The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two

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The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two Page 8

by Dillon McNaight

  The breed of horses are known as the Phalanx. They are slightly taller than their cousins, Trueborns and horses alike, and their muzzles are longer and leaner. Their head is painted brown and their necks are painted with white stripes against the brown base. As the stripes meet their withers they turn black. To their rear, their hair is painted in white and black dots, ending in their white tails highlighted with black stripes. Most of the Guardsmen keep their Phalanx’s tail tied in a knot and their mane braided into small buns lining the horse’s neck. Their legs start out brown as they leave the horse’s body, and reaching their knees, they turn pitch black, ending in brown hooves. They are a strong bread of horse, fearless of what is presented in front of them. They trust their rider with their lives and obey every command given to them. They would lead the Guardsmen into whatever battle laid ahead without question and with true bravery.

  The Captain of the Guardsmen is called Luthar. Ever since he was a child, he tutored with the warrior Angel. He showed great promise even at a young age and was always at the top of his class. He is nearing his thirtieth year and is considered barely of age amongst the Ela. Glammdreing chose him to command the Guardsmen of Ela above all others, for he saw a great potential in the young Ela, and knew in his heart, that he truly cared above all to protect his people. He was on the platform of Nilliath the day that Archimus poisoned the Golden Oak’s roots, bringing it crashing to the ground. He was forced by Glammdreing to evacuate the Throne against the Captain’s wishes. He would have stayed and died for his people, but instead followed the command of his mentor and leader Glammdreing. He was able to escape the mighty Oakling before it fell.

  Luthar arrived shortly after the Angel sounded the massive Horn of Calling. He galloped his Phalanx stallion up the winding staircase, stopping only a few feet behind the Angel.

  “I have come my Lord,” said Luthar as he gracefully dismounted his Phalanx and walked towards the Angel. “I am ready to serve you and the Angels.”

  Glammdreing turned around and replied, “I know you are young Captain, it is not your loyalty that I question, but that of our distant brothers and sisters. I hope that they hold true to their oath to always answer to the Horn of Calling. I hope that enough will come to help retake the capital of Kain and ensure our people’s future safety.”

  Luthar replied, reassuring the Angel, “They will come.”

  Glammdreing nodded at Luthar, then turned to the horn as he then released the air from his lungs, releasing a booming sound through the peak of the horn. The sound echoed throughout the forest before it fell in silence. Moments later, to the west, they heard another horn blare its sound. As its sound faded, yet another sound was heard from even deeper into the forest to the west. One by one, like a chain reaction, horns sounded from outposts in the Oaklings and far-off mountain peaks throughout the kingdom of the Ela, sounding past the Golden Harbor, through the Fendwyn cliffs, and across the bay to Blacktail Island.

  The Angel then turned to the Captain and said, “All we can do now is wait for the other tribes to arrive. In the meantime, muster the Guardsmen and prepare the armory for distribution. I want every Guardsman to be suited in the golden plate of the city and armed with the best weaponry the armory has to offer. Muster as many Phalanx as you can to accommodate those who are without and prepare their tack. Make sure every soldier is ready by nightfall and advise them to make camp at the fallen Oak for the following day’s briefing.”

  “Yes sir,” replied Luthar as he immediately left to prepare his charge for the battle ahead. The young Captain was almost excited to see his first battle. He never liked being trapped in the confines of the forest and has long dreamed of leaving the forest and travelling outside the Ela’s domain.

  Eighty miles to the west, at the top of a luscious green bush tree, rests a rustically built platform on which sits a golden horn. On the edge of the bamboo platform, sits a fifteen-year-old boy by the name of Biix. His feet dangle over the edge of the fifty-foot-tall tree as he aimlessly gazes over the newly sunlit ocean. He is a rather slender boy, with tan skin and a shaved head. He has only begun to cover his body in the many tattoos that will one day cover him, as is tradition amongst the Sabers. For five years now, since he was ten, he has been tasked with watching the shoreline bell tower. He hates sitting in the same tree day after day, and often dreams of when the bells sound, the day he finally can go on an adventure. He has a true heart, in which fear rarely resides. Whether it’s climbing the steepest and tallest cliffs, or jumping off waterfalls as tall as Oaklings, his courage and fearlessness always shines.

