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Romance in Color

Page 93

by Synithia Williams

  “The better to see you with,” he growled playfully.

  Nuzzling in closer, she was again made painfully aware of his arousal pressed intimately against her thighs. “Um, now that the three of us are awake, what ever should we do?”

  “I told you to ignore him. He has a one-track mind. Besides, he always wakes up long before I do.”

  “You know,” she said, pinning him with a meaningful look, “eventually we’re going to have to do something about his shameless behavior, right?”

  “I’m counting on it. But it won’t be today.”

  “Well, if you insist.” She pouted. “I suppose I’ll let you get away with this sweet, albeit misguided attempt at chivalry for now. But you should know up front I’m a high-maintenance kind of girl used to having her way. So, consider yourself forewarned. Right now, I’ll settle for being fed. What’s for breakfast?”

  “Are you going to be this demanding the entire time we’re together?”

  “Absolutely.” She grinned.

  He grinned back and kissed her on her nose, and then untangled himself from her arms and quickly got out of bed. “If you’re going to stay here, you’ll have to pull your weight. Meet me in the kitchen in ten minutes.” He turned and left the room.

  Candace lay in bed a while longer. She hadn’t been the least bit alarmed by Brice’s earlier statement that they would make love. The attraction was mutual, and the two of them becoming intimate was inevitable. She’d enjoyed lying next to him all through the night and had felt safe cuddled in his arms—a feeling she was woefully unaccustomed to.

  Poignant memories of nights with Nash, void of intimacy and affection, flashed in her head. Nash? Crap. Where did he come from to ruin my feel-good moment? She didn’t want to think about him right now—who he really was or what he might be capable of. She was with Brice, and Brice was nothing like Nash. That thought put the smile back on her face and made her jump out of bed and hurry to the bathroom. She quickly washed her face, brushed her teeth, and combed her wild, curly mane of hair up into a bushy ponytail perched on the top of her head.

  Still dressed in cotton drawstring pajamas and a tank top, she hurried downstairs to meet Brice in the kitchen. What she saw there stopped her dead in her tracks, tightened her nipples, and sent a flash of warmth straight to her center, causing it to ache and throb with anticipation. Brice was bent over in front of the refrigerator, his muscular arms flexing as he reached inside. His firm rear end was so enticing it took every ounce of self-control she had not to walk up behind him, grab his ass, and rub all over him like a cat in heat.

  The man had a body to die for: tall and lean with well-defined abdominals and chest muscles beneath an undershirt that stretched tight across his torso. His arms were muscled and roped with veins that stood out with implied strength. He was virtually a walking advertisement for a gym membership, and he’d be perfectly cast in one of those TV infomercials selling newfangled workout equipment. She knew he looked good in a suit and tie, but hot damn, he looked even better dressed in less. When he’d come to her room under the cover of darkness, Lord knows she’d felt every hardened inch of him pressed against her, separated only by two thin layers of cloth. Now in the light of day, she ogled his near-naked glory, feeling damp and needy—and wishing like hell he weren’t so determined to be a gentleman.

  Of course, he picked that instant to stand up and catch her gawking. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the impressive outline of his “friend,” which she’d enjoyed pushing tight and aroused against her all night long. The full frontal was even more magnificent as it hung low and swayed from side to side. She had to lean against the counter to keep from collapsing on the floor. The unexpected rush of heat and desire made her dizzy. Oh my God. He’s got a six-pack—and packing an extra nine down below.

  “Caught you looking.” He grinned as he closed the refrigerator door with his hip, his hands full of food for breakfast.

  “Damn right you did,” she said defiantly, clinching her fists as a rosy blush spread across her face and down her throat. “Traipsing around the kitchen wearing fancy pajamas and precious little else, you’re lucky that ‘looking’ is all I was doing.”

  Brice laughed out loud. “I apologize for the distraction, but this is the most I’ve worn in my own home in years. So, you’re lucky I’m not ‘traipsing’ around in my birthday suit.”

