Incompatibly Yours: Charity Anthology Supporting Fertility Research

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Incompatibly Yours: Charity Anthology Supporting Fertility Research Page 7

by A. C. Bextor

  She raised her eyebrows at that, but kept quiet as she again followed him out of the room and up the stairs to Bo's room. Moving in front of him, she knocked on the door and rolled her eyes as Bo said, "Go the fuck away."

  "No can do," she called as she opened the door. Glancing toward him, she was pleasantly surprised to see he had put on a shirt, even if it was inside out. "Hope you're hungry."

  "I thought I told you to get out," Bo grumbled, trying his best to look intimidating while lying in bed.

  "And I told you to make me, and until you do that you'll just have to deal." Julie turned to take the tray Clay still held. "I'm going to set your tray across you."

  "I'm not hungry," he grumbled, but his stomach growled loudly, indicating he was lying.

  "Is that so?" Julie replied, heading to the side of the bed.

  "I don't like you." Bo's tone wasn't as hateful as before, but still held a little heat.

  "You don't have to like me," she answered nudging the side of the bed with her knee to let him know where exactly she was. "You just have to listen to me."

  "I swear I'm about to—" He jerked when she placed the tray across his outstretched legs and lap.

  "What?" Julie didn't let him finish. "Throw something at me? Oh wait, you already did that and missed. How about call me names? Ah, wait… you did that also. Well, since your aim isn't that great and I've been called every name in the book and I doubt you could come up with something new, why don't we just try to be friends and you let me help you, hmmm?"

  "You're an annoying pain in my ass." Bo cursed at her.

  "Right back at ya," Julie replied, then picked up the fork from the tray. "Are you a lefty or a righty?"

  "Am I a what?" His sightless eyes snapped up to her as if he actually saw her, completely forgetting she had just thrown his words back in his face.

  "Are you left-handed or right-handed?" Julie kept her gaze away from Clay, knowing he was near and watching every move she made. Ignoring that man was close to impossible.

  "What in the hell does that have to do with anything?" Bo kept looking up toward her, his sightless eyes searching hard for something, anything. It was truly heartbreaking and something she saw way too much of.

  "I need to know where to place your fork." Julie figured he was right-handed, but waited for him to tell her.

  "I'd like to tell you where to place the fucking fork." His grin spread across his face in a nasty sneer.

  Julie actually grinned. "Noted, but I'm only trying to help you, so be nice." She grabbed his right hand and placed the fork in it.

  "I don't want or need your damn help." Bo gripped the fork in his fist and she wondered for a split second if he was getting ready to stab her with it. She was ready if he tried.

  "Too bad, because I have nothing better to do." Julie quickly moved his drink off the tray and put it on the table next to the bed. "Your roll is at twelve o'clock, potatoes are at three, and your chicken is at six o'clock. I have your drink on the table next to the bed. We'll work on that another day."

  "What in the hell are you taking about." Irritation trembled from his voice as well as a hint of fear that she didn't miss.

  "Do you know how to tell time?" Julie asked, her voice serious, and yet a grin still tipped her lips.

  "Of course I know how to tell time, I'm not stupid," Bo spat, then followed up with a snort.

  "Good to know."

  "What, that I can tell time?" He'd walked right into that one.

  "No, that you're not stupid. That would make my job so much harder." Julie cocked her eyebrow then gently touched his hand holding the fork, leading it to the plate. "Remember, your roll is at twelve o'clock." She guided his hand toward the buttered roll.

  "And let me guess, these are my potatoes at three fucking o'clock," he growled with disgust. "Listen, lady, this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I can eat just fine without your lame-ass lesson." With that he dropped the fork then grabbed a handful of potatoes and chicken in his fist and shoved it in his mouth. Half the food ended up in his mouth while the rest mashed in his beard and fell down his chest.

  "Nice." Julie sighed. "You know, being blind doesn't mean you have to act like a barbarian."

  Bo didn't say a word for a few seconds. He just stared at the wall. "You need to get out of here before I do something I've never done before." His tone was level and even.

