The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two

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The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two Page 11

by Dillon McNaight

  As the leaders of the Golden Army and the Angels met, Kalorah spoke, “We are about to descend into the great ravine. This road hasn’t been used for many lifetimes, so it is hard to say what we might encounter at the bottom. I sense an unnatural presence, so I need you to all be on your guard, for we don’t know who or what might reside down there.”

  “I don’t see why we can’t just fly over the Separation,” said Krendweil.

  “Because,” Glammdreing replied, “Nexia and Luthar’s charge cannot fly. The Golden Army sticks together through whatever trials lay ahead of us. Kalorah and I will lead the charge down the ravine, and through the maze. You have nothing to fear Captain.”

  Krendweil glared over to the other two Captains of flightless beasts with contempt. Luthar stared back and said, “Do you have a problem?” before turning around to gather and prepare his charge. Nexia turned to Krendweil, restraining him from following the Captain of the Guardsmen, and said, “It’s not worth it my friend. It is the Queen’s orders, not the Captain’s.”

  There has long been a tension between the Guardsman of Ela and the Skyborn tribe. The Skyborn thought little of the Guardsmen, and didn’t believe them to be true warriors. They resented them for staying within the borders of Brethiel, and never responding to threats outside the capital. Krendweil thought of the Guardsmen as nothing more than pampered security. The Skyborn and the Sabertooth, however, were close allies and often fought side by side.

  Kalorah took her staff and raised it into the air. The rotating pink crystals illuminated a bright pink light, signaling the Golden Army to give their attention to the White Queen. The surrounding men and women all turned their attention to the Queen. To the right of Dathian stood a young boy, who was barely past his teen years. He was a member of the Sabertooth tribe, and behind him, wrangled by reigns held by the boy, was his young saber. The saber was smaller than the others, for he was the same age as the boy. Dathian looked over as he watched the eager boy give his full attention to the Queen. Dathian then turned his attention back to the Angel.

  “Thank you for your attention my brothers and sisters,” said the White Queen as she lowered her staff, “ahead of us lies a dangerous road. The way through the Separation has long since been abandoned. We do not know what lies ahead of us, but do not worry, for we all will pass unharmed. With that being said, you must remain extra vigilant as we cross through the maze. Take every step carefully, and do not stray from the road. Glammdreing and I will lead the charge, and in a line behind us, you will follow. After we pass the Separation, the road to Riverton through the Andwaith Forest will be safe and easy to travel.”

  Kalorah and Glammdreing then turned and started walking towards the edge of the ravine. Krendweil followed as the Griffins were led by the Skyborn behind him. Nexia followed and motioned for her charge of saber riders to follow. The young boy next to Dathian followed his charge, as Dathian followed behind him. Luthar and the Guardsmen followed at the end of the line, who also led their Phalanx’s behind them. The Golden Army slowly and carefully descended the steep grade. The road traveled down the walls of the ravine for several miles. The air around the company began to grow thick, and more and more light from the sun faded. The temperature drastically dropped the further they traveled down.

  The boy in front of Dathian never seemed to lose the wide grin on his face. As the boy turned around, he noticed the prince behind him.

  “Hi there, you must be a member of the Kain,” said the boy, “my name is Biix.”

  “My name is Dathian,” replied the prince as he waited for the boy to respond in awe of meeting the Prince of Kain.

  Instead, Biix just smiled and said, “Nice to meet you Dathian.” Dathian was shocked that the boy of Ela didn’t know who he was.

  “Ah, nice to meet you too,” replied the prince.

  Biix then slowed his walk until he was side by side with the prince. His saber named Red growled at Cheyanne, as the White Mare threw him a nasty look. The young saber became instantly submissive in respect of the White Mare’s authority.

  “So, why were you in the capital?” asked Biix referring to Brethiel, the only capital he knew of.

  “I am the Prince of Kain,” replied Dathian. “I traveled to Brethiel with the Keeper of the Staff after our capital was overtaken by the Dragonkin. I now travel with the Golden Army to reclaim our throne and save our people.” Dathian looked forward proudly.

  Biix said nothing at first, as if what the prince said held little importance. Then smiling, Biix replied, “That sounds nice. I’m just excited to get to go on my first adventure outside of Blacktail Island.”

  Dathian slowly turned to the boy in shock as he said, “First adventure? You mean to tell me that you have never left your island? Ever?”

  Biix replied confidently, “Nope, but this trip should be fun. I’ve always wanted to see the lands beyond our borders. I wonder what the Dragonkin look like?”

  Dathian was shocked by the Ela boy’s candor. He looked ahead as he shook his head, and noticed that they had reached the bottom. Cheyanne began to grow nervous behind him as the air around them started to turn into the thick fog that blanketed the ravine’s floor. Biix’s face slightly faded away from the smile that previously resided on it. It became harder and harder to see the person or beast walking in front of them.

  “I can’t see where I’m going, can you?” asked Biix to the prince.

  Dathian replied, “Barely, this fog is too thick to see through. Here, take this rein and tie it to your saddle horn. We will stick together.”

