Nobody's Dream (Rescue Me Saga #6)

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Nobody's Dream (Rescue Me Saga #6) Page 67

by Masters, Kallypso

  Not sure what to do with him, she decided to postpone joining him in the bed again. If he enjoyed her skirts, why not dance for him in them? She wanted to create new memories when it came to dancing.

  After choosing a song on her playlist, she began to move in the steps of the flirtatious and suggestive huayno. He seemed captivated as she sashayed, twirled, and jiggled her bare breasts for him, all the while lifting her hems to give him brief glimpses of her naked private areas. No longer allowing thoughts of what happened the last time she performed this dance spoil her mood, defiance bubbled up inside her as she reclaimed this part of herself.

  This is my husband.

  This is my body.

  This is my right!

  “You’re making me hotter than a firecracker when you dance like that, darlin’.” Another pained looked crossed his face. “Damn, Cassie. I didn’t mean to—”

  Interrupting his apology, she threw her head back and laughed with abandon. Before he thought her totally insane, she met his gaze and smiled. “You do not know how it thrills me to know I excite you, Luke.”

  Before this bubble of exuberant sensuality burst, she brought the dance to an end and maneuvered the waistbands off her hips and down her legs in one move and tossed them onto a chair. Realizing she was standing before him naked, she became momentarily shy and scooted onto the bed to stretch out beside him.

  She reached for a sheet, but he stilled her hand and cupped her chin. “Kiss me, darlin’.”

  Happy to have something to do again, she obliged and leaned over him. Her breasts rested on his chest and rubbed against his skin as she closed the gap. She pressed a kiss against his lips. Más. Wanting more, she opened her lips and welcomed his tongue when it entered her mouth and mated with her own.

  His hand traced light touches on her breasts before trailing down her waist.

  Having him stretched out before her, she licked her lips before bending over him and taking his hard, but tiny, nipple between her lips. Were a man’s nipples as sensitive as a woman’s? She sucked, the way he did hers and flicked her tongue over it rapidly.

  “Jeezus! Keep doing that!”

  Empowered at his response, she continued. Her hand stroked his chest seeking his other nipple, and she squeezed it between her thumb and index finger. His hips bucked up.

  Was she only igniting the flame, rather than slowing things down?

  But she did not wish to slow down. She stretched out on top of him and brushed the curls of her sex against his erection. He reached between their bodies and she froze again. “Hands behind your head. Let me set the pace.”

  He probably thought she meant the pace of his penis, but she merely needed time to prepare herself. She did not want to freeze or stop him, but what would happen when—

  “What are you worrying about, Sweet Pea?”

  She closed her eyes. “I am afraid I will have to stop before you…finish.”

  “Tell you what. You focus on your body, and let me worry about when it’s time to finish. Having you exploring like this is one helluva turn-on, by the way. If you continue to rub against me like that, well, I’ll finish, as you put it, sooner than I’d like.” He grinned.

  “I do not know what to do next.”

  “Want me to take over again?”

  Yes! She nodded.

  “On your back, darlin’.”

  His words gave her the confidence she needed to let go and surrender to him. His fingers splayed open her lower lips, and she gave him better access by spreading her legs wider.

  “Oh, darlin’. You’re so wet for me.” When he rammed his finger inside her without warning, her hips bucked upward.

  “Yes!” More! She wanted more than his finger tonight. “Por favor.”

  “Please, what?”

  Cassie groaned rather than say it out loud. She searched his face, hoping to telepathically convey what she wanted—no needed—but he insisted on hearing the words.

  “Please make love to me. I want you…to come inside me. Now!” She finished in a rush and waited. When a slow grin spread across his face, she relaxed into the mattress. He would take care of her needs.

  “Love to.”

  He grew serious immediately and continued his assault on her senses by blazing a trail of kisses from her mouth to her neck to her… “Oh!” He took her nipple into his mouth at the same time he plunged two fingers deep inside her, and she screamed. His thumb began stroking the bundle of nerves… Call it what it is, Cassie. …her clitoris. Oh, yes! There!

