Incompatibly Yours: Charity Anthology Supporting Fertility Research

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Incompatibly Yours: Charity Anthology Supporting Fertility Research Page 19

by A. C. Bextor

  He processes what I said and the vein in his neck pulses while he balls his fists. "Fuck!"

  I walk past him towards my closet and search for the dress I've chosen in my mind. When I find it, I pull it out and then turn to face him. "Okay, let's go."

  He's already out the bedroom door and halfway down the hallway before I catch up to him. His body language is pretty clear—he's a man on a mission. I just hope the guy who messed with Ana is long gone. Pissed-off Tanner isn't a man you want to mess with by the looks of it.

  Chapter Ten


  Fuming in the corner of the hotel room, I silently watch as Juliette covers the nasty bruise on Ana's face with make-up. The only thing that makes me feel better is the fact Joe was in the hotel lobby when we walked in. While Juliette came straight up to the room, I dragged him aside to let him know exactly what I thought of him. I also threatened that if he ever came near Ana again, I'd go public with what a lowlife he is. That is, of course, unless she presses charges, but I doubt she will because I know she wants to keep out of the news.

  Ana's eyes meet mine and I hate the sadness I see there. "I'm sorry, Tanner."

  "Shit, you have nothing to apologise for." I move to where she's sitting and crouch down in front of her. "But promise me you won't ever see him again."

  I've asked her this before and she's always denied my request. This time she doesn't hesitate. "I don't ever want to see him again."

  "Has he done this before?"

  "No, and I'm not giving him the chance to do it again."

  I stand. "Thank God." My sister can be stubborn sometimes, so I'd half expected her to argue with me. He's frightened her this time, though. The minute I walked through the hotel room door, she broke down in tears. It's not often Ana cries; she's a tough woman, so I know how shaken she is.

  "Okay, I think we're done," Juliette announces and passes Ana a mirror. "Thoughts?"

  Ana assesses herself in the mirror and nods. "That's amazing. You can't even tell I've got a bruise, apart from the small amount of swelling, but they won't really be able to see that."

  Juliette begins packing up. "And if they do notice the swelling and mention it, you were stung by a bee. It's as simple as that." She's all business and I'm impressed as hell watching the way she's managing Ana.

  Ana stands and gives her a hug. It's fascinating to watch the way Juliette hesitates to accept it. She's clearly not comfortable with displays of affection, but Ana doesn't let go and eventually Juliette returns the hug. "Thank you so much for coming and helping me," Ana says when she lets her go.

  Juliette waves her away. "I could hardly let you go through that alone."

  Ana places her hand on Juliette's arm and stills her. "You could have, and most people I know would have. I might be famous and appear to have lots of friends, but when it comes down to it, I have Tanner to rely on in times like this, and that's it. The fact you came means a lot to me."

  Juliette stares at her in surprise for a moment before blinking. "You're welcome." Her voice is soft, hesitant almost. Vulnerable. And then she switches back to beast mode. "I'm sorry to have to say this, but you really need to reconsider your decision to hire Kadence as your manager. She does an atrocious job."

  Ana laughs, and it's a relief to hear because she's been so subdued while we've been here. "Oh, honey, I fired her after talking to you and Tanner on the phone, but it was priceless to hear you say that. No one besides Tanner has been game to speak the truth to me about her. I love your honesty."

  "Good." Juliette's gaze turns to me. "I'm all packed up. Let's do this."

  We leave the room and ride the elevator down to the foyer. I called Ana's security guard and my workmate, Zac, and they are waiting for us when the elevator arrives on the ground level. The three of us surround Ana and guide her towards the front door while Juliette leads the way.

  We're almost through the paparazzi when one of them comes close and shoves his camera in Ana's face. Juliette must have seen him coming because she turns around and halts his progress. "Back it up, asshole!" She motions to me for us to keep going while she deals with him, and while I don't want to leave her by herself, she jerks her chin at me to indicate she's got this.

  As we move past them and exit the hotel, I can hear her giving the guy a piece of her mind.

  "She's amazing, Tanner," Ana says, smiling at me as we hurry towards my car.

  "I've never met anyone like her, sis."

  "Even though it pains me to suggest this, are you actually going to think about pursuing a relationship?"

  "There's no thinking required."

  She frowns. "What does that mean?"

  "It means that when you find someone like Juliette, all you have to do is feel it. There's no need to think because it comes from the heart, not the head."

  Slowing down, she stares at me with her mouth open. "Oh, my goodness, you're falling for her, aren't you? Who knew you could be so deep?"

  I take hold of her elbow and encourage her to keep moving, conscious of the paps that may still be lingering. "Damn straight I'm falling for her. Like you said, she's fucking amazing."

