Inconvenient Wife

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Inconvenient Wife Page 21

by Natasha Boyd

“Well, she didn’t deny it. And Beau, I saw the documents with my own eyes .”

  I suck my lips between my teeth and scowl ahead .

  Inside, I feel cast adrift as if everything I once believed in is awash at sea. But I have to remind myself, I was always a prisoner in that family. And I stayed. Trystan left, but I stayed. And there were many times I was a willing captive .

  I love Charleston .

  Love this salty, sultry, sticky part of the world .

  Love the quirky characters that you can love and hate .

  Love the brackish waters and the green marshes .

  Love the dilapidated plantations and the splendid ones in equal measure .

  Love the slave cabins preserved for us all to remember how far we’ve come .

  Love the Spanish moss draping from the trees that is neither Spanish, nor moss .

  I’ve never wanted to leave .

  And working with Gracie’s dad, Rhys, has given me more than I ever would have found on my own. Not least of all his daughter .

  I love his daughter. God, do I ever. Now that I see it, it feels like my chest is unraveling at the speed of light, trying to let the whole universe in .

  Swallowing thickly, I realize I will have to explain everything to Rhys Thomas. Explain my intentions toward Gracie and hope I don’t seem like the buffoon I’ve clearly been. The thought of proving myself to Rhys is far more terrifying than a misguided old woman who’s tried to derail a plan that I’ve realized isn’t that important anyway. Not in the grand scheme of life and love .

  I smile .

  Then I laugh .

  Gracie frowns at me, confusion swimming in her jade eyes .

  My laugh gets deeper, and I lean forward and take her mouth with mine. The taste of beer lingers, along with her mint chapstick. I’m drunk on her. “You know how last night, when I said none of it mattered without you?” I ask when I release her mouth .

  She blinks up at me .

  “That’s still true. What Isabel did or didn’t mean to do, or why, doesn’t matter, does it? Even if it did put me in panic mode where I made some hare-brained decisions,” I concede at her incredulous look. “There are things I am unbelievably grateful for. One is you. And the other, is, well, … you. And the fact your dad got a retirement payout he more than deserves .”


  “Hey. I’m going to do it anyway. I’ll build boats. It may take longer. But I will do it. Maybe you’ll help me.” I catch the speculative glitter in her eye. “Maybe you won’t. But you’ll see me do it. And Isabel can be happy for me. Or not .”

  Gracie’s mouth quirks, and she’s fighting a smile. “That’s good,” she says finally. “I’m glad .”

  We are less than a mile offshore, about to turn in between the barrier islands of Kiawah and John’s Island, but there’s not a vessel near us. I pull the throttle slowly toward me, slowing the boat .

  I won’t be able to drop anchor, or just drift, we’re too far out, but … “Hey.” I snake my arm around Gracie’s waist and pull her so she’s standing between my legs. I kiss her deeply .

  “Just get us back home,” she manages two minutes later, when it’s clear if I go on much longer we may end up on the evening news, either because the coastguard caught us inflagrante or because we are officially missing persons who let their unmanned boat get pulled out to sea and got lost .

  “Roger that,” I say and push the throttle forward .

  The emails are waiting for me, I know. But right now, I feel like I’m holding a lottery ticket and if I check the numbers I might realize I lost .

  * * *

  We pull into Shem Creek and glide up to the dock my grandfather bought several years ago where the boat lives during the summer months .

  Gracie’s dad is pulling into the gravel parking lot in her Jeep, having timed our arrival perfectly. So much for a goodbye kiss .

  “How’d it go?” he calls .

  “Great. He’s a big fan,” I tell him, climbing off the boat with Gracie’s bag .

  Gracie catches my eye and smiles as she sets Eileen down to do her business .

  “You two patch things up?” Rhys asks .

  “I didn’t realize there was an issue,” I deadpan .

  He raises his eyebrows at Gracie .