  He released her nipple. “Look at me, baby girl.”

  She gasped for a complete breath, and failed, but looked at him. “Don’t overthink it. Just feel. I’m going to bombard you, almost make you come before I enter you, make sure you’re screaming your release at the same time I do. But try to shut your brain off. This is about what we’re experiencing at the most elemental level.”

  She wanted this. “I will try.”

  He grinned. “Good girl.” The assault began again only this time he took her other nipple into his mouth, plucking it between his teeth until it became even more engorged. Pain. Teeth. Lips.

  Fingers. Inside her. “¡Oh, Santa Diosa!” He pressed against a spot inside her that turned her legs to jelly and her body to molten lava. Once again, his thumb played with her clit and the overload on her senses had her at the brink in seconds.

  “Por favor!”

  He released her nipple, removed his hand, and positioned himself over her propping himself on one elbow as he reached between their bodies. Without being asked, she opened her legs as wide as possible for him, but when he pressed his penis against her opening, she closed her eyes and held her breath.

  “Look at me.”

  She drew several breaths and opened her eyes. Luke communicated with his expression that she was with her husband, her lover. He only wanted to bring her pleasure.

  “Keep your eyes on me. I want you to stay in the moment. Don’t close them until you come.”

  She nodded and he rubbed his penis against her clitoris, sending her back to the brink in seconds. “¡Si! ¡Si! Oh, yes!” Close, so close. Suddenly, Luke plunged himself inside her, closing the space that had separated them from being one. The friction of their bodies kept the delightful pressure on her clit as he pounded inside her again and again.

  “Oh, baby. You feel so good.” His breathing grew more rapid. “Squeeze the life out of me.”

  She tightened her vaginal muscles, trying to hold him inside her a little longer with each stroke. The pained expression on his face made her worry until he groaned in ecstasy.

  “Jeezus, come with me, Sweet Pea! Now!” His fingers joined in the onslaught and as his penis rammed deep inside her, her clit burned for more. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth to let in more air.

  “Si! Si! Si!” She was coming! No, she was about to have an orgasm with Luke inside her. Euphoric, she wrapped her ankles around his butt to make sure he didn’t pull away before they both reached the heights they sought. He plunged even deeper inside her, touching that spot inside that made her shake with desire.

  “Yes, baby girl!” He moaned as if in pain.

  “¡Mássssss!” Exquisite, beautiful pain.

  She exploded at the same moment she heard him grunt his own release. “Oh, Cassie!” She waited for him to say more, but he continued to move against her, milking as much pleasure as possible.

  When he collapsed on top of her, for the flash of a second, the weight of him took her back to the cantina. Then she opened her eyes and saw she was still with Luke, in their bed in Colorado, joined in the most primitive, beautiful way possible.

  She reached up to run her fingers through his hair, grinning to herself, and he pulled himself up to rest on both elbows.

  “Sweet Jeezus, darlin’. You sure didn’t hold anything back. When you squeezed me like that…” He took a deep breath. “Have mercy.”

  The feeling of pressure as his lower body held her in place did not trig
ger a sense of panic in her as when she had been held against her will. Luke’s body had not held her down, taking only his own pleasure, but had helped her soar to amazing heights.

  “Thank you, Luke.”

  He quirked his brow. “I think I ought to be the one thanking you, darlin’.”

  “I cannot wait to do that again.”

  He chuckled and she realized he was still inside her. She squeezed him again and smiled.

  “Keep that up and you just might get what you wish for sooner than you think, baby girl.” His smile faded as he brushed the dampened hair away from her forehead. She realized she was bathed in sweat from their exertions and her release. “You amaze me, Sweet Pea. And you honor me with the gift of your delightful treasure.”

  “Is it a gift when my body belongs to you, Luke?”

  He closed his eyes, and she thought he might be in pain until he met her gaze once more and grinned. He lowered his face to hers and nibbled at her lips before plundering her mouth with his tongue. Her senses became heightened again and she marveled that after such a beautiful orgasm she could even think about wanting more.

