Romance in Color

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Romance in Color Page 94

by Synithia Williams

  Suddenly, he whirled her around and pushed her hard against the back wall and pressed his throbbing cock at the juncture between her thighs. He buried his head in her neck, trembling and taking in large, gulping breaths, fighting a losing battle for control over his desire. She knew he’d lost that fight when he snatched her skirt up, pulled her underwear down, and thrust his fingers into her wet opening. Yes! She nearly collapsed from the contact as his fingers plunged inside her and his thumb rubbed circles across her aching clit. Finally, the Ice King is melting.

  He’d gone beyond melting; he’d changed from a polar icecap to a raging volcano in the blink of an eye. He hurriedly stripped her underwear off and wedged himself between her legs again. With unbelievable strength, he lifted her up and pulled her down upon his erection, impaling her onto his shaft. He drove deep with the first thrust, so deep the sensation nearly took her over the top right then and there.

  He spread her legs wider and pushed further inside and pumped his hips repeatedly with quick, mindless thrusts. She wrapped her legs around him and squeezed his body with everything she had, pulling him in up to the hilt and riding him hard. Her head and shoulders were pressed against the wall, which she allowed to support her weight. Brice slammed into her over and over, hard and fast, pushing uncontrollably into her slick, hot heat. She gave as well as she got, meeting his assault and grinding him to the base of his shaft. She held on to her dwindling sense of control for as long as she could, but as her approaching orgasm went beyond her control, she let herself go. And she pulled him over the edge with her, free-falling into the depths until they hit the current that took them faster and further than she’d ever been. They rode the wave to a mind-blowing climax that left Candace weak and gasping for air and their clothes damp with perspiration and hanging in disarray.

  When his breathing was under control, Brice loosened his grip on her thighs and eased away from the wall to allow Candace to untangle her legs and stand upright. The two of them swayed precariously on weakened legs, then slid to the elevator floor. They were the perfect picture of what happens when lust is allowed to take control—him with his pants down around his knees, she with her skirt up around her waist.

  “Are you okay?” he asked between breaths, as he looked down into her upturned face.

  “Yes,” she huffed back at him. “Barely.”

  “You were right. That was a hell of an experience. I’ll never look at an elevator the same way again.” There was a broad grin stretched across his face.

  “I have a confession to make.” She sat up and bit her bottom lip, suddenly uncharacteristically shy, her eyes darting off to the side. “Um, I’ve never actually had sex in an elevator before—only fantasies. This was my first time.”

  Brice stared at her for a moment in wide-eyed wonder, and then exploded into astonished laughter. “You could have fooled me. Damn, woman, you sure are full of surprises. I can’t wait to find out what else is going on in that creative little mind of yours.”

  “Believe me, you don’t want to know.”

  “Oh yeah?” he said, and gently turned her head toward him to look into her eyes. He smiled down at her as he brushed stray tendrils of wet hair back from her sweat-dampened cheeks. She was captivated by the warmth she now saw in his eyes. “I want to know. I want to know everything about you, but for now, we should probably get into the apartment.” He frowned as he looked down at their now sweaty and badly wrinkled clothing. “I have a feeling our dinner plans may have been put on hold.” He struggled to his feet and reached to help her up as well. Chuckling to himself, he pulled up his pants and buckled his belt, but didn’t bother to close his shirt.

  The elevator had stopped directly in front of the large double door entry to the suite. Brice fumbled in his pockets for the key, then opened the doors to reveal one of the largest expanses of open living space Candace had ever seen.

  “Wow,” she uttered in a low voice as her jaw dropped in wonder. This is something out of a magazine for the rich and famous. She stood still and took in the size and amazing view from the entry all the way to the terrace beyond. The living room, if it could be called that, looked large enough to hold at least twenty to thirty people comfortably. The dining section could be seen to the right, along with another smaller sitting area with a full bar and barstools. The entire view was alive with vibrant colors of multiple shades of red, gold, black, and brown and various textures of silk, wool, and weave. The architectural design consisted of marble floors, granite counters, beautiful columns and arches, molding, chandeliers, recessed lighting, and enormous, artfully decorated lamps. The walls were covered with several beautiful artistic pieces, and the floors were covered with equally artistic handcrafted rugs. The place looked like a freaking palace.

  “Yeah, it’s really something, isn’t it?” His voice held a touch of pride. “Although he’s retired, my dad still likes to entertain visitors and host small parties. You should see it when it’s filled with people.”

  Candace looked around in starstruck wonder, until her eyes fell upon their disheveled reflections in a mirror that took up the entire wall on the left side of the foyer. “I think our plans for dinner are ruined.” She stared in horror at the sight. “We can’t possibly go out in public looking like this.”

  “I’m inclined to agree.” Brice laughed softly at the expression on her face. “I have an idea. Let’s get out of these clothes, take a shower, and order dinner from the hotel restaurant. They can deliver a gourmet meal for two, and we can even stay the night if we want.”

  “Stay the night? In your parents’ home?” Candace crossed her arms and gave him a look that clearly said he was out of his mind. “I don’t think so.”