  Lord o’ mercy. I did not need that visual running through my head. “Then I’ll overlook your exhibitionism, this time,” she countered flippantly with her nose in the air. “But a girl can handle only so much testosterone in an enclosed space. So don’t blame me if I look at you like a dog drooling over his favorite toy. If you insist on making such a blatant display, then you have no one to fault but yourself.”

  “Okay,” he chuckled. “Let’s put you to work. You said you were hungry, so we need to get you fed.” He gave her a mischievous look and wiggled his eyebrows. “Maybe a full stomach will help take the edge off?”

  A full stomach is not what I had in mind. She felt a more ferocious hunger taking hold. She stood aside as he placed breakfast food and cooking utensils on the counter. From the looks of it, he was preparing to feed an army, with fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage, and fixings for pancakes.

  “What can I do to help?”

  “How good are you with a knife?”

  • • •

  “What are we going to do today?” she asked around a mouth full of bacon and pancakes. She sat with one leg tucked under her body and the other foot in the chair with her shin pressed against the table. They’d prepared their meal together like a well-organized team, talking and joking the whole time. He’d enjoyed the way she chattered on and on, telling funny stories from her childhood that made him laugh out loud.

  He loved listening to her. Her face was freshly scrubbed, and she wore no makeup. The polished, professional woman he knew her to be had vanished for the moment, but he found himself liking this casual side of her even more. He’d been astonished by her admission of voyeurism and lustful yearning, delivered in a sullen tone. Hearing a woman unapologetically admit to her carnal desires was a new experience. And he liked it.

  He was amazed at how comfortable he felt with her his home, and even more amazed that he hadn’t panicked at the thought. It was a pure delight to have her in his kitchen and to watch her eat. He was experiencing a lot of “firsts” with Candace. It was the first time he’d invited a woman into his home to stay for more than a night. It was the first time he’d spent the night in bed with a woman and had actually slept. And it was the first time he’d ever played the role of that knight in shining armor, to rescue the damsel in distress. She’d brought out protective instincts in him he didn’t even know he had.

  “It’s Saturday, so there’s not much going on, but I’ve got a few errands to run. You can tag along if you like, or you can stay here and take it easy.”

  “Your offer sounds tempting, Brice.” She emitted a small sigh, brushing her hands together to rid them of the last few bits of clinging crumbs. “But I should get back to reality and decide what to do about my problem. You’ve made me all but forget that my house was broken into last night. I’m grateful for the distraction, but I should go home and check on things.” A wry expression settled on her face. “I should at least have the locks changed, and probably shop around for better security. Could you drop me off before you run your errands?”

  “It’s already been taken care of. Your locks are probably being changed as we speak, and someone should drop your new keys off sometime today. You can call around for a new security service from here. I happen to know of a couple of good companies I could recommend.” He poured another cup of coffee and calmly awaited her reaction to the news. But it didn’t matter what she said, he’d already made up his mind between bed and breakfast. There was no way he’d let her out of his sight, today or tomorrow. He wasn’t about to leave her to deal with her problem all alone. And if he could stretch their time together into n
ext week, well, he’d do that too.

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “I called a locksmith last night, and I had security guards posted in front of your place until he got there.”

  Her eyes grew wide with surprise. “You did what?”

  Brice sighed and carefully placed his coffee cup on the table. “Look, Candace, I told you I’d take care of things, so I did. And if you don’t want to go home right away, you don’t have to. You can stay here for the weekend, or until you’re ready to face your place again. However long it takes. So, you can hang out with me for the day while I take care of some personal things. And then later, we can go out to dinner to the fanciest restaurant in town.”

  “I didn’t bring anything to wear to the ‘fanciest restaurant in town.’”

  “We can go shopping. I’ll buy you whatever you think you’ll need for the evening.”

  “You’re taking this ‘knight in shining armor’ thing a little too seriously, aren’t you?” she commented with knitted brows and wary eyes.

  He ignored her brief look of distrust. He didn’t blame her, given what she’d gone through in the last twenty-four hours and her past experiences with Nash. Of course she had reservations, but he’d make damn sure she’d come to know that he wasn’t Andrew Nash.