  But she did.

  * * *

  Cassie set the covered bowl of corn-and-bean salad in the fridge and washed her hands. Saturday had arrived, and she grinned remembering how she and Luke had barely torn themselves apart from each other before the first guests arrived.

  They had made love every night since her birthday—and several times during the day, too. Doing chores in the barn, he had started enticing her up to the hayloft for what he called “a roll in the hay.” She had to pick scratchy hay out of her bra and panties the rest of the day, but each annoying piece had only reminded her how it had gotten there in the first place.

  She blushed remembering how yesterday he had taken her on this very table. She was convinced he was trying to shock her with his innovative ideas—but she was tired of being inhibited.

  Actually, she truly was shocked sometimes still but tried not to show it. She enjoyed the illicitness of making love in places other than the bedroom.

  She turned to see Luke picking at the barbecued pulled-pork Angelina had just brought in and smacked his hand, shaking her head. “You are worse than a child. Go help Marc and Angelina bring in the rest of the food!”

  “Marc said he had it under control.” Luke wiped his hands on the dishtowel by the sink, and just when she thought he would be going out to do as she said, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his hard body.

  He lowered his face as she moved to meet him in a kiss that left her wanting more. She pulled away, gasping for breath. “Why did you do that?”

  “Because I like having you on the brink and thinking about when the next time we’ll make love will be.”

  She pressed her fingers to her tingling lips. “When will it be?” They had a houseful of guests ready to descend on them, some of whom would be spending the night. How could he be so cruel?

  “When the time is right, just be ready.”

  “I am ready now.”

  His gray eyes smoldered. “Damn, that’ll teach me, huh?”

  He drew her against him again and traced a finger from her forehead to the tip of her nose. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

  “Oh, only two or three times today, but it’s only nine o’clock. You’re slacking off after only three weeks of marriage, cowboy.” She pretended to pout and then wiggled out of his arms, but not before he landed a loud swat onto her backside.

  She turned to find Marc and Angelina watching them, their hands filled with food, and her face heated with embarrassment. “Um, just put them on the counter.”

  “Sorry if we’re interrupting anything, cara.”

  “No. Not at all.” Cassie could not remember what she had been doing before Luke had distracted her.

  The roar of a Harley caught everyone’s attention. Ryder and Megan entered the house. She carried something in a plastic bag. “Ryder made his delicious fry bread if anyone wants to nibble on some before the party.”

  “Do you know when Kitty and Adam will be here?”

  No sooner were the words out than he walked in, a car seat in each hand followed by Kitty with the third. “We tried to keep up with Ryder on the way out.” He glared at Ryder.

  “Sorry, Top. I thought I was going slower than ever.”

  “See that you keep it at the speed limit on the way back. That’s my sister you’re hauling on the back of that bike.” Adam smiled, although Cassie was not sure he meant it.

  “Hey, Adam,” Luke said. “When you get settled in, come out to the studio with me. Gunnar’s stopping by later to pick up…” He glanced at Cassie and finished with “…something I made for his place.” Curious, she wondered why he did not give the piece of furniture a name. Perhaps it was so original it did not have a name yet. Luke’s drawings resulted in some amazing things. “Anyway, I think you might be interested in something similar someday soon, now that Karla’s almost good as new.”

  Marc kissed Angelina. “I want to see this. Not my kink, but someday we may venture into Shibari.”

  Shibari? Oh, those beautiful rope bindings in Luke’s picture book. “I would like to see it, too, Luke!”

  He turned to her, but did not seem to want to show it to her. He had never kept any of his work from her before. What was different about this piece?

  She had been flipping through the book the other day trying to find the nerve to ask him to try some of the bindings on her. One image in particular kept pulling her back for another glance—bright yellow rope tying a woman’s lower legs and ankles together with rays of rope strung in a web-like effect between each of her toes. The artist had used only one piece of rope for the entire design. Luke certainly enjoyed her feet. It would make a stunning photograph.

