Cloncurry, Valentine Lawless, 2nd Baron
Cobbett, William
Cobden-Chevalier Treaty
Codrington, Christopher
Codrington family
Colenso, Battle of
Coleridge, Henry Nelson
Colleton, Sir Peter
Colley, Linda
Collingwood, Cuthbert, 1st Baron
Collins, David
Collins, Nancy
Collinson, Bernard
colonial crimes
see also slave trade/slavery: brutality
Colonial Products Exhibition, Liverpool
colonialism see imperialism
Colquhoun, Patrick: A Treatise on the Wealth, Power and Resources of the British Empire
Conrad, Joseph
Conybeare, Henry
Copley, John Singleton
Corn Law repeal
Cornish, Henry
Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquess, Earl Cornwallis
statue decapitation in Mumbai
Cape Town
and the American Civil War
and Liverpool
Council for New England
Courteen, Sir Peter
Courteen, Sir William
Craig, James
Crawford, Arthur Travers
Creasy, Sir Edward
Crewe, Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1st Marquess of
colonial crimes see also slave trade/slavery: brutality
Hong Kong
Cromwell, Oliver
and Ireland
Cross, Charles
Cumberbatch family
Cunard Company
Cunynghame, Arthur
Curzon, George, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston
Cutty Sark
Dadabhai, Naoroji
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Dalhousie, James Broun-Ramsay, 1st Marquess of
Dalrymple, William
Darwin, John
Dasgupta, Swapan
Davis, Sir John
Davis, Mike
De Latocnaye, Jacques Louis de Bougrenet
Declaratory Act of, 1720 (Dependency of Ireland on Great Britain Act)
Declaratory Act of, 1766 (American Colonies Act)
Defoe, Daniel
building of Shahjahanabad
Delhi Fort
Red Fort
siege of
see also New Delhi
Delhi Ridge
and Hong Kong
Deng Xiaoping, ‘one country, two systems’
Dent & Co.
Derbe Arboretum
Dias, Bartolomeu
Dickens, Charles
Great Expectations
Dickinson, John
Dickson, William
Dilke, Charles
Dirks, Nicholas B.
Disraeli, Benjamin
Royal Titles Act (1876)
Tancred, or The New Crusade
Dodington Hall, Gloucester
Dorchester, Massachusetts
Douglas, Sylvester
Downey, Richard
Drax, Eliza
Drax, Henry
Drax, James
Drax family
Drax Hall, Barbados
Carlisle Bridge (O’Connell Bridge)
City Assembly
civil society
Custom House
development of city from Viking times
Elizabeth II’s visit (2011)
Essex Bridge (now Grattan Bridge)
Four Courts
General Post Office
Georgian architecture
‘Georgian Dublin’ of today
Great Musick Hall
Huguenot arrivals
Leinster House
as a martyr’s memorial
Mornington House
Nelson’s Pillar
Parliament House
population growth
post-1922 obliteration of Georgian history and architecture
Rotunda Hospital
Royal Exchange
rural immigration to
social excesses
stately homes
trade and economy
Wide Street Commissioners
Dublin Journal
Dublin Magazine
Dublin Society
Dudley, Thomas
Dundas, Francis
Dundas, Henry, 1st Viscount Melville
and Cape Town
and China
and India
and Ireland
Dunton, John
Durbar imperialism
Dutch East India Company see Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
Dutch Empire
and Bengal
and the Cape
and the East Indies
Great Trek
and the Rawagede massacre
Dutch people see Dutch Empire; Netherlands/the Dutch
Dwivedi, Sharada
Dyre, William
East India Company
Bengal, the Plassey revolution and
and Bombay
and Calcutta
and the Cape
and China
and the Church
cohabiting of employees with Indian women
College, Haileybury
Cornwallis’s ‘Permament Settlement’
disbandment and transfer of authority to the Crown
Dutch see Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
and the East India Regulating Act
and Fort William College
Maratha wars
monopoly abolition
opium trade
and Siraj-ud-Daula’s capture of Calcutta
and tea
Writers’ Building, Calcutta
East India Regulating Act
East Indies/Indonesia
Rawagede massacre
Economist, The
Calcutta, Fort William College
Cape Town
Christian, Hong Kong
East India Company
spread, with the railways
Edward VII
Edward VIII
Edwards, Bryan
Eitel, Ernst Johann
Elder Dempster shipping line
Elgar, Sir Edward
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth II
Elizabetha (planned city)
Elliott, Charles
Elphinstone, Keith
Elphinstone, Mountstuart
Elwood, Anne
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emerson, William
Empire Day
Empire Marketing Board
Empire Windrush, SS
Engels, Friedrich
English Civil War
Ensor, John
Equiano, Olaudah (Gustavus Vassa, the African)
Erving, John
European Economic Community
Everton Football Club
Fairburn, John
bsp; Fairfax family
Falkland, Amelia Carey, Viscountess
Fawkes, Guy
Fay, Eliza
Fenwick, Eliza
Ferguson, Niall
Fermor, Patrick Leigh
First World War
Fisher, Richard
Fitzgerald, Edward, Lord
Fitzgerald, Emily, Duchess of Leinster
Fitzgerald, James, 1st Duke of Leinster
Fitzherbert, Humphrey
Fitzroy, Robert
Flinders, Matthew
Foochow (Fuzhou)
Ford, Francis
Ford (company)
Forrest, G. W.
Forstall, Richard
Foster, Roy
Foster Brewing Company
Fowler, Frank
Framjee, Cursetjee
Algerian massacre by Parisian police
British blockade of
British Empire vs Bourbon France
French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War)
French navy
French Revolutionary Wars
see also French Empire
Francis, Sir Philip
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, Josiah
Fraser, Murray
Fraser, Sir Lovat
Freeman, John: Lights and Shadows of Melbourne Life
French Empire
Anglo-French invasion of Canton
Anglo-French wars
and Bengal
Franco-British Peace of Paris
French invasion of Holland
Ireland threatened by
and South Africa
and the West Indies
Frere, Sir Bartle
Frere, Henry
Frere family
Friend of China
Froude, J. A.
Furneaux, James
Gallagher, John
Gamble, John
Gandhi, Mahatma
Gandon, James
Garden City tradition
gardens see parks and gardens
Gardiner, Luke
Garrett, George
Garrick, David
Geddes, Patrick
George III
George V
George VI
Gerry and the Pacemakers
Ghosh, Amitav: Sea of Poppiesn
Gibb, Livingston & Co.
Gibberd, Sir Frederick
Gibbon, Edward: History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Gibbs, James
Gilbert, Sir Giles
Gladstone, William
‘global cities’
Glorious Revolution
Goldfinch, John
Gothic revival
Gott, Richard
Grace, W. G.
Graham, Maria
Grant, Charles
Grant, Linda
Grant, Ulysses S.
Grattan, Henry
Gray, James
Great Famine (Ireland, 1845–52)
Great Indian Peninsular Railway
Great Reform Act (1832)
Great War
Green, J. R.
Green, Samuel
Grenville, George
Grenville, William, 1st Baron
Guardian (ship)
Gupta, Samita
Hague, William
Hallam, Henry
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton Lindsay, H.
Hancock, John
Hancock, Nathaniel
Hancock, Thomas
Hancock family, House of Hancock
Handsworth riots
Hanoverian kings
Hardinge, Charles, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst
Harewood House, Yorkshire
Harlow, Vincent
Hartley, Jesse, Albert Dock
Harvard, John
Harvard College
Hassall, Samuel
Hastings, Warren
Hatton, Derek
Haussmann, Georges-Eugène
Hawley, Henry
Hay, James, 1st Earl of Carlisle
Haynes family
Heath, Edward
Heber, Reginald
Henry II
Herero peoples
Heseltine, Michael
Hickey, William
Hicky, John
Hill, Christopher
Hillsborough disaster
Shiv Sena
History of Ned Evans, The
Hoban, James
Hobart, Robert, 4th Earl of Buckinghamshire
Hobson, J. A.
Hoddle, Robert
Holland see Netherlands/the Dutch
Hollande, François
Holt, Alfred
Hong Kong
Bank of China
British bigotry/racism in
British capture
British resistance to Chinese political representation
British rights obtained during First Opium War
Cantonese immigration during Taiping Rebellion
Chinese population
Chinese resistance and violence during British occupation
‘Chinese traitors’ (hanjian)
Christian mission in
civil society
and the closing of China’s trade under Maoism
colonial legacy of mental architecture
commercial premises
and communism
District Watch Committee
divided urban topography
East Asian merchants
East Point
European enchantment with
and free trade
General Strike
as a global trading hub
Government House
gunboat diplomacy
handing back to China
Holt’s wharfage facilities in
Jardine House
Medical Missionary Hospital
Morrison Education Society School
mortality rate
Nam Pak Hong guild
and the opium trade
and the Opium Wars
as Pearl of the Orient
Po Leung Kuk
Renaissance Revival cityscape
and Sino-British harmony
social segregation
St John’s Cathedral
transformation through ‘colonizing genius of the English’ (Verne)
Tung Wah Hospital
Union Chapel
Victoria Peak
as way-station for British prize of China
Hong Kong Association and Society
Hong Kong Club
Horniman, Benjamin
Hottentots see Khoe-San (‘Bushmen’/Hottentots)
Howe, Richard, 1st Earl
Howe, Sir Geoffrey
Hunt, Pauline
Hunt, Roland
Huskisson, William
Hussein Shah, Sultan
Hutchinson, Anne
Hutchinson, Thomas
Huxley, Aldous
Hyndman, Henry
ibn Qadi Abd al-Salam, Abdullah (Tuan Guru)
Imperial Economic Committee
architecture and a new imperial landscape
British see British imperialism
European battle for colonial supremacy
‘primitive accumulation’ of European colonial system (Marx)
‘Scramble for A
see also British Empire; Dutch Empire; French Empire; Spanish Empire
Independent Advertiser
India Act (1784)
India Gazette
Indian Councils Act
Indian independence
Amritsar Massacre
Dominion status path
and Durbar imperialism
effect on Britain’s imperial
and the fall of the Raj
First War of Independence
Gandhi’s ‘Quit India’ campaign
Independence Day
nationalist struggle following Bengal partitioning attempt by Curzon
and New Delhi
Indian Mutiny (First War of Independence)
Indian National Congress
Indian Supreme Council
Indian trade, and the British Empire
Bengal’s trade and the East India Company see also East India Company
Bombay’s cotton trade
and China
and the railways
Indians, North American
Indo-Saracenic architecture
Indonesia see East Indies/Indonesia
Industrial Revolution
and Bombay
and the railways
insurance businesses, Liverpool
International Exhibition of Navigation, Travelling, Commerce and Manufacture
Investigator, HMS
Ireland/the Irish
Anglican Church in Ireland
Britain’s complex and colonial relationship with
civil society
Constitution of, 1782
and Cromwell
Declaratory Act of, 1720 (Dependency of Ireland on Great Britain Act)
Easter Rising
‘flight of the earls’ (1607)
French threat to
Great Famine (1845–52)
immigration to Massachusetts
Irish Mutiny Act
Irish Patriot cause
Irish POW labourers in West Indies
migrants to Liverpool
Orange Order Lodges
Penal Acts
Poynings’ Law
Protestant Ascendancy
rebellion of the United Irishmen
and the Royal Navy
trade and industry
transformation from problem to partner in imperialism
Ulster plantations
Union with Great Britain
and Winthrop
Irish Republican Army
Irish Times
Irish Volunteers
Irving, Robert Grant
Irwin, Lord, E. F. L. Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax
Bombay’s Muslim community
Calcutta’s Muslim community
and the Cape
Gujarati Muslims
Jacob, Sir Swinton
Jacques, Martin
Jafar, Mir
Jahan Shah
Jaipur, Albert Hall Museum
James I and VI
James II
James, C. L. R.
Jamestown, Virginia
Jamieson, How & Co.
Janardhan, M. M.
Janssens, J. W.
Jardine, Matheson & Co.
Jardine, William
Jefferys, Nathaniel
Jejeebhoy, Sir Jamsetjee
School of Art
Jekyll, Gertrude
Jellicoe, George, 2nd Earl
Jenkins, Sir John
Jervis, Humphrey
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