I'm Yours (Bold As Love)

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I'm Yours (Bold As Love) Page 5

by Lindsay Paige

  Excitement ran threw me as I thought of the upcoming weekend that I would spend completely alone with my beautiful Emily. I stopped by the grocery store to stock up on food, before heading to Uncle Roy’s place. I unloaded the contents of my car and started my work. Groceries had to be put away. Sheets had to be put on the bed. A table needed to be set and candles needed to be placed.

  Hours later, everything is the way I like and I head back to my sweet Emily.


  I decided not to tell Dad. He would certainly try to keep me from going and I didn’t want to pass this up. I did leave a note saying that I would be out with Jake should he come home before me. My bag was packed and I was waiting for Jake to come get me. I kept getting up and looking out the window. Speaking of, it’s been a few minutes since I last looked.

  I walk over to the window and peek out to see my favorite person pulling into my driveway. I grab my bag and head out the door locking it behind me. “Excited to see me,” Jake asks standing by his car.

  I run to him and jump in his arms, wrapping my arms and legs around him. I plant an excited kiss on his lips and say, “You bet I am. Where are we going?”

  He puts me back on the ground and walks me to the other side. “You’ll have to wait and see.” On the way to wherever it is we are going, I hold Jake’s hand. Every few minutes, he gives me this excited look and kisses my hand. Soon, it is apparent that we are going to the mountains. After hours of driving and stopping for a quick bite to eat, darkness is upon us and we finally arrive. We drive down a gravel road up and up until we arrive at a two story log cabin. I give Jake a quizzical look and he says, “It’s my Uncle’s vacation house. Stay here for just a minute, okay?”

  I sit in the car while Jake goes inside. I reach in the backseat for my bag and get out to enjoy the mountain air. I rest on the hood of his car until he walks back outside. He takes my hand and leads me up to the house. There are rocking chairs and a porch swing on the porch. Jake gives me a quick kiss before he opens the door. I gasp at the sight before me.

  Stairs on the right lead to the second floor. Rose petals are scattered around everywhere. Candles were flickering all around the house. I slowly walk and take it all in. The kitchen is to the immediate left and then the living room. A huge fireplace sits in the corner with a big screen TV hanging on it. Two couches, a recliner-all beige, along with a coffee table take up the room. Through the tall rectangle windows I can see an in-ground pool with lights.

  It appears to be screened in. To the right of the living room is a pool table and two doors, leading to rooms. I turn around and look at Jake who has been admiring my expression by the door. “It’s beautiful.” He walks over to me and cradles my face. He leans down and gives me a kiss that melts my insides. “I love you Emily. This weekend is for me to show you how much I love you and how happy I am to have you. This weekend is just for us.”

  “Aw, Jake. Thank you. I love you.” I give him another kiss. When I pull away, excitement fills my eyes. “Let’s go swimming,” I say, already heading outside. I set my bag on the couch and go to the pool. Forget a bathing suit. We are going skinny dipping. I peel off my clothes and hear Jake laugh behind me. Once naked, I walk down to the deep end, glance at a half naked Jake, and jump in.

  The cool water chills my bones at first. I come up for air, just as Jake jumps in next to me. He comes up with a smile. This was thrilling. “Come here,” he says pulling me to him. I wrap my legs around him and my arms around his neck.

  “God, I love you,” I tell him. I give him a kiss. Minutes later, we come up for air. I give him an evil grin and dunk him. I swim off as fast as I can, but Jake grabbed my leg. I scream, swallowing water as my head goes under. Jake’s big hands pull me up and holds me tightly against him. “That was not a smart move, Sweetness.”

  “What are you going to do about it,” I challenge as he walks up backwards to the steps on the shallow end.

  He smirks. “Oh, I’m going to make you pay. And after I do, Sweetness, you’ll think twice next time.” He sits on the second to last steps, keeping us in the water. My legs are wrapped around him and my hands rest on the back of his neck.