  Dathian took one of the reins from Cheyanne’s bridle and tied it to the saddle horn of the saber. They stayed close as they tried to follow the person in front of them. They twisted around large rock formations that grew straight up out of the ground. The dirt below their feet was a light brown clay. There were no plants or any forms of life around their feet. They could no longer see the sun, and the day seemed to turn into dusk in a matter of minutes.

  Kalorah concentrated on the road as she led the company through the maze of towering rocks. She looked behind her to see Glammdreing cautiously following behind her. She looked back in front of her as she continued. Shortly after, she turned around to speak with Glammdreing, but he was not there. She stopped and looked around to see no one else around her.

  “Glammdreing? Are you there?” asked the White Queen as she looked around in panic. “Glammdreing, where are you? I can’t see you.”

  Kalorah then saw a figure slowly appear in the fog ahead of her. She concentrated as she tried to see who the figure was. As the man grew closer into view, he revealed himself to be the Keeper of the Staff, Kale. Kalorah was taken aback as the fallen Keeper approached her, void of any emotion.

  “Kale? Is that really you?” asked the Angel in disbelief.

  Kale then disappeared into thin air. Startled, Kalorah spun around looking for the Keeper. She then saw the Angel Teeca, sitting on her knees, holding out her hands. She looked down to Teeca’s hands and saw that they were covered in blood. Teeca looked at her hands with one side of her face visible. Teeca then looked up, and turned her head towards Kalorah, revealing the other half of her face, which was severely burned. She looked as if she was about to say something, then disappeared before Kalorah’s eyes.

  “Who is there?! I know someone is there!” the White Queen yelled into the fog. “Show yourself!”

  A deep and thundering voice came from the fog and said, “How would you like to see me, my Queen? Would you like to see me as my true self, or how you think my true self would reveal itself to be?”

  “I am in no mood for riddles,” angrily replied the Queen, “show yourself as you really are, and stop this charade!”

  The voice continued, “You come into my domain and demand me to obey your command? In this place, I am the decider of your fate, Angel. I do not think is wise to insult me witch!”

  A thick black cloud of fog started to circle around the Queen, causing her confusion. />
  “Forgive me, for I do not know who I am speaking with,” replied Kalorah, “so I do not know how to properly address you. My people and I mean you no harm, whoever you are.”

  “Who I am is nothing more than a distant memory, and a memory… is who I am,” said the low voice. “Why do you cross through my domain?”

  “I am the Queen of the Ela,” she replied. “My name is Kalorah. I travel with the Golden Army of Ela to Riverton. The Shade known as Archimus spilled death among my realm and the realm of the Kain. We travel to the City on the River to aid the Kain in reclaiming their people, and to avenge mine.”

  “Who is this Shade of the Dragonkin you speak of?” asked the voice, arriving from behind the White Queen. Kalorah quickly turned around to follow the voice.

  “He is the Keeper of Death,” replied the Queen. “He controls the dead, and he laid ruin to the Golden Oak, the symbol of my people.”

  “No one can control the dead but the Jailors,” said the voice, now coming from the direction opposite of the Queen. Kalorah turned back around as the voice continued, “You must be mistaken.”

  “Please, I speak the truth,” pleaded the Queen. “Reveal yourself so that I may address you properly.”

  Kalorah looked into the fog as two bright yellow eyes revealed themselves. Surrounding the yellow eyes, the shape of a head started to form. The shape revealed itself to be the head of a massive white dragon. Two massive and tall horns stretched out of the top of the head, which also revealed a long grey snout. To each side of the head’s nostrils hung a long and lean mustache of scales. The dragon’s head was three times the size of an average horse. Kalorah was taken aback in fear.

  The voice spoke, “I am called Valerian.”

  Kalorah knew the legendary name as she looked on in terror. The name Valerian comes from a time that was forgotten by all, for very few still live that know the name. Valerian was the first Jailor of the damned created by Alvane at the beginning of the world. He was a mighty white dragon of great power. He was granted the ability to control the dead and the minds of all that he wished. He was able to make any being see what he wanted them to. This is how he was able to control the dead and keep them from escaping the confines of hell. He was the largest of all the Jailors, and equal in size to Calthrog’s dragon form. His body is solid white and gray, and his two mighty horns reach the middle of his back. His massive wings also hold his front two feet. After the band of Lorkath Loyalists attacked the capital of the Drykans, Drokkin, the Generals blamed Valerian, when in fact, the Jailor Magdaran, or Bloodfang, was behind the attack. After the other Jailors, Valnor and Valkyre, didn’t believe him either, he chose to leave the order and disappear from the world. He has never been seen since. Soon after, Bloodfang attacked the Ela after being told do by a demon of Alvane. Calthrog told the Kain and Ela that Bloodfang was nothing more than a rogue Jailor, and acted on his own.

  “It cannot be,” said Kalorah as she started to walk backwards, “you are nothing more than a myth.”