  “I told you, they’re traveling. Besides, I stay here off and on all the time. I still have my own room. Come on. I’ll show you, and we can clean up and change into something comfortable. I’ll call down for dinner.” He paused and looked at their clothes again. “And the laundry service.”

  Brice grabbed her by the hand and dragged her down a long hallway that led to an obscenely huge bedroom that included sitting room space, a large master bath, huge walk-in closet, and sliding glass doors that led to a private terrace. Here, too, was the influence of elegance and art. Candace was again struck by the implications of wealth and privilege, and slowly started feeling like a small fish in a big pond. She was definitely swimming in waters way over her head.

  “I don’t have anything to change into,” she said hesitantly, feeling overwhelmed.

  “Sure you do. The bag you packed at your place is still in the car. I’ll have the valet service send it up.”

  “Do you always think of everything, Brice?”

  “I try to, but mostly it’s habit. I told you, I’m methodical. Now, go ahead and get in the shower. I’ll be right behind you as soon as I take care of those calls.”

  “Oh? Does that mean you plan to join me?”

  “You’re damned right it does.” He gave her a look more meaningful and dangerous than she’d ever seen before. He pulled her into his arms and pressed a hard, demanding mouth against hers, urging her to open for him. She felt his shaft rise and stiffen again as he held her tightly. The urgency of his kiss rekindled her desire and turned her bones to mush—and pushed all those earlier uncertainties right out of her head. He pulled her skirt up and rubbed caressing strokes across her bare bottom, cupping and squeezing her cheeks, and delivered a quick stinging slap that tightened her channel and made it throb with anticipation.

  “Now, go. Get in the shower,” he repeated gruffly, as he broke the kiss and rubbed her bottom to take the sting away. “And don’t go too far without me.” He gave her a wink as he let her go and then left the room.

  Chapter 17

  Minutes later, Brice walked into the bathroom to find Candace standing in the spacious shower stall, her head bowed beneath the spray and her hands pressed against the wall. The sight of her nude body elicited a smile and a small sigh of satisfaction. His
head filled with a hundred thoughts, and his chest filled with nearly as many unexplained emotions. They’d only just met, and yet she had him doing things he’d never anticipated. She excited and stirred his imagination. That unexpected elevator adventure was probably only a fraction of what she was capable of, and he was anxious to discover whatever else she had to offer.

  He’d raided his mother’s shower and brought with him lightly scented soap, shampoo, and creams to replace his masculine products. He undressed quickly, scooped up their clothes and bundled them together, and threw them outside in the hallway and locked the door. Joining her in the stall, he gave her a brief kiss on her shoulder before pouring shower gel into his hands and lathering her all over. He took his time, enjoying the slippery feeling of silky skin beneath his fingertips and savoring every stroke. He began with her shoulders, moving his hands in a circular massaging pattern, and slowly glided them down her back and over her hips. Then he turned her around to apply soap to her breasts, thighs, and between her legs, thoroughly enjoying his task. He liked the contrast of his white skin against her sun-bronzed complexion. Her full breasts and dark copper nipples enticed him.

  “This is nice. You have great hands.” She sighed and relaxed into the sensation he created with talented fingers and gentle pressure.

  “Yeah, I know. It gets better.”

  “Better than this? I don’t know if I can stand better.” She laughed softly.

  “I’m willing to bet you can stand more than you think,” he responded in a low, husky voice.

  He lathered and washed every exposed inch of her body while delivering soft, sensual, lingering kisses on her lips, ears, and throat. When she was covered entirely in whipped peaks of scented soapy lather, he turned his attention to himself. Candace took her turn assisting, lathering, laughing, and enjoying the mutual exploration of their bodies. She leaned against his chest and circled her arms around his neck, both covered in soap, slipping and sliding against one another and sharing deep, ravenous kisses underneath the steady shower spray.

  Eventually, he reached for the handheld nozzle and began to rinse away the soapy residue. He turned her around and pulled her back against him and changed the setting on the showerhead from spray to pulsating, then moved the warm water down her body, over her breasts and stomach, and down to her smooth, clean shaven mound. She gasped. He felt her shiver from the sudden shock of warmth and pressure as it pulsed directly over her clit. Her nipples hardened and pointed. His erection was at full attention and pressed firmly against her backside, nestled comfortably in that now familiar resting place. He liked the way his shaft automatically fit the curve of her bottom.

  The showerhead pounded a continuous throbbing force against that most sensitive area while he delivered hot wet kisses to her neck and shoulder. He reached between her legs and spread her nether lips with one hand and turned the spray at an angle for a direct, continual assault on her pleasure button. She squirmed and pushed back against him. The intensity of the pulsating water made her shudder as the pinpoint precision of the spray struck her with forceful repetition. Her nipple buds grew harder, and the muscles in her thighs and legs were stiff. She stretched and writhed in struggle against the feeling, and he held on to her throughout the fight.