  “Don’t worry, Candace, I’m beginning to like the role. Humor me. It’s not often I get a chance to play the good guy. And,” he added with a grin, “I’m going to milk it for all its worth. So, what do you say? It’s your call.” He reached over to gently brush crumbs from the side of her mouth and gave her a penetrating look he knew she’d be unable to resist.

  “That’s not fair,” she grumbled. “How am I supposed to say no to those eyes?”

  “You’re not supposed to say no. You’re supposed to say yes.”

  • • •

  They spent the morning together running his errands. Afterwards they had lunch and then stopped by Candace’s house to check on the locksmith. He felt it was too soon for her to face the destruction again, but she’d insisted, wanting to see the damage in the light of day. The woman had a stubborn streak the size of Texas, and though he’d rather not admit it, he found it adorable. She also refused his offer to buy her something new to wear for their dinner date. She maintained she had a closet full of clothes and could certainly salvage something from the mess. They’d arrived at her house in time to meet with the locksmith and pick up the new set of keys.

  When they went inside, she got upset all over again, but her reaction was far different from that of the night before. Instead of being frightened and confused, she felt angry and violated. Brice was right; she wasn’t ready to deal with this yet. She needed more time. She was lucky she had a place to go to distance her from the problem. She trusted him enough to take advantage of the refuge he offered. She gathered together a few extra things to take back to his place, and they left.

  Chapter 16

  “I hope you don’t mind this last stop before dinner. I promised my parents I’d look in on their place while they’re away. It won’t take but a minute.” Brice’s parents owned a penthouse above the high-rise hotel residences of the St. Regis Atlanta Hotel. Each residence featured expansive, open spaces with high ceilings, private outdoor terraces, and breathtaking views of the city.

  The two entered the private lift that would take them to the top floor.

  “Of course I don’t mind. Besides, this is nice. I’ve never been inside a private elevator before. I’m impressed.”

  “Good. Then my plan is working.”

  “What plan is that?”

  “To blatantly entice you with extravagant material trappings, of course.” Brice leaned against the side of the elevator with a slight smile on his face and both hands stuffed deep inside his pockets. “The idea is to distract you with shiny trinkets and pretty baubles to keep you from looking too closely at the man. Otherwise,” he reached out to tuck that one stubborn and unruly curl back in place behind her ear, “you might see all his faults and find him sorely lacking.”

  Candace smiled up at him, leaned in close, and draped her arms around his neck, pressing her body flush against him.

  “I’ve got news for you. It’s too late,” she murmured under her breath as she sensuously moved against him, no longer able to resist the intoxicating pull of his erotic scent. “I’ve already seen your flaws. The only ‘pretty bauble’ I’m interested in at the moment is the tall blue-eyed Ice King standing in front of me.”

  So far, she’d been a good girl. She’d kept her distance. She’d held up her end of the conversation and laughed at the appropriate moments, all while looking but not touching. She’d tried her darnedest to ignore those broad shoulders, rippling muscles, and flat abs hidden beneath his shirt, and that impressive bulge in his pants. But standing together in this tiny space filled with the smell of his cologne, was asking too much of a hot blooded sexually frustrated woman. The memory of his hard length pressed tight against her bottom made her body tingle with desire and her thighs spasm. The crackling undercurrents that sparked from being too close to a live wire made her positively weak in the knees.

  It was a waste of precious time to fight the urge, and she was done with trying. She simply had to wrap her body around his, caress him with her hands, and put her mouth on him. I just need a taste, that’s all. I’m sure a taste will be enough. The elevator slowed and eased to a gentle stop on the floor of his parents’ residence. The doors opened momentarily, and then silently glided shut.

  She tugged his face toward her pursed lips and lightly pressed a string of kisses along his cheek. Savoring his scent in her nose and the taste of him on her lips, she adjusted her hold as her lips traveled the curve of his jaw on a journey to his mouth. With her fingers tangled in his hair, she stroked the back of his neck and urged him forward toward her skimming lips.

  He opened his mouth and allowed her tongue to sweep inside. She searched, tasted, and thrust deep, stroking the roof of his mouth and his tongue. Now with her feet set solid onto the path, there’d be no stopping.

