The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two

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The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two Page 5

by Dillon McNaight

  Ethan was furious at the Captain’s words as he struggled to maintain his composure.

  “I hereby order all inhabitants of this village to travel to the camps of the newly claimed capital of the Dragonkin,” said Krin, “and if you do not comply or resist in any way, you will be executed, but not until your women and children die first, as you watch.”

  Ethan pushed in front of his father and yelled, “You’ll have to kill us before we would ever bow to the likes of your kind!”

  Baron turned to his son in an attempt to quiet him before Krin replied.

  “And what do we have here? You defy my words and insult my people after that great speech I just gave? Did you not listen to a word I just said boy?” said Krin to Ethan.

  “Don’t listen to him, for he is but a child still,” pleaded Baron as he struggled to control his furious son.

  “I don’t believe he is, for a boy would not be so bold to speak back to the Captain of the Firedrake Army. What is your name boy?”

  “My name is Ethan!” yelled the teen in disobedience.

  “Well, Ethan, I must say that you are much braver than your father. At least you have the courage to stand up for your people. I commend you, young Kain, too bad I must kill you now.”

  With Krin’s signal, a couple of Dragonkin soldiers took the teen by his arms and drug him towards Krin.

  “Wait… wait, no, Ethan… WAIT!” screamed Baron as he fought to save his son, before being restrained by Drykan soldiers.

  Krin motioned for the soldiers to stop as he walked up to within inches of Baron’s face, and said as he looked him in the eyes, “Slit his throat as a reminder to all that none shall defy me.”

  One of them took out a dagger and held it to his throat as Baron pleaded for his son’s life. Ethan showed no fear as he stopped resisting. As the Drykan’s dagger touched his skin, Ethan said in a dull and stoic tone, “Do it… at least I will die fighting for what I believe in.”

  As the soldier smiled and went to slice his throat, a blue arrow suddenly pierced through his skull, instantly dropping him dead to the ground. Stunned and confused, Krin turned around and looked up to the roof of the building behind him. Ethan followed his gaze looking for the source of the unexpected arrow, and as his eyes traveled up the community room, standing on top stood the Keeper Alandra with her mighty Bow revealed.

  Ethan whispered to himself in disbelief, “It can’t be…”

  “It’s the Keeper of the Bow, she lives!” yelled Krin to his surrounding soldiers as he quickly drew his sword. “Kill her!”

  The Drykan soldiers continued to hold on to Baron and Ethan as the rest turned their attention to the Keeper. Some of them had bows that they took from the fallen Kain, though they weren’t very skilled, for Drykans rarely used them. They clumsily took aim and fired several arrows towards the master of all arrows. Alandra simply swiped her hand in front of her as the incoming wooden arrows all shattered into thousands of splinters.

  “Amateurs,” laughingly whispered the Keeper as she held her bow and turned it sideways. She then revealed five arrows, pulled them back, and released. Four arrows flew into the Drykans holding Baron and his son, but the fifth, the one intended for the Captain, was blocked by his sword.

  Her face grew sour as she once again whispered to herself, “Well then… you just made this personal.”

  As she pulled back another arrow, Ethan charged the Captain. Alandra held off on releasing, for she didn’t want to risk hitting the teen.

  “Dammit boy!” she yelled as she tried to focus her aim.

  Krin was forced to take his attention off the Keeper as Ethan neared him. He swung his sword, but Ethan dodged the attack and punched the Captain in his stone-hard jaw. Instantaneous pain rushed through his hand as he held it with his other.

  “Stupid child,” said Krin with annoyance as he grabbed him by the back of the neck and threw him to the ground. “Dragonkin… KILL EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE OF THEM!”

  The men behind Baron, now weaponless, charged the Drykan soldiers with a renewed sense of confidence.

  Baron found a sword and raised it in the air as he yelled, “Men of Greenglen, FIGHT! FIGHT FOR YOUR LIVES!”

