Knights of the Chosen (Spirit of Empire, Book Two)

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Knights of the Chosen (Spirit of Empire, Book Two) Page 26

by Lawrence P White

  Despite the gravity of the situation, Ellie went to Krys and gathered her in her arms. “Did you expect anything less, my daughter? I wanted both of us to tell you, but your vision intervened. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m so happy for you, both of you,” she said, turning to include Mike. “I wish I could have been there.”

  “Well, it was quite the private affair,” Mike said with a tight smile. “The vision, Tarn?”

  Tarn deferred to Krys, but she didn’t have all the pieces. “What about the hands?” she asked him, thinking of Buskin’s vision.

  “They’re his,” he said, brooking no argument.

  She nodded and turned back to Mike. “I had a vision of Admiral Buskin several months ago. Do you know him?”

  “I know of him. We haven’t met.”

  “You know he’s gathered a number of ships to himself?” Mike nodded grimly, and she continued. “In my vision of him, I was looking through his eyes. He was in the net, and he could see all around himself. Behind him, a blue and white planet with a single moon was receding. In front of him, what seemed like a thousand ships were coming his way. Tarn says they were Chessori ships because of their color and drive signatures.” Mike nodded again.

  “With the vision came the following words for Admiral Buskin:

  ‘Follow or lead? Where once it was dirt, a king’s tears now fall through spread fingers. The battle is won, the war lost.’”

  Silence filled the room as Ellie and Mike considered the words.

  “Have we failed?” Elle asked.

  “Have I failed?” Mike countered. He turned to Tarn. “Is it already too late?”

  “Krys did not sense imminence with Buskin’s vision. I believe there is time yet. I’m sorry I didn’t figure it out sooner. We could have gotten him started months ago.”

  “Started on what?”

  “He’s hiding out while he trains Great Cats to fly and fight his ships. It doesn’t matter where he hides. He’ll go wherever you send him. Why not let him do his waiting near Earth? He has a lot of ships, probably more than you have here.”

  Mike smacked a fist into an open hand. “Get him in here.”

  “Uh, Sire, Lieutenants don’t order Fleet Admirals around. Truth be told, I was just an ensign when all this started.”

  Mike reconsidered his demand, then could only smile. A few minutes delay wouldn’t matter. He went over and put an arm around Tarn’s shoulders. “You might have just been an ensign, but I was a civilian. Rank isn’t the determining factor around here. Duty and ability are all I care about. You were right a little while ago when you pulled me aside. You said things were going to start hopping, and you were right then, too. I get the impression you’re right a lot of the time. What’s your official position in all of this?”

  “I’m Krys’ aide, assigned by Admiral Chandrajuski.”

  “Hmm. She’s a Knight now, and I’m First Knight, so she’s part of my team. That means you are, too. I only accept volunteers. Will you volunteer?”

  “Of course, Sire.”

  “Okay. We need a meeting, and I don’t know where anyone is. Can you round up Buskin, Trexler, and Jeffers for me, and do it in my name? Say one hour from now?”

  Ellie took charge. “Make it two hours, Michael. We have some other business to attend to in the meantime.” She turned to Krys. “You can help him if you’d like.”

  Krys smiled weakly. “I recognize a dismissal when I hear one.” She went to Ellie and kissed her on the cheek. “All this aside, I’m happy for you and your First Knight, Mother.”

  Ellie kissed her back, on the mouth. “And I’m grateful. What you two have given us today might make the difference between success and failure. You’ve done well, and so has your man. Just don’t stop calling me Mother. Return here when you’ve finished setting up the meeting.”

  Krys and Tarn left hand in hand, a Knight and a Friend of the Royal Family.

  Ellie stood for a while in thought after the door slid shut behind them, then turned to Mike. “You really want him on your staff?”

  “I do. Look at what he just did, and it’s not the first time. Krys has given us the visions, but he’s the one who’s figured them out. If his interpretations are right, he’s given us critical keys to defeating the Rebels, and he might just have saved a whole planet, my planet.”

  “Your home, Michael.”