  She reached her arms inside his suit coat to encircle his body and press closer into his heat. Her hands slid down his back, flowed over every muscle, traced every ridge, and tingled with each discovery. She paused for a moment, her heart beating wildly, waiting to be admonished for her bold behavior. When no reprimand came, they glided lower to caress and grip his firm bottom. She pushed full against his rising arousal and rubbed her lower half across the bulge as it thickened and grew. The feel of his solid flesh triggered tremors of desire that rushed through her body and caused her nipples to pucker and point.

  Her heart pounded hard against her chest, and her core ached and pulsed with the need to feel him, hard, thick, and buried deep inside her. Desire flooded her body in a thundering tide that washed away lingering thoughts of hesitation or denial, dragging her dangerously close to the edge. Her temperature rose, and she allowed herself to get lost in the heat. Her need made her more aggressive. She pushed her face into his neck and lapped and teased his frantically beating pulse, adding fuel to his desire. Their breathing grew excited and hurried.

  Suddenly, his arms closed around her like a vice and held her tight and immobile. She was elated by his unbreakable strength; every one of her senses was engaged. Her head was spinning and her nerves felt sensitive and raw. Her body surged into his and forced him backwards against the wall. Her breasts flattened against him, and her nipples, hard as bullets, poked and speared his chest. Braced against him for leverage, her hands went on an uninterrupted exploration. She gripped his arousal through his pants and rubbed, pulled, and stroked, making him moan as she devoured him with kisses and seared him with her passion.

  She unzipped his pants and boldly reached inside to hold and fondle his engorged flesh, then gingerly tugged to set it free. It felt velvety smooth, hard, and hot to the touch, and it jumped and throbbed in her palm, weeping his silky liquid surrender. She clutched his shaft and light
ly stroked it up and down before she delved deeper inside and gently cupped his balls. His head dropped forward, and he released his hold and leaned back against the wall, resting his hands on the railing and letting it support his weight.

  “Candace.” He emitted a low groan. A thin film of perspiration was visible across his forehead. “I can’t think with my dick in your hands.”

  “Thinking is a highly overrated activity,” she absently remarked as her fingers lightly grazed the head of his cock and softly squeezed his balls. “Have you ever had elevator sex, Brice?” she whispered in his ear, her warm tongue caressing his lobe and her soft hand stroking and pulling upon his still-stiffening shaft. “It can be a fascinating experience.”

  “I—can’t say that I’ve had the pleasure,” he choked out in a voice low and hoarse.

  “You poor, poor deprived man,” she breathed into the hollow of his neck. She impatiently loosened the buttons of his shirt and snatched it open to reach the hard surface and his smooth skin. She licked her way down his torso and teased his flat nipples with her tongue and teeth, continuing downward over the ridge of muscles that led the way to his navel. She paused at the top of his belted waist and looked up at him, her eyes ablaze with incredible hunger.

  “Candy’s going to show you what you’ve been missing.”

  She pulled his shirttail out of his pants and pressed her breasts against his warm, naked flesh. The nest of soft, fine chest hairs and bared skin brushed against the exposed skin above her satin camisole and sent a tingling sensation racing down her body, eliciting a small breathy moan. She repeated her trip down his torso and continued her sensual assault until she had his pants unbelted and hanging loose at his hips. She stared at his enlarged member and smiled before lowering her head for that long-awaited taste. His knees weakened at the gentle swipe of her tongue. She grinned in silent triumph, drew his tip into her mouth, and suckled.

  His fingers automatically threaded through her hair and pulled her head down onto his shaft, and she eagerly followed his silent command. She wrapped her hand around his enlarged cock and drew it in and out of her mouth, evoking from him a ragged breath and throaty groan. She took him deeper, sucked him harder, and licked him like ice cream on a stick. His legs stiffened as he pulled her head urgently up and down onto his shaft—his head thrown back and groaning his pleasure. Then abruptly, without warning, Brice pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her, breathing heavily and gripping her tight. She felt the pounding of his heart as it thudded hard against his chest and hers.


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