  "Oh, and what would that be?" Julie knew what was coming and wanted it to come. She'd crossed his line and hoped to hell he'd cross hers so they could get it over with and get on with what really mattered: getting him back to where he needed to be.

  "Hit a woman, but lady, you are about to be the first." The words and the way he spoke them would have scared many, but not her. It was his determination that she heard, and she was going to push that determination just a little bit further before she was finished for the day.

  She glanced over to give Clay, whose angry pose indicated he was ready to stop his brother, a warning look before turning her attention back to Bo. "Don't forget, you're blind," she replied, her tone matter-of-fact. "That would be impossible."

  "Nothing is impossible if you want it bad enough." He sneered her way.

  Those words were music to her ears, and she wanted to jump up with a fist pump of triumph, but kept calm and cool. "I'm glad to hear you say that."

  "Just get out of here." Bo laid his head back against the pillow, closing his eyes as if in defeat.

  Julie picked up the tray, but left a napkin on his lap. "Your drink is still on the table if you want it." She walked toward the door Clay had opened, but stopped and turned. "Be ready for round two, because I'll be back bright and early in the morning."

  "God help me," Bo moaned, still keeping his eyes closed.

  "He's on my side in this, so save your breath," Julie replied before walking out the door.

  Chapter Three

  Clay found himself looking out his office window for the hundredth time, searching for Julie Daniels's car coming up the drive. Slamming his pen down, he stood. He was behind on paperwork, but his concentration was shit, had been shit because of his brother's worsening condition, and now with Julie Daniels in the picture his usual pinpoint focus had gone to hell.

  He'd made many attempts to help his brother himself, with the aid of friends, but Bo just got worse. He had been diagnosed at the age of sixteen, when he had failed his eye examination for his driver's test. Their parents had taken Bo to many specialists, but the results always came back the same, Retinitis Pigmentosa. Though most cases of total blindness didn't happen until the person was in their forties or even later in life, Bo's symptoms progressed quickly.

  Taking a deep breath, Clay leaned against the wall, staring out over the land he and his brother had inherited. Their mother, Beth, passed in her sleep when he was twenty-two and their father, Clay Sr., followed soon after. Both Clay and Bo knew losing their mother had killed their father. He had become sick and withdrawn the day they put their mother in the ground. Damn, but he missed them both.

  His eyes moved to the car slowly making its way down their long drive, and knew it was Julie. He remembered the shocked expression on her face when he mentioned her and school. He did remember Julie Daniels. The name hadn't rung a bell at first, but when he had opened the door yesterday to see her standing there, he knew exactly who she was. She had always been shy, with her head in a book. Even though they were in different grades, their high school was small and it was impossible not to run into everyone at least once a day. He remembered her peeking up from a book as she walked down the hallway, her beautiful brown eyes hidden behind large glasses. He would smile at her and say hi, which she returned with a hurried urgency, as if wanting to get away from him.

  The memory made him frown. He felt an odd attraction to her, had actually felt a pull to her back then, but never acted on it. She had been different from him or any of his friends. She had few friends while he had many. They partied hard on the weekends and eve
n sometimes during the school week, but he never once saw her at one single party. Was he just feeling this unusual draw because she was coming here to help his brother, like an angel he had beckoned to give his brother peace?

  He stayed where he was, his eyes glued to the car, trying to see through the windshield. The door opened and she appeared. Her long blonde hair was pulled into a tight messy bun at the back of her head. Loose wisps of hair played around her face with the breeze. As she slammed the door, she lifted her face to the sunshine and smiled. His heart skipped and his groin tightened. He leaned closer to the window as his eyes slowly slid down her body. She had never been a small girl. Even young, she'd had curves the other girls didn't, or tried their best to get rid of with excessive diets and exercise. She was definitely a beautiful woman who did nothing to enhance her looks with makeup or fancy clothes. She was in jeans that hugged her every curve, and a womanly flannel shirt that tightened enticingly at her breasts. The only thing that seemed flashy were her pink-and-white gym shoes, which made him smile.

