Nobody's Dream (Rescue Me Saga #6)

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Nobody's Dream (Rescue Me Saga #6) Page 65

by Masters, Kallypso

  While her brows furrowed in confusion, she did as he’d instructed her. He straddled her in a sixty-nine position, keeping his body off her except for his knees brushing her sides, and lowered his head to her pussy. When she reached up and grabbed his cock, he nearly lost it.

  “Go easy there, darlin’. You come first.” He grinned at the double meaning of his words. Her body relaxed into the mattress. “That’s my girl.” He wanted her to be able to look at his cock dangling before her eyes to desensitize her for the future, but needed no distractions.

  Using his thumbs, he spread open her folds. When he lowered his face to her clit, he gloried in her swollen nubbin just waiting for him to give her release. Not just yet, though. They had all evening—well, up to a point. The horses would be whinnying in a couple of hours if neglected too long.

  Right now, his wife was the one most in need of his attention.

  Luke stroked her button in another lick, and she bucked upward, nearly dislocating his jaw. He smiled and let his tongue tease the sides of her hood, avoiding direct contact with her tiny erection. Hearing her panting nearly made him turn around and bury himself inside her right then, but it would be much more enjoyable for her if he kept increasing her level of arousal. Even better if he let her come first.

  His finger traced down her wet slit to her opening, and he dipped the tip inside to lubricate his finger. She clenched around his finger before he moved back toward her clit hood. With his tongue on one side, he applied pressure to the other.

  “Oh, Luke! What are you doing to me?”

  The excitement and wonder in her voice again left him aching for her, but he’d only just started. She wasn’t going to need a vibrator or anything other than him when he decided it was time for her to come.

  Not yet, though.

  He flicked his tongue against her exposed clit and held her hips in place so she wouldn’t jump up off the bed. He didn’t want his lady coming again just yet.

  Despite the angle, he managed to work his finger a little farther into her opening. Feeling her clench around him again only made his balls tighten in anticipation, but he was determined to continue this slow build up. Dipping his middle finger more deeply inside her, he continued to lick at the side of her hood and then slipped two fingers inside her pussy.

  “Oh!” She squeezed him with her pussy muscles, and he imagined what it would feel like when she did that to his cock.

  Time to slow down his own libido. He thought about an intricate rigging lesson Adam had been teaching him before the avalanche. They hadn’t had time to delve into further lessons because their lives had exploded after that, but remembering the loops and knots required to suspend a girl safely helped keep his mind focused—until the image of Cassie’s naked body suspended in ropes with a beautiful Shibari design flashed before his eyes.

  One thing’s for sure, he wasn’t going to be able to give her the pleasure-filled release she enjoyed earlier in this position. He pulled up and swung his leg over her body. When he glanced down at her, the expression of shock and awe on her face made him feel about ten feet tall. He hadn’t even given her another orgasm yet, but already she was riding a wave of bliss.

  Damn, he was going to have fun in the next hour or so.

  He reached for a pillow from the top of the bed. “Lift your hips.” She did and he slipped it underneath and then went for another. “Again.” Once he had her sweet pussy elevated to where he wanted her, he crawled down the bed. “Spread your legs again for me.”

  Within seconds, his arms were bracing themselves around and over her thighs to open her dewy flower. So wet, she glistened. He lowered his face to her mound and reached out with his tongue, lapping at her sweet honey. Her hiss told him she loved this as much as he did, so he gave her another long, slow lick from her opening to her clit. She grabbed onto his hair, clamped her legs around the sides of his head in a vise grip, and screamed, “Please, Luke! Do not torture me like this!”


  But not there yet.

  He continued to torture her by slipping his finger deep into her, and then he added his second finger. When he curled them toward her G-spot, her legs began to tremble.

  Okay, here we go, darlin’.

  He flicked his tongue against her clit while continuing to massage her G-spot. The pained moans coming from her made him wonder if this was too much for her, and he paused a moment to search her face and make sure she was okay.

  Pain mingled with ecstasy.

  Cassie met his gaze. “Please, do not stop now!”

  Hot damn!

  “Don’t worry, baby girl. I won’t leave you hanging.”

  He lowered his face to her again and continued where he’d left off. Soon she was moaning again, from excitement not pain. She needed to experience another orgasm without him taking anything for himself to show her a real man took care of his lady first. Others had taken pleasure from her. He could wait until…

  “¡Sí, sí, sí!”

  Hearing her revert to her native Spanish again pleased him even more. Her tight rein of control gone, she was merely feeling now. Time to take her home again.

  He increased the pressure on her G-spot and sucked her clit into his mouth.

  “Oh! Oh!”

  With the knuckle of his pinkie, he pressed against her anus, but didn’t attempt to enter her. Just wanted to overload her senses. Letting her clit go, he brushed the tip of his tongue rapidly back and forth over her swollen button until her thighs shook harder and her screams became incoherent. She clamped her thighs against his ears again, and he kept flicking his tongue against her clit.

  “Yes! Oh, yes!”

  Spasms coursed through her and Luke grinned until she scooted her body away from his mouth. “Stop! I cannot take anymore!”

