The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two

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The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two Page 35

by Dillon McNaight

  Kalorah continued to stare at the capital as a multitude of thoughts raced through her mind, deterring her response.

  He grew impatient and repeated once more, “My lady?!”

  Kalorah then said in a controlled yet subtle voice, “You are the commander of the Skyborns… what do you think our next move should be?” She was genuine in her question as she turned to face him.

  He stared back, and then replied with surety, “We should attack now, there is no sense in prolonging the inevitable.”

  “Then send the word,” said Kalorah as she grasped his wrist, and continuing. “Promise me that we will survive this. Convince me that I am not blindly sending OUR people to their emanate destruction.”

  Krendweil placed his hand on Kalorah’s wrist, and said, “We have to do this my Queen… we have to protect those who cannot protect themselves, for that is why we were put on this earth. Trust in your heart, and it will not fail you. You have successfully led our people for over five hundred years. You have never failed us, and you will not fail us this day!”

  The White Queen looks at her friend, and is reminded of her people’s strength. As she gazes into his reassuring eyes, she is reminded of the day that she selected Krendweil as the leader of the Skyborn, and the strength and confidence he showed that day.

  She then said, “Fly… fly to the wall and destroy all defenses.”

  “As you wish, my Queen,” replied Krendweil as he kicked his heels into the side of his Griffin Athorn, who immediately responded and dove towards the capital. The rest of the Skyborn army followed as they flew above and below Kalorah with haste towards the fallen capital.

  Kalorah then softly, yet sternly spoke to her people within their minds, “Fly true and strong. There will be a new light after this day, and we all will have peace once again.” With these words, Kalorah followed him to the wall.

  Daane collected himself, and forced his attention away from those who were just mercilessly slaughtered by the Red Dragon.

  He looked at Ayden, and said in a less than confident voice, “Reform the line.”

  Ayden shared his pain, yet turned and yelled, “You heard your King, FORM THE LINE!”

  Then someone rode up to Ayden’s side, and as he turned, he saw Nexia atop her saber, and right behind her, Luthar atop his Phalanx, and following them, the Golden Army’s cavalry.

  “We’re with you,” said Nexia.

  Ayden then questioned, “But I thought that the Queen wanted you to…”

  “…We’re with you,” interrupted Luthar.

  Daane looked at each with a lonely tear in his eye, and said, “Thank you… my friends.” He then took out his sword and screamed, “KAIN AND ELA ALIKE… ATTACK!”

  With these words, he then charged past the destroyed camps and burning bodies towards the outer wall of the capital.

  Outside the Great Forest, overlords Zelka and Bruukar say nothing as they sit atop their undead steeds and continue to stare at the Runemasters as countless shades stand ready behind them.

  Growing impatient, Ella yells, “What are you waiting for, huh?!”

  “Ella, don’t,” said Syphra, trying to calm her down.

  Zelka then stepped off his horse, and held up his arm. Once on the ground, a long and shiny Shadestone sword erected out from his arm. One cannot see the eyes of the undead Overlord behind his menacing helm, causing his appearance to be even more daunting. He waits for a moment, then suddenly, and unexpectantly, slices off the head of his decaying horse. As the severed head hits the ground, the rest of the horse’s body stays on its feet, softly swishing what’s left of its mangled tail. He then picks up the head and effortlessly throws it towards the Runemasters. As it flies through the air, it suddenly combusts into a thousand specks of ash. The Runemasters casted a powerful protection spell the night before, similar to the one Kale summoned in Menethiel, but on a smaller scale. If any living or dead tissue touches the invisible shield, it will dissolve immediately, though it has not been tested on shades. The undead horse still has tissue, so it was only a matter of time before the Overlords figure it out.

  Bruukar watched the head evaporate, and got down off his own horse. He then walked right up to where the shield was, and carefully held up his hand. As it lightly braised the invisible shield, it started to burn his plate gloves. He then put his hand down and took a few steps back.

  “This is it, get ready!” yelled Syphra.

