Montluc (French ambassador) ref1
Montmorency, Anne, Duc de ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14
Montmorency, Louise de ref1
Montrose, Earl of ref1, ref2
morality of Henri’s court ref1
Moray, James Stewart, Earl of (half-brother) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17
cardinal’s hat offered ref1
casket letters ref1
character of ref1
claim to crown ref1
Craigmillar Bond ref1, ref2
and Darnley ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Dudley proposal ref1
and Elizabeth I ref1
exiled ref1, ref2
and James VI ref1
marries Agnes Keith ref1
Moray/Mar earldoms ref1, ref2
and MQS ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12
and MQS guilt/trial over Darnley ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
murder of ref1
parentage ref1
power struggle after MQS escape ref1 passim
Privy Council ref1, ref2, ref3
Protestantism ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
put to the horn ref1
Regent ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Moray/Mar earldoms ref1
Moretta (ambassador for Savoy) ref1, ref2, ref3
Morgan, Thomas ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Morlaix ref1
Morton, Earl of see Douglas, James, 4th Earl of Morton
Morton, Sir John ref1
mourning colours ref1, ref2
Mowbray, Barbara ref1, ref2, ref3
Murray, James, of Tullibardine ref1, ref2
music see entertainments
Musselburgh ref1, ref2
Myln, Walter ref1
Nancy ref1
Nau, Claude ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19
Navarre, Henri de ref1
Nelson, Thomas ref1, ref2
Nemours, Duc de ref1
Netherlands see Spanish Netherlands
Neville, Henry ref1
Newcastle ref1, ref2, ref3
Newhaven ref1
Niddry ref1
nobility see Scottish nobility
Norfolk, MQS as Duchess of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
Norfolk, Thomas Howard, Duke of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20
North Berwick Abbey ref1
Northampton, Marquis of ref1
Northern Rising ref1, ref2, ref3
Northumberland, Countess of ref1, ref2
Northumberland, Earl of ref1, ref2, ref3
Notre Dame Cathedral ref1, ref2
Nottingham, Sheriff of see Andrews, Thomas, Sheriff of Nottingham
Ochiltree, Lord ref1
Ogilvie, James ref1
Ogilvie, Marion ref1
Ogilvy, Alexander, of Boyne ref1
Ormiston, Hob ref1, ref2
Ormiston, James ref1, ref2
Otterburn, Adam ref1
Owen, Hugh ref1
Oysel, Henri Cleutin, Seigneur d’ ref1, ref2
Paget, Thomas ref1, ref2, ref3
Pagez, Sebastien ref1, ref2
palaces ref1
Palais de Tournelles ref1, ref2
Paris ref1
Parliament (of Scotland) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Parois, Mme de ref1, ref2
Parr, Catherine ref1
parrots ref1
Parry, Dr ref1, ref2
Paul III, Pope ref1
Paulet, Amyas ref1 passim, ref2 passim, ref3, ref4 passim, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11
Pavia, battle of ref1
Pembroke, Earl of ref1, ref2
Perth ref1, ref2, ref3
Peterborough Caledonian Society ref1
Peterborough Cathedral ref1, ref2, ref3
Peterbourough, Dean of see Fletcher, Richard, Dean of Peterborough
Philip II, King of Spain ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24
Philips, Thomas ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Pieris, Marie ref1
pike ref1
Pinkie, battle of ref1, ref2
Pisseleu, Anne de, Duchesse d’Étampes ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Pius II (Pope) ref1
Pius IV (Pope) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Pius V (Pope) ref1, ref2, ref3
plague ref1, ref2
Pléiade (group of poets) ref1, ref2
plots to free MQS ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
see also Catholic conspiracies
poison ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Poissy ref1, ref2
Poissy, Colloquy of ref1
Poitiers, Diane de see Diane de Poitiers
Poland ref1
Poley, Robert ref1
Pollen, Father J.H. ref1
Powrie, William ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Préau, de ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Presbyterian psalmody ref1
Primaticcio, Francesco ref1, ref2
Prince, The (Machiavelli) ref1
Princes, Poets, and Patrons (Cherry) ref1
privacy of private functions ref1
Privy Council (of Elizabeth) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14
Privy Council (of James VI) ref1
Privy Council (of MQS) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24
Protestantism ref1, ref2; see also Huguenots
Protestants, mass slaughter of ref1
proxy marriage customs ref1, ref2
Quadra, de (Spanish ambassador to Elizabeth) ref1
Quarry Hole ref1
Queen’s Mire ref1
‘Queen’s Party’ ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Queensferry ref1
Rabelais, François ref1
rack ref1, ref2
Raleigh, Sir Walter ref1
Rambouillet, Seigneur de ref1
Randan, Charles, Sieur de ref1
Randolph, Thomas ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24, ref25, ref26, ref27
Raulet, Augustine ref1, ref2