  There was much more to the woman than she let anyone see. Even back in high school she hid behind those big glasses and her books. He wondered for a moment if she still wore those glasses. His smile widened as he watched her disappear around the corner of the house. Clay Marshall was always up for a challenge, and he was sure finding out who the real Julie Daniels was would be a sweet challenge.


  Once again, Julie found herself at the Marshall doorstep knocking on the door. She didn't sleep but maybe an hour because every time she closed her eyes she saw Clay. She was in the middle of rolling her eyes at herself when the door opened.

  "No yelling today?" was all she could think of saying as she stared up at Clay, who was dressed in a plain white T-shirt, faded blue jeans, and a pair of beat-up cowboy boots. Yeah, her eyes took the tour before meeting his. She was pathetic.

  His eyebrow cocked as a half grin appeared on his face. He stepped aside to let her in. "It's early yet."

  Julie nodded, waiting for him to close the door. "Has he eaten?"

  "No," Clay answered, crossing his arms across his chest. "Said he wasn't hungry."

  Julie nodded again, then felt like an idiot for her continuous nodding. Clearing her throat, she looked up the steps. His probing gaze was driving her nuts. She really needed Clay Marshall to go the hell away and do something other than follow her every single move with his brother. He was way too distracting. "Can you make him some coffee, please? I'll go on up and start my reign of terror."

  Clay laughed, but shook his head. "We'll go up together."

  Even though her heart fluttered at his deep laugh, her chest tightened in anger. "You really need to cut the cord."

  "Cut the cord?" He glared down at her.

  "Yeah, you know…." Julie flipped her hand around. "Go do… whatever it is you do and let me take care of your brother. That is what you are paying me for, is it not?"

  "Let's see how today goes."

  "Not well, if you don't listen to me." Julie put her hand on her hip. "Now go and get him some coffee, and then you can see that I'm still alive and breathing when you bring it up. Oh, and if you don't mind I'll take a cup. I like mine black with three scoops of sugar."

  Julie didn't even wait for him to reply, she just turned and hurried up the steps. When she didn't hear his footsteps behind her, she sighed in relief. It took nerve, she'd give herself that, to order Clay Marshall around, but her first priority was Bo and she had to remember that.

  Stopping in front of Bo's door, she gave herself the normal short pep talk, cracked her neck back and forth, and knocked on the door. When Bo didn't answer, she knocked again. Still no answer.

  "I'm not going away." She grinned when she heard him say "shit" behind the closed door. "Only knocking so I don't catch you naked or something."

  "I'm naked," he growled. "Now go away."

  Rolling her eyes, she opened the door and walked in. "I've seen little wieners before, so if you don't care neither do I."

  "Little… wiener?" Not only did he look offended, he sounded offended. "Lady…."

  Julie chuckled, noticing someone had cleaned his room. She highly doubted it was Bo. "Who cleaned your room?" When he remained silent, she glanced over at him. He lay propped against his headboard with a stubborn frown. "Well, I know it wasn't you since you're blind, but that's going to change."

  "Why are you so damn mean?" Bo crossed his arms over his chest with a huff.

  "I'm not mean. My attitude is reacting to your attitude." Julie glanced over at a bucket with a frown. Walking closer, she looked in, knowing what she was going to find. Picking up a towel, she used it to grab the bucket. "And from now on, you will be using the toilet and not this bucket."

  She walked out of the bedroom and headed down the hall, looking for the bathroom. Finding it, she emptied the bucket, placed it in the shower, flushed the toilet, and washed her hands. Heading back to Bo's room, she heard the brothers talking and slowed her steps.

  "She took my damn bucket, Clay," Bo was saying in a low hateful voice. "She just up and took it."

  "Guess she figures it's time you walked out of this room to take a piss, and honestly, I have to agree." Clay's voice wasn't lowered. She didn't even have to try to hear him.

  "Oh, you do?" Bo snorted, then cursed. "She's here because you're paying her. She don't give a shit about me. Fuck you and that bitch."

  "You need to watch your mouth, Bo." Clay's voice turned hard. "She is here to help you and I expect you to give her respect. And she's right. It's time you man up and stop feeling sorry for yourself."

