Lessons in Art

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Lessons in Art Page 1

by Sam Eden

  Title Page


  By Sam Eavis

  Publisher Information

  Lessons in Art first published as a paperback

  and an eBook in 2011 by Chimera Books Ltd.


  Digital edition converted and published by

  Andrews UK Limited 2010


  New authors are always welcome, or if you’re already a published author and have existing work, the eBook rights of which remain with or have reverted to you, we would love to hear from you.

  This novel is fiction - in real life practice safe sex.

  This eBook is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. The characters and situations in this eBook are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.

  Copyright Sam Eavis. The right of Sam Eavis to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Chimera - a creation of the imagination, a wild fantasy.

  Chapter 1

  Sir James Hammond brought his eyes back from the tall windows of his study and the winter’s first snow falling gently outside. He reclined further in the leather chair and surveyed the girl standing in front of his large mahogany desk with renewed interest. A typical twenty-something, whose main interests were probably drinking and clubbing with her friends; this had been his view of her until now. Certainly, it had seemed that Nicola’s job as his secretary, the latest in a number of short periods of similar employment, was not the highest priority in her life. He had only taken her on at all as a favour to an old friend, who had become her guardian after the death of her parents.

  This Monday morning it appeared that her job meant more to her than she had previously cared to show. Probably the expensive run-up to Christmas had brought it home to her. She had apologised profusely for the costly mistake and, as far as he could tell, she was genuinely sorry about it.

  ‘That’s all very well, Nicola, but this isn’t the first time.’ In fact she had forgotten to pass on instructions to his stockbroker on two previous occasions in the last three months. She stood with her hands by her side looking down at the desk before her, a picture of despondency.

  ‘I hadn’t realised that a short delay could cost so much. You were very kind about the others.’ Her voice broke a little.

  The last thing he wanted was for her to start crying. He tried to put some softness in his voice as he stated his grievance. ‘It’s true the others were less of a problem but I still lost money. This time the shares rose so quickly after start of trading that it cost me nearly twenty thousand pounds more to buy them.’

  ‘But why do you have to sack me? You’ve said I’m good at my job sometimes. And I can’t tell you how much I like working for you.’ The catch in her voice was still there.

  James had heard this sort of flattery before from young people who didn’t want to lose comfortable and well-paid jobs, but didn’t want to put much effort into them either.

  ‘I need a secretary I can rely on to carry out my orders promptly,’ he said, gently.

  It seemed a reasonable requirement to him but she didn’t seem inclined to accept it. He wondered what more he could say to make her leave without any tears. He had to admit she looked very pretty, standing there so forlornly, her bob-cut blonde hair hanging slightly forward round her face. James had always found her distractingly lovely, but work had to come first.

  Suddenly she looked up at him and asked, ‘Can’t you punish me in some other way?’

  He was a little surprised at her choice of word. It seemed that her hazel eyes were imploring him to understand an unspoken proposal. He needed to be clear what she meant.

  ‘How? I could hardly deduct it from your salary.’

  ‘I didn’t mean that,’ she said. ‘I was working late that night last week when you...’ she paused, clearly uncertain how to phrase what she had seen. Finally she said, ‘I heard you discussing the Amex bill with your fiancée.’

  Now he understood her. He had given Rebecca a new Centurion card on his account with firm instructions to go easy. Instead she had melted her new plastic in forty-eight hours. He had let her keep the card but at a price to be paid lying across an armchair with her backside in the air. It was not an infrequent occurrence for Rebecca, who tended to be rather wilful and headstrong, not traits James wished to encourage in his wife-to-be. And he had wanted to give her a salutary reminder before she went off to Italy skiing with her girlfriends this week.

  Before lowering her eyes again Nicola glanced meaningfully towards a cabinet in the corner of the study. The top of the cabinet held drinks and a selection of glasses. He knew, though, that she was looking towards the cupboard beneath.

  He made up his mind to fall in with her wishes, but it would be on his terms. He regarded her in silence for a minute or so while he decided exactly what those terms would be. He moved his eyes up her body. Black leather high heels and black stockings led to a black miniskirt, which hugged her legs and the contours of her hips. A close-fitting short-sleeved white blouse came to just below the waistband of her skirt. Beneath the thin cotton he could make out a white bra. Apart from a gold watch, her only jewellery was a simple gold band around her neck. James thought that she always dressed far too sexily for this job. She’s a flirtatious minx, too, he thought. She often took the opportunity to lean over his desk, giving him a view of her cleavage or her tight-skirted bottom according to her whim.

  ‘Take your blouse off.’ He didn’t really know what made him say it, except that he’d always found it difficult to resist submissive beauty. Perhaps, too, he wanted to repay those flashes of bare flesh. He would see how flirtatious she felt now, as he took advantage of her penitence.