Reformation ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Regnans in Excelsis (Papal Bull) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Reid, John ref1
‘reign of three kings’ ref1
reivers see Border raiding
religion, people to follow their Princes ref1, ref2
Renaissance ref1, ref2, ref3
Renaudie, Godefroy du Barri, Seigneur de la ref1, ref2
Reres, Lady ref1, ref2, ref3
Rheims ref1, ref2
Ridolfi, Roberto ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Rio de Janeiro ref1
Ripon ref1
Rizzio, David ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Rizzio, Joseph ref1
Robsart, Amy ref1
Rokesby, Christopher ref1, ref2
Rolleston, Francis ref1
Rolleston, George ref1
Ronsard, Pierre de ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Roscoff ref1, ref2
Rosencrantz, Erik ref1, ref2
Rouen ref1, ref2
‘Rough Wooing’ ref1, ref2, ref3
Rufford Abbey ref1
Ruisseau, de ref1
Rupert, Prince ref1
Ruthven, Patrick ref1, ref2, ref3
, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11
Ruthven, William ref1, ref2
ryal ref1
Sadler, Sir Ralph ref1 passim, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12
Samerie (chaplain to MQS) ref1
Sauchieburn, battle of ref1
Savage, John ref1, ref2
Savoy, Duke of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Saye, Lord ref1
Scarborough ref1, ref2, ref3
Scarlet, Robert ref1
schools ref1
Scilly Isles ref1
Scotland ref1
Baltic trade links ref1, ref2
‘betrayed’ to France by MQS ref1
Catholic factions in post-Reformation ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
expense of MQS’s French court ref1
French alliance ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
government and leadership ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Guise power in ref1
Hertford’s invasion of ref1
Protestant cause in ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
reaction to French marriage ref1
reaction to MQS execution ref1
Reformation Parliament ref1, ref2
Reformed church ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
see also England; Scottish nobility
Scots language ref1, ref2, ref3
Scots, French citizenship of ref1, ref2
Scott, Giles Gilbert ref1
Scott, Thomas ref1, ref2
Scottish nobility
and Bothwell ref1, ref2
character of ref1
and Darnley ref1, ref2, ref3
and MQS ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
and MQS marriage ref1, ref2, ref3
shifting alliances and factions ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Scottish Renaissance architecture ref1
scrofula ref1
Scrope, Henry, Lord ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
sea anemones ref1
Sempill, John ref1
Semple, Richard ref1
Sermisy, Claudin de ref1, ref2
servants ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Seton Castle ref1, ref2, ref3
Seton, Lord ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Seton, Mary ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11
Seymour, Edward, Duke of Somerset (earlier Earl of Hertford) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Seymour, Jane ref1
Sharp, Roger ref1
Sheffield ref1
Sheffield Castle ref1, ref2, ref3
shipwrecks ref1
Shrewsbury, Elizabeth, Countess of (Bess of Hardwicke) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12
Shrewsbury, George Talbot, 6th Earl of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24, ref25, ref26, ref27, ref28, ref29, ref30, ref31, ref32
Shrewsbury, Gilbert Talbot, 7th Earl of ref1, ref2
sign-manual ref1, ref2
Silva, Guzmán de ref1
Simier, Jean de ref1, ref2
Sinclair, Alison ref1, ref2
Sinclair, Henry, Bishop of Ross ref1
Sinclair, Janet ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Sinclair, John, Dean of Restalrig ref1
Sinclair, Oliver ref1, ref2
Sixtus V (Pope) ref1, ref1
smallpox ref1
Smith, William, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh ref1
Solway Moss, battle of ref1, ref2, ref3
Spanish Netherlands ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Spes, Guerau de ref1, ref2
St Andrews ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
St Andrews, Archbishop of ref1
St Anthony’s Chapel ref1
St Bartholomew’s Eve ref1, ref2
St Denis Cathedral ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
St Germain-en-Laye ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
St Giles High Kirk ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
St Leonard’s College ref1
St Loe, Sir William ref1
St Margaret’s Loch ref1
St Monans ref1
St Pol-de-Léon ref1, ref2
St Quentin ref1
Stafford, Thomas ref1
Standen, Anthony ref1
Stanley, Arthur, Dean of Westminster ref1
Stanley, Edward ref1
Stanley, Thomas ref1
Stanley, William ref1
Star Chamber ref1, ref2
Stevenson, Joseph ref1
Stewart dynasty ref1, ref2, ref3
Stewart, Prince Charles Edward ref1
Stewart, Esmé, Seigneur d’Aubigny ref1