  “No, my home is here with you, but it’s my homeland.” He smiled. “Did you see how he pulled me off to the side?”

  “No. When?”

  “You and Krys were being mother and daughter. He doesn’t take no for an answer, Ellie. In his own mind he’s an ensign, an officer of the lowest possible rank. Despite that, he made a decision he knew was right, and he acted upon it despite the fact that I’m First Knight. And he didn’t just ask for information, he demanded it. He reminds me a lot of Val.”

  “I’m not surprised. He’s the Guide.”

  “From your story about the leaf people?”

  “The very same, only we had it wrong, all of us. Krys discovered that he wasn’t her guide, he was our guide. His purpose is to guide whomever the vision is about. He’s guided Chandrajuski, Korban, Seeton and Veswicki, Buskin, and now you and me.” She kissed him hard. “And now you’re leaving me again.”

  “I’m afraid so. I must.”


  “Soon. We’ll know better after the meeting. I don’t want to rush off with a bad plan. Korban needs help, Seeton is counting on our help, the sectors and districts need us out there in the worst way, and we haven’t figured out how you’re going to deal with the senate. I wish Chandrajuski was here.”

  “He’ll be back any day.”

  “We’ll wait if we can. Let’s see what the others think. Trexler is going to go ballistic.”

  “Does he have time to go with you? Can he afford to be away?”

  “Can you imagine him not going?”

  “I don’t know. He’s a big picture kind of guy. He’ll go where he’s most needed. I like him, and I’ll miss him if he goes. As usual, I’ll be here alone.”

  “You’ll have Otis, and you really must get to know Josh. You’ll like him.”

  “We’ll see. I might make some plans of my own.”

  “Traveling plans?”

  “Maybe. We’ll see how the meeting goes, then I’ll decide.”

  He took her in his arms. “But you won’t decide on your own, will you.”

  “No, my love. I’ve learned to listen to my counselors. And don’t worry. I have almost 600 Protectors to keep an eye on me.”

  “I’d be happier if it was a thousand, ten thousand.”

  She snuggled into his chest. “I’m getting low on Knights Pins, and I won’t have the means to add to my supply until we’re back on Triton.”

  “Maybe you should just start giving out one Pin. Val and Reba would be happy to part with one, or maybe both of them if that’s what you need. The Pins are helpful, but they’re both strong enough to accomplish things without them.”

  “We’ll see, but I won’t send a Knight out without at least one.”

  “They’re not Knights because of the Pins, My Lady.”

  She smiled. “You speak true, First Knight. I’ve chosen my Knights well, and I’m pleased with each of them, though I fear for them, as well.”

  * * * * *

  When Tarn and Krys returned, Ellie was ready. She gave each of them a hug, then put both hands on Tarn’s shoulders. “Do you have your locket, Tarn?”

  “Of course, Your Majesty.”

  “I’d like it back please.”

  Tarn stared at her, not understanding. Krys’ hands went to her mouth, and tears started cascading down her cheeks. She knew what this was all about.

  Ellie repeated her request. “I’d like it back, Tarn.”

  “Of course, Your Majesty. I’m sorry if I disappointed you.”

  She took the locket, and it disappeared into one of her pockets. “You have not disappointed
me, Tarn Lukes. Quite the opposite. You are the Guide, you have answered the call, and you have acted bravely and rightly on my behalf. The time has come to Name you for who you are. Will you kneel before your Queen?”

  “Your Majesty! What if I’m wrong?”

  “To be Named a Knight is a call to greater sacrifice in my name, as you know. When a Knight errs, and they do, he acts to correct the error. It’s a difficult thing for some, and for them it’s part of the sacrifice I demand. You have it within you to do so, I know you do, Tarn, and I’m counting on you to be true. The Empire is counting on you to be true. Now will you kneel and swear fealty to your Queen?”

  Tarn didn’t need any help, but Krys went to his side and helped him down anyway. She planted a very wet kiss on his cheek as tears continued cascading down her own.

