Spellscribed: Ascension

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Spellscribed: Ascension Page 26

by Cruz, Kristopher

  He was also followed by four barbarians who flanked the two on four sides. Endrance glanced at the soldiers and scowled. He looked Joven in the eye and tilted his head back at the door. The bodyguard turned to the men.

  “All right guys.” He said. “Give the Spengur the space he wants. Out.”

  “But we-” one of the soldiers protested.

  “Out. Now.” Joven growled. The four tentatively vacated the chamber, but Endrance could hear them milling about in the next room, likely ready to burst in if there were any hints of violence. Endrance knew that the wolfmen heard the same, if not smelled them still nearby. It would have to do.

  “Endrance.” The leader said, and Endrance immediately recognized the smooth, human sounding voice. It was, in fact, the wolfman that spared his life in the woods over a year ago. “I see letting you live was a wise decision.”

  “Gnaeus.” Endrance said, hoping he was pronouncing it right. Endrance hopped off the chair and stood, walking within arm’s reach of the pack leader and looking him in the eyes. “I am glad you let me live, or I would not have been here to aid the people of this kingdom in what could be the hardest times they were to experience in a century.”

  Gnaeus’ ear flicked, and Endrance began to wonder if there were cultural differences in how close to stand to another and how to look someone in the face in the wolfmen’s society. If he had given insult, Gnaeus was more tolerant than most of the people in the northern wastes and merely tilted his head slightly in acquiescence. “I come to you now in hopes that you can repay the favor.”

  “You need me to save your life?” Endrance asked.

  “No.” Gnaeus said. “Like I did for you, I need you to let us live.”

  “I don’t understand.” The mage stated flatly.

  “The Atastos rising has caught much of our pack unprepared.” Gnaeus stated. “We have managed to find a den that keeps us safe, but we fear that once the Atastos are defeated, and we have no doubt you will defeat them, your people will not be able to see past the true differences and will come after us for revenge. As pack leader, I need to secure my pack’s future and that means coming to the person who is most likely to change the minds of the people.”

  Endrance hadn’t even considered the repercussions of the ongoing war, beyond saving the city from being overrun. He knew the people of Balator well enough that, even if it were clear that the invasion was of the undead variety, machinated by magic beyond the ken of spellcasters of the current era, they would not be able to leave the living wolfmen blameless. It would likely lead to them singling the wolfmen out, hunting them down and eradicating all that could be found.

  “Tell me, Gnaeus.” Endrance began. “How do you propose that I do that? These people are harder headed than a rock golem and ten times as quick to offend.”

  “You are in a position of power.” Gnaeus stated. “You can make them understand.”

  “I am not the leader of these people… this pack.” Endrance reasoned, hoping he wasn’t making a mistake. “But, I am the closest thing they have to a shaman. I can advise, but not directly affect the wills of the people should they wish to risk defying me.”

  “Your pack doesn’t currently have an alpha.” Gnaeus said. “We have learned this much. You are the one who killed the alpha, so you are now the alpha.”

  Endrance shook his head. “That’s not how it works here. Well, it is how it works here, but I am not able to be their alpha and their shaman.”

  “What happens then?” Gnaeus asked.

  “Glad you asked.” Endrance stated, turning and walking back over to the chair he had been sitting on. He picked up the discarded token and waved it. “I perform a ceremony to allow others to compete to prove they can rule the kingdom.”

  Gnaeus’ ear flicked again. He glanced at his second, who nodded. Gnaeus looked back at Endrance and grinned. “And do you think your new king could make peace between us?”

  “Yes, I suppose.” Endrance said. “The king would be able to make a decision from that point. But all the candidates have been fighting with your kind for years. I don’t know exactly how they would receive it.”

  “I see.” The wolfman replied, pacing. The wolfman had a faint smell that reminded him of wet dog. Gnaeus turned to look at him and grinned. “Then we will help.”

  Endrance blinked at Gnaeus, confused. “You’re going to help?”

