Scorched Hearts (Dragons of Ember Brooke Book 1)

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Scorched Hearts (Dragons of Ember Brooke Book 1) Page 6

by Victoria Zak

“Are you ready?” Thane called out.

  “For what?” She couldn’t possibly think of anything more they could do in the sky.



  Twin, green wings ripped free from the harness, releasing Thane from her. He spiraled down like a plane in a tailspin as his body morphed into a massive green dragon. At that moment, her life flashed before her eyes. Wires creaked and snapped, metal bars groaned and popped free from the frame. The power of Thane shifting tore the hang glider to bits.

  One of the two cables holding Bex to the sail gave way. Desperately, she grabbed onto anything she could to stop from falling, but it was too late. The force of her body breaking free, cracked the only thing left keeping her connected to the sail. In a swoosh, the sail flew upward as she spiraled downward helplessly.

  She tried to call forth her dragon, but she wasn’t there, nor did she know how. Nothing was stopping her from falling. She was going to die.

  What the hell! Why isn’t she shifting? Coming out of his tailspin, he pumped his wings frantically, flying toward Bex. Shift, baby, shift.

  This wasn’t what he’d expected to happen. He thought if they were in dragon form, she could no longer fight it, that she would have to accept him as her mate. She was going to shift, right?

  When nothing happened, panic coursed through his veins as he tried with all his dragon might to catch her. With his keen eyes set on her, he lowered his head into the wind and flapped his wings with urgency.

  Finally, he reached Bex and wrapped his wings around her like a protective cocoon and pulled her into his chest. Her body was shaking uncontrollably. Because his wings were around her, their landing was going to be messy. Since he had to fly with great speed to catch her, and now as they were falling rapidly, there was no time to slow down. Hang on, turbulence is a bitch.

  He gritted his teeth anticipating the landing. Before they hit the ground, Thane turned so his back would hit the ground first and break the fall. He didn’t want to crush her. They landed with a thud and skidded deep into the earth, leaving a trench in their wake. Just missing his car, Thane’s hefty sized head collided with the trunk of a thick oak tree.

  The world stilled. Still in shock, he didn’t move. He kept his wings wrapped tight around Bex unable to let her go. Thank the elders she was alive. Her heart beat rapidly against his chest and he felt the wetness of her tears against his scales while she cried hysterically. It broke his heart that he did this to her.

  Tiny fists punched at his wings. “Let me go.” She squirmed and kicked until he unfolded his wings and released her. She stood in shock and back-stepped away. Her chest rose and fell briskly as she gasped for air. “Why?” she demanded.

  As the adrenaline wore off, Thane shifted back. Anger, not at her but himself, bubbled to the surface. “Why didn’t you shift?”

  She glared at him, then took off to the car.

  “Bex!” In two strides he caught her and spun her around. “Answer me.”

  “What were you thinking?” She shoved him. Tears streaked down her cheeks. “You could have killed me!” She pushed him again.

  Okay, he deserved that.

  “I trusted you!” She slapped him.

  Instantly, she covered her mouth with her hand. They both froze as he glared down at her, his nostrils flared as he fought back the anger. “Why didn’t you shift?” he growled.

  “You’re naked.”

  “You’re avoiding the question.”

  Big hazel eyes bore into him. “It’s no concern of yours.” She whipped around and strode to the car.

  Taking a deep breath, he waited a minute to cool down before following her. He didn’t understand what was going on. What was she hiding from him? Something was wrong here, he could feel it. Frustrated, he shoved his hands in his hair, resisting the urge to go after Bex and shake the truth out of her.

  He strode to his car and grabbed the keys from the sun visor. Bex was sitting inside with her arms crossed over her chest, brooding. She wouldn’t look at him. Just as well, he was too damn angry to talk and would only say something he’d regret later.

  He walked to the back of the Firebird and unlocked the trunk. He pulled a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt from a duffle bag, dressed, then climbed into the car. She would come clean with him…even if it took all night.