  “Tarn Lukes,” Ellie intoned as she placed her hands on his head, “by your actions you have proven your value to me and your Empire. Krys’ visions may be the stuff of legend, but your interpretations of them have given clear direction to admirals, Knights, and your Queen. Entire strategies are now based on your interpretations of these visions, and I believe your interpretations are true. The Empire will be forever in your debt. Do you swear continued fealty to my crown?”

  “I do, Your Majesty.”

  “Stand, please.” She turned to Krys. “I’m running a little low on Pins. Are you willing to part with one of yours for a while?”

  Krys lifted shaking hands to a Pin on her collar, but she couldn’t release it. Mike stepped up to help, then placed it in her hand. She passed the Pin to Ellie with trembling lips. Ellie placed the Pin in Tarn’s hand and closed both of her own hands over his. She closed her eyes for a time, then opened them and released Tarn’s hands.

  “Open the Pin, Tarn.”

  He passed his hand over the Pin, which snapped open to reveal her countenance. She closed the Pin and attached it to his collar, saying, “With this token, I knight thee, Sir Tarn, Knight of the Realm. Your word is my command on all worlds of the Empire.” She kissed him lightly on the cheek, then he was smothered in Krys’ kisses.

  * * * * *

  Chandrajuski returned, and they had their meeting. Mike would go to Earth ahead of Buskin to get things started. Trexler, as much as he felt compelled to go, could not. Chandrajuski had decided he’d waited as long as he could for word from Admiral Korban on Orion III. If he was going to take a stand there, it was time to get moving, and Trexler was his senior Terran admiral. If the Chessori were encountered, Trexler had to be there.

  Chandrajuski’s gaze moved to Buskin. “We cannot risk losing Earth under any circumstances. Your fleet is probably larger than my own. I hope it is enough, because my ships are fully allocated to the coming battles.”

  “Timing is everything, sir. I’ll face a thousand fully-manned Chessori ships. We’re talking at least two-to-one odds here, and at present I only have a very limited number of Great Cats to go up against them.”

  Trexler spoke. “You need reserves. So do we. If the reserves are fast ships, they can remain here to protect Parsons’ World, and they can be called quickly to reinforce whoever needs them.”

  Chandrajuski nodded and turned back to Buskin. “You need someone to show you the ropes after you get to Earth, and Mike can’t stay long.” He turned to Trexler. “Should we take someone from here, or should we recruit someone there?”

  “Ray has already agreed to give me two admirals,” Buskin interrupted. “I’d prefer them already trained.”

  M’Coda had joined the meeting along with Trexler. They both looked at each other and said at the same time, “Godfries.”

  “Who’s he?” Mike asked.

  “The best admiral I have,” Trexler replied without hesitation. “He’s needed here, but now he’s needed there even more. Earth deserves the best we have. He won’t have fast ships, and the cat’s performance will probably not be up to ours when the scree is factored in. He’ll be operating at a significant deficit.” He turned to M’Coda. “Will you consider staying with him to help develop tactics?”

  “If necessary. I don’t think it is. He’s pretty sharp.” He turned to face Buskin. “Do you need me there, sir?”

  “I’d like to have you, but I think you’re needed here. I have more admirals than I know what to do with. They fled their sectors with their ships, and among them are some excellent, creative leaders. We’ll manage. Our tactics are going to be a lot different than your own.”

  “You’ll need to keep us informed,” M’Coda advised. “The day may come when your forces are called to assist us.”

  “And you might be coming to my assistance. I don’t want to face a thousand Chessori by myself.”

  “Let’s get Godfries in here,” Mike decided. “He needs to know the whole plan.”

  While they waited, Ellie broached another subject. She looked to Otis. “Krys is going back out, and I want to add to her Protection. You might not have heard, but she suffers physical injury from the scree. Jake is already at work creating a new Rider for her. The Rider will, I hope, help with any injuries she sustains. She has a good crew, but she only has three Great Cats for protection. Can you spare a few more?”

  “I have 600 Protectors who are idle at the moment. How about two teams of Terrans and cats?”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful, Otis. Thank you. Hmm, I’m not sure if her ship can carry that many people.”