  The Runemasters then pulled out two runes, one black, and one brown. The black runes are the ones Syphra recently crafted to combat the dead, and the brown ones create a static charge that can momentarily stun their opponents, or cause them to be knocked back. Ella took her black rune and crushed it into many pieces, in which she secured all along a long leather whip. She fashioned the brown one onto the end of a scepter. The whip and scepter are a common staple amongst house Velen, and was used by Erelorn himself during the battle at the Separation.

  Bruukar then raised his hand in the air, waited a moment, then threw it down, signaling the shades behind him to charge. This was it, this was the moment of truth, for only seconds from now, the shades will either perish, or pass safely through the barrier. If they did, the Runemasters wouldn’t be able to hold them off forever, let alone defeat them. At first, only a small group of shades cautiously approached, then stood still for a moment. Then one stepped forward, a shade resembling the appearance of a young boy with one arm. He lifted his only hand, and slowly pushed it through the shield of protection. To his delight… it did nothing.

  Back in the Mines, the Keepers successfully defeated the first wave of Krocklin attackers, though they exhausted much power to do so. The three of them were weak, and took to a knee to catch their breath.

  Breathing the heaviest, Malthius cracked a smile as he said, “Apparently… I am not in as good of shape as I thought.”

  The other two couldn’t help but to laugh at the usually serious Keeper.

  “Do you think that was all of them?” asked Sadja.

  “I don’t know,” answered Alandra, “but we cannot linger here, we must join with the King. The real fight is outside these walls.”

  “I will stay behind,” said Malthius as he stood up, “you two go fight for your people, and I will fight for mine.”

  Sadja and Alandra, though they consider the Clauggs just as much part of their people as the Kain, understood, and nodded in acceptance.

  “We need you to open the gates,” said Sadja.

  “No, you don’t,” replied Malthius, still catching his breath, “you have always had the power to open them, you just didn’t know it.

  Sadja sighed as he said, “And… I supposed you were keeping that handy little secret to yourself this whole time? Nice.”

  Alandra patted him on the shoulder and said, “Because he knows you too well… we all do. Now, are you coming or not?”

  Returning to a serious tone, Sadja looked at Malthius, and said, “Don’t die, ok?”

  Malthius smiled as he replied, “Ok. Now, go, the doors will open if you ask, for you are in need, and they will answer.”

  Sadja said no more, but exchanged his goodbyes with his eyes. Him and Alandra then set out for the center of Belroot to ready the men for their departure. Moonshine flew ahead, leading the way. As they reached the prepared Kain soldiers, Joseph walked up to Sadja.

  “So, you’re leaving?” he asked.

  Sadja looked at the disappointed look in his eyes, then said, “No, we’re leaving. How’s the leg?”

  Growing instantly excited, Joseph replied, “Great! Stronger than ever! I’m ready, I know I am!”

  Alandra looked at Sadja as if to hurry him along. He nodded as he turned back to Joseph.

  “I can’t look after you, so I leave that in your hands. Just… you don’t die either, understand?”

  “I do,” said Joseph as he started to run off to get ready as fast as he could. He turned his head and yelled back, “I won’t die, I promise!”

couldn’t help but smile at the boy’s courage and innocence. He gave a quick prayer for Kaidian’s protection before joining Alandra.

  Once the Keepers were satisfied with the soldiers’ readiness, they all walked together to the gates. As they arrived, Sadja looked at them, and closed his eyes. Moments later, they heard a loud crack, and the shifting of stone. As they began to open, the morning sun shined brightly in, masking the outside world for a moment.

  Once the doors were completely open, Alandra got on top of Moonshine, looked down at Sadja and smiled, as she said, “Don’t get too far behind!”

  Moonshine then leapt into the air and soared towards the lower level of the capital, with Sadja and the refugeed soldiers of Menethiel charging behind.

  Back at the outer wall, the Red Dragon flies high into the conjured storm of fire with the warrior Angel following behind. Glammdreing concentrates, then jets forward like lightning, ending up in front of the General. He then pulls out his shield as Bargokk slows and arches his swollen neck, only before releasing an inferno of melting fire. As it reaches the Angel’s shield, it mushrooms around. Glammdreing allows the flames to dissipate before he gathers enough energy to release a shockwave towards Bargokk. He is not as agile, and takes the brunt on the shockwave, causing him to loosen his grip on flight. As he steadies his wings, he whips his long snake-like tail at the Angel, sending him flying towards the ground. Bargokk then notices the Kain and the Ela marching towards the gates, and bows into a steep dive, gaining speed quickly. Once he is close to the ground, he unfolds his wings, and continues to soar towards the attackers.