  He stares over the Eastern Seas as a strange and unexpected sound comes from the other side of the Crossing, a collection of small islands connecting Sabertooth Island and Kranos. He quickly snapped out of his daydream and turned to face the sound. Although he has never heard the bells sound, he knew it was them. A spark lit up in his eyes as he enthusiastically rushed over to the massive bell atop the tree at the center of the bamboo platform. He grabbed the massive rope and pulled down with all his might. His juvenile body weighed little, and as he hopped up and down, it was barely enough to finally sound the bell. Once he gave it a few good rings loud enough to reach the center of the island, he turned and ran towards the edge of the platform. As he reached the ledge, he then leaped off as he grabbed a hanging vine and spiraled down with incredible speed. As he descended, he let out a loud whistle. Once close to the ground, he then pulled with his arms as he released the vine and flipped upwards. As he came around, he fell right into the saddle of his approaching saber named Red. The name wasn’t very original seeing how most of her fur was red, but the boy was more on the naïve side. Once in the saddle, Red ran with all speed towards the center of the island where the leader of the Sabers, Nexia, was sure to be. Red felt the excitement in her master and ran with extra vigor. She was the same age as Biix, and was presented to him as a baby, with Biix being a baby himself. The two have been together before either one of them knew who they were. They were one in the same, or as close as you can be with one being ‘man,’ and one being ‘beast.’

  Biix and Red ran with all speed to the center of the island to the Saber’s main settlement called Elwintowne, named after the apprentice of Erelorn that discovered the island and began its inhabitation. The city completely surrounds the large lake at the center of the tropical island. Several docks surround the lake as well like hour markers on a clock. At the center of the ‘clock’ sits a massive building that serves as not only the central command center for the island, but also the home of the Chieftain, which is currently a woman called Nexia. As Biix entered the city, he ran all the way around to the home of his leader. He was greeted by two guards.

  “Halt son,” said one of the guards, “what business do you have here?”

  Trying to catch his breathe out of excitement, Biix replied, “I must speak with the Chieftain, the horns have sounded!”

  The guard looked at the other, then back to Biix as he reluctantly replied, “Alright boy, you may enter, but your saber waits out here.” The guards then moves aside as they opened the large double doors.

  Biix excitedly entered as he made his way right towards Nexis, who was sitting alone at a table near the kitchen. She was cleaning a recent boar kill, for she loved the hunt above most things.

  As Biix came running up to her, she looked at him and said, “What is the meaning of your haste young Saber. Why have you left your post?”

  “The horns my Lady… the horns have sounded!” replied the boy.

  Nexia was reluctant to believe the news, but saw no lie in the boy’s eyes. She then looked back at her kill as she dropped the knife. Without looking at Biix, she said, “Are you sure that the horns sounded from Brethiel?”

  “Yes, yes my Lady, the eastern horn sounded, not the northern,” eagerly replied the boy.

  Nexia stared at the boar for a moment before she yelled into the kitchen, “Juistra, come finish this boar for me.”

  A young lady from
in the kitchen walked out and replied, “Yes my Lady.” She then took the knife and continued to clean the boar for her master.

  Nexia wiped the blood off her hands as she turned to the boy, placed a hand on his back as she said, “Come with me. What is your name boy?”

  The boy eagerly replied, “Biix, my name is Biix. I man the eastern bell tower. It’s an honor to speak to you in person my Lady!”

  Nexia smiled and said as they walked towards a large staircase towards the center of the building, “Well Biix, it is nice to meet you. I want you to see this for yourself since you executed your duties beautifully.”