  Perspiration bathed her face. Her nipples were distended and hard. The wonder and exhaustion on her face left him grinning ear to ear. She tried to raise herself to her elbows but collapsed against the pillows, gasping for breath. Watching the rise and fall of her breasts made him hornier than a longhorn bull, but he’d have to wait and hope there would be more opportunities for them tonight after their chores were done.

  Then Cassie wrapped her arms around her chest and began to cry. No, sob.

  Aw, damn. What happened?

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Cassie crashed off the roller coaster ride of a lifetime, not understanding why she was crying after something so beautiful.

  “Come here, darlin’.”

  When Luke crawled up to lie beside her on the bed, he encouraged her to curl up against his shoulder as he stroked her hair. “Shhh, baby girl. That was intense—and long overdue, I’d say. When’s the last time you came before today?”

  How could she answer that? She’d never even masturbated since she was raped, not wanting any connection to her sexual self. But the orgasms she’d given herself before had been nothing compared to what Luke had just given her. And yet he hadn’t demanded anything in return.

  “That was…incredible. I do not know why I am crying. Each one was more intense than the last.”

  He relaxed a little. Had she worried him? She hated being overly emotional like this or making him think he had hurt her in some way. “They each were beautiful. Thank you.”

  “The horses and alpacas can wait a little longer for us. We’re just going to lie here and enjoy the afterglow.”

  She glanced up at him and blinked away the tears. “But you did not come. I wanted to please you, too.”

  He grinned. “Oh, Sweet Pea, hearing and seeing you come like that was all I needed at the moment. I could just about float off this bed if I didn’t have you to hold onto.” He pulled her closer.

  How could he be so selfless?

  And yet, in this moment, she just wanted to be held, to be close to him without having to do a thing. She rested her head in the crook of his shoulder and chest and splayed her right hand across his bare chest, playing with his hard nipple. “You not o
nly have magic hands, but a magic tongue as well.” Her face grew warm at her bold comment, but he just chuckled. The vibration of his laughter through his chest tickled her nose.

  “I love you so much.” She didn’t want him to think all she loved about him was that he could give her an incredible orgasm. Luke meant so much more than that to her. “Not just because of what you just did, though.” He chuckled, puzzling her. How to convey what she felt? “I mean I loved that, too, but I love you for making sure I reached such ecstasy.” Tears pricked her eyes again, and she held on to him more tightly.

  “Shhh. No need to explain, Sweet Pea. You said it all in the way you opened yourself up to trust me enough that we could share that.”

  She wanted to stay with him like this forever, sheltered in his strong, protective arms. Nothing could intrude on their love, not after they fought so hard together to keep the evil ones away from destroying what they have.

  Her eyelids grew heavy, and her hand stilled.

  Cassie startled awake. Muted evening light streamed through the opening in the drapes. “How long did I sleep?”

  “Not quite an hour.”

  She leaned up on her elbow and looked down at him. “Did your arm fall asleep?”

  He grinned. “It’s okay. I wouldn’t have moved you for anything.” He reached up and brushed her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “You make me feel like some kind of hero just holding you in my arms.”

  “You are my hero, Luke Denton.” The words were out, but she had no regrets or desire to pull them back. “I do not know how anyone can have as much patience as you do, but thank you for staying with me no matter what.”

  “I honor my commitments, darlin’.”

  Was she just a commitment?

  “Hold on there, baby girl. Before getting your panties in a twist, I want you to know I didn’t marry you for any reason other than I want you to be my wife. I want to hear you call me your hero. I want to wake with you in my arms.”

  “But I am the one who awoke.”

  “Oh, I dozed a little myself. Wanted to be sure I had enough stamina to keep up with you today—and tonight.”

  Would there be more tonight? Her lady bits throbbed in response. She smiled, but made no promises. If she was going to do anything tonight, she didn’t want the pressure of his expectations on her.

  Cassie tossed the sheet away and swung her legs over the edge of the mattress. “Do you think Graciela, O’Keeffe, Picasso, and the others have broken down their stall doors for leaving them waiting so long for their dinner? They are used to you being in there by six o’clock.”

  “They’ll be fine a little while longer.” Luke stood and walked around the bed to stand in front of her. Her face grew warm, and she averted her gaze. Would she ever be able to peer at his naked body without becoming embarrassed?

  “Are you hungry?”

  “I already ate.”

  He had? When had… She turned to ask when she saw his grin. Oh! Cassie’s cheeks flooded with heat, and she swatted his thigh. “Must you tease me so?”

  “What? I just answered the question.”

  “I think the animals are hungry, though.”

  He reached for her hand and helped her to her feet. She didn’t realize her legs would be so wobbly and grabbed for his arms to steady herself.

  “Whoa, there.” He scooped her into his arms. “Let me carry you until you have your legs functioning again.” He started for the living room.

  “But I am not dressed!”

  “Neither am I, Sweet Pea. No one is going to give a rat’s ass that we’re walking naked in our own house.”

  True. Out here on the ranch, they would certainly hear an approaching vehicle. She wanted to become more comfortable in her own skin—and under his gaze—so she did not argue any further. He lowered her to her feet in the kitchen and bent to take her lips in a kiss that promised more pleasure to come later.