  Alandra continued to find her aim to take out the Captain as the once peaceful village of Greenglen erupted in battle. Suddenly, she felt the air behind her grow incredibly hot, and quickly turned around. Just as she did, a massive inferno of fire from a hovering Firedrake blasted towards her. She released her Bow and jumped backward off the roof, with the flames barely missing her. She held her arms and legs straight as she flipped around to control her fall. Once close to the ground, she broke into a controlled roll. As she hit the ground with a small quake, she gracefully stood to her feet and once again revealed her Bow, immediately preparing an arrow. Within the blink of an eye, she aimed and released it through the air straight through the drake’s neck, severing its spinal cord. It could no longer control its wings as it screeched in agony and fell from the sky. She then wasted no time as she turned to her right and sent another through the eye socket of a Drykan that was just preparing to slice his sword down upon Baron. The arrow passed only inches from Baron’s face as he winced.

  Alandra walked up to Baron and said, “You are not alone in this fight, friend.”

  She then turned her gaze to the southern gate, and as Baron follows her eyes, he sees King Daane galloping towards them with Ayden and Nathian on each side. Shortly behind them, the mighty Kain’s Guard.

  Ayden pulled hard on his reins causing his Trueborn stallion Ronan to stop as he jumped off and unsheathed his sword. The first Drykan he came in contact with was the Captain himself. He engaged Krin in melee combat as Nathian quickly tied his reins to the saddle horn, then pulled an arrow from his quiver and placed its etched end at the center of the bowstring. He aimed at a nearby Drykan and released, striking him in the heart, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground. Ayden was able to knock Krin back as he finished off Nathian’s kill.

  “That’s one for me already,” yelled Ayden as he reengaged Krin in combat.

  Nathian pulled his horse to the left and replied, “That doesn’t count, he was already mine!”

  Alandra yelled out towards the two, “This isn’t a competition, you feeble minded morons!”

  Ayden blocked an incoming blow from Krin and punched him in his jaw, then shook his hand in pain as he replied, “That sounds like something someone who is losing would say!”

  Nathian continued to fire off arrows as he counted out loud, “Three… four… five… six!”

  Daane dismounted his horse and slayed several as he made his way to Ayden, and said, “Don’t insult me boys, I invented this game!”

  The Kain’s Guard trampled over most of the Drykans before they dismounted their horses to finish off the rest. Ethan had since regained his footing and found a fallen Drykan’s daggers. As Ayden and Daane fought off the incredibly skilled Captain, several Drykans approached from behind to defend Krin. As Ethan saw that one was about to strike Ayden, he took one of the daggers, rotated it so he was holding the blade, and then expertly threw it. It penetrated the Drykan’s forehead with such accuracy and precision, that it caused him to drop hard to the ground, dead instantly. Ayden felt him fall against the back of his legs, and turned to see a dagger protruding out of his skull as dark black blood continued to spew out. He then turned to the thrower of the dagger, only to see a young and insignificant looking teenager smiling back at him. Just as he was about to thank him, Krin knocked the sword out of Daane’s hands and kneed him in his stomach, causing him to lose his breath and fall to his knees.

  Ayden quickly turned his attention back to Krin as he yelled, “Oh no you don’t, you son of a bitch… not MY brother!”

  “Your ‘brother’ is no better off that YOU’RE about to be KAIN!” angrily replied Krin. “You will NOT take this victory from me! FIREDRAKES… AVENGE YOUR MASTER!!!”

  Ayden looked him in the eyes as he confidently replied,
“Your drakes can’t save you now… you have already lost.”

  Krin smiled back as a Firedrake floated down from the skies right behind Ayden. The silent beast closed the gap as the two Captains stared each other down.

  “That is where you are wrong,” said Krin as he lowered his sword, “for how could we lose when what is left of your once great people are now nothing more than fresh meat for my drakes?”