  The boy couldn’t be smiling any bigger as the two walked up the spiral staircase all the way to the top. Once there, two more guards stood aside another door. They immediately stepped aside to allow Nexia and her guest to walk through the doors. They walked onto a large wooden platform that rested on the top of the central building and overlooked the great lake. She led the boy over to an intricately forged golden horn.

  She stopped and turned to face Biix as she said, “This horn was forged by the warrior himself, Glammdreing. There are only one other like it. Only when these horns sound, will the Sabertooths march to the capital. Just two days ago, I received a message of a rumor. A rumor that the Kain’s capital was overthrown by the Dragonkin Generals. Since the horns and bells are only used in time of great need, I can only come to one conclusion to why they were sounded… the Kain need our help. Are you prepared for what this may mean? Are you prepared to go to war if need be?”

  Without hesitation, Biix replied, “I would gladly give my life for the Ela! Even if that means helping the Kain. Are we not supposed to help those who cannot help themselves?”

  Nexia smiled at the boy’s courage as she replied, “Indeed we are my friend. I would like you to sound the horn Biix. Sound it loud so that all may hear. We march to Brethiel, and possibly to war.”

  Biix gleamed as he rushed over to the horn, took in the deepest breath he could, and sounded the golden horn loud and clear.

  As the Sabertooth tribe musters their Sabers to cross the many connecting islands and bridges between them and Kranos to make their way to Brethiel, forty miles north in the steep cliffs of Fendwyn, a man named Krendweil tends to his Griffin Athorn. The solid black Griffin chirps gleefully as his master carefully plucks dead and broken feathers from his wings.

  “That’s a good girl,” said Krendweil as he petted her soft neck, “I don’t know how you damaged so many feathers. You have to be more careful girl, they don’t grow back that quickly you know.”

  Athorn chirps louder as she shakes her head, ruffling her feathers out.

  As Krendweil continues to groom his companion, a young scout runs across one of the many rope bridges that connect the many isles of Fendwyn. The wind is blowing more than normal, swaying the light bridge back and forth. The scout struggles to keep his balance as he runs with all haste towards the leader of the Skyborns. Krendweil turns and notices the scout running towards him.

  He gives Athorn a pat as he says, “That’s enough girl, go on now.”

  With one last chirp, the Griffin stretched her wings out as she walked close to the edge of the two-hundred-foot-tall isle. Once close to the edge, she jumped off her hind paws as the intense wind lifted her wings. As she became airborne, she then leaped off the edge of the isle and soared down towards the crashing waves of the western sea in search of fish.

  Krendweil’s long black hair, which is normally fashioned into a braid, blew behind him as he walked toward the approaching scout. After battling one last gust of wind, the scout made it across the rope bridge and approached the Chieftain.

  “Krendweil my Lord,” said the young man, “I am sorry to interrupt you, but I have an urgent message from the Angel of the Forest. The raven must have got lost, because this is dated from a week ago.” He quickly handed the parchment to Krendweil as he continued, “The Dragonkin Generals have attacked the Kain. According to this letter, the city of Menethiel has fallen.”

  Krendweil listened with one ear as he read the letter from the Angel. Just as he was about to finish reading, the two of them were interrupted by the faint, but ever so distinct sound of bells coming from the west. They both turned to face the sound of the bells and worry seeped into Krendweil’s heart. Long has it been since his face was scarred from a rogue drake many years ago, but he has never forgotten. Long has it been since he and his people have been summoned to battle.

  “The bells my Lord,” said the scout as fear began to creep in, “what does this mean? Are we to fly to Brethiel as the decree of the horns demand?”

  Krendweil failed to answer as he continued to stare off to the west as the storm around them intensified.

  “My Lord,” said the scout with more urgency in his voice, “what are your orders?”

  After a moment, the Skyborn Chieftain turned to the scout and said, “Go now, prepare your Griffin. I will sound the golden horn. We fly to Brethiel in one hour.”

  With fear in his eyes, the scout replied, “Yes my Lord, right away.” He turned to run back across the swaying rope bridge as he stopped and added, “Do you think the Dragonkin mean to attack the Ela?”