  He half expected her to cry out in astonished protest. But instead Nicola looked up and smiled at him, no doubt taking this to mean her job was safe. She even said, ‘Thank you,’ quickly unbuttoning the blouse before he had time to change his mind.

  She stood more confidently before him, her stomach toned and waist slender. As she breathed he could see her breasts move gently, cupped by the white bra. White now looked incongruous against the black clothes below. Her new coolness goaded him further. ‘Remove your bra as well.’

  He thought she would baulk at this but she didn’t. She simply removed it and put it with her blouse over the guest chair by her side. Her mood had brightened and she was not in the least embarrassed by standing half naked before him. Admittedly, with her body she had nothing to be embarrassed about. She stood straight, legs together and arms by her sides as if she was a young cadet told to report to the colonel. Instead of looking at the floor as before she now kept her eyes on the desktop. Her nipples were erect and James realised she was at least a little aroused by her situation. He was guiltily aware too that he hadn’t needed her topless to deal out a beating. He was getting in very deeply for an engaged man, but it was too late to back out now.

  ‘I think you know what is in the cabinet. Bring out both items and put them on the desk.’

  Nicola approached the cabinet. Quite deliberately she stopped a little before it and bent slowly forward, legs straight and firmly together. She’s a tease, he thought, and soon he would make her pay for it, but for the moment he simply admired her shapely legs, the pal
e skin now showing between the tops of her stockings and the lovely peach shape of the buttock-stretched skirt.

  From the lower cupboard Nicola took out a thirty-inch school cane and a broad leather strap, slowly straightened up and brought them to the desk.

  ‘Caning is very painful and is not something everyone can bear. I need to know if you have ever been caned before.’

  ‘My guardian caned me when I deserved it.’

  ‘I see.’ He had always suspected his amiable old friend Edward of being a martinet in his own home. ‘When were you last caned?’

  ‘When I was twenty. He said it would be my future partner’s job after I “came of age”, as he put it.’

  Nicola was obviously a much more complex girl than he had imagined. He couldn’t believe that many young adults would stand for such treatment from their parents, let alone guardians. James overcame his surprise. He was interested to see more of the bottom which had grown accustomed to firm handling in the past.

  ‘Well I see that you know the sort of thing to expect. Even so, it may be best for you to hear my terms before you agree.’

  She nodded, her eyes bright with nervous expectation.

  ‘Now take off your skirt.’

  She slowly removed it, revealing stay-up stockings and the black triangle of her thong. It must have been obvious to her that he liked what he saw, and he was about to ask her to turn round when she did so anyway, standing with her back to him to show off what he really wanted to see most.

  ‘Bend over and touch your toes. Stay like that until I tell you to rise.’

  He was very aroused as he watched her slowly bend forward, her buttocks rounding either side of the thin line of the thong. She gripped her ankles to hold herself in position - not quite what he had asked for but he would let it pass.

  ‘You may keep your job now and for as long as you wish to accept corporal punishment for your mistakes. If at any time you change your mind you must leave, but I will give you a satisfactory reference.’

  ‘Thank you, sir.’

  ‘Now, Nicola, this was a serious mistake which requires a severe punishment; perhaps more severe than you’ve had before. You will receive six strokes of the strap on your bottom, followed by six strokes of the cane. I will decide the appropriate degree of clothing.’ He paused. ‘If any,’ he added.

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she said, still bent over.

  ‘I’ve not quite finished. You will receive the same treatment, repeated on Wednesday and Friday this week, before you leave work.’ He heard her gasp a little, but she remained in place.

  ‘In total that is thirty-six strokes, which works out at over five hundred pounds per stroke. You can see that your education is rather an expensive exercise on my part. Let’s hope you learn from it. Tuesday and Thursday will be recovery days. I think you will be grateful for them.’

  She said nothing and he was prompted to push her further.

  ‘You must remain bent over to receive the strokes until I tell you to rise. You may cry out but you must not swear. Failure to follow these or any other rules I set will mean extra strokes. In addition, I may choose to give you a hand spanking whenever I deem it to be suitable.

  ‘You may ask me to stop at any time before the punishment is over, in which case you will leave my employment with the reference I promised. Stand up and face me.’

  Her colour had heightened during this little speech and her breathing was definitely pronounced. James’ mind was beginning to wander a little. Nicola was so compliant to his wishes that he wondered how the punishment would develop. He knew well enough that it would lead to complications with Rebecca if she found out. He thought he saw a twinkle in Nicola’s eyes. She knows it too, he thought. Well, his ruminations had given her long enough to think about her decision.

  ‘Are those terms acceptable to you?’ he asked. Life would be a lot easier if she just said no. But her face, flushed with excitement, and her nipples, as prominent and firm as before, had given him her answer already.

  ‘Yes sir, they are.’

  He hesitated before casting the die. ‘Very well. We shall begin at six o’clock this evening. Before you go back to your office put the cane and strap away.’

