Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 1 (Roman Crime Family)

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Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 1 (Roman Crime Family) Page 2

by Alisa Anderson

  “Excuse me? My daddy?” Jess wiped coke from her nose. “Got one, thanks. Didn’t like the first motherfucker. I damn sure don’t need two.”

  “I saw the way you looked at him. So don’t get caught up. Ok, bitch?”

  “Look, I got a man. I’m not worried about Nick Roman or you. Trust me. I don’t want him. Besides, I saw Nick’s ring and I noticed you aren’t wearing one. Guess he’s not truly yours either, right?”

  Jess finished her shot, leaning in close she poured another one.

  “One more thing. Never call me a bitch again. Unless you want your face beaten to a bloody, fucking pulp. Do I make myself clear, sweetheart?”

  Amy gave her a dirty look before downing another drink and snorting. “Right.”

  “Oh, so you think I’m playing with you? We can discuss further if you’d like.”

  Jess took a step forward to show her exactly what she meant. Before she could explain herself more clearly, Mama yelled, “Show time ladies!”

  She raised her glass, saluting Amy before downing the rest of her drink. “Another time, I’m sure.”

  Amy gave her the finger, before walking away.

  “Yeah. See you in hell, bitch.”

  That night, Jess got incredibly drunk. Extremely high. And learned how to give a decent lap dance. She was a fucking natural.

  Customers caressed her ass, and probably because of the alcohol, took off her bra and touched her nipples. Without her slitting their throat.

  The more she drank, the more lines she snorted, the less she felt the pain. It was fantastic, really. It dulled the rage. And the hurt. The anger, the desperation, all floated away.

  None of it mattered anymore.

  She was just a girl…who danced for money.

  She also learned Nick liked to watch her from the shadows.

  That was her first night.


  She felt dirty.


  She scrubbed herself raw in the shower after stumbling home somewhere after the crack of dawn. Sinking to the shower floor, crying silently as the water washed the invisible stains of stranger’s hands off her body.

  She staggered to bed, barely pulling the covers over her before falling into a fitful sleep. She woke up at noon finding Eric lying beside her.

  She hoped it was all a dream, her sore legs and headache just figments of her imagination.

  Turning, she saw a wad of twenties on the nightstand.

  Fuck. It was all incredibly real.

  “How was your first night, mami?” Eric’s voice sounded sleepy, rolling over in bed to face her.

  “It went ok I suppose.” Her voice a whisper. Almost ashamed.

  “Just ok? I counted over three grand on the table. Baby, you kicked ass.”

  She turned to face him. What was she even doing with the kind of guy who was actually happy she worked in a strip club?

  Above all that, another fucking musician.

  Christ. The worst kind of man. She had Allison to thank for introducing them, knowing her weakness for rockers. Just one more of the many questionable decisions she’d made since being there.

  Her new found coke habit being another.

  She wanted to be happy about the money.

  All she felt was numb.

  She wanted him to be upset. To not be ok with her dancing and stripping. For the two of them not to be some cliché in a rock music video.

  Maybe I want too much. Maybe I deserve even less.

  “It was ok. I’m not sure if I’m going back. I have an audition for MTV tomorrow morning. I can’t go in looking like hell.”

  “You could never look like hell, babe.” He gave a sexy grin.

  Jess found herself staring at him. He was absolutely gorgeous.

  Maybe one of the best male specimens she’d ever seen. Smooth chest. Completely ripped, six-pack muscled abs.

  He moved his head on the pillow, his hair catching the light. His hair was spun gold, falling to his waist. Stupidly, angelically beautiful. To the point of being damn near blinding.

  They shared a love of good, authentic Spanish food, thanks to both of them having at least one Hispanic parent. Jess always complained her ass was the only thing between them that ever paid for it. Eric never gained an ounce.

  She climbed on top of him, smiling back. “Oh, you think so, huh?”

  He continued grinning as she kissed and nibbled behind his ear, then down his neck. “Fuck yeah, I think so.”

  She could feel the hardness of his penis, outlined through his boxer briefs as it hit against her ass. She kissed his bare chest, tasting the salt off his body.

  Moving lower, she sucked one of his nipples into her mouth lightly biting down, before moving to the other as he inhaled.

  Licking further down the beautifully cut line of his abs, she could smell him. The combination of aftershave and sweat was driving her insane.

  She took his boxers off, sliding them down his legs slowly while her tongue followed, kissing his thighs then biting the inside of his knees.

  Eric adjusted his arm under his head on the pillow. “Now, this is the fucking way to wake up.”

  Looking up, she caught sight of him. He was bigger than average, about eight inches, with a silky, veined shaft. The head of his cock glistening with pre-come. She put her hand on his shaft, gently squeezing. He was velvety soft, yet firm.

  She felt him jerk at her touch as he moaned louder. Placing her whole hand around him, she stroked him, before lowering to lick the salty sweet taste of pre-come away.