  Gnaeus tilted his head. “If you explained it properly, then once the new king is on the throne, he will bend his ear to your words. If that is the case, then the fastest way to get what I need is to help you get what you need. Am I correct?”

  Endrance thought it over. “Yes.” He concluded. “However, I don’t know how much they will allow you to help since they have a hard time distinguishing between the normal members of your kind and the Atastos that are on the verge of overwhelming our city. Not to mention that there are at least three Atastos mages approaching and I don’t know how to handle them before they potentially blow the walls down and make my job even more difficult.”

  “Atastos mages?” Gnaeus asked. “That’s… impossible.”

  “Why?” Endrance queried.

  Gnaeus’ tail swished once and his ears shifted position. “There has not been a member of our packs able to teach magic to our young for decades. The Alpha before the Alpha I replaced was among the last to have any knowledge of the gift.”

  Endrance nodded. “The Atastos mages are undead, so they could be from that time. How many of your people used to be able to use magic?”

  Gnaeus looked confused. “All of them. Aren’t your people the same?”

  Joven glanced at Endrance and whistled. The mage stared at the wolfman wide-eyed as he considered that revelation. An entire species able to use magic? They weren’t magical creatures though, as Endrance had heard reports about their vulnerability to illness and other maladies that mortals explicitly suffered. Did this mean that every one of them had the ability to use magic innately?

  “No. Our people aren’t.” Endrance replied. “It’s a trait that happens randomly, though it can be inherited, if the parents were both powerful enough. We have some houses or bloodlines that are thought to almost certainly produce mages, though there are cases of people born who have the ability though their parentage had no ability.”

  “Odd.” Gnaeus stated. “We all have had the potential, but without teaching we can only perform the most basic of magic.”

  Endrance thought again. With the new information he had gained, it gave the invasion of the undead wolfmen a strange color. Every time he cast magic in their presence they were entranced by it, to the point of ignoring enemies around them. Then they went after him, over any other enemies. Were they hunting mages? Or was it that they longed for what he had?

  Either way, Endrance was not in the habit of letting wolfmen tear him apart for whatever reason, so he was contented to never find out what would have happened if they had actually gotten a hold of him. The mage wiped his face with a hand and sighed.

  “All right. I think that your help will be needed, but it may not be what you are expecting.” Endrance said.

  Gnaeus only watched him, waiting to hear his plan.

  “The Ascension is a ritual that I only have to perform the beginning of, and once that is done, they go through their challenges as they climb the mountain. Your presence would only be seen as a chance to attain even more glory during their rise, so I will need your help with something a little distasteful, but out of their way.” Endrance said, glancing at Joven. He knew that his bodyguard was going to object the loudest of everyone present.

  “I need to buy time for the victor to make it to the top and the king to be crowned. It should be done by dawn if I have the timing about right, but we our walls will be in jeopardy by that point. I need you to come with me and kill the Atastos spellcasters before they have the chance to do that.”

  “Wait!” Joven exclaimed, his brow furrowing. “You can’t possibly be thinking of going out the

  Gnaeus’ ears perked up and he turned to talk to Wrach in their native tongue, a language of growls, whines, yips and variegating barks.

  “Yes. I am thinking of going out there.” Endrance replied calmly.

  “But they’re going to tear you apart!” Joven protested. “You said they were each more powerful than you!”

  “They are. But as you said, these wolfmen are skilled. Skilled enough that thirteen of them are a force that can be wielded like a dagger in the dark. With their help, I can neutralize at least one or two of them, giving your people a fair chance.” Endrance reasoned.

  “No. Just… no!” Joven said. “I can’t let you do this!”

  “You have to.” Endrance said. “Or all your people will fall. And look at it this way, what more glorious death can you find than one that secures the lives of thousands?”

  Joven scowled. “I hate when you use our logic against me.” He griped. “I don’t like this. I’m your bodyguard; that shouldn’t be your task, Endrance. Give it to me.”