  Bex gripped the leather seat as Thane flew down the winding road like a bat out of hell. Silently, she cringed and prayed they wouldn’t skid off the mountain. Tumbling to her death in a car wouldn’t make her feel any better than if she’d died spiraling out of control in the sky.

  Angry didn’t even come close to explaining how she felt right now. Not only was Thane on her shit list for driving so recklessly, she was more furious with herself for being such a coward. She should have told him about her secret…her dragon. After having time to process what had just transpired, she came to realize this was her fault. He’d never hurt her on purpose, she knew that. If only she’d said something before the flight…if only she’d listened to herself this morning and drove back home.

  The entire ride she came up with reason after reason not to tell him, but the reality was she didn’t have one good reason not to.

  Thane pulled into his driveway which surprised her. He still wanted her to stay over. He hadn’t muttered a word since they left the cliff. He parked in the garage, then cut the engine. She glanced over at him. His jaw tightened. For a moment, she thought he was going to say something, but he didn’t. He stepped out of the car, walked over to her side, and opened the door. She got out and followed him inside. He tossed the keys on the counter. The silence between them added fuel to the fiery tension thick in the air.

  Finally, her nerves couldn’t take it anymore, she had to say something. “Thane, I—”

  Without looking at her once, he picked up her bag and walked up the stairs, a pure indication he didn’t want to talk. She followed.

  He dropped her bags on the bed. “You can take my bedroom. There’s fresh towels in the bathroom. Help yourself.”

  Before he left the room, Bex reached out and grabbed his arm, feeling it tense against her touch. She looked up at him and her heart crumbled. The sullen expression on his face sliced her heart into pieces. Knowing she did this to him drove the sword even deeper. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, swallowing back the tears.

  He stood silently, yet his body did all the talking. His jaw ticked like he was holding back and his eyes were downcast, avoiding her altogether. He wasn’t forgiving her anytime soon. She let go of him, and he left the room.

  Bex sat on the bed with her head in her hands, her heart aching like it was being ripped from her chest. Tears rolled down her cheeks. I’m sorry? That was the best she could come up with? After what she put him through, all she could say was sorry? No, he deserved better. He deserved the truth. She couldn’t imagine how he felt right now.

  Bex straightened and took in a deep breath. This was Thane’s private space. She laid back and sank into the bed, taking comfort that she was surround by him. The fur comforter awakened her senses, reminding her of how gentle his caresses were.

  The exposed wooden beams framing the ceiling reinforced his rustic style and how safe she felt wrapped in his strong arms. The soft glow coming from the fireplace reminded her of how warm and generous he’d been to her.

  She grabbed his pillow and breathed in. His mountain-fresh scent filled her senses, the sensation traveled through her body like a speeding bullet. Deep inside she felt a wild, intense vibration rippling. Her dragon…she was purring?

  Wanting to feel her again, she inhaled and the sensation was still there.

  In a frenzy, she sat up and reached into her bag, taking out her black case. She unzipped it, took out the vial and a syringe, then plunged the needle into the rubber top. She paused. What was she doing? Did she really want to keep up this lie and suppress who she really was? Didn’t her dragon have a right to live? Should she be brave en
ough to be herself?

  Bex discarded the needle and jammed the bottle back into the case. It was time to start living a life as a dragon. She was tired of the pain, but most of all, she was tired of being scared.

  “No more lies.” She slid off the bed and walked to the bathroom. A quick shower to freshen up, then she was off to find Thane and tell him everything.

  Thane turned up the radio, then returned to his vintage Forty-Eight Indian Chief he’d been restoring. The Rolling Stones blared out Beast of Burden throughout the garage as he sat on a stool in front of his bike reworking the engine. He needed a distraction, something to alleviate his growing frustrations. Nothing was working. Even his favorite music was a grim reminder he’d fucked up. He could have killed his mate.

