’t answered when she’d asked if he’d considered her plans for the future.

  When she forced herself to look up at him she saw his eyes glowed with triumph and happiness.

  ‘It fits.’ He smiled, pressing a kiss to her fingers.

  She forced herself to smile back, not wanting to ruin the moment. They had made love last night and fallen asleep in one another’s arms; she knew they had more than just a passing attraction. It was only natural that he would assume he could introduce her as his fiancée, wasn’t it?

  Unease swirled in her gut, ruining the easy delight she’d felt moments before.

  But he was about to celebrate the biggest moment of his career, she rationalised. His sister was here, his best friend and other family members. She didn’t want to ruin this night for him, to cause him more pain. She had already hurt him so much with her poor choices in the past. He had said he wanted to be a family...maybe she owed him the chance?

  The idea of a night of glamour suddenly seemed less appealing. The prospect of walking onto the entertaining deck on his arm and being introduced as his future wife was more than she could handle. She felt her insides shake, but steeled herself against the panic, telling herself to be grateful. To accept what he was offering and not dwell on what was missing between them.

  Like trust...and love...

  She closed her eyes and reached up to kiss him, hoping she would be able to get through the rest of the night without losing her composure completely.

  Duarte was on edge. Maybe it was the single glass of champagne he’d allowed himself, or maybe it was the effect of having Nora by his side in that showstopping dress with his ring on her finger.

  Every man on the yacht had turned to watch her when she’d arrived at the top of the steps. She always glowed with natural beauty, but after the added pampering and styling she bordered on ethereal. And yet no matter how much he’d tried to relax and enjoy the celebrations he knew something wasn’t right. On the surface Nora was calm, and gave him reassuring smiles in between shaking hands with the various acquaintances and business associates he introduced her to. But every now and then he caught her looking off into the distance, with the faintest glimmer of unhappiness in her eyes.

  Daniela had looked after Liam while Nora was busy getting dressed and was yet to return him to his mother. Duarte met Valerio’s eyes across the crowded deck of the yacht and gave him a silent salute, wondering how long it would be before he was gifted with little nephews and nieces of his own.

  A flurry of movement nearby caught his eye and he smiled as he saw Valerio’s parents and older brother arrive. He gestured to Nora to join him and soon he was embraced in the warmth and smiling faces of people who had been part of his extended family since he was a teenager.

  Valerio’s mother Renata immediately took Liam in her arms and began crying, and when she saw the ring on Nora’s finger the tears started anew. The rest of the Marchesi men were more stoic, clapping him on the back and quietly offering parenting and marriage advice to both Duarte and Valerio.

  ‘He is very like Guilhermo,’ said Renata. She smiled, her face relaxed and serene as she looked down at the infant in her arms. ‘His name is fitting...’

  ‘I chose it in memory of Duarte’s father,’ Nora said quietly. ‘He hasn’t been christened yet, but his name will be Liam Duarte... Avelar.’

  Duarte looked at her, not missing the way she’d hesitated over the last name. He was surprised at this revelation of the connection of Liam’s name to his father’s. He’d never made it himself. Liam was short for the Irish for William, she’d said on that first day in hospital, what felt like a lifetime ago. Something softened within him, knowing that even then—even when she had been unsure of him—she had chosen to honour his father that way.

  ‘Little boy, you will break hearts,’ Dani chimed in from his side, and they all raised their glasses in a toast to the oblivious baby, who promptly fell asleep and was placed in his pram.

  ‘Duarte, you must tell us the story behind this beautiful family who have appeared with you out of the blue!’ Valerio’s father boomed.

  ‘How did you two meet?’ asked his mother.

  Renata had directed her question to Nora, who immediately began to worry at her lower lip.

  ‘It’s a...a long story...’ Nora began uncomfortably.

  ‘We met in a samba club.’ Duarte spoke over her and fixed a smile on his face, tightening his grip on Nora’s hand as he felt the sudden tension in her body beside him. ‘Very stereotypical for Rio, but there it is. I spotted her across the dance floor and whisked her away before any other man could steal her.’

  Nora looked up at him, a glimmer of surprise in her eyes.

  ‘Sounds like it was love at first sight,’ said Renata, and smiled as she reached out to place a hand on Nora’s with a dreamy sigh.

  Nora stiffened and recoiled, and Duarte winced as he watched the older woman’s eyes flash with confusion.

��Were they with you while you recovered on the Island?’ asked Rigo, Valerio’s older brother.

  ‘No... Nora was actually busy finishing the final year of her degree in architecture,’ Duarte hedged, avoiding the way Nora’s gaze had flashed up to him. ‘She’s hoping to find an internship when we move back to England.’

  ‘Such a long way for you to move...’ Renata’s face softened as she clearly mistook Nora’s hostility for sadness. ‘Have you family in Brazil?’

  ‘My mother runs an animal sanctuary in the north, near the Amazon. My father in Rio at the moment.’

  Across from him, Duarte saw Valerio and Dani watching with furrowed brows. He felt the need to end the conversation, to take Nora away and protect her from having to talk about what had passed between them.

  If they ignored it for long enough, maybe it would become less of a looming presence in their lives. He saw the shadows in her eyes when they were together; he knew they had both said and done things to one another that would be hard to come back from. He hoped someday it would be easier. But right now things were fragile between them, too fresh.

  ‘I look forward to meeting both your parents,’ the older woman continued, oblivious to the tension surrounding her. ‘I’ve always considered the twins to be part of our family. Now we have two weddings to look forward to.’

  ‘You won’t be meeting my father, unfortunately.’ Nora straightened as she spoke, suddenly pulling her hand from Duarte’s. ‘He’s a notorious crime boss who is about to be put in prison for corruption, blackmail and murder.’

  Everyone fell silent. Everyone except Dani, who took a deep, whistling intake of breath and as usual did her best to try to lighten the mood. ‘Murder too? He was a busy man.’

  ‘Yes, he was.’

  Nora’s voice was rough with emotion as she looked from Dani to Duarte. She opened her mouth to speak again and Duarte found himself shaking his head, urging her to stop while he swiftly changed the subject.


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