  The wizard shook his head. “No. You cannot counter their abilities. I have something in mind that should keep them distracted long enough for the wolfmen to strike them down. If it works, we’ll be done before the rest of the hordes can turn towards us. Then the wolfmen help me evade capture while you make sure the Ascension is completed. Once that’s done, the armies outside will no longer be a problem.”

  “But how can you be so sure?” Joven demanded. “How will this fix the problem?”

  “It might not. Plain and simple.” Endrance said, running his hand through his hair. “But I have a pretty good idea what’s causing this and I need to make it right. I am not unfamiliar with the magic at work here either, so I am not blindly making this decision.”

  Joven’s scowl didn’t get any better, but he turned his back and walked a few paces away, grumbling. It seemed that he was fighting with something internally. Endrance turned to the wolfmen and found them staring at him.

  “What?” Endrance asked.

  Gnaeus grinned. “You keep your second well under control, Alpha.” He said. “You didn’t even need to prove your dominance to him.”

  “No, he’s great.” Endrance agreed. “I’ve had to… how did you put it?”

  “Assert dominance?”

  “Yeah, I’ve had to ‘assert dominance’ with only one member of my group.” Endrance admitted.

  “There’s always a troublemaker in the pack.” Gnaeus agreed. “May I ask who?”

  “Bridget. The brown haired woman outside who is missing an arm.” Endrance answered.

  “Oh, one of your mates.” The Alpha replied. “Be careful, she has the smell of a fighter.”

  Endrance rubbed his jaw. “Do I know it.”

  “We have talked.” Gnaeus stated suddenly. “We agree to help you with this. Your plan is sound and we should be able to take the mages without many losses.”

  “You’re sure of that?” Endrance asked.

  Gnaeus grinned again. “Of course. We are the best hunters of our pack.”

  “Great.” Endrance said. “I need to get ready for the Ascension. I want to leave right after that though, so if you can make ready to do this in the next hour, I will return to this house and then lead you to where we will cross the wall.”

  Gnaeus nodded. “It will be done. Until then, my second has a request.”

  Endrance looked to the younger wolfman. “And that is?”

  Wrach set the bundle down and unrolled it. Inside were dozens of pelts and furs from various animals.

  “We do not know much about human children.” Wrach said. “We wish to trade these furs for things they would need and teachings on how to raise them.”

  Joven, having sorted through his conflicting interests, exchanged a glance with Endrance. The mage blinked, and leaned forward. “Excuse me?”

  “We wish to trade for materials and information on the raising of a human child.” Wrach replied again. “It is a female, if that makes any difference.”

  Endrance was at a loss for words. Joven stepped in, speaking up. “Wrach,” he started. “Where did you get a human child?”

  Wrach shrugged. “Found it.”

  “And, you’re just going to raise it?” Joven inquired.

  “Her parents are dead, and I promised I would take care of her.” Wrach replied. “I wish to be able to keep my promise.”

  Endrance had recovered enough to speak by that point. “Oh, okay. This makes more sense now.” He touched the pile of furs. “This is fine. I’ll make sure that my Draugnoa give you what you need. Can you read?”

  “Read?” Wrach asked. “We can read our language, but yours is not taught.”

  Endrance grimaced. “Well then, I’ll ask them to coach you on the basics. Maybe someday I can come visit your people and check on the girl; just to make sure she’s getting what she needs.” The mage scratched his head. “I mean, unless you are entirely carnivorous, I suspect your diets aren’t much different than ours.”

  “We can eat more raw meats than you, but we eat whatever we can.” Gnaeus replied. “And we learned long ago that cooking foods make them taste better.”

  “Well then, you should be fine but I’ll have Selene consult with you, just in case.” He said, feeling like he was finally getting somewhere. “I need to get prepared for the ceremony and then the thing after, so if you can please give me some time.”