  Jake takes my neck and brings my lips to his. I’m caught up in the kiss that it catches me completely off guard when I feel his fingers inside of me. My moan is muffled by his tongue. His fingers move faster and I squirm against him. “Let’s go inside,” I plead as Jake’s hot tongue moves down my neck. He stands and I hold on to him. His fingers and his tongue don’t stop as he carries me upstairs where we make love.

  We finally fell asleep around three so when my dad calls me at nine, it is way too early. “Hello,” I yawn into the phone.

  “Hey, honey. I didn’t mean to wake you. I just wanted to check in.”

  “Everything’s fine Dad.”

  “That’s great. Sleep well?”

  I look over at a sleeping Jake. “Sure did.”

  “Good. Well, I’ll talk to you later honey. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Dad.”

  I hang up and place my phone back on the nightstand. I look over at Jake and smile. I gently rest my head on his shoulder and my hand on his chest. One of his hands move to rest on my hips. The rise and fall of his chest combined with the sound of his heartbeat lull me back to sleep.

  When I next awake, the warmth of Jake’s body is gone. My eyes pop open and I call out his name, but get no answer. I throw the covers back and wish I had brought my bag up here. The aroma of bacon meets me at the top of the stairs. I tiptoe down, hoping to pass him on my way to the living room. That didn’t happen due to a creak the last step. He turns around and smiles when he sees me.

  “Decided to tempt me again, huh?”

  I giggle and walk into the living room, calling over my shoulder, “Nope. Just didn’t have anything to wear.” I open my bag and find a loose plain white tee, underwear, and pink pajama shorts. I slip them on. I walk back into the kitchen to a shirtless Jake. He’s standing at the stove, flipping eggs. I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss the place between his shoulders. “Good morning Sweetness,” he greets.

  “Good morning. Breakfast smells good, even though it’s time for lunch,” I tease.

  “It would have been cooked earlier, but this wonderful, beautiful girl kept me up until late into the night.”

  I smile and move to sit atop of the counter in front of the attached bar. “I do believe it was you who kept coming to me,” I say.

  He chuckles. “You didn’t resist.”

  “Why would I,” I ask. He doesn’t answer. Instead he scoops the eggs onto two plates and does the same with strips of bacon. Next, he walks to pull biscuits out of the oven. He places one on each of our plates.

  I hop down and walk to the other side to take a seat at the bar. Jake places a plate in front of me and one in front of the seat beside me. “Milk or OJ,” he asks opening the fridge.

  “OJ.” He pours us both a glass before taking his seat beside me. “This is good. Thanks love,” I tell him.

  “I am one of the world’s top chefs,” he lies.

  I laugh. “What’s on the schedule,” I ask curious.

  He turns towards me just a little and says, “Well, we can go to town and explore a few places or we can stay here and pretend we are the only people on earth.”

  “Option number two,” I say, “Maybe we can go see the town before we leave tomorrow. Hey, I have an idea.”


  “Let’s be nudists for a day.”

  “Nudists?” I nod. “I can barely keep my hands off of you when you are fully clothed and now you want to walk around naked all day?”

  He shakes his head and I laugh, “You act like that’s a bad thing.” I wink at him and he just chuckles. “First, though, I would like to make a cake or brownies or cookies, anything!” I ate the last bite of my breakfast.

  “Sweetness, you just ate breakfast,” Jake says.

  “Yes, but now I want some chocolate.” I
stand and walk over to the pantry. I look and move around a few items until I find a chocolate cake mix. “Ta-da.”

  Jake stands and walks over to me. “Let me see if I can get this right,” he starts wrapping arms around my waist. “You want to be nudists-for-a-day, be the only people on earth, and bake a cake before we do?”

  I nod and stand on my tip toes to give him a quick peck. “It’ll be fun.” We get started mixing the ingredients and turning the oven on. I stir while Jake gets out the cake pan and greases it. I pour in the batter and we place it in the oven. “Now for the fun part,” I say, wiping my finger on the inside of the bowl. With a batter caked on my finger I held it to Jake’s lips. He opened his mouth and licked it off.

  I held the bowl in his direction and he does the same, holding his finger out for me. I lick it off and suck on it for just a second longer. We continue until the bowl is practically clean. I was so turned on, but I wanted to wait. “Let’s wash these dishes,” I say. Jake washed and I rinsed and dried. By the time we finished, the timer was going off for the cake. I poured a tall glass of milk while Jake took it out of the oven.