  “It’s okay, Candy. I’ve got you. Let go,” he whispered in her ear. The sound of her moans rose with her conflict. His embrace tightened as he felt her lose control and give into an orgasm that rushed through her with an overwhelming, shattering intensity. Experiencing her climax with her was nearly as potent and debilitating for him. Brice held her until they both recovered, pressing light kisses on her neck and cheek and whispering sweet nonsense in her ear until she was able to move.

  They toweled off with huge spa towels and then went into the bedroom. Brice pulled a pair of black silk pajamas out of the drawer and gave her the top while he put on the bottom with one of his undershirts. They stood for a moment, embracing and kissing, until he took her hand and led her back toward the entry to the residence. There, they found her personal bag had been placed inside the doorway, their clothes were gone, and an entire meal had been set up on the kitchen counter and placed inside electric warmers. The dining table had been set for two with silverware, plates and glasses, and a bottle of wine chilling inside an ice bucket.

  “Where did all this come from?” She looked around in awe.

  “Someone from the hotel staff set it up.”

  “You mean there was someone here while we were in the shower?”


  “There was someone here, besides us?”

  He saw the brief look of fear in her eyes and suddenly realized what must be going through her head. She was still spooked by the recent break-in.

  “Yes. It’s okay, Candace, that’s what they do. They are trusted employees who take care of the residents. It’s part of the service here, if requested.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close to calm her. “Remember I told you I was going to make some calls? I asked them to bring us dinner.”

  • • •

  “Mm, this is so good.” She licked her lips and reached for another serving. “Aren’t you going to have any more?”

  “No.” He pushed his chair back and reached for his glass of wine. “I’m saving room for dessert.”

  “There’s dessert? I didn’t see any dessert.” She creased her brows and surveyed the banquet of food and drink spread out on the table. When she turned toward him with a questioning look on her face, he eyed her pointedly with one eyebrow raised.

  “Ooh.” A wicked smile spread across her face and sparkled in her eyes. “Well, in that case ... ” Candace hurriedly pushed all the dishes to one side, climbed onto the table, and crawled over and sat at the end, directly in front of Brice. She took his wine glass out of his hand, took a sip, and put it aside, then wrapped her arms around his neck. “Dessert is served.”

  Brice grinned from ear to ear as he pulled her down onto his lap. He leaned in to kiss her, and let his hands roam and explore her body until they settled around her breasts, cupping their weight and brushing her nipples with his thumbs and teasing them with his tongue. Finally he stood, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. His erection stood high and pressed intimately against her panty-covered divide. He nuzzled her neck.

  “I think I’ll have my dessert ‘to go.’”

  “Shouldn’t we clear the table?” She quivered; the thrill from such brazen contact warmed her blood and made her tingle deep down inside.

  “Don’t worry about it. The service center will send someone up tomorrow to take care of it when they bring breakfast. Grab that bottle and those glasses. We’re going to need something to quench our thirst later.” He carried her off to his room, his hands gripping her bottom with her legs clamped around his waist, her face buried in his neck, laughing and giggling all the way.

  • • •

  “Oh, oh, oh, ouch!”


  “I think I have a cramp.”


  “Right ... there.” She pointed to the calf of her left leg.

  “Don’t be such a baby.”

  “But it hurts.”

  “That’s what you get for acting like a gymnast. I told you that last move was probably too risqué.” Brice laughed as he massaged her leg with firm, intense pressure.

  “A simple ‘I told you so’ would be sufficient. You don’t need to torture me to get the point across.”

  “You’re going to thank me when this is over.”

  “Yeah, that’s what they all say.” She grumbled and gritted her teeth against the pain. “You’re just trying to justify your sadism.”

  He made her turn over on her back. Placing her foot on his shoulder, he massaged her entire leg from her thigh down to her toes.

  She’d never admit it, but he was right. She could already feel the muscles in her whole body relaxing from the all-over warm oil massage he was giving her. She’d never felt so
pampered in her life. She’d spent the last forty-eight hours living one of those so-called fairy tales. She’d been rescued by a handsome prince and taken to his castle and waited on hand and foot. Literally. If she wasn’t careful, she just might start believing in all that fairy tale hype.

  While she wasn’t quite ready to fall for the fairy princess in wonderland propaganda yet, she would admit to one thing: the last forty-eight hours with Brice had been eye-opening. He’d shown her what it was like to be with a sweet, caring, and considerate man. A taste of what she’d been missing in life had her seriously questioning the sound practice of her fool-proof plan. After a night of blissful intercourse, by turns making love and laughing, talking about nothing and everything, she’d be hard pressed to go back to her bottom-of-the-barrel bad habits.

  “You know what I just realized?” she asked, basking in the sensation of him massaging the arch of her foot and pulling on her toes.

  “What’s that?”

  “That technically we’re still on our second date. I’ve never had a date that lasted an entire weekend. And the funny thing is though it’s only been a few short weeks, it feels like we’ve actually known each other since, oh, I don’t know—forever?”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. We click. I think that’s what they call chemistry.”

  She sighed and propped herself up on her elbows to watch as he massaged her foot. “I suppose chemistry’s as good an explanation as any, but it’s a shame you’re such a nice guy.”


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