  His cock felt smooth under her tongue. She licked lower beneath the head, down one side of the shaft, and the other.

  Taking him into her mouth, she felt him hit the back of her throat.

  Her hands still on him, mimicking her mouth as it went up and down the shaft.

  She sucked the head of his cock, feeling him swell, knowing he was about to come.

  He grabbed her hair, fisting it in his hands as he raised his hips, thrusting in her mouth.

  Groaning deep, he released with a hard jerk, tightly clutching her hair.

  Jess tightened her mouth around him, sucking him dry. Not missing a drop.

  She laid her head on his stomach, looking at his eyes, seeing nothing but contentment.

  She knew she was good at what she did. He practically worshiped her abilities. But then again, she worshiped him.

  To her, nothing was more perfect than this moment.

  It’s funny how denial works.

  It can hide a multitude of sins.


  Eric left for band practice shortly after. Jess laid on the bed, thinking about their morning with a silly smile on her face. She was still smiling as she climbed out of bed, walking into the bathroom, turning on the water for a bath.

  As the water filled the bathtub, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. The reflection judging her harshly for last night.

  Sighing she turned away.

  Stepping into the water, she sat down. The rush of hot water streaming over her felt incredible. The heat loosening every sore muscle in her body.

  Stripping for one night royally kicked her ass. How she could dance professionally almost every day of her life, and not feel this same type of soreness baffled her.

  The bathroom filled with steam. She closed her eyes, letting the water ease away tension.

  Nick crossed her mind, and she found herself thinking about him joining her. Wondering how his large, strong hands would feel on her skin. Touching her chest. Skimming down her stomach. Caressing the smooth skin between her legs.

  Touching herself, she was startled to find her folds slick with wetness.

  What the fuck am I doing?

  Whatever it was, she wasn’t stopping. She delved deeper, sinking one finger inside her pussy, then two. Feeling extra brave, she added a third. Curving her long fingers as they slid in and out with increasing intensity.

  She fantasized how his mouth would feel on her clit
. Sucking it into his mouth, biting down on it gently. Licking away the light sting of his mark.

  Her fingers surged deeper inside, grazing her g-spot as she pinched her nipple with her other hand.

  She bit down on her lip, the warmth of the water surrounding her. Enveloping her in heat, from the inside out. She moaned softly, stroking her clit faster, more urgently, feeling the explosion build inside.

  Her nipples tightened, and she arched her back, giving a short, hushed cry of pleasure. Releasing her slippery juices all over her fingers, and into the water, where it soon washed away.

  She sank back into the tub, breathing harshly. Feeling guilty as hell. But not sorry. Her body confirming what her mind already knew.

  Nick Roman was a dangerous man.

  She finished her bath quickly, partially fearful he would cross her mind again.

  Dressing hurriedly, she grabbed her gym bag and headed out to the dance studio. She really needed to work on her routine for the audition.

  If she got the job, she wouldn’t have to work at that club and she wouldn’t have to see Nick again.

  Why didn’t she feel relieved at that thought?

  Along the way she came across her favorite bakery. For once having money she decided to treat herself, finding a table near the window.

  “What can I get you?” The waitress had a gruff Jersey accent that made her smile.

  “I’d like a triple espresso with cream and a cream cheese Danish, please.”

  “Coming right up, buttercup.” She walked away as Jess sat down.

  It was a beautiful crisp day in New York. She planned on people watching for a bit, instead she started going over the routine in her head.

  Taking a sip of her coffee, she glanced to the other side of the bakery. All she saw was his profile, but she recognized him instantly.

  Nick was dressed immaculately in a black Armani silk suit, crisp white shirt and black tie. His black hair was laying perfect in little waves, accentuated with tiny flecks of gray. He was talking with the group of Italian men, laughing. Using his hands to make gestures.

  She found herself mesmerized by his every move.

  He turned toward her table, his gaze colliding with hers and holding. Almost like he knew she was there.

  She frantically scanned for an exit, knowing deep down she wasn’t going to get one. He wouldn’t allow her to escape that easily.

  He raised his eyebrows at her and smiled. Still holding her prisoner with his gaze.

  She exhaled slowly, lips parting. Trembling when he motioned for her to join them.

  What the fuck was she so scared of?

  Taking a steadying breath, she slowly made her way to his table.

  When she got there, Nick opened his arms, enveloping her into a deep hug. He smelled clean, crisp and male. She inhaled his scent, closing her eyes.

  “Hey guys, this is Jess. She’s one of my new girls.”

  He made room for her to sit next to him. She sat, realizing three out of the five guys were packing guns, Nick included. Two of them she remembered seeing in the papers as being up for RICO charges.

  She was terrified. And maybe just a little turned on.


  “So how’d you make out last night, kid?”

  “Not too shabby.”

