Romance in Color

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Romance in Color Page 185

by Synithia Williams

  “Who would I report to? How would it be funded?” Jeremy leaned forward.

  “You would hold the position of CEO and report directly to the Chairman and Board. You would be my counterpart for the new company. Evans International is willing to provide seed funding up to ten million pounds, which must be repaid in regular quarterly installments as soon as the marketing company is profitable. Once the repayments are made, you will be given forty percent voting stock, John Evans will hold twenty percent, as will I. The remaining twenty percent will be available for purchase by anyone other than the three of us. No one person can hold a majority. I suggest that perhaps your mother hold ten percent and the remaining ten percent be sold to investors.”

  Jeremy was astounded. It was his dream, handed to him on a silver plate.

  “What we need from you is to take the next thirty days and fully evaluate the market. Then present to the Evans International Board if it is more beneficial to buy-out a current company or start up one from scratch.”

  Jeremy nodded. His mind was already reviewing the current market and the merits of both options. Before he got carried away, however, he needed clarification. He didn’t want a handout.

  “One question.”

  “Yes?” Lalita appeared amused.

  “Are you offering me this opportunity because I’m your lover and you need to move me out?”

  “You are being offered this position, by the Board of Evans International, because you’re the best man for the job. I put forward the idea of the spin-off company in order to provide our clients with an additional service. Your name was nominated by others. You’ll swim or sink on your own merit, Jeremy. I will have no input or influence on this venture. Aside from giving you whatever support you ask in an emotional or advisory level in the confines of our own home.”

  “I’d be a fool to pass up this opportunity. Thank you,” Jeremy added.

  “Don’t thank me, thank the Chairman and Board. I’m screwed. Now I have to find a replacement for you too. I should start my own recruitment agency. Thank God I don’t have to find someone of your caliber. I only need somebody capable of liaising between this company and yours.”

  “So I should kiss John, then?”

  “If that’s the relationship you want to start with your new boss.” Lalita looked relieved the conversation had gone well.

  “No, I think I’ll save my affections for my current employer.” Jeremy stared at her lips. Her cheeks turned pink as she read his mind. A flicker of lust sparkled in her eyes. God, he loved this woman.

  Lalita glanced at her watch. “I’m done for today. What do you say we pack up early and celebrate?”

  “That’s why you’re the CEO, you have the best ideas.”

  “It’s not the CEO who wants to celebrate. It’s Jeremy Lakewood’s lover.”

  Jeremy laughed. Lalita was so much more than a lover. He’d have to address that title next. It was time this fling became a marriage.


  “That has got to be the quickest wedding dress shopping I have ever done,” Julia Evans said.

  Lalita, her sisters, mother, and Eliza Lakewood were sipping champagne in the cozy sitting room at the Evans house.

  “I think it’s beautiful,” Eliza added.

  “I told you I was decisive.” Lalita put up her feet on the coffee table. The wedding outfit, like everything else in the past two months, had fallen into place perfectly.

  “Kind of spoils the fun, don’t you think, buying the first thing you try on,” Jessica complained.

  “I don’t have time to be traipsing around hundreds of shops trying on identical gowns. I do run a company, you know.” The fact that she’d been able to take a Friday afternoon off to go shopping at all had been a minor miracle.

  “What made you decide on a sari rather than the traditional wedding dress?” Jane asked.

  Lalita glanced over at her mother, who nodded.

  “I wanted to acknowledge that part of my heritage.”

  It was also partly due to the fact that Jeremy loved it when she wore a sari. Or, more specifically, he loved unwrapping her from one. He claimed it was the adult version of Christmas morning.

  Lalita explained to her sisters and soon-to-be mother-in-law about her birth mother. Jane and Jessica seemed stunned.

  “Aisha and her husband are coming over for the wedding. I can’t wait for you to meet them,” Lalita finished. She and Jeremy had made a quick trip back to Mumbai three weeks ago to deliver the news of their engagement in person.

  The doorbell rang, and a moment later Jeremy appeared in the room, having been let in by the housekeeper. He kissed his mother on the cheek before sitting next to Lalita. Lifting her hand to his lips, he kissed each of her fingers, his gaze promising more once they were alone. Lalita had trouble remembering there was anyone else in the room.

  “Honeymoon is all booked. Steve has promised a holiday we’ll never forget.” Jeremy’s husky voice had already transported her to the distant Indonesian island.

  “Three weeks to the wedding. Is there some reason you’re in such a rush?” Jane’s voice broke through Lalita’s daydream.

  “No, Jeremy just doesn’t want to wait. Plus, it was the only two-week break that either of us can take for the next year.”

  “As it is, we are stopping in Chile to check out the new Evans office there and meeting a client of mine in New York,” Jeremy added.

  “Sounds like more business than pleasure. I think I’d have killed Wesley if he had suggested we stop and visit some of his clients while on honeymoon,” Jessica put in.