  Her nipples responded to the kiss, and when his tongue entered her mouth, her toes curled. She tasted herself on his lips and tongue again.

  She broke the kiss and tried to catch her breath. “I think we must stop doing this or we will not make it to the barn anytime soon.”

  He swatted her backside and walked away. The sting surprised her and lingered.

  Before he reached the front door he turned around. His gaze swept over her body, not missing an inch, and her entire body grew warm under his slow appraisal. That he approved of what he saw was evident by his erection.

  “I guess that will have to last me until our chores are done. Let’s get dressed.”

  Oh, this was going to be a long night as she waited to see what else Luke had in mind for her.

  * * *

  Luke and Cassie worked alongside each other to complete their chores double time. His lady was anxious to get back to bed—and so was he.

  “Excuse me.” Cassie left Cassatt’s stall in a hurry.

  Was she okay? The slamming of the screen door told him she’d gone in the house. He grabbed the brushes and stored them in the tack room before following her. Inside, he found no sign of her in the living room or kitchen and went to the bedroom.

  The bathroom door was closed. Ah, she just needed a nature break. He relaxed and went to the kitchen to pour them each a glass of fresh-brewed sweet tea. His was half gone when he realized she’d been in there an awfully long time.

  Returning to the bedroom, he knocked gently on the door. “You okay, Sweet Pea?”


  Dread ripped through him. “Cassie, open the door.”

  “I need a few minutes, por favor.” Her voice was thick from crying.

  “I’ll give you one. Then I’m coming in to check on you if you don’t come out.”

  What the hell happened? They’d had a good day, hell, the best of days. He waited for what seemed forever, but probably barely a minute, and the door opened. A red-eyed Cassie greeted him, and he opened his arms.

  She walked into them, thank God. At least she wasn’t shutting him out again.

  “What’s the matter, baby girl?”

  “I do not wish to say.”

  He stroked her back, hoping to calm her concerns. “Why don’t we go sit on the bed?”

  She sniffled loudly, and he stepped back, taking her hand as he led her across the room. After he sat on the bed, he pulled her onto his lap. She didn’t resist.

  “Tell me what’s going on.” Maybe if he made it a statement rather than a question, he’d get a response. “Did something trigger you?”

  She shook her head and laid it against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and waited. Sure enough, the silence prompted her to fill the space.

  “I cannot make love with you tonight.”

  “That’s okay. But I need you to tell me what happened between the time we were enjoying each other’s bodies here in bed this afternoon and when you ran out of the barn a little while ago.”

  “Must I? I am not comfortable talking about such matters with you.”

  “I’m your husband. If you can’t tell me, who can you tell?”

  “Not this time. Please understand.”

  He was more curious than ever and sensed he needed to push her on this, even if he had no clue what this was.

  “Why don’t we get out of these clothes and take a shower together? That might relax you before we go to bed.”

  She vehemently shook her head. He wasn’t sure if she was opposing the idea of the shower—or of going to bed with him.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “How about a glass of wine? Might make you feel better?”

  She shook her head again. He sighed. This conversation was going nowhere fast.

  “If I did or said something that upset you—”

  Cassie sat up straight and pulled away. “No! It was not you, Luke! I just…hate disappointing you because of my traitorous body.”

  Now we’re getting somewhere.

  “Just wh
at did your body do, darlin’?”

  Her face grew ruddy and she glanced away.

  Oh, no, Sweet Pea. You aren’t shutting me out that easily. “Look at me.”

  “Oh!” Her hand went to her belly.

  “What’s wrong? You feelin’ sick?”

  “No.” She met his gaze. “My stomach did that weird thing again that Kitty said… Never mind. It is nothing.”

  “Well, something’s going on. We aren’t going to bed until you tell me what it is.”

  She crinkled her brow. “I am sorry. I cannot make love with you after all.”

  “Because…?” he prompted.

  “Because…it is my time of the month.”

  “You got your period?” When she would have turned away, he cupped her chin and held her gaze.

  “Please, Lucas. Luke. This is not something men and women should discuss with one another.”

  “Why not? It’s a normal function of a woman’s body. Besides, I want to know what’s going on with your body. If we decide to try for babies, it’ll be good for me to know when you’re having your period.”

  “You want children?”

  “Someday. God—and you—willing, of course. But if we aren’t blessed with kids, we have our furbabies and our friends’ kids to dote over.”

  She nodded. “I have never given any thought to being a mother. Except…”


  “There was that one time while we were in Peru when Mamá was hinting at wanting grandchildren that I imagined a little brown-skinned Luke.”

  Damn. He’d never given kids much thought after Maggie died. “Making babies with you is something I look forward to someday. But getting your period tonight could be God’s way of reminding us that, if we don’t take precautions, there’s a chance we’ll have little Dentons running round sooner than expected.”

  “In my culture, the use of contraception is not accepted unless it is with traditional family planning.”

  He reached up and tweaked her nose. “You’re living in the United States now, Sweet Pea. No one controls decisions about your body but you.”


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