  “I’d like to book a private dance.” Johnny C., one of the guys from the papers, leered at her.

  Nick gave him a dangerous look. Johnny held up his hands.

  “Nicky…you know I was just fucking around, right? Come on.”

  “Six thousand for one fifteen minute dance and absolutely no touching. This one is mine, capish?”

  Jess sat there, not quite believing what she heard. No, he wasn’t acting like her pimp. This irritated her immensely, she was not his fucking property.

  “I can make my own deals, Mr. Roman.”

  “Not when it comes to my acquaintances. And I told you to call me Nick.”

  He used a tone she instinctively knew better than to push. Her mouth, on the other hand, was always writing checks her ass couldn’t cash.

  “I’m not for sale, Nick.”

  He laughed. “Now that’s where you’re wrong, kid.”

  She tried to get up, but he grabbed her forcing her back down.

  He lowered his head, nuzzling her ear as he spoke softly. “Remember who you work for. And remember you need this job far more than I need you.” He placed his hand on her thigh and squeezed.

  How could she forget? Without that job, she was back home in Manhattan, Kansas. Living yet another lie.

  Her eyes filled, but by sheer force of will she didn’t let the tears fall. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  She noticed he hadn’t removed his hand, either. Jess drew in a breath, trembling at the pressure of his touch. She saw he was well aware, but let her off the hook.

  “You gonna be around tonight, kid? Give me your number. We need to talk about a few things.”

  “My boyfriend is playing Circle Eight tonight. Allison and I are planning on stopping by so I’ll be home until ten.”

  She reached across him, grabbing a napkin to write her number on. Brushing against him, she felt him harden through his pants.

  “I have to go. I have a dance audition and I need to get to the studio to practice.”

  “Audition? For whom, might I ask?”

  “It’s for a spot on a new dance show on MTV.”

  “You’re a trained dancer?” He sounded somewhat surprised.

  “Yeah, I’ve taken ballet, contemporary and jazz since I was five. Don’t look so confused. Strippers can be professionals, too.” Jess rolled her eyes.

  “I bet you’re real limber, aren’t you?” Johnny C. gazed at her legs appreciatively.

  Nick shot him a look, shutting him up immediately.

  “Sorry, Nicky. I was just-”

  “Show some fucking respect.”

  If Jess wasn’t mistaken, Nick actually looked jealous.

  “I see you’re full of surprises, kid.” He chuckled, brushing a lock of hair out of her face, before letting her go.

  She stood up, grabbing her bag.

  What the hell was that all about?

  He almost seemed tender.

  “So are you, Mr. Roman.”

  Jess gave him a quizzical glance as she walked toward the door.

  “So are you.”



  A deep, hauntingly familiar voice. “You busy, kid?”

  She couldn’t help but grin at hearing his voice. He almost made her feel like the kid he called her.

  “Not particularly, just getting ready to head to the club. What’s up?”

  “Nothing. You coming back tomorrow night?”

  “Why do you want to know? You gonna miss me if I don’t?” She could not believe she was actually flirting with him.

  “I always miss my girl when she’s not there.”

  “Who says I’m your girl?”

  “Me, that’s who the fuck who.”

  “Well, um. Ok. Yes, to answer your original question, I’m planning on coming back to work tomorrow night. That is if I don’t get the gig at MTV.”

  “You’ll come back even if you do.” He sounded so matter of fact.

  “You think so, huh?”

  “I know so. I’m there.”

  “And it’s all about you, right?”

  “Isn’t it always?” She knew it was true, but refused to let him know he was right.

  There was a knock on her bedroom door, opening it she let Allison in.

  “I hate to break up our intellectual conversation, but Allie is here to take me to the club.”

  “Circle Eight, right?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Maybe I’ll see you there.”

  “Great. You can meet Eric then.” Jess laughed nervously.

  There was a pause. “Sounds like fun.”

  “Right. Bye Mr. Roman.”


  “Just so you know, I’m going to be your guy. And for the last fucking time, call me Nick.”

  This time she was struck silent, having nothing to say.

  She cleared her throat. “I really need to go, Nick.” Just as she was about to hang up the phone, she heard him once more.


  “Yes, Nick?”

  “What color underwear will you be wearing?”

  “I don’t wear underwear, Mr. Roman.”

  She heard him smother a groan and hung up, before she lost her small victory.


  Eric was already on stage at Circle Eight when they walked through the door. She felt a rush of heat between her legs as she looked at him. She was going to fuck him tonight. Partly because he was walking sex on that stage. It always her turned her on.

  Partly because she felt guilty for flirting with Nick Roman.

  Not to mention fantasizing about Nick Roman.

  Considering she got herself off just thinking about the man, she figured she owed Eric something.

  She grinned to herself. The whole thing was so deliciously naughty she still was tingling.

  Jess and Allison waved to Eric as they made a beeline to the bathroom