  “Trust me, there will be plenty of pleasure going on,” Jeremy promised. Lalita’s face burned and her sisters laughed.

  “When do you move into your new house?” Eliza asked.

  With his severance package from Evans, plus his promised bonus from the increase in profits from Asia, Jeremy had surprised Lalita with a three-bedroom house fifteen minutes from their respective offices.

  “I’m moving in next weekend. Lalita insists on waiting until she is Mrs. Lakewood to join me.”

  “Mrs. Evans-Lakewood, don’t you mean,” Lalita reminded him.

  “As long as the missus is in front and Lakewood is in there somewhere, I don’t care,” Jeremy conceded. They usually had this discussion naked in bed.

  “I think you should change your name to Jeremy Evans-Lakewood,” Lalita teased.

  “Now you go too far, woman.” Jeremy pulled her into his lap and kissed her until she was breathless.

  “All right you two, save something for the wedding night.” Eliza’s voice interrupted them.

  The wedding … the fling was indeed flung.

  About the Author

  Alexia used to travel the world, meeting new people, experiencing new sights and tastes. She’s lived in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, England, and France and spent two months in Russia. When life demanded that she stay rooted in one place, she took to vicarious voyages through the characters she created in her romance novels. Her stories reflect her love of travel and feature locations as diverse as the wind-swept prairies of Canada to the hot and humid jungles of Guyana. To discover other books written by Alexia or read her blog on inspirational destinations, Journey to Love, visit

  Island Pursuits

  Heather Rodney-Diaz

  Avon, Massachusetts

  This edition published by

  Crimson Romance

  an imprint of F+W Media, Inc.

  10151 Carver Road, Suite 200

  Blue Ash, Ohio 45242

  Copyright © 2012 by Heather Rodney-Diaz

  ISBN 10: 1-4405-5066-2

  ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-5066-9

  eISBN 10: 1-4405-5065-4

  eISBN 13: 978-

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, corporations, institutions, organizations, events, or locales in this novel are either the product of the author’s imagination or, if real, used fictitiously. The resemblance of any character to actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental.

  Cover art ©


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  About the Author

  To my amazing husband Trevor, thank you for your un-ending patience and unwavering support.

  To my family for your belief in me, encouragement, and support from the start.

  To my military friends around the globe fighting the good fight and for making this book even more special. Thank you for your steadfast courage and sacrifices every day so that we may feel safer: Police Corporal Miguel Anthony Edwards, Police Constable Junior Nisbett and Specialist Michael Forrester, Unit 1bct 3-6 Field Artillery Golf Company, Fort Drum, New York.

  Chapter 1

  Capital City of Port of Spain, Trinidad

  Okay, so this wasn’t exactly how Cory Phillips envisioned her New Year to start. In fact, this was just plain ridiculous. It had been a good party until that drunken idiot had started pawing at her. But this? In the parking lot outside the hotel, all she saw was the space where her car was supposed to be parked. She stood there and argued with herself over the correct spot before going back into the hotel to get security. They walked about the car park with her but there were no signs of her car anywhere. That was when the shock finally kicked in. And that was when she called Jay.

  “You just can’t be without me for a few hours, eh, Cory?” Jay asked as soon as his metallic-blue Subaru stopped outside the hotel. He’d been at another party in the city with his family, enjoying their New Year ritual.

  Since Trinidad was an energy-efficient island rich in oil and natural gas, many of the world’s largest multinationals set up offices here. Cory and Jay had gone to work for Petronas de España TT on the very same day and had become close work buddies, despite their differing job duties — Cory was an assistant manager in the corporate communications department while Jay was an accountant.

  “You look handsome,” Cory commented as she got in next to him. Jay’s crisp white shirt and tie complemented his fine dark chocolate skin tone and handsome features.

  “Seriously, Cory! You need to find yourself a man this year, so you can leave me to get my groove on in peace,” Jay let out in one long, quick breath.

  “Are you done?”

  “Yeah. Well, you know I just had to say that. Happy New Year by the way.” Jay stretched his lanky frame over and gave Cory a peck on the cheek.

  “Happy New Year to you, too … but it’s not happy. They stole my car, Jay,” Cory sulked. “I can’t believe this. From the hotel’s parking lot? This is madness!”

  “Where’re the others?” he asked.

  “Inside. Setting the dance floor on fire,” Cory said. At the last minute, she’d come to this swanky party with her girlfriends, who had brought dates. But tonight Cory had just wanted to escape the forced revelry. And now her car was missing.

  “So what did the hotel say?”

  “That they’re not responsible and to go and make a report at the nearest police station,” she said.

  “Well, of course they’ll have a disclaimer, Cory.”

  “God … if I could only see those idiots now,” Cory moaned.

