The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two

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The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two Page 14

by Dillon McNaight

  Noticing the teen’s sudden change in demeanor, he said, “What? What is it son... where is Kale?”

  Dathian struggled to find the right words to say to his father while trying to restrain his own emotions. As he failed to speak, Kalorah walked up from behind the teen.

  “The Keeper Kaelithus has fallen to the shade Archimus,” said Kalorah in a soft voice. “He sacrificed himself so that our people would be safe from the dark powers of the Keeper of Death.”

  Daane failed to find his words as he stared into the Angel’s eyes with disbelief and great sadness. After a moment, the King finally uttered out, “He… fell? Kale… is… dead?!” He then looked to his son for confirmation as the teen regretfully nodded with sadness.

  “I know this news is hard to hear, King of Kain,” said Kalorah interrupting the silence, “lead me and Glammdreing into the city’s council chambers, and I will tell you everything.”

  “Yes… yes of course, right this way my Lady,” said Daane before turning to his son and placing his hand of the teen’s face. “We will talk soon my son. Go into the city and settle yourself in. Lead the tired Cheyanne to some food and water. I will find you later tonight and catch up.” The King then hugged his son before leading the two Angels, along with Ayden, to the community room to take council.

  As they walked, Kalorah said to Daane, “Glammdreing has taken a few Drykans captive. Have them sent to your dungeon so that we may interrogate them later.”

  “Drykans?!” said Daane. “Where did you find them, and why were they there? Were they after my son?!”

  “We do not yet know,” replied Kalorah, “for they refuse to speak. Since they appeared to come from your lands, I thought it best that their fates be in your hands. Though, I urge you to try and get any information out of them that might help us in the war to come before you choose their judgements.”

  Daane nodded as they continued to walk towards the council chambers. As Ayden turned to follow the King and the Angels, he looked up and saw Alandra standing in the crowd. There was no expression on the Keeper’s face as she looked back. Ayden gave the Keeper a look of sadness and compassion as he tried to make his way over to her. Before he could reach her, she turned and disappeared into the crowd. He searched for the Keeper for a moment, before returning his attention back to the King. The rest of the Golden Army dismounted their steeds and beasts, and prepared their camp just outside the entrance to the western bridge.

  Dathian turned back to retrieve Cheyanne, as the Ela teen that rode with Dathian most the way walked up to him.

  “So, was that your father, the King?” asked Biix.

  Dathian turned and looked at his father as he grew further from sight, before he turned back around and replied, “Ya… that’s him.”

  “Hmm…,” said Biix, “I thought he would be more excited to see you.”

  Dathian thought for a moment before he said, “So did I.”

  Biix quickly changed the subject and said, “So, I was wondering. Everyone else is staying outside of the city, but I was kind of wondering if I could… I thought that maybe I could…”

  Dathian could tell that he was having trouble asking, so he said, “Would you like to stay in the city with me?”

  Biix’s eyes lit up with excitement as he answered, “Yes! Sorry, I didn’t want to ask, but I am just SO curious about the Kain! I have heard of this legendary city and all the history that surrounds it. I want to see everything!”

  Dathian smiled as he said, “It’s ok, I thought that I was going to stay with my father, but he clearly seems too busy, as usual. We can stay in the Badger’s Paw Inn, it’s the best in the city. Kale and I stayed there once when we were visiting my grandmother.”

  The memory stirred up some emotions, as the always gleeful Biix replied, “Great! I’ll go get Red!”

  As the Ela teen ran back over the bridge to retrieve his saber companion, Dathian yelled, “Wait! I don’t think they’ll allow…” but the boy was too far gone.

  Dathian laughed to himself at the boy’s candor as he motioned for Cheyanne to follow him into the city. He was sure that Biix would catch up with no problem. As he walked through the city gates, he was met by a young teen of Kain.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, but is that who I think it is?” asked Ethan as he looked at Cheyanne.

  “I’m sorry?” replied the prince.

  “Is that the famous White Mare?” eagerly asked Ethan with bottled excitement.

  “Yes,” replied Dathian, “this is Cheyanne.”

  “Oh wow… WOW… I have only heard stories of her,” said the teen, slightly releasing his excitement. “Is it true that she can fly? Wow… she is so beautiful! By the way, my name is Ethan.”