  The wolfmen were escorted back out. Endrance briefly spoke to Selene, explained the situation and asked for her help. She was more than happy to talk with Wrach about the child and what kind of things she would need. Endrance went inside and Bridget began coaching him on the details of his ceremonial dance.

  During the next hour, he performed the dance several times, getting his mind and body accustomed to the motions. The ceremony allowed for little mistakes; should he fumble, he would have to start over. Selene entered the building some time later with a basket containing the costume he was supposed to wear, as well as a light meal for before the ceremony. They ate quickly, with little time for conversation.

  Endrance didn’t tell them about his plan for after the ceremony. Joven, though present, followed his lead. He knew that allowing him to go off on this seeming suicide mission was tearing him up inside, but it was necessary. It was something he had to do, and Joven would only get himself killed, accomplishing nothing. He couldn’t tell his wives about it because they’d be impossible to convince to stay

  Endrance wondered if that was the way things were going to be from now on. He’d have to manipulate people, and force others to do what he wanted because he knew better. As a wizard and as he got more powerful, he would find himself knowing more and more of the big picture and where everything fit in it. If he wanted to succeed, he would need to move people and put them in the best position that fit into that big picture.

  But what if what he thought was the best thing for them was wrong? It was just too easy to lose sight, to become deluded into thinking what was good for him was good for everyone. If he had the power to change the fates of thousands of lives, wouldn’t it be irresponsible to not use it?

  Endrance didn’t know the answer, but he knew he would have to keep looking. He didn’t want to become a tyrant or a manipulator, but regardless of his desires, he knew he was growing more powerful. With that power came the temptation to misuse it, and he would need to stay on guard if he wanted to keep his morality intact.

  After they ate, Selene took him to the front room to change while the others cleaned up their meal. Endrance looked down at the costume she showed him and shook his head.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” He protested. “This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “I know!” Selene said, smiling. “I think you’ll look great in it!”

  Chapter 18

  Minutes later, Endrance found himself staring out at the assembled barbarians that could be allowed to be present without leaving the walls vulnerable; which
meant that thousands of men and women were staring expectantly at the door of the nearby house they had let Endrance and his companions prepare in.

  The mage looked down at himself and sighed. “Are you sure this is the right costume?” Endrance asked, trying to straighten a band on his arm. Selene reached out and grasped his hand before he could.

  “Stop fidgeting with it. Yes, this is the ceremonial costume for the Ascension ceremony. You just have to go out there, do the dance and say the words, and give someone your favor.”

  “This is ridiculous.” Endrance replied. “I can’t believe that I have to do this.”

  The costume he was wearing consisted of leather straps across his biceps, chest, waist, and thighs. Folded into each strap were strips of gray cloth whose ends had been dipped in red and yellow dyes at the tips, soaking up into the gray. Whenever he moved, the strips would swish and sway, baring his body quite embarrassingly. He was barefoot, his feet freezing on the chilled stone. After some argument, he was allowed to keep the bracers on, since the color of the gems matched the overall appearance of the costume. The wooden token he had crafted hung from his neck on a thin leather thong.

  “Are you sure there isn’t another layer here?” Endrance asked. “Like, I don’t know, underwear? It’s cold as ice outside and if I do the moves, everything’s going to be exposed!”

  “I noticed.” Selene whispered, blushing.

  “So are we able to do something about that?” Endrance asked after he realized that Selene was staring into space. She snapped out of it blinking at him as she registered what he said.

  “Do we have to?” She muttered. Somewhere behind him, Endrance could hear Bridget snicker and Joven suppressing a laugh. She sighed, looking through the bag she had brought the costume in. She produced a very small bit of clothing and tossed it to him. “Here it is.” She said with a sigh. “Need me to leave so you can get… dressed?”

  Endrance raised an eyebrow as he straightened out the bit of cloth. “No, no point.” He said, slipping it on. It didn’t do anything to protect him from the cold and it barely covered the essential parts, which was what he was most embarrassed about. Better something, than nothing.


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