  When Jay reached the police station and they got out, there was a bit of commotion as some policemen were dragging in a struggling and cursing male prisoner. At any other time, this scene would have been completely hilarious to her and Jay. She didn’t see the humor at the moment.

  “Cory, go in. I have to make a call first,” Jay said. He always did that, never wanting her listening in on his conversations. And Cory understood why for the most part. As she stood there, she cringed, remembering why she hated this place so much. Having to deal with the police yet again was just too much for her to handle. She took a deep breath in the yard, trying to calm herself.

  One of the soldiers standing outside was quick in opening the door for her. He motioned for her to step inside.

  “Good morning, ma’am,” he said to her.

  Instantly, his voice intrigued Cory. It was very soft but deep. And it was different, thickly laced and heavily accented. It didn’t take a degree in linguistics to detect his American accent; the man couldn’t be a local. When their eyes connected and his inquiring ones pierced hers, she felt dazed. Okay, so gorgeous was an understatement. This man was fine as hell with his light honey-toned skin, surely the smoothest she’d ever seen on a man. He was clean shaven and sported a very low hair cut and he was looking at her intently … expectantly.

  “Good morning,” Cory finally found her manners, snapping out of her daze. She felt flushed. Why was she suddenly feeling so exposed? Only then did she become self-conscious of her outfit. She was wearing a floor-length, form-fitting, low-cut back dress to make a stolen car report at a police station.

  As she moved past him, her breasts ever so lightly brushed the arm he had up holding the door for her. Cory felt an instant electric jolt coursing through her entire body. It was a raw and intensely delicious heat, slowly but carefully ravaging her entire body, hardening her nipples. Outside was a bit chilly but the air between them now was just sizzling. And this man definitely noticed it, too.

  “Thank you,” she hurriedly managed to say again.

  “My pleasure, ma’am,” he said as he smiled down at her.

  Yes, that was definitely pleasurable. Cory found he had a beautiful and sexy smile. But what had her worried was that one touch from this strange man and her body sprang to life, responding to him like that. Now, that was a totally new experience for her.

  Maybe she really needed to take Jay’s advice and throw a good man in the mix. She did miss the closeness shared between a man and woman. But was there anything remotely close to a good man out there? She had had her fill of the arguments, the tears, and the broken hearts. And who had time for a relationship these days, anyway?

  • • •

  As Adrian Mendez smiled down into the island goddess’s perplexed face, he knew there was a God. Adrian had surely seen a lot for his thirty-two years on this planet, but this just now, never in his lifetime! Just a few minutes ago he had chased, caught, and felt like mercilessly pulverizing that young gang-banger. He had been on edge all day long. He even had doubts about his purpose for being on this island. Now he felt like he’d finally gotten a sign from the heavens that made his extremely long shift all worth it.

  Adrian just wasn’t prepared for these huge eyes with the longest eyelashes he believed he’d ever seen and which most definitely looked real enough to him. Elegantly arched eyebrows and seductive lips perfected this goddess’s face. Now as she walked through the door, the view of her more-than-ample behind riveted his attention.

  Adrian’s eyes had been fixed on her since she’d gotten out the car and as she walk
ed closer her beauty literally took his breath away. The sexy dress hugged her every curve, swaying and moving to the rhythm of her voluptuous hips. A very low and breathless sound unexpectedly escaped his lips as she moved past him. She made her way to the counter to speak to an officer and the very male-friendly, feminine curves of her body screamed out his name. Suddenly, Adrian felt so thirsty. He made his way inside to the water fountain. There, pure male instinct directed his eyes to slowly rove all over her again.

  Adrian wondered who this woman was. Was she a victim of some sort of crime? It would really be a shame if she was. But she just looked so out of place here. Women like her certainly rarely ever showed up here for whatever reason. Then again, why would they? This area was plagued with drugs, gang wars, and any other criminal element you could name. And this station was known for its high levels of corruption and its location was in one of the most depressed areas of the country.

  Adrian stared at the wild, crazy curls of her hair. They fell to the middle of her back and made her even more alluring to him. And that form-fitting black dress hugged what seemed to be the most perfect derriere and Adrian was so tempted to reach out and touch that. And for the life of him, all his thoughts now lingered on what type of underwear she was wearing under that lovely dress. If any?

  Was it the lacy kind or a thong? Was it black just like her dress? Adrian found himself instantly turned on by this woman. What was it about this job that heightened your sexual appetite? Apparently, you were always horny. Probably the adrenaline rush caused by the stress, Adrian figured. He had to admit, nothing relaxed him better than some good action between the sheets. Now he needed some more water after that thought.

  Stupidly, he was trying in vain to press the button on the fountain for the water to come up, all the while still paying homage to her luscious form. It was hopeless, he knew, but he just couldn’t take his eyes off her. Not even when the cold water splashed all over his face and some even got up his nose, did Adrian’s eyes move. The coldness shocked him but he welcomed it. He needed to mind his own business.


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