  Thane slammed the wrench down in his toolbox. What was he going to do? He knew what he should do, march right upstairs and make Bex tell him the truth, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t look her in the face after his brilliant plan to take her hang gliding and show her his dragon in hope of making her see he was her mate, had failed miserably. What was supposed to be a fantastic time turned to disaster.

  He rested his elbows on his thighs and rubbed the tension from his temples with his thumbs. The door creaked open. He didn’t need to look up to see who it was. The tingle sparking down his spine was a clear indication that it was Bex.

  She walked up behind him. “We need to talk.”

  Slowly, he lifted his head and turned around. Fuck, she looked sexy wearing his flannel shirt.

  She tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ear as she handed him a black case. “What’s this?” he asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

  “Open it.”

  He unzipped it and took out a clear bottle and syringe. What the hell? No…no…no, she couldn’t be. It seemed so out of character for her to be a drug user. But he had to know. He grabbed her arm and pulled up her sleeve, looking for track marks.

  “Thane,” she exclaimed, “I’m not a drug addict.” She snatched her arm away.

  “Then what’s going on, Bex?” A frown etched her face. Whatever the secret, Thane saw how it was tearing her up. He took her hand and pulled her onto his lap. “Baby, whatever it is, you can tell me.”

  “I don’t know if I can. I told you, I have a lot of gray areas.”

  “Whatever it is, I’m not going anywhere.”

  She took in a shaky breath, and a lump formed in his throat. What was she hiding? “I’ve been suppressing my dragon with an anti-shift serum. That’s why I couldn’t shift.”


  “Thane, I didn’t grow up around dragons like you. I was an orphan. All I’ve ever known was a human world. My parents who raised me were humans, and when I came of age and started to shift, I’d lock myself away so my parents wouldn’t find out. I couldn’t risk shattering their perfect image of me and end up back at the orphanage. They thought I was perfect. Little did they know…”

  “So, you have never met your birth parents?”

  “No. I was adopted as an infant.”

  “You went through your first shift alone?”

  “Yes, and every one after.”

  His heart ached for her. He couldn’t imagine going through something as traumatic as the first shift and not knowing what was happening. Humans had no business raising a dragon. “I’m so sorry. You must have been terrified.”

  “I was. That’s why I locked myself away whenever I felt the shift. It’s amazing my parents never found out.”

  “That’s because you made them believe what you wanted them to believe.”

  Her brows creased in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s part of dragon magic. Some dragons can manipulate human minds. You wanted them to see you as the perfect daughter.”

  “Really? I never knew I was doing it.”

  “That’s because you didn’t have a dragon in your life to teach you. Now what about this?” He took the bottle out. “What is this?”

  She took the vial. “I spent all my life searching for answers trying to understand her. I took every advanced science class through college and found nothing helpful. It wasn’t until I was accepted into the Supernatural Research Institute that I found a way to suppress her. It took me a year and tons of research to finally create a serum that locked her away.”

  “Bex, why lock her away? She’s part of you.”

  “I was scared.”

  Thane took the vial and threw it across the garage—the bottle shattered on the floor. “Baby, you don’t have to be scared anymore.” He kissed her shoulder. “I can teach you everything you need to know.”

  She faced him. “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I wanted to, God, I wanted to, but I couldn’t. I hope you can forgive me.”

  “This isn’t your fault. You’re trying to make sense of it all. I get it. But let me ask you this, do you know why you’re here?”

  “I’m on vacation…right?”

  He grinned. “No, what brought you to me?”

  “I don’t know. I just jumped in the car and drove.”

  “Yes, to an extent. Your dragon brought you to Ember Brooke.” Because I’m your mate, say it…say it.

  “My dragon?” she paused in thought. “It can’t be.” She shook her head. “She’s locked up. I can’t feel her.”

  “You’ve found a way to suppress the shift, but everything else is coming in loud and clear. I felt you the moment you entered Ember Brooke.”