  The battle around them seemed to blur and slow to a crawl. Krin’s words penetrated the impenetrable Captain of the Kain’s Guard. Ayden and Krin both knew that the Kain were winning the surrounding battle, and that with the Keeper of the Bow’s aid, Krin’s army would not leave this village alive. To Ayden’s right, a drake came crashing down onto a building after Alandra’s arrow ended its life. One by one, Krin’s Firedrakes fell from the skies around the two men. Baron and his son Ethan bolstered Greenglen’s courage as they fought vigilantly for their family and home. Nathian helped Daane to his feet as they, and the rest of the Kain’s Guard, finished off what was left of the Drykan battalion. While all this occurred, Krin and Ayden refused to brake their gaze.

  “You look upon me as if you have already won,” continued Krin in an overconfident display of intimidation. “So, you have bested me in this small and insignificant encounter… but you forget one thing.”

  Ayden tightened his grip on his sword as the blurred victory around him ensued, “And what is that… Dragonkin...?”

  Krin smiled with spiteful arrogance as he replied, “The Dragonkin… which you call us… will NEVER be bested by the likes of YOUR kind!”

  Before Ayden could respond, Krin’s drake landed behind him with such force, causing him to lose his grounding. The drake then whipped its tail around, sending Ayden flying through the air into a nearby stack of straw. It then walked forward as Krin quickly got on, and kicked his heels into its side, commanding it to take flight.

  “He’s getting away! Alandra!!!” screamed Daane.

  The Keeper turned as Krin gained in elevation. She quickly released a single arrow towards the fading Captain. It soon flew out of sight, as did the Captain. Krin flew his drake high above the clouds, but the inevitable enchanted arrow of the huntress soon caught up with him. It pierced through his right shoulder, causing him to scream out of pain-induced anger. He grabbed onto the blazing blue arrow as it singed the skin of his hand. He fought through the excruciating pain, and pulled the magic arrow from his shoulder. As he did, it vanished from his hand in a poof of smoke. He then shook off the pain and continued to fly higher and higher, not north… but southeast.

  Back at the village center, Daane and Nathian rushed over to Ayden as Daane shouted, “Ayden! Are you alright?”

  Nathian followed up with, “Are you dead?”

  Daane glared at Nathian as Ayden’s body rolled out of the cluster of broken straw.

  He sat up and shook his head as he replied, “Really? Am I dead? Would I answer you if I was?!”

  Nathian smiled as he walked over to help him up, and said, “There he is… there’s the horse’s ass I call my best friend.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” replied Ayden as he brushed straw off his jacket, picked up his sword, and put it in its sheath, “their leader got away. I thought your arrows always flew true?”

  Alandra rolled her eyes as she replied, “I didn’t see you doing any better, or was being thrown into a stack of straw part of your plan?”

  Nathian laughed as Ayden shrugged off the embarrassing comment, and said, “Well, my number is fifteen. What was yours, oh master Guardsman?”

  Nathian noticed a Drykan twitch, took a dagger from his belt, and threw it into his back, thus stopping his movement. He then smirked as he replied, “That makes sixteen… so I’m clearly the winner.”

  Alandra smirked as she turned and started to walk away. She then added, “Boys, boys… forty-four Drykans and eighteen drakes.”

  Daane laughed as he said, “And that just goes to show that the women will always win. You need to know this if either one of you are to ever get married.”

  Baron approached the King, and said, “My Lord, I did not know that you were alive. I am forever indebted to you and the Guard, for you have saved my people.” Baron then bowed to his King, as did his son Ethan and all the citizens of Greenglen.

  “Arise,” replied Daane, “for it is my duty to protect the people of Kain. Menethiel might have fallen, but they have not yet taken all of the northern territory.” Daane turned to the people of Greenglen as he continued. “I, King Daane, was fortunate to escape the capital with the help of the brave men and women you see before you. We are making our way to Riverton to muster an army capable of reclaiming the capital, vanquishing the Dragonkin from our lands forever. I see in your eyes the same fear that took ahold of me when the evil General laid my city to ruins. I was given hope by my brother and the Kain’s Guard as they aided me and Keeper Alandra in escaping the Mines, where we sought refuge after the Dragonkin’s attack. There is a new evil in this world that wishes to destroy the world of men, and turn this beautiful land to ash and decay. I vowed to forever protect the Kain when you made me King, and I STILL hold that vow! I swear to you that I will do whatever it takes to protect your lands, but I cannot do it alone! We travel to Riverton to muster an army strong enough to reclaim our kingdom, and I need your help! I look to the brave souls that wish to help reclaim our lands! Now, who’s with me?!”