  She shrugs. “Whatever. Good to see you, Beau. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.” She bends. “Bye, Eileen, my sweet boobooboo.” Then she slings her bag into the Jeep and hops in. Damn that girl. I grin like a maniac and pull out my phone .

  You’re in so much trouble

  I see her Jeep pull to a stop at the end of the marina road .

  Gracie: Bring it on, sailor .

  Can I see you later?

  Her Jeep pulls away.

  My truck sits waiting for me. Eileen is wondering if we’re headed home. But I have full cellular service, and I need to look at my emails. I can’t put it off any longer .

  Worst case scenario—Marjorie and I get the marriage annulled. But Gracie is going to feel like everything between us is sullied. I know her. I know that’s how she’ll feel. She may not be a regular church goer, but she was brought up Catholic. And not only that, but Marjorie needed someone to help her out. For good reason. And now I’m pulling out of the deal .

  There’s no clean way out of this .

  Get it over with, Montgomery .

  I sit right down on the dock in the blazing sun and open my emails .

  There are three emails from the marriage event company in Montana, two in response to my frantic email yesterday and one originated from them with the subject line: Please confirm urgently . The time stamp doesn’t help. I don’t remember when I tried to email them or even what time my emails finally went through .

  Below their first email is one from Marjorie. The subject line reads: I’m sorry .

  My heart pounds, and I click open the first email .

  * * *

  I receive what I think is the best possible news, that Marjorie postponed the wedding. At around the same time I was having a nervous breakdown out at sea, something had caused Marjorie to do the same thing and call off the wedding. Apparently, there were questions about whether we knew each other in real life .

  The relief that surges through me, almost makes me lightheaded like I narrowly missed being hit by a bus .

  I immediately text Gracie and ask to see her .

  Gracie: I can’t see you until Wednesday .

  When I get her text, I’m so damn confused .

  She can’t see me ?

  Doesn’t she want to know whether I’m married or not? Uncertainty slithers through me .

  Are you mad at me for some reason ?

  Gracie: Mad? Of course not .

  Okay. I miss you .

  Gracie: *Smiley face* I miss you too. I’m so sorry I’m so busy .

  This feels bizarre. But I remember how much I didn’t pick up on her moods when I got my news about the inheritance and asked her to marry me. As much as I know my best friend, it’s definitely become clear to me there’s a whole side to her she’s able to keep hidden .

  Either that, or now that I’m in love, it feels like my chest is flayed open and vulnerable to every slight, both real or perceived .

  Dammit, I feel like my chest would ache if the wind blew wrong .

  Why do people look for this their whole lives. I don’t get it. It’s uncomfortable as shit .

  On Sunday, I go to Alice’s on my own. I chat with Euan, who asks me if I’ve seen Penny. “Penny?” I ask .

  “Yeah. Penny who lives in Gwen’s building .”

  “What about her ?”

  “Nothing, man. Nothing. Forget I asked.” He sticks a toothpick between his teeth and wanders down the bar .

  “Where’s Gwen?” Alice asks .

  “Busy. I think. I don’t know. Have you seen her?” I tack on hopefully .

  She shakes her head. “No, actually. But according to Sylvie, they’ve been crazy on Mr. Canopolis’ boat .”

  Mr. Fuckopolis .

  “We took up so much time last week at find-Beau-a-wife-central,” she goes on, oblivious to my scowl. “She’s probably catching up. Sorry that wedding thing didn’t work out, by the way .”

  I frown at Alice. “I’m not. You do realize I’m in love with Gwen, right ?”

  She smiles wide. “I do. It’s just so damn good to hear you say it. Especially since I’ve known how she feels about you, for like — ”

  “Fucking ever,” Euan chimes in .

  I drop my head and bang the bar top. “And why didn’t anyone tell me ?”

  “You weren’t ready,” says Alice with a shrug .

  I raise my head and glare at Euan. Surely guys stick together on this kind of thing .