  We reach the car and as I bundle Ana in the back, her face softens and she smiles at me. "I'm so happy for you, big brother. You've spent your life looking out for me and making sure I'm okay. It's time for you to be okay."

  At that moment, Juliette comes running towards the car. "We need to hurry because they're following!" She's a little breathless and her face is flushed, and she is as beautiful as ever.

  Hell, who am I kidding? I'd still think she was beautiful even if she limped my way, dirty as hell and scowling at me.

  Yeah, I'd say I've well and truly fallen

  Chapter Eleven


  How could I have been so wrong about him? As I think about the way Tanner looked after his sister this afternoon, and reflect on everything I've learnt about him since we met, I know for sure that I judged him incorrectly.

  After he dropped Anastasia at her home and made sure she was okay, he dropped his friend at his house and then drove me home. He stayed with me for a little while, but was so distracted that I suggested he go and deal with whatever it was. After he admitted his thoughts were still with Anastasia, we agreed he should go and spend some more time with her.

  That was a few hours ago and I've spent the time since catching up on work. And thinking about Tanner. I can't get him out of my mind.

  "Shit," I mutter and close my laptop. I pad into my kitchen and pour myself a glass of water. After I drain the glass, I start cleaning my kitchen. Cleaning is one of the only things that helps take my mind off everything. Either that, or it helps me work through my problems.

  Just as I'm wiping the last of the counters, there's a knock on my front door. When I answer it, Tanner's standing in front of me with his hands resting on the door frame above his head.

  His eyes find mine and hold them. Intensity swirls in the air around us, and I hold my breath for a moment. "We need to talk," he states, and without waiting for my response, he drops his arms and enters my house.

  Closing the door, I follow him into my lounge room, where he's standing watching me. "Are you okay?" I ask, feeling apprehensive. He seems agitated or something I can't quite put my finger on.

  Closing the distance between us, he growls, "I want you."

  That growl goes straight to my core and I feel a little unsteady on my feet. "As in, you want sex?"

  "As in, I want you in my life. I know we were just seeing where this was heading, but I want to do that knowing you're mine, and mine only. I'm all in on this, Juliette, and I don't even want to entertain the thought that you might be seeing another man while you're seeing me." His eyes are flashing his need, the same need I'm feeling.

  "Tanner, I think you've got the wrong idea about me. I'm not seeing anyone else and I don't ever do that."

  "Tell me you want me as much as I want you," he demands, and I wonder where this is all coming

  "I do want you. I want to explore what a relationship with you would be like, and I can assure you I won't be doing that while dating someone else."

  His eyes search mine for a few moments before he finally exhales. "Thank fuck."

  I curl my hand around his waist and pull myself closer to him. "Where is this coming from?" I ask softly.

  He takes a moment before he replies, and when he speaks, his voice is full of determination, like he's put a lot of thought into this. "When I met you, I wasn't looking for anyone. For the first time in my life, I was bored with dating and thinking about taking some time for myself. Then I met you, and from that first day, you intrigued me. I didn't know what to make of you, but I sure as hell knew I wanted to see you again. Since then, I've seen the real you, and I like what I see." He places his hand over my heart. "I like what's in here—the parts of you that I don't think you show many people. One minute you're fierce and kicking my ass, and then the next you're trying like fuck to hide your embarrassment over your sister telling me how much you like me, and then the next you're putting on your protective gear and going to battle for others. I want to know everything that's in your heart; I want to prove to you that I'm the man you can let your walls down for."

  Tears threaten as I take his words in. Goosebumps flood my skin as need and want coil through me. I want this man. I want him like I've never wanted anyone. He sees me, really sees me, and doesn't judge any of my pieces. He makes me feel safe and desired.

  I can't find the words to express exactly what I want to say, so I reach my hand up and slide it around his neck. Pulling his face to mine, I kiss him. I pour every emotion I'm feeling into it, but his lips and tongue demand more, so I finally let my walls tumble down and give him everything I have to give.

  Abandoning all conscious thought, I succumb fully to the desire that's overtaken my body. Pressing hard against him, I moan into his mouth, letting him know how much I love being this close to him. His arms scoop me up and carry me into my bedroom, and a moment later, we're on my bed, tearing each other's clothes off.

  My body is alive and my mind is focused completely on him. No man has ever made me feel this way. I want to hand my heart to him and beg him to take care of me. For the first time in my life, I want to let someone in completely and give them the power to love me or break me, but I know he'll never break me. I know he will cherish me and make me feel like the only woman in the world.

  He kisses me, breaking into my thoughts, and I thread my fingers through his hair, never wanting this moment to end. When he breaks the kiss, he looks down at me and says, "You're so damn beautiful, sweetheart."

  My heart beats faster as happiness spreads through me. It's in this moment I realise I'm not feeling awkward or uncomfortable being naked with him. Sex for me is often weird the first few times with someone, and only having been with three men, I don't feel very experienced at all. But being with Tanner just feels so natural.