  I found a butter knife and went over to cut out a slice. “Shouldn’t you wait until it is cooled,” Jake asks.

  “Usually. I want it hot though,” I say with a pointed look and smile. I take a bite of the cake and moan. I hand the piece to Jake and he takes a bite. I drink some of the milk and finish off the piece, handing the glass to Jake. “While the cake cools and before we turn into nudists, I need to take a shower.”

  I walk over to the couch, grab my bag, and I’m halfway up the stairs when Jake calls out, “Want company?”

  “Sure,” I replied without missing a beat.


  All cleaned up from our ‘shower’, Emily decides she just wants to lay on the couch together. Not one in front and one in back, she wanted to lay on me. We laid down and placed a cover over ourselves from the slightly chilly air. “Jake?”

  “Yeah, Sweetness?”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  We found a comedy to watch. My hands moved up and down Emily’s back. Sometimes, I would take a break and play with her hair. It was relaxing and felt so good to just lay there with each other, not feeling like we need to make conversation. Once the movie was over, Emily wanted to play a game of pool. She was pretty good, but I won. Afterwards, she thought it would be a good idea to use the pool table for a different purpose.

  “You are crazy, you know that Sweetness,” I ask placing kisses along her neck.

  “You love it.”

  “I most certainly do.”

  An hour later, we iced the cake. Actually, I iced the cake and Emily iced me only to lick it off seconds later. “Emily, if you don’t stop…”

  “What are you going to do about it,” she asks, standing behind me. She stands on her tip toes, her breasts pressed against my back, and nibbles on my ear. In a split second, I turned around, grabbed her wrists, and had her up against the fridge.

  “I need to cool off. Let’s go swimming,” I say, giving her a kiss. I let go of her and walk away. I slide open the door and jump into the pool. I swim to the shallow end. I come up for air and see the beautiful naked body of my lovely girlfriend. She slowly steps into the pool and all I want to do is reach out and grab her to me.

  Once completely in the water, she grabs my hand and floats on her back. I follow her lead and we just float in the water. After about twenty minutes, Emily stops and we walk over to the steps. A familiar glint shines in her eyes and she gives me a wicked grin. “Let’s have some fun,” she says softly running her hands over my chest. “Hold on,” I tell her. I jump out, run into the house to grab a condom, and return to my love.

  At this pace, she would wear me out by dinner time. However, I loved every second of just being with her and would do whatever she wanted to do. Afterwards, Emily wanted to take a quick nap so upstairs we went. Five minutes later, she was sleeping peacefully. Instead of going to sleep with her, I went to take another shower.

  We were going out tonight as a surprise. After my shower, Emily was still sleeping. I changed into my black tux, white shirt, and violet tie. Emily woke just as I walked out of the bathroom. “Babe, what are you doing?”

  “We are going out,” I say with a smile.

  “I didn’t bring anything like that to wear,” she says running a hand through her hair. I walk over to the closet and pulled out a box. “Jake, what have you done now?” I smiled and set the box in her lap. She opened it, pulling away the tissue paper revealing a violet sleeveless mesh gown that was beaded all over. It would fit snugly on her body and start to flow out just before her knees. The back was down to her lower back and was crossed between her shoulder blades. There was also a pair of heels on the side to go with it.

  “Jake…this is beautiful. Where are we going?”

  “My uncle hosts a big charity ball every year and turns out, it’s tonight. We are going. Go take a shower and get ready.” An excited smile breaks out on her face and she hurries to the bathroom. An hour later, I was sitting downstairs on the couch and waiting for Emily. I heard the clack of her heels and stood. I turned to look at Emily.

  “Wow. You look absolutely stunning, Emily.” A blush creeps up her neck and I smile. I close the distance between us and take her hands in mine, giving a kiss to each. “I can’t wait to show you off Sweetness. Are you ready to go?”

  “I think so. You sure everything looks okay?”

  She does a 360 and I say, “I can’t believe you just asked me that. You look fantastic.”