  “I assure you that I am no myth, witch,” replied the Jailor, “I am just as real as you are. I believe that you have met one of my charges before, a young Jailor that your kind called Bloodfang. I also believe that you are the one that killed him, and left his ruins to be forever displayed as a trophy.”

  Choosing the right words, Kalorah replied, “The Jailor that you speak of attacked our lands with no reason, I had no choice but to bring him down. His remains lay where they do as a reminder to all those that wish us harm. It was not out of a display of disrespect to the Jailors.”

  Valerian laughed as his long and lean neck started to reveal itself, “You misinterpret my words Queen. Magdaran is the reason I banished myself to this treacherous place. He framed me and turned my fellow Jailors against me. I do not know why he attacked your lands, but I assure you, you were right to strike him down. He was an abomination. For that, I commend you.”

  Kalorah was stunned with disbelief at the Jailor’s words. She could somehow sense the sincerity of Valerian’s words, and believed him.

  “I am sorry for what he did to you,” replied the Queen, “and I am sorry that Calthrog betrayed you as he did us. Please allow me to pass so that I may seek vengeance for the both of us. I cannot allow him to destroy all that is good in this world.”

  Valerian’s entire body was now revealed as all the fog around them dissipated. The mighty dragon raised his massive neck and head as he stood upright on his towering wings. The sun shined on the dragon and illuminated his greatness as he stood tall and proud in front of the Angel. His two massive horns reached high into the air.

  The dragon then spoke, “Very well, Queen, I will allow you to pass under one condition. However the battle ahead ends, you must never speak of this introduction. Only if and when the time comes to reveal myself, shall I do just that. I will serve no part in your war.”

  With these words, Valerian disappeared, and the fog returned. With it, returned Glammdreing and the rest of the company.

  Glammdreing approached the silent Queen and said, “Are you alright? You look as if you have just seen the face of death. We still have a long way until we are free from the confines of this ravine.”

  Kalorah stared at the Angel trying to find the right words to say. No one knew of the events that just occurred, not even Glammdreing. Valerian froze their bodies and minds in time while he spoke with the Queen. Kalorah decided to not reveal what had just taken place with the warrior Angel as the white dragon demanded.

  Just then, a Skyborn scout landed behind them and said, “My Queen, my scouts and I have discovered a group of Drykans just north of us on the southern side of the Separation.”

  Kalorah, still distraught by the actions that just took place, didn’t have time to worry about a band of Drykans. She looked at Glammdreing and said, “Handle it quietly.”

  Glammdreing replied, “I don’t think that we should kill them, for they may have information. We should capture them and take them with us to Riverton for further interrogation.”

  “Whatever you think is best,” replied Kalorah, “I trust in your judgement.”

  Glammdreing turned to face the scout and said, “Bring four of your flyers and take me to them. We will take them alive and unharmed.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” said the scout as he whistled for the others.

  Glammdreing turned back to Kalorah and added, “We won’t be long. Continue up the ravine. We will catch up with you.”

  With these words, the warrior Angel revealed his golden wings, and with one swoop, was lifted high into the sky. Dathian and Biix watched from the end of the line as the Angel and four Griffins flew away to the north.

  “Wonder where they’re going?” said Biix.

  Showing worry on his face, Dathian replied, “I don’t know, but it looks like we’re still moving. Come on, we don’t want to get behind.”

  A few miles north, The Five moved quietly through the trees as they made their way towards the edge of the Separation. Caegan and his twins took the lead with Kendraa and Briev at the end, about a hundred feet behind.

  Briev says, “I can’t wait to get home. I thought I wanted to go to war, thought we were fighting for something real, but now all I can think of is home.”

  Kendraa smiled as she replied, “Well, you were the only one then, but I understand it. You are young, and life back home can be sometimes boring. We have all thought about leaving at one point or another.”

  Briev looked at the ground as he walked, and said, “I just don’t understand it all. I don’t understand where it all went wrong in the first place. What have we done to the Kain, or what did they do to us? None of this makes sense to me.”

  Kendraa replied as he rubbed his back, “That is the question, isn’t it? I have read about the legend of the single arrow, and King Lorkath, but that was hundreds of years ago. There’s no reason why there can’t be peace, yet the Generals insist that if we don’t attack first, that they will attack us. There’s n
o proof of that, but after all, they are our leaders, and we must follow blindly.”

  They walked for a little while before Briev asked, “So, are the rumors true?”

  Kendraa replied, “And what would those rumors be?”

  Briev was silent for a moment, as if he was afraid to say, then said, “That he has returned?”

  Kendraa looked at him with confusion and said, “Who?”

  Briev once again acted like he was afraid to say the name, “…Lorkath. The King of Old.”

  Kendraa looked sour as she replied, “I don’t know. I suppose that… that thing could have brought him back, after all, there were all those undead after the battle. It’s all just too unnatural to me. Whatever rumors you have heard, I hope they are wrong. Lorkath returning wouldn’t be good for our people. Even though I might not agree with the General’s plight, they are far better leaders from what I have read.”

  Briev then said, “Well, I hope you are right, the idea of an undead King just creeps me out, I don’t think…”


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