  Glammdreing recovers, but is now too far away, and speaks to Kalorah’s mind, “He’s coming for you! The Red Dragon is coming!”

  Kalorah stops right before she reaches the wall, and turns around. She sees him approaching, and raises her staff to bring fire down upon him, but is interrupted by a Drykan flyer atop an Irondrake. She quickly reacts, and brings her staff instead, down on the Drake, causing it to be knocked backwards, whilst his rider falls to the ground far below. She immediately turns her attention back to the approaching Dragon, but is unable to rain down fire in time. She is helpless as Bargokk releases a massive wave of fire down upon the Kain and Ela. Some are able to dodge the attack, but others are incinerated before the Queen’s eyes. Bargokk then circles, and comes back for another attack. Glammdreing closes in, almost there. Kalorah tries, but the constant onslaught of Drykans cause her to be delayed. Dathian and Ethan ride together, but stop when they see the Dragon.

  “Ethan, stand close! Everyone, stand behind Cheyanne!” yells Dathian as Cheyanne turns to face the approaching Dragon.

  Ayden, Daane, Ethan, and Bix, and as many as possible in the Dragon’s trajectory move behind the White Mare. Bargokk waits until he is just the right amount of distance away before he releases his flames. He hasn’t forgotten the White Mare, or the prince. As the massive wall of fire rapidly closes the gap, Cheyanne’s eyes turn bright blue, and an immense warming sensation radiates off her body. The flames are immediately dissolved, and evaporate into nothingness. Enraged, Bargokk lands in front of her, causing the ground to break and rumble.

  Bargokk then speaks out loud with a terrifyingly thunderous voice, “YOUR resistance is FUTILE against the MIGHT of the DRAGONKIN!”

  Ethan stares at the Dragon with hatred-filled bloodshot eyes. He then gets off his mare, and begins walking towards the General.

  “WHAT have we HERE?” continues Bargokk, “A BRAVE young MAN whose hatred has BLINDED his sense of REASON! You ALL should wish to be SO brave as THIS one! COME CHILD…” Bargokk then spreads his wings, and flaps down hard enough to become airborne, then, after a few more, takes flight towards the capital, as he ends with, “…COME TO YOUR DEATH! DRAGONKIN… ENGAGE!!!”

  Dathian and Ethan stare beyond Bargokk with a shared hatred as thousands upon thousands of Drakes leap off the endless towers within the capital. Then, a distance away at the Main Gate, the doors open, and release a horde of towering and heavily armored rock trolls, followed by charging Drykan warriors.

  Glammdreing finally arrives next to Daane, and says, “The Dragon WILL die, but right now we have a fight on our hands. I am with you, WE ARE ALL WITH YOU!”

  Glammdreing then charges the approaching attackers with lightning speed, and begins slaying enemy after enemy. Daane and his company, along with the Golden Army commanders, all charge behind the Warrior Angel, as Krendweil’s Skyborn flyers and Kalorah engage the onslaught of Drakes. Some ways off in the distance, the silhouette of a giant eagle can be seen, with the Keeper of the Bow atop, and on the ground behind her, the approaching mass of people led by the Keeper of the Sword. Thus begins, for the second time in history, the Battle of the Three Races.

  Back at the Black City, Archimus, now in his normal form, says inside their minds in a weak, yet slithering voice, “You… are too… late…, it has… already… begun!”

  “Oh, I am well aware,” replied Teeca in a drone voice. Archimus said nothing as she continued, “You think I would enter your realm blindly? You think I do not see?”

  Archimus then began to rise into the air towards the hovering Angel.

  At this exact moment, outside the Great Forest, Runemasters Ella and Syphra battle against the shades. Their runes are effective, but only seem to temporarily immobilize them. They quickly regain their form, and persist. It doesn’t take long before they start to become overwhelmed.