  "I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch." Bo's anger radiated out to the hallway.

  Julie sighed, quickening her steps since it seemed like a good time to interrupt, and was surprised to see Bo standing, punching toward Clay. "Will you look at that, you do have legs." Julie made sure he could hear the smile in her voice, even though it was a sarcastic smile. "And yes, he is paying me, because I have to make a living, but you're wrong… I do give a shit about you and what happens to you."

  "You were listening?" Bo growled.

  "Ah, yeah." Julie put her hands on her hips. "Now it's time to get a shower and shave."

  "Oh, God." Bo felt for the bed and collapsed. "Please make it stop."

  "You're pretty smelly, and that beard is unattractive. Now, where are your clothes?" Julie glanced around, her eyes meeting Clay's.

  "He's been getting sponge baths and doing it himself." Clay's voice hinted something Julie couldn't really read.

  "And that stops today." She responded with a cock of her eyebrow, daring him to disagree. "The only thing that doesn't work on him is his eyes. There is no reason whatsoever he should not be showering. The shaving he will need help with. I will help him with his first shower, and—"

  "What?" Bo popped up at that.

  Clay didn't say a word, but gently grabbed her arm and ushered her out into the hallway, closing the door behind him. "No."

  "Excuse me?" Julie pulled her arm away, staring up at him.

  "You heard me," Clay replied with a stubborn tilt of his head. "You will not shower my brother."

  Julie rolled her eyes. "He is not the first man I have ever—"

  Clay took a step closer to her, bending down slightly. "I said no."

  "But…." Julie took a step back.

  "Any showering, dressing, or undressing will be done with my help." Clay's tone sounded pretty final. "I will not compromise on this, Julie."

  Okay, the way he said her name and his dominant tone sent shivers where shivers hadn't been in a long time. If she were being totally honest with herself, she liked it—liked it a lot—and that scared the hell out of her. Mentally smacking herself to think of Bo, her main priority, Julie frowned. "There are certain things that have to be taught, and it's best if I—"

  "You tell me what needs to be done, and consider it taken care of." Clay finally straightened away from her. "Or he will contin
ue with sponge baths."

  She totally didn't understand why Clay would have an issue with this, but obviously he had a big issue, and Bo needed to shower himself, so she caved. "Okay, but if I'm not happy, then—"

  "He will continue with sponge baths," Clay finished for her.

  "Damn, you're stubborn." Julie huffed, walking around him and back into Bo's room.

  "Yes, I am," Clay replied, following her.

  Chapter Four

  Clay sat on the toilet after cleaning up the remains of Bo's beard. He waited as Bo showered, wondering what in the hell was wrong with him. When Julie had said she was going to shower his brother, anger had consumed him. When she'd said he wasn't the first man she had showered, Clay had wanted to kill someone.

  "You still out there?" Bo yelled from the shower.

  "Yeah, not going anywhere," Clay yelled back, noting Bo had been in the shower for a while. "You good?"

  It took a minute for Bo to answer. "Yeah, I'm good. I forgot how nice a shower felt."

  For the first time real hope flooded his senses. "You can do this, Bo."

  The shower turned off and the door opened. Bo took the towel Clay shoved into his hands and wrapped it around his waist. With Clay's help, he stepped out of the shower. "I want to brush my teeth."

  "No problem." Clay tried not to sound too excited. He led Bo to the sink, grabbed his toothbrush and held it out to him. When he didn't take it, Clay suddenly knew what Julie meant. There were tricks she could show Bo that he couldn't. "I'm going to get Julie so she can show you how to—"

  "I know how to brush my teeth," Bo said, but his voice didn't hold the anger like before.

  Clay fumbled as he grabbed Bo's hand, placing the toothbrush in it, then grabbed the toothpaste. "You want me to put the toothpaste on it?"

  "No, I can do it." Bo held out his other hand as he stared unseeing at himself in the mirror.

  Watching his brother fail to do something he took for granted every single day brought tears to his eyes. Finally, Bo got a little toothpaste on the brush, missed his mouth on the first try, but finally managed to brush his teeth, all the while it remained silent in the bathroom.


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