  This is exactly where I'm supposed to be.

  He puts on a condom and positions himself over me. Skin to skin and soul to soul, he takes me slowly to begin with, and after he makes sure I'm okay, he begins to move faster.

  I wrap myself around him and hold tight while he delivers the kind of pleasure I've never known. We move together chasing our release, and when it rushes through me, I know this is so much more than just physical for me. This is an emotional release as much as a sexual one. I'm finally learning to lay myself bare for someone. Making myself vulnerable to love and hurt and joy and pain and all the amazing things Tanner can give me is what this moment is really about.

  I never expected to find this with someone so different to me, but I know in my heart that he's my future. Tanner Brady might have been made differently to me, but he was most definitely made for loving me.

  Chapter Twelve


  "I knew you two were made for each other the minute I met you," Lesley says to me over lunch a week after I made Juliette mine.

  The three of us are having lunch at Juliette's favourite café with Ana before she flies out to the States to start filming a new movie. It's the first time our sisters have met and so far everyone is getting on well.

  Juliette places her hand on my leg as she leans close to me. "And just how did you know that?" she asks her sister with an easy smile.

  Before she can answer, Ana cuts in with a grin. "Oh, that's an easy question. The saying 'opposites attract' was made for you two. I've never seen Tanner chase a woman before and although I haven't known you very long, the way you argued with him was a dead giveaway, because up until that point, you were always so formal and professional around me."

  "I just loved watching my always put-together sister lose her cool that day we were discussing star signs," Lesley says with a laugh.

  "Wait, was all that information about our star signs bullshit?" Juliette asks.

  "No, it was true, but damn, it was fun getting to say all that stuff to you guys and watch you both think about what I'd said," she replies.

  "They just needed a little push, right?" Ana says.

  "I don't think your brother did, but I know Juliette did."

  "Okay, enough talking about us like we're not even here," I butt in.

  "Thank you for giving me a push," Juliette says, surprising me. I thought this conversation would cause her to unleash beast mode on her sister, not this. "I've been hiding myself away for so long now that I'd forgotten how to live, and how to let someone in. As much as it was hard to hear, you were right about me being a crazy woman when it came to men."

  Lesley reaches for her hand and squeezes it. "We can all be crazy women when it comes to men, especially our own men. You just need to remember that it's normal and not a reason to push them away. When you feel the crazy coming on, that's the time to hold them close and let them help you through it."

  Ana nods in agreement. "And failing that, you pick up the phone and call us, and we'll get you through it. Crazy knows crazy after all."

  "What the hell is all this crazy talk?" I ask, feeling like I missed something in the conversation.

  The three of them laugh and Lesley fills me in. "Well, all women can get a little crazy sometimes when it comes to men, but Juliette has her own level of craziness and I pointed that out to her when she was trying to push you away. Don't worry, though, because I think we got the kinks all worked out."

  I turn to look at my girlfriend. Sure, she can be unpredictable sometimes, but so can everyone. I wouldn't have her any other way. We might be opposites in many ways, but I'm growing to love all our differences. I'll take her in beast mode, goddess mode, or crazy mode.

  She smiles at me and asks, "What are you thinking, Mr Ink?"

  Grinning at her use of that nickname, I brush a kiss over her lips and love the hell out of the little moan that escapes her mouth. "I'm thinking that I'm the luckiest man in the world and that I want you, kinks and all."

  And it's all true. I've never been a fan of the crazy shit women do, but when it comes to Juliette, it wouldn't matter what she did—I love her kind of crazy and I'm never letting go.

  About Nina Levine


  Coffee Lover.

  Gypsy at heart.

  Bad-boy addict.

  USA Today Best-selling Aussie author who writes about alpha men and the women they love.

  When I'm not creating with words you will find me either creating with paper or curled up with a good book and chocolate.

  I love Keith Urban, Maroon 5, Pink, Florida Georgia Line, Bon Jovi, Matchbox 20, Lady Antebellum and pretty much any singer/band that is country or rock.

  I'm addicted to Nashville and The Good Wife and wish that they would create a never-ending season of Sons of Anarchy.



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  Also by Nina Levine

  USA Today & International Best-selling Author

  Storm MC

  Storm (Storm MC #1)

  Fierce (Storm MC #2)

  Blaze (Storm MC #3)

  Revive (Storm MC #4)

  Slay (Storm MC #5)

  Sassy Christmas (Storm MC #5.5)

  Illusive (Storm MC #6)

  Command (Storm MC #7)

  Havoc (Storm MC #8)

  Sydney Storm MC

  Relent (Sydney Storm MC #1)

  Crave Series

  All Your Reasons (Crave #1)

  Be The One (Crave #2)

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  Table of Contents

  A Note from the Publisher


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