  He takes the toothpick out of his mouth and points it at Alice. “She’s right .”

  “It’s fucking miserable,” I moan and drop my head back down .

  Alice cackles .

  Sunday is our day. Sunday evening is our evening. I glance over at the pool tables. We should be doing that .

  But we’re not .



  T he next two days are agony. There is no boat to work on. I tinker around on a project at Awendaw. I text Trystan and check in on three of the projects I was working on for Montgomery Homes and facilities, but he assures me they are being handled and thanks me for organizing them so well because they are the only projects worth pursuing at the moment .

  My grandfather would be proud. I grimace .

  I’m very definitely avoiding my grandmother, though. That much is clear. She has summoned me for dinner on South Battery and left “umpteen” messages on my phone. The truth is, I’m annoyed she was right that I should have called off a marriage to a complete stranger, because seriously, what in the actual fuck was I thinking? And I’m even more annoyed about the fact she’s bought Rhys Thomas Boatworks and has yet to admit it. Though to be fair, since I’m avoiding her, she hasn’t had a chance .

  On Monday, I step out onto the wide porch of the plantation house at Awendaw and I call Rhys Thomas .

  “Beau, my boy. I miss you around here. You want to come and help me pack up the shop? Jimmy and the guys just got down here to help for a couple of days, I’m sure they’d love to see you .”

  I clear my throat. “I’m sorry I’m not there.” I squint into the canopy of live oaks, hoping he can hear the sincerity of my statement .

  “Eh, it’s fine. So to what do I owe this call ?”

  “I’m in love with your daughter, sir,” I rush it out of my mouth before I second guess myself. “And I don’t know when, but I’m probably, at some point, going to ask her to marry me. I wanted to ask you in person, but on the off chance I see her before I see you, I wanted you to know. I may not ask her, I probably won’t, because I don’t want her to think I’m just doing it because I need a wife. But I’ll want to. In fact I may not ask her for years. But just in case. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to realize how I feel about her. But please know, I’ve always thought she was amazing. Always had the utmost respect — ”

  “You have my blessing .”

  “Sorry, what ?”

  “You have my blessing. I don’t know what took you both so long. Been watching y’all for nigh on twenty years. But don’t make me wait much longer, okay ?”

  My breath is caught in my chest. “Thank you, Rhys. Your blessing means a lot .”

  “You’ve always had it, Beau .”

  “Thank you, sir.” I take a moment to compose myself. “You heard from Gracie ?”

  “She’s here right now. You looking for her ?”

  My heart pounds. “I am. Can I have a word ?”

  “Sure. Hold on. She was just talking about inviting you out on a date.” There’s a muffled sound. “Gwendolyn Grace Thomas,” I hear Rhys yell. “Phone for you .”

  I pinch the bridge of my nose while I wait .

  “She says she’s busy. But she’ll text you .”


  “Bye, Beau .”

  The phone goes dead and I stare it. What is going on right now ?

  You avoiding me?

  Gracie: I was avoiding leading on a married man .

  I’m not married

  Gracie: I heard


  Gracie: And, we’ve done everything backwards. I want to go on a date .

  I bark out a laugh borne of relief. Jesus. If she’d just picked up the damn phone or seen my texts I would have dated the shit out of her. I would have taken her out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But I decide to mess with her a bit .

  You know how bad I am at dating right ?

  Gracie: Beau

  I can almost see her roll her eyes, and it makes me grin .

  A bit hard to date when you’re avoiding me. Can I take you out to dinner tonight? Please ?

  What I really want is to crawl into her bed and wrap myself around her .

  Gracie: I’m busy tonight. I do have plans for us on Wednesday evening though. It’s a bit fancy. Do you have a suit or tux? I’ll text you the details .

  I breathe out.

  Eileen sighs too .

  That’s two days away. I miss you .