  “Yes, it is true,” laughed the prince, “and my name is Dathian.”

  Ethan suddenly froze, and quickly bowed as he said, “I’m sorry my Lord, I did not realize that you were the son of the King… forgive me.”

  Dathian laughed again as he gently kicked the teen and said, “Get up, I am not my father, you do not need to bow to me.”

  Ethan shyly got up as he said, “I… I know where you can get some water for Cheyanne, and some grain. Follow me.”

  “That sounds good, um, Ethan, was it?” said Dathian, trying not to be rude. “But I am waiting for someone.”

  Just then, Biix arrived surprisingly fast on top of his saber Red. As he came to a sudden stop in front of Ethan and the prince, he jumped off and said, “Alright, I’m ready to go to this Badger place.” Noticing Ethan, Biix smiled and said, “Hi there, my name is Biix. What’s yours?”

  Startled by the large saber, which he has never seen in person, he hesitated before he replied, “Sorry, um, my name is Ethan. I’m in the Kain’s Guard. Yup, that’s right, just got inducted yesterday.”

  Without wiping the smile off his face, Biix said, “Wow, that’s really, that’s… I don’t know what the Kain’s Guard is. Sorry.”

  Ethan almost looked hurt as Dathian started to laugh.

  Shaking off his reaction, Ethan then said, “Did you say you were going to the Badger’s Paw Inn? That’s where I’m staying! I have a giant room that the Lady of the city gave me… way too big for just me. Plus, there is room next to my stall for Cheyanne and your, ah, cat.”

  Before Biix could correct him, Dathian replied, “Saber… it’s a saber, and I guess that would be alright, after all, I suddenly don’t have anywhere else to be.”

  Excited, Ethan said, “Great, then it is settled. Come on, follow me. Sorry, I know you know the way, it’s just I’ve never been to Riverton, OR met an Ela, so this is turning out to be quite the day for me!”

  Dathian looked at the enthusiastic teen of Kain, and then at the gleeful teen of Ela, and suddenly, a lot of his worries left him. He really didn’t have that many friends in the capital, so it was all new to him, but he liked it. He felt a little more normal, especially after all that has happened over the last few weeks. Maybe hanging out with his new friends was just the thing he needed.

  Dathian and Biix followed Ethan as he spoke rapidly about everything, from his family back home, to the attack on Greenglen and his induction into the Kain’s Guard. He talked about the road to Riverton as if he had known them all his life. Biix gladly joined the conversation, and also shared just about everything in HIS life. Dathian tried to listen to both, but sometimes got lost in the conversation.

  “Do you two always talk this much?” finally interrupted the prince.

  “Oh, sorry, I talk a lot when I meet new people,” replied Ethan. “I have never met a member of the royal family before, I mean besides the King, and I have so many questions about the Ela. Forgive my excitement, for it’s a lot to take in. Just three days ago, I was nothing more than security for Greenglen… that’s where I’m from… and now I’m in the Kain’s Guard, preparing for war, talking to the Prince of Kain, and an Ela!”

  Dathian laughed as he replied, “Well, I may not be as excited as you guys to travel to war. Th
e road thus far hasn’t been easy. I had to leave my girl behind in the capital of the Ela. I worry for her safety and the battle to come. Forgive me if I do not share in your enthusiasm.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean what I said… I mean, I’m scared too, or I mean…” stuttered Ethan.

  Trying to show empathy, Biix replied, “Ya, I’m scared too, you know, about the war and such. Very scared.”

  Dathian could tell that they were truly not scared, and were only trying to say what they thought he wanted to hear. He envied their optimism, and tried to find some for himself.

  “No forgive me, they are my worries… not yours,” said the prince, “Are we here?”

  “Yes, there is an empty stall next to mine,” said Ethan as he led Dathian to the stall. “Well, she’s not mine, I’m just borrowing her until I can find her owner. I named her Talliel for the time being. I’m not sure where to put your saber.”

  “It’s ok,” said Biix, “he goes wherever I go. The master of the Inn will just have to understand.”

  Ethan laughed as he replied, “I’m not sure that’s going to fly, but you can try.”