  “We aren’t STOPPING THEM!” yells Ella to Syphra as she snaps her whip around a shade, causing it to vanish momentarily.

  “WE MUST HOLD STRONG!” commands Syphra as his black rune causes several shades to dissolve, only to quickly reappear.

  As they struggle to maintain control, Archimus says to the Angel, “What… are you… not… blind to…, as you… so boldly… stated?”

  Teeca gives a wicked smile as she continues, “While I was navigating your now shattered Realm of Shadow, I met someone that I did not expect…”

  She then relives her meeting within their minds, and they watch together as she narrates. In the vision, we see Teeca walking alone within the Realm of Shadow, in the midst of a ruined and ash ladened forest. Then, before her some ways, stands a tall figure, hooded in a brown cloak with his backed turned.

  Back outside the Great Forest, the Runemasters start to lose their hold on the shades. Several give in to the constant onslaught, and as their runes fall from their hands, the shades begin siphoning the life form their bodies. Without their control, the conjured invisible wall will fail, allowing the Overlords to enter. The struggling Runemasters are all that stand in the way of the shades entering the forest, and killing every decent living thing within. Ella and Syphra look around in desperation as their fellow Runemasters, and friends, fall one by one to the shades’ torment.

  Ella then throws down her scepter and whip, grabs her love, pulls him close to her, and says as tears form in her emotionally tormented eyes, “Wherever we go…”

  Syphra locks his equally traumatized eyes with hers, and grips her hands tight, as he adds, “…We will always have each other, and with each other…”

  Tears now freely fall from her eyes, as she ends with, “…We can go anywhere.”

  They then close their eyes, and embrace as an endless army of shades close in to finish them off. Off in the distance, the Overlords proudly walk towards the Great Forest with a thousand more shades behind them.

  Teeca continues to narrate the vision, “I did not know who he was, but somehow, it was as if I knew all along, as if this spontaneous meeting was nothing short of planned. I sensed a trap, but walked closer anyways, without fear or hesitation. When I got close enough, he finally turned around. I did not recognize his face, nor did I have a good guess at who he was. He had long white hair, and a neutral face.”

  As Ella and Syphra await their incoming demise, they hear something strange coming from above the forest, something that almost sounds like the roar of a Dragon. This causes them
to open their eyes, and look up to the skies in search of the sound’s origin.

  Teeca continues, “I asked the man who he was, and he just stared into my eyes, never blinking once. He replied, ‘Who could I be if I can voluntarily enter this tragic place? You may not know my face, but you know my name.’ So, I thought to myself, could this really be? After all my searching, and all my failures, was I now standing in front of the one I sought? Then I knew… all at once. Who he was, what you were planning to do, and why he was there.”

  As Syphra and Ella look to the skies, there is a moment of silence, then they see it, but their eyes cannot comprehend what they are seeing.

  Teeca then says as the vision continues, “I only needed to speak his name… Valerian.”

  Just then, an unimaginably magnificent and elegant snow-white Dragon flies over the tops of Ella and Syphra, only meters above their heads. The sheer force of his body causes them to fall over. The White Dragon then unhinges his massive jaws, and releases blazing blue, which are no ordinary flames. As they hit the center of the shade army, they spew outwards, and continue to spread for hundreds of feet. Once it touches a shade, they are instantly returned to the very hell they were released from, yet the flames harm nothing else. The Overlords begin to panic as they reveal their Shadestone swords, but they are no match for the flames of the White Dragon, Valerian, Jailer of the Damned, and the Keeper of Death. It only takes a few passes to completely eliminate the entire Shade Army, save the Overlords. Valerian then lands in front of them, and transforms into his human form. He wears simple gray robes and no shoes. As he approaches the doomed Overlords, he reveals an oversized white sword three-quarters the length of his body. It drags behind him, leaving a trail in the grass, until he is close enough, then swirls it around once, and slices it directly through their bodies. As their torsos fall to the ground, he uses his other hand, and releases the same blue fire, which causes their decrepit bodies to cinder into dust. He then looks up, and sees Ella and Syphra paralyzed in amazement and fear.


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