  If she’s going to make me wait two days to see her, and wants me in a suit, I’m going to give her a damn suit. And I’m not wearing the same one I buried my grandfather in. I drive into town and visit Berlin’s on King Street. They tell me they’ll have a suit ready for me by Wednesday lunchtime. It’ll fit me like a glove. She’s probably dragging me out to one of those fancy cocktail parties on a mega yacht Sylvie makes her do for work .

  Sylvie tells Gracie it’s because they need to network with potential clients, but Gracie tells me it’s because Sylvie’s looking for a husband. Gracie always brings me along so people don’t hit on her, and I like to go because I nose around the boats, looking at all the bells and whistles and get inspired in my boat designs .

  But after that work function, I’m going to take her out for a proper date. I’m going to wine her and dine her and then take her home and make love to her all night long .

  I drive up to Summerville and visit my mom and tell her about Gracie. Of course she’s ecstatic, she adores Gracie. Then despite my protestations, my mom tries to make me take her engagement ring from my father. I don’t have the heart to tell her I’m not planning on marrying Gracie just yet. I need some distance between my life with Gracie and this whole inheritance and fake marriage fiasco. I’d hate for Gracie ever to think for even one second I was marrying her because I had to. What I don’t do is go by the boat house to help Rhys. I know I’m avoiding going to the place I basically lived while growing up .

  * * *

  On Wednesday afternoon I head into town and swing by grandmother’s, but she’s out. Trystan is nowhere to be found either and isn’t responding to texts. He’s not at the office nor the house. Though I think he might be with Emmy since he’s finally convinced her to give them a shot. I stop in at a cafe Gracie loves and do some more tweaks to my business plan. At four I text Gracie .

  Where should I meet you? Should I pick you up at your condo ?

  Gracie: I’m helping Dad right now, I’ll change there, so pick me up at the boat shop around 7 ?”

  I pick up my suit which is pale gray and head back to the house on South Battery to shower and shave. Grandmother isn’t home, but clues in the kitchen and the smell of her floral perfume tells me she’s been home since I popped in earlier and gone out again .

  I pair my suit with a white button down and for once in my life comb my hair .

  All preparations I’m making for a date with my best friend make me painfully aware I’m nervous as shit. It’s Gracie, I remind myself. No big deal. But in the intervening days since our amazing night on Hunting Island, the whole thing is starting to feel like a dream. She’s been so elusive since we got back, I can’t help thinking maybe she’s second guessing our leap into this new territory .

  * * *

  It’s still over eighty degrees at about six forty five that evening. I look for a spot in the city marina parking lot, which is a feat since it seems abnormally busier than usual. Finally, I wedge my truck up against the chain-link fence at the end of a row since I don’t have a passenger who’d need to climb out. I slip on my suit jacket again, cursing the kind of event that would make someone wear a suit in this heat .

  I pass Alice’s truck and wonder if she’s down here visiting Gracie or Rhys. Looking up, I see her down near the boat shop, her blonde hair up and in a pink dress. It’s a bit of an effort to go to, but maybe she has the hots for Gracie’s dad. Though I don’t know who would have the heart to tell her he was still in love with his late wife. I wave, and she must not see me because she turns and darts back into the boat shop. Weird .

  Approaching the boat shop, I grab the door handle and haul open the metal door. Eileen comes hopping out to me through the opening .

  What on earth? “Hey, girl,” I croon and crouch down to her. Something feels really wrong. I left Eileen out at Awendaw this morning. “What are you doing here ?”

  She has a ribbon around her neck with a piece of paper rolled up .

  Frowning, I slip the paper out of the loop .


  Will you marry me?


  My breath catches, and I look up .

  Rhys Thomas opens the door. “Well?” he asks with a grin. “She’s in here waiting for an answer .”

  Getting to my feet, my chest feels tight. Marry, Gracie? In a heartbeat .

  “Yes. So very obviously, yes .”

  Rhys pats my shoulder, then pulls me into a hug. “C’mon in .”


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