  As Cheyanne approached the stall, the mare Talliel proceeded to bow in the presence of the White Mare. As she did, her eyes turned blue and started to illuminate. Ethan forgot what he was saying as he looked on in amazement and confusion at the mare. Cheyanne stopped and placed her head over the stall’s gate as her eyes also started to illuminate in blue. Talliel then rose her head and gently touched noses with the White Mare.

  Stunned, Dathian said, “Your mare is no ordinary mare, Ethan. She is a member of the Trueborns. I have only heard about this in stories told by my uncle, but have never actually seen it happen. It is said that their eyes glow bright like a hot fire when they are around their creator.”

  “Their creator? You mean the White Mare?” asked Ethan. Biix also looked amazed as his saber Red cowered slightly behind him, scared of the Mare’s power.

  “Yes, Cheyanne is the original Trueborn… so I’m told,” replied Dathian with pride.

  “Wow, this is too much to take in,” said Ethan in merriment. “Come on, I’ll take you to my room.” He looked at Biix and said, “Maybe Red should stay outside for the time being. We can sneak him in later tonight. Just to be safe.”

  Red acted like he knew what Ethan said, and pinned his ears.

  “It’s alright Red,” said Biix as he rubbed his ears, “I’ll come get you after it’s dark. Just try and stay out of trouble until then. You don’t want to get us kicked out, do you?”

  Red relaxed his ears and purred in acceptance of his master’s demand. Ethan then led his two new friends to his room at the top of the five-story, legendary Inn.

  We now move to the Hall of Council at the center of Riverton where the two Angels of Ela, the King, Ayden, and town leader all met around a large oval table made of polished oak.

  “I do not understand, my Queen,” said Daane, “what exactly happened in your capital?”

  Kalorah replied, “We were in mid council when the shade Archimus revealed himself within our minds. He spoke of the fall of Menethiel, and the fall of Brethiel. He offered to relieve himself of his plight if Kale sacrificed himself. With these words, he brought down the Golden Oak within my city. The symbol of my people fell in ruin. Kale decided to give in to the Shade’s demands to keep him from destroying the Great Forest. I will never forget the sacrifice the Keeper made to keep my people safe. I vowed my allegiance to the Kain on the final day of the Keeper’s life. There is a darkness in this world as revealed by the Shade, and my brethren and I will do whatever is necessary to prevent its spread amongst the free peoples of this world.”

  “I truly am sorry for this grave news my Queen,” replied Daane with genuine empathy. “Do know that I am more than grateful for yours and Glammdreing’s assistance in our war against the Dragonkin. I will never forget this day… the day that our two great races overcame our great tragedies and bound ourselves together as one… a solitary army of hope and peace.”

  “A long time has passed since the leaders of our races have taken council in the same room, my King,” said Glammdreing, “let this be a sign of what is to come. From this day forth, let us rid ourselves of our singularity and unite under one banner.” The warrior Angel stood from the table and motioned for the surrounding leaders to do the same. One after another they all stood and met in a silent vow to each other. As they all stood, Glammdreing asked, “Where is the Keeper Alandra?”

  Kalorah looked off towards the window as she said, “She mourns the Keeper’s death. Let her be, for I am sure that her grief has strayed her attention away from this meeting.”

  Ayden followed her gaze to the window as his thoughts dwelled on the Keeper. As he did, the door leading into the council room opened, and in walked an old woman.

  “Ah, perfect timing,” said the King, “my friends, allow me to introduce my mother, Evelyn.”

  The old woman walked into the room and stopped several feet from the table. Her hair was pure white and tied up in braids. The wrinkles on her face told the story of her long life. She wears beautiful peacock feather earrings, and her garments are made of gray and brown burlap, which are simple in design.

  “Your mother?” asked Kalorah as she turned to the King. “Do not tell me that this is the woman of Kain who I believe it to be?”

  “Yes, my Lady,” replied the King, “behold the ‘Mother’.”

  Evelyn walked towards them as she said in a soothing and aged voice, “My Queen, it is truly an honor to meet you. Long have I wished to meet the Angels of Aya, though under different circumstances.”

  Kalorah stood, and said in admiration, “No, the pleasure is all mine. I have only heard the legend of the Mother in stories. Your kindred are legendary amongst our people. The Ela may have an unbreakable bond with the animals of Eillea, but you have a bond that none can compare to. Kale often spoke of the ‘Mothers’ with such admiration.”