  Trexler leaned forward, his hand thoughtfully rubbing his chin. “I haven’t met her, and I’m vague on what her mission is, but I know your Knights deal with matters of great import to the Empire. Are there more Chessori in her future? Would she benefit from a Terran crew?”

  “She already has a crew, a good crew, but they’re not immune. It’s an excellent suggestion, Ray, if we can find room for them.”

  “If she needs a bigger ship, we get her a bigger ship.”

  “We should include a pilot,” Mike said.

  Trexler frowned. “We’re already severely understaffed. Let’s assign Godfries to Earth, I’ll come up with a pilot for Krys, and Godfries and Buskin can train as many more admirals as they need from recruits on Earth. Will that work?”

  Buskin was tight-lipped, but he nodded his head. Mike coughed into his fist. “Uh, I think you might want to consult Krys and her captain on this before you assign anyone.”

  Trexler smiled. “We will. They’re a small, tight group, and they’ll have to get along with each other.”

  “I will Test each of them when you’ve made your final selections,” Ellie added.

  Admiral Stuart Godfries arrived and was introduced. “I have a new assignment for you, Stu. You’re going home,” Trexler said gravely. He explained the full situation. When he was done, Godfries leaned back in his seat. Silence prevailed for a time, a long time, as he considered the new assignment. When Godfries lifted his gaze back to the group, he looked first to Buskin, then to Mike, and finally to Trexler.

  When he spoke, it was softly. “Ray, you’re thinking too small.”

  “I’m not infallible. That’s why I brought you.”

  “We’ve talked about how the nations on Earth need something to pull them together before they self-destruct with the knowledge of extraterrestrials. This is the perfect opportunity. I’ll be sitting on literally thousands of potential men and women to man our ships.”

  His gaze shifted to Buskin. “If your training facilities are up to it, and the simulations aboard ships are excellent training grounds, we can train our own guys, and they’ll all be immune. We might even be able to ship some back here. In time, we won’t need Parsons’ World for training anymore.”

  “Where will you get all the recruits?” Mike asked. “We’re trying to keep knowledge of the Empire a secret.”

  “I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s going to stay a secret, not if keeping it a secret means the extinction of our species. We’re better than that. I’m thinking we might bring entire squadrons of fighter pilots on board.”
/>   “You’ll upset the balance of power.”

  “Maybe, but what if we rotate recruiting among all the major powers. We give up a squadron, then another country does the same, then another one, and so on. When we’ve gone the circuit, we’ll start over. Everyone will be sucked down at the same time.”

  “You won’t keep that a secret.”

  “Not for long. We’ll work up to it as quickly as the politicians can get their parts done. In the meantime, I can work some personal contacts.”

  He stared around the table. No one rebutted his plan, and he turned back to Mike. “Parsons’ World and Shipyard are converting our ships to fast ships, but it’s a slow process. What’s slowing it down? Production or installation?”

  Jons answered. “Installation. Mainly, the guns. They require a lot of cutting and fitting, and these are all special materials that require experienced craftsmen.”

  Godfries turned to Buskin. “Do we need the guns, sir?”

  “Hmm. Stronger weapons would be nice, but fast ships alone would make a huge difference. We could get by with just installing new AI’s. If we can upgrade the shields while we’re at it, so much the better. The guns could come later.”

  “The new AI’s are programmed for the upgraded guns and shields,” Jons said. “I’ll have to find out if we can adjust them without starting over from scratch. I think it can be done.”

  “Mike,” Godfries said, “we can do the installations on Earth. We have a tremendous pool of manpower. Just send us a few trainers and all the parts.”

  Mike looked to Admiral Jons who shrugged his shoulders. “This is manufacturing stuff, and Serge’s guys are doing all of it. They’re flat out at the moment making the modifications to the ships that are already here. I’ll have to check with Serge and his managers. It will mean a reduction in current output. I don’t know how much.”

  “But in the end, it could mean an increase in output, right?” Mike asked.

  “Yes, Sire, if we live that long.”

  Mike’s lips pursed. Managing resources was always a balancing act, but mismanagement of this one could have dire consequences.


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