  “Megan, you should see this Shibari art. It is beautiful!”

  Luke pulled her aside and whispered, “Darlin’, what do you know about Shibari?”

  “Give me a minute.” She went into the living room and pulled the book off the shelf, finding it exactly where she had left it, and brought it over to him. “I saw it in your art book.” Everyone in the room suddenly looked anywhere but at Cassie. Kitty’s lips were twitching as if she could barely keep herself from laughing.

  What was the matter with everyone? Had she said something wrong? “I just thought Megan might like to take some photographs of it for her collection. It is a classic art form dating back to the days of the Shogun in Japan.”

  When Megan tentatively reached out to look at the book, Cassie thought it best to warn her. “Do not take offense at the nudity in the book. I was a little taken aback at first, but the artistic beauty is stunning and all the photos are tastefully done.”

  Megan nodded, but also seemed to be fighting back a grin. “I’d like to see it done myself sometime.”

  “Oh, I was going to ask Luke if he knew how to do this one.” She flipped to the page she had been obsessed with and showed everyone in the room as she slowly moved around the circle. Adam and Ryder cleared their throats at the same time, but avoided making eye contact with each other.

  Kitty carried Kate to the sofa. “Cassie, come sit by me. We need to talk.”

  Thank the Goddess. She hoped her friend could shed some light on what was happening, but everyone else suddenly took an interest in fawning over the other two babies.

  After propping some pillows around Kitty to make her comfortable, Cassie sat with her foot tucked under her thigh.

  “Cassie, you’re right. Shibari is indeed an ancient art form from Japan, but it’s also very popular in the kink community.”

  “What?” Oh dear Goddess, no wonder everyone was so uncomfortable. Knowing what they must be thinking, she was a little embarrassed herself.

  “In fact, Shibari suspension is my absolute favorite kink in the whole world.”

  Cassie held up her hand. “I do not want to know any more about it, Kitty.”

  Kitty gla
nced over her shoulder and apparently gauged that everyone was far enough away before leaning closer to Cassie. “Don’t ask me how I know, but I think Luke would love to do some bindings with you.”

  “No, not like that, Kitty!”

  She shrugged. “It is what you make it. If you want it to be classical Japanese rope binding, then call it that. Just give it a try. There is great freedom in being bound tightly in the rope. At the same time, it makes you feel as if your lover is embracing every inch of you that has been bound.”

  Cassie’s face was on fire. “I do not wish to talk about this any further. I think I have made everyone uncomfortable and that does not make me a very good hostess.”

  Kitty shook her head and smiled. “Oh, trust me, Marc and Angelina as well as Luke and Adam all know about Shibari. And judging from the looks on Megan and Ryder’s faces as they look at that book, they are going to want to learn more about it soon, too. I’m just not sure if Adam is going to be comfortable teaching it to his brother-in-law.”

  * * *

  Ryder became turned on looking at some of the images and picturing Megan in the ropes. Damn, he needed to get some training on how to do this. He looked up from the book and found Adam scrutinizing him too closely. Ryder took the book from Megan and closed it. Her breathing told him she was equally excited, though.

  At least she kept her voice to a whisper around her brother. “Ryder, that looks so hot. We need to try that.”

  “We’ll talk about it later, Red. Sounds like Luke may know someone in the area—Gunnar, did he say?—who may be able to instruct us.”

  “Thank God, but let’s be discreet. I’d die if my brother—either of them—found out what we enjoy doing in the bedroom. He’s kind of a straight arrow.”

  Ryder would have to check into this man’s dungeon, although he wouldn’t have a minute to spare until next month. He and Luke had been working harder than ever to finish their project. As soon as that was done, he and Megan would be moving out of his master sergeant’s house.

  As it was, he and Megan had spent time camping out on the mountain near Iron Horse Pass while the weather was still mild. Being on site helped him get more work done. Should be finished with the crucial parts in a few weeks.


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