  Bex climbed off his lap and started to pace. “This doesn’t make sense. The serum is supposed to completely block my dragon tendencies. I had all the side effects, hot flashes…stomach cramping…increased appetite…tender breasts…Oh my God…” She spun around and faced Thane, wide-eyed. “I’m in heat?” Stunned at the realization, she froze.

  Thane stood and tugged his shirt off. Their gazes locked as he approached her. Since he couldn’t say it, he had to show her. He rubbed his right hand over his left shoulder and down his bicep. Green iridescent scales tattooed his skin.

  “Thane?” she took a step back. “What’s going on?”

  “Don’t be scared.” He knelt in front of her and lifted the flannel shirt she was wearing. Ever so gently, he caressed the skin over her hip and down the front of her thigh. Matching green scales appeared, yet hers were more feminine. The shimmering scales were unlike anything he’d ever seen before. “Fucking, beautiful.”

  “Please tell me what’s going on.”

  Mesmerized by her scales, he caressed her skin. “Baby, look at yourself.”

  Bex looked down. She gasped. “Thane, what’s happening to me?”

  “Go ahead, touch it.” He guided her hand to her hip. “These are mating marks. They match mine.” To show her, he rubbed his scaled shoulder. “You’re my mate.”


  “Yes. We’re destined to be together, mated.” When he finally said the words, the full realization of being a mated dragon kicked in. Her dragon came out, she needed this…she wanted him. Tenderly, he trailed his tongue across her scales, kissing every decadent inch while his hands stayed on her body, lightly scraping his fingernails up and down her legs.

  “And I have no say so in this?”

  Well, that wasn’t the response he’d hoped for, maybe more along the lines of, “Thane, you beast, take me now.” Christ, this mating shit was really testing his machismo.

  “You, me, this can’t be happening.” Thane paused as if he didn’t hear her right. “I don’t have time to be mated and go fly off to mount happily-ever-after and tend to an egg for a year,” she said sarcastically.

  Thane busted out laughing.

  “What?” She gazed down at him. “I’m serious. In less than six months I have to present my dissertation. Don’t laugh at me.”

  “You’re so damn irresistible when you’re mad.” He slid his palms up her body, cupping her breasts, and grazing his thumbs over her nipples.

  With the thought of those tiny beads in his m
outh, he nearly lost it. As is, he was fighting to keep a clear mind. The hunger she stirred in him was insatiable. “The way you blush...” He pressed his body against her and kissed her cheek.

  “Thane—” She protested, nuzzling her face against his kiss.

  “The way you pout.” He brushed his thumb across her bottom lip. His touch drove her wild, and eventually, he’d wear her down and get what they both wanted and needed. He didn’t mind waiting, he loved foreplay. After all, she was his dragon play toy for the night…forever.

  “We’re not doing this,” she sighed.

  Her words might be telling him no, but her body, her dragon was all the encouragement he needed. They were in too deep to turn back now. “Oh yes, we are,” he growled and peppered her neck with kisses as he glided his hands around her body and cupped her ass, pressing her hot core against his cock.

  The scent of her arousal told him she was aching for him. “Baby, I can ease your pain.” He tugged her panties off.


  Bex’s panties dropped around her ankles. The cold air mixed with the wetness of her arousal sparked a wicked sensation deep inside her. Thane was right…she was in pain, but not the kind to hurt her, it was a pain of desire. An ache so deep she didn’t know how to explain it. All she knew was if Thane didn’t fuck her right now, she’d erupt.

  A spark shot up her body when she felt Thane part her legs and caress her core. Remembering his touch from the other night, she couldn’t deny how incredible it felt to be loved—worshipped. She’d never forget this night.

  They were mated?

  The frightening thought bubbled to the surface, struggling to overrule her body’s need. But between his fingers teasing her hot flesh and their dragons taking over, it didn’t stand a chance. The only thought stampeding through her sex-deprived, hormonal brain was Thane. She wanted his hands all over her.

  “Thane,” she whispered breathlessly next to his ear.

  “Yeah, baby,’ he said between kisses and nibbles down her neck.


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