Stewart, Henry, Prince of Wales ref1
Stewart, James, Earl of Moray see Moray, James Stewart, Earl of
Stewart, Jane, Countess of Argyll ref1, ref2
Stewart, John (half-brother) ref1, ref1
Stewart, John, Earl of Atholl ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
Stewart, John, of Traquair ref1, ref2
Stewart, Mary, Queen of Scots see Mary, Queen of Scots
Stewart, Matthew, Earl of Lennox see Stuart, Matthew, Earl of Lennox
Stewart, Robert (escaped prisoner) ref1
Stewart, Robert (half-brother) ref1, ref2, ref3
Stewart/Stuart spelling ref1
Stirling ref1
Stirling Castle ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Strathbogie ref1, ref2
Strong, Sir Roy ref1
Strozzi, Leon ref1
Stuart, Arabella ref1, ref2, ref3
Stuart, Charles, Earl of Lennox see Lennox, Charles Stuart, Earl of
Stuart, Hannibal ref1, ref2
Stuart, Henry Benedict, Cardinal ref1
Stuart, Matthew, Earl of Lennox see Lennox, Matthew Stuart, Earl of
Stuart/Stewart spelling ref1
succession of Elizabeth to crown of Henry VIII ref1, ref2, ref3
Suffolk, Charles Brandon, Duke of ref1, ref2
Suffolk, Thomas Howard, Earl of ref1
Surian, Giovanni ref1, ref2, ref3
Sussex, Earl of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Sutherland, Earl of ref1
‘sweetening’ of houses ref1, ref2
Switzerland ref1
Symonds, Edward ref1
Tadcaster ref1
tails, Englishmen have ref1
Talbot, Elizabeth ref1
Talbot, Lord see Shrewsbury, Gilbert Talbot, 7th Earl of
Tamworth, John ref1
Tantallon Castle ref1, ref2
tapestries ref1
taxation ref1
Taylor, William ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Terregles ref1
Thornton, James ref1, ref2
Throckmorton, Francis ref1, ref2, ref3
Throckmorton, Nicholas ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22
Throndsen, Anna ref1, ref2, ref3
Tichborne, Chidiock ref1
Tixall ref1
Tongland ref1
Topcliffe, Richard ref1, ref2
Touraine, MQS contemplates life as Duchess of ref1, ref2
Traquair House ref1
Treaty of Accommodation ref1, ref2, ref3
Treaty of Berwick ref1
Treaty of Blois ref1
Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis ref1, ref2, ref3
Treaty of Edinburgh ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12
Treaty of Fontainebleau ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Treaty of Greenwich ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Treaty of Upsettlington ref1
Trivulzio, Cardinal ref1, ref2
Troule in Madame (game) ref1
berculosis ref1
Tullibardine, Laird of ref1
Tutbury Castle ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Union of the Crowns ref1
universities ref1
Urfé, Claude d’ ref1
Valois, Elisabeth de ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Vassy ref1
Vendôme, Marie de ref1
Vergé, de ref1, ref2
Vertue, Robert ref1
Vesalius, André ref1
Victoria, Queen ref1
Villegaignon, Nicolas Durand de ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Waad, William ref1, ref2
Walsingham, Francis ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8 passim, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12
watches ref1
Watson, Robert ref1
weaponry ref1
Wedderburn, Robert ref1
wells and springs ref1
Westminster Abbey ref1, ref2
Westminster commission on MQS’s guilt ref1
Westmoreland, Earl of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
wet nursing ref1
Wharton, William ref1
White, Allan ref1
White, Nicholas ref1
Whittinghame Castle ref1
widows’ role in society ref1
William of Orange ref1
Wilson, Patrick ref1, ref2, ref3
Wingfield Manor ref1, ref2, ref3
Wingfield, Robert ref1
Winzet, Ninian ref1
Wise, Robert ref1
Wishart, George ref1, ref2
witchcraft ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
women, denied public office ref1
Wood, John ref1
Workington ref1
Wormald, Jenny ref1
Wycliffe, John ref1
Yair, Henry ref1, ref2
York commission on MQS guilt ref1, ref2
1. A boll equalled 6 English bushels, or 24 pecks, or 48 gallons.
2. This was not repealed until 1906.
3. A Scots ell was 37.2 inches.
4. A cynical corruption of the French ‘gêner’, meaning ‘to cause distress’.
Mary of Guise, Queen of Scotland, wife of James V and mother of Mary, Queen of Scots. She was, in truth, always French at heart. When widowed, for the second time, at 27, she lived on for 18 more years to rule Scotland with moderation and wisdom. Portrait of Mary of Guise, 1515-1560, Queen of James V attributed to Corneille de Lyon © National Galleries of Scotland
James V, King of Scotland and father to Mary, Queen of Scots. He died of, among other things, a broken heart, aged 30 without ever seeing his daughter. Portrait of James V, 1512–1542, father of Mary, Queen of Scots by an unknown artist © National Galleries of Scotland
Linlithgow Palace. Mary was probably born in the right-hand tower on the second floor. The palace was always a favourite of hers.
An Accidental Tragedy Page 53