  Krendweil replied with worry on his battle torn face, “I don’t know son, but we must travel to the capital nonetheless.”

  The scout nodded as he turned and ran across the bridge.

  Krendweil let out a loud whistle as he walked close to the edge of the isle. He searched the horizon for a moment before he then took a couple steps back. He then ran off the edge of the cliff as he dropped down onto his companion Athorn’s back. They flew through the growing storm to the top of the highest isle in Fendwyn, which climbed a thousand feet out of the western sea. Athorn landed as Krendweil hopped down and walked over to a gleaming golden horn. As he gripped the mouth piece, he stopped. Do the Skyborn rush to the aid of the Kain? Do they risk their lives in a war that might not be theirs? Does he dare defy the Angel’s summons to save his people from possible death? The momentary contemplation wore away as he sounded the massive horn, notifying the Skyborn tribe to prepare flight for the capital.

  Back in the capital, it was nearing midday when Glammdreing looked to the west to investigate a new sound. He heard the sound of flapping wings in the distant. It wasn’t long after that he began to see the graceful Griffins weaving in and out of the giant branches of the Oaklings. They descended as they gracefully landed one by one in front of the Angel. The first to land was a black Griffin with their leader Krendweil. As he landed, he dismounted his Griffin and approached the Angel.

  “It has been a great amount of years since I heard the horns of calling,” said the tribal leader, “is the threat real? Did the Dragonkin attack the Kain?”

  “I would not have summoned you if it wasn’t of the utmost importance, and yes, the threat is real, “replied the Angel. “The capital of Kain, Menethiel, was overcome by the Dragonkin and their Generals. I will go into further detail when the entire Golden Army is assembled.”

  The Chieftain didn’t respond, for he cared little of the Kain, and was hoping that the summons was unrelated. He trusts in the Angel’s judgment and knows that he would not have summoned him unless the situation was grave.

  About an hour later, Glammdreing once again turned his attention to the west. He felt the ground beneath him quake, as the great sabers approached. Mounted on their backs were members of the Sabertooth tribe. Leading the charge was Nexia, mounted on her albino saber. Her saber came to a sudden halt just as she arrived at the Angel. She immediately dismounted and walked over to Glammdreing and Krendweil.

  “Where is the Golden Oak?!” said Nexia with wide eyes and exasperation in her voice. “This is where the Golden Oak resided. Now it is nothing more than an empty hole, what happened here?!”

  Glammdreing answered, “All of your questions will be answered shortly.” He turned his attention to Kalorah as she approached from behind him. She was cleansed of the ash and repl
aced her silky white dress with silver plate armor. From her feet to her legs and chest, she was clothed in the gleaming silver armor. Her shoulder blades were also made of silver plate as they raised a foot high before tapering off. Her long white hair was pulled back behind her head, as her diamond crown was replaced with an elegant silver crest.

  She looked at the summoned tribes before saying, “I have gathered all of you here today for a single purpose. The capital of Kain was attacked and overthrown by the Dragonkin under the command of Calthrog the Deceiver. He captured the capital and sent its people to hide and take refuge under the mountain. They are trapped, and only have months before they start to starve to death. Calthrog also has a demon known as Archimus under his charge. This demon, or Shade as he calls himself, was the one that decayed and destroyed the Golden Oak, which once stood as the symbol of our people. The Keeper of the Staff, Kaelithus, sacrificed his life so that we may have a chance… a chance to help others in our world besides ourselves. He gave his life to save ours. Myself, Glammdreing and Teeca have given our vow to the fallen Keeper that we will reclaim his homeland for his people. We cannot do this on our own, nor can the Kain, we need your help. We need the help of the three tribes of the Ela. We must now stand united under one banner, to restore peace upon the lands of our Kranos! We cannot allow the Dragonkin to rob these lands of its goodness and its freedom! Now are you with me?! Will you aid your Guardians and help us show the world that the Ela are strong, and that we can care for others over ourselves! ARE YOU WITH ME?!”


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