  Evelyn’s face grew still as she said, “Spoke? Does he not still speak?”

  Kalorah replied with sadness and empathy, “Spoke. Our dear friend is no longer with us upon this mortal world. He has passed to the kingdom of Aya.”

  Evelyn expertly held her true emotions at bay as she replied, “So it is as I feared. I felt the heartbreak of the great White Mare, heartbreak that could only come from one thing.” She paused as she struggled to hold her composure. She then asked, “Did he feel pain?”

  Glammdreing then stood and said, “We do not need to dwell on such things. The Keeper of the Staff was strong, and walked willingly to his demise. He would not want us to discuss its details. He would want us to continue on, and relinquish our lands of the very evil that took him. And might I add, I also know the legends of the ‘Mother,’ and it is an honor to stand before you.”

  Evelyn forced a smile as she replied, “You are right, Glammdreing, I presume, we must move on.”

  She then looked at Daane and Ayden, and said, “My dear children. It has been a long time since I have seen you two together. Which, I might add, is NOT by my doing.”

  Ayden replied in a sheepish tone, “Sorry mother, I would have come to visit sooner, but the Guard has me very busy these days.”

  Evelyn then looked at Daane for his answer.

  Daane just said, “Well, I am the King, so, you know, it’s just hard to find time to travel to Riverton.”

  Evelyn glared past their excuses as she said, “We will continue this conversation at a later time. I have not only come here to confirm my fears of the Keeper’s fall, but to also tell you that I have received word from Mir-Menthiel.”

  Tylandrius then asked, “Well, perfect timing. What does Lord Jarvis say? Will he send the Rangers to aid us in reclaiming Menethiel?”

  Evelyn’s face grew sour as she answered, “No. No help of any kind will come from the Shorelands.”

  Daane furiously stood up as he yelled, “What?! What do you mean he will not help?!”

nbsp; Evelyn sternly replied, “SIT down! You do NOT speak to your mother in such a tone!”

  Daane obeyed as he sat down, while Ayden let lose a small laugh.

  Evelyn continued as she directed herself to Tylandrius, “Lord Jarvis states that the Rangers are currently scattered throughout the Shorelands, and that he didn’t have the time to properly muster them. He sends his shallow regards and regrets. I have never trusted the man that YOU appointed as Lord of the Shorelands, but that is neither here nor there. Just know that every able Kainsmen and their Trueborns are on their way to Riverton as we speak. I can feel them growing closer with each waking moment. They will come, and with the Angel’s gracious assistance, we will have MORE than enough to take back the capital!”

  They concluded the meeting after several more hours of deliberation. As the Angels walked back to the Golden Army, the sun’s final golden rays melted with the black night sky above it as it made its final descent behind the dark outline of the far distant Karn Mountains to the west. Standing on a westward facing stone terrace overlooking the almost silent and majestic flowing falls of the Andwail, stood the Keeper Alandra. Her curly constrained brown locks flowed free of their confines. She wore nothing more than a thin soft lavender night gown that pressed against and contoured her perfect silhouette as the strong western winds blew against her. She stared into the beyond with no emotion painted on her unpainted face. Ayden approached from behind the Keeper ever so quietly. Alandra continued to stare at the distant setting sun and showed no mind to the Captain, knowing that he has been standing behind her for quite some time now.

  Coming to a stop just a few feet behind her, the Captain of the Kain’s Guard said, “I am sorry for your loss my Lady.” Ayden waited for a reaction from the stoic Keeper. Once realizing that she was not going to turn around, Ayden softly continued, “Kale meant a great deal to me as well. He was the only one to be straight with me when I was younger, and tell me when I was acting a fool. In fact, he has looked after my entire family for as long as I can remember. He was a great man… you know? I mean, if you didn’t know who he actually was, you would think he was just another man of Kain. My biggest regret now is not telling him that… not thanking him.” Ayden paused for a moment as his emotions began to awake from their long sleep and creep into his eyes. He looked to the Keeper to respond to him in some sort of way. Realizing that she was not going to reply, Ayden said, “I am afraid I do not have the proper words to console you, for if I had, I would use them on myself. I’m sorry if this was inappropriate, I just had to…”


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