  Ethan walked up to Daane and said, “I am with you, my King.”

  Baron followed in his brave son’s footsteps, and said, “I too, am with you my King.”

  Baron and his son once again bowed as the rest of the villagers raised their makeshift weapons in the air and cheered. Daane looked at the men and women of humble beginnings, and not only forgot how strong ALL of the Kain were, but also saw the future of his people.

  “This victory is yours,” Daane continued, “we only helped… remember that. Remember that today the people of Greenglen were strong…” he looked at Ethan, “…and brave. Today, you not only saved your families, but you also sent a message to the Dragonkin that we are NOT weak, and that we will NEVER stop fighting!” He then raised his sword, as he ended with, “FOR THE KAIN!”

  The crowd of townspeople and Kain’s Guard alike all raised their weapons once more, and cheered in unison.



  Several years ago, in the quaint village of Greenglen, a twelve-year-old saw his dad shoot a mature whitetail buck for the first time.

  “You got him dad, you got him!” screamed the elated boy as the arrow struck the deer.

  “Ssshhh,” quickly shushed his father, “we don’t know that he is hit yet, we have to wait.”

  The boy quieted his enthusiasm and replied, “But dad, I KNOW you got him, I saw it hit! Can’t we go after him?!”

  The man laughed as his adrenalin began to subside a little. “I believe you son, but we still have to wait. We must give the buck time to die. If we go too soon, we might spook him and cause him to run even further.”

  Still unable to take his eyes off the last point he saw the injured buck running, the boy asked, “Well, how long does that take?!”

  “Not long,” answered the man, “only about thirty minutes.”

  “Thirty minutes?!” urgently whispered the impatient boy. “That’s forever away!”

  The man laughed as he patted his son on the back, “I remember the first time I saw my father shoot a deer, but unlike you, I didn’t listen very well. I ran too soon against my father’s wishes, and the deer ended up getting away. We never did find him, but that didn’t matter to my father, your grandpap.”

  “But… but I’m just too excited, what are we going to do for thirty whole minutes?!” begged the boy.

  The man smiled as he replied, “I know what… you can practice your throwing.”

  Confused, the boy asked, “Throwing? Throwing what?”

  The boy’s father then took his pack
and pulled out an old knife. The boy’s eyes lit up as he realized what his father meant by throwing. The man handed his eager son the knife as he said, “Careful now, it is very sharp.” The boy quickly grabbed the knife as his father added, “Wait, make sure that you only hold it by the hilt.”

  “I know dad, I’ve seen you do it a thousand times,” replied the boy as he stood up and turned to face a nearby tree.

  The man stood behind him and instructed, “Now, before you throw, you should make sure that you are looking at where you want the knife to go, and make sure to…”

  “…Dad, I know.”

  The man laughed as he stepped back and said, “Well, go on then… show me.”

  The boy stared at the tree, then down at the knife, then back at the tree. He took in a deep breath as he concentrated. As he slowly released, he in one fluid motion, tossed the knife at the tree. The blade spiraled through the air until it perfectly struck the tree.

  His stunned father was speechless. He then grinned and said, “See… told you I knew.”

  Six years later that same boy, though now a grown teenager, sits on a wooden bench against the community room cleaning blood off that same knife. Once he was satisfied with its cleaning, Ethan put the knife back in its sheath. His breath was just as controlled, and his nerves were just as settled. He looked around as the townsfolk celebrated and cheered. He couldn’t help but to look at the countless Drykan bodies on the ground. He watched as a few men took out daggers and proceeded to break off the teeth of the fallen drakes, most of whom have never seen one, including Ethan. He was in such a post-battle shock, that he didn’t even notice the Captain of the Kain’s Guard sit next to him.


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