  James watched her dress and leave. Suddenly he felt a little uneasy as to what the future may hold.

  Just before six o’clock there was a light knock on the door and Nicola entered.

  No extra strokes for lateness then, thought James. As she walked in he could faintly smell her pleasant perfume even from his desk. She had clearly freshened herself up. She seemed expectant but not otherwise unnerved by the imminent ordeal. He wondered whether she truly could endure the beating so calmly. They would soon see.

  James was a man who liked to get down to business with as little delay as possible. He told Nicola to remove her blouse and bra as she had done earlier, but this time to leave her skirt on. He ordered her to fetch the cane and strap and put them on the desk before her. She did as he said and stood before his desk waiting, naked from the waist up, as cool as if she were about to take dictation.

  ‘Are you going to spank me first?’ she asked quietly.

  Suddenly he felt an urge to shatter her calm and make her suffer for her mistake - after all, she had cost him a small fortune by her standards.

  ‘Not today. We’ll get straight to the more severe part of the punishment.’

  She heard the harsh note in his voice and looked at him a little fearfully. She’ll soon realise this is not a game, he thought.

  ‘Hands on your head and bend over!’ he barked.

  From the front of the desk she lent forward towards him, hands on head, stopping when her nipples touched the inlaid leather of the desktop. He moved round behind her.

  ‘When we come to the caning you may put your forearms on the desk. For the duration of the strapping your hands will stay on your head. If you move them you will receive an extra stroke.’

  He admired her position from the rear and side: feet together in their glossy black heels, perfectly straight legs and dipped back presenting her bottom to await the strap. Her upper body was almost totally still, with her hanging breasts just resting on the desktop.

  James approached her and laid a hand on each buttock, apparently smoothing the already tight material across her bottom. Nicola kept perfectly still. After a few moments he took up the strap and positioned himself slightly behind her to her left. He paused for a good thirty seconds to let her feel the anticipation of the first stroke. Then he swung the eighteen-inch shaft of leather fiercely across her right buttock.

  Nicola’s soft cry was almost drowned by the loud report of the leather on her behind. It had been a hard stroke for the first but she hardly moved. He swung again, another full stroke, this time landing equally across both buttocks. Again she gasped gently. After counting slowly to twenty he delivered another similar stroke. The thwack of the leather resounded in the still, oak-panelled study, but Nicola made little sound and maintained her posture well.

  James put down the strap and stood behind her. He carefully rolled the skirt up over her bottom to reveal beautiful cheeks, now reddened in several places. After settling her skirt so it would not slip down, he moved his hands again over her bottom, gently squeezing and caressing. He could hear her breathing a little more deeply now.

  He picked up the strap again and, taking up the same position behind her, began the remainder of her strapping. Three fierce strokes thwacked across her bottom, twenty seconds apart. This time her cheeks were unprotected, with the thong offering no cover at all. He could see the flesh flatten as the strap hit its target. And he could see the cheeks begin to glow a deeper red in places where the strap hit directly, spreading pink over the remainder of her bottom. As the last hard stroke landed Nicola jumped slightly and let out a louder cry of pain. Even so, she was taking
it very well.

  As James lay down the strap he leaned forward towards Nicola’s ear.

  ‘Is this firm enough discipline for you, young lady?’ he said quietly.

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she replied calmly.

  ‘Well I’m sorry to say it’s about to get much firmer. I wonder if you’ll feel as sure of yourself this time on Friday evening.’

  Nicola gave a rueful little laugh, and he knew she knew that the week could be an unnerving ordeal.

  ‘Stay bending over the desk, but you may lower your hands now.’ He heard her sigh of relief as she rested her stiff arms on the desktop. For a moment she started to move her hands back to feel her bottom, but he quickly forbade it.

  ‘You may not touch yourself, unless you want extra strokes of the cane.’

  She groaned a little and braced herself. James retreated to one of the large leather armchairs which stood, together with a Chesterfield sofa, by the fireplace. For five minutes he watched the slight wriggles of her body as she tried to make her position more comfortable. Neither said a word but the atmosphere was sharp with anticipation.

  Then he rose and went over to her, unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor. She neatly stepped out of it without getting up and he kicked it to one side. Gently he lowered her thong over her bottom and midway down her thighs.

  James picked up the cane from the desk and held it just above her bottom. Nicola’s position had slackened a little.

  ‘Straighten your back and push out your bottom,’ he said, and as she did so the soft skin of her buttocks touched the cane as he held it in position. He let it rest there a moment.

  ‘It seems I’m doing all the work here. Now I’d like you to count each stroke.’

  He swished the cane through the air a few times and watched her. Not a flicker. He took the accustomed stance behind her and laid the cane across her bare buttocks, gently moving it up and down over the skin. Still no reaction from her. He paused, then raised the cane and brought it sharply down across both cheeks.


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