  “Okay. Well, let’s go,” she orders. I hold out my arm and she hooks hers around mine. I walk out to my car and open Emily’s door. I walk around and get in my car. We drive the thirty minute drive to the ball. I find a place to park and open the door for Emily. I just can’t get over how luscious she looks. I lead her to the front and up the many steps leading to the Grand Hall. Inside, we absorb the sight before us.

  Men and women were all dressed up and mingling about. The building held a tall ceiling with dozens of chandeliers dangling everywhere. Dozens and dozens of tables with crisp white table cloths and flower centerpieces were everywhere. At the front of the room was a stage and a dance floor. It was very upscale. I scanned the room for my uncle. Finally, I spotted him near the famous Sidney Crosby. Emily was going to faint.

  “C’mon Sweetness. There’s people you need to meet.” I started to head over to my uncle and suddenly Emily stops.

  “Is that…is that Sidney Crosby?”

  “Yes, it is. The charity ball is hockey related so a lot of hockey players come out to support.” I started walking again and she kept pace. “Hey Uncle Roy,” I say with a quick hug.

  “Jake! It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen you. Is this the lovely Emily?”

  “Yes sir.”

  Uncle Roy gives Emily a hugs and turns to Sidney. “Sidney, this is my nephew Jake and his girlfriend Emily. Jake plays hockey at his high school and from what I hear, Emily is a huge fan.”

  I shake Sidney’s hand as he says hello. He turns to Emily and says, “You look beautiful tonight. Since you are a “huge fan”, would you like to dance?”

  “Absolutely,” Emily exclaims. She doesn’t even give me a second glance as Sidney excuses himself and leads my girlfriend to the dance floor where they will dance to slow music. My attention returns to Uncle Roy as he places a hand on my shoulder. “Are you two enjoying the house?”

  “Oh yes. We’ve been having a wonderful time.”

  “Good. Good. Aunt Diane is around here somewhere with your cousins. Make sure you find them before you two take off.”

  “Sure.” My eyes remain on my love. Sidney tells her something and she laughs. As much as I want to go and cut in, I’m going to let her dance with Sidney as long as he’s going to dance with her. I don’t want to take away from her memory of this. “You really love her, huh,” Roy’s voice cuts into my trance. />
  “I love her more than I could even describe. I would do anything for her…absolutely anything,” I tell him, meaning every word.

  The song ends and I excuse myself from Uncle Roy and walk over to Emily, who is receiving a kiss on the cheek from Sidney. “Thank you so much for the dance. I certainly won’t forget it.”

  “It was my pleasure,” Sidney replies.

  “Hey Sweetness,” I say giving her a kiss on her temple.

  “Hey Jake.”

  “I’ll see you guys around,” Sidney says before walking away.

  “Oh my gosh! Jake! That was so freaking awesome. He’s such a gentlemen,” Emily gushes as I snake an arm around her waist and hold up her hand to my chest to dance to the next slow song.

  “Well, he’s too old for you and has a girlfriend,” I say.

  “Are you jealous, love?” Emily smirks and I can’t help but chuckle.

  “Not at all. I just don’t want you in anyone’s arms but mine.” A smile is returned and we sway to the music. “I love you Sweetness,” I say after a few minutes of silence as we begin another song.

  “I love you too, love.” I lean down and place a sweet kiss on her lips.

  Her arms snake around my neck and I pull her to me as the kiss deepens. I’ve lost myself in the kiss when I hear a throat clear. I break away to see my uncle standing near us.

  “Sorry to break up the make out party. I wanted to cut in,” he says. My temper flares at his interruption, but a glance at Emily calms me down.

  “Of course. I’ll go and find Aunt Diane.”


  “This is a great event you have. What do you raise money for,” I ask as I dance with Jake’s uncle.

  “We raise money for children with cancer who specifically want to play hockey.”

  “That’s awesome!”

  “It is. Look, the reason I asked to dance was because I wanted to talk to you.”

  “Okay…” I was nervous. What could he want to say to me? His eyes searched mine as he formed the words in his head.

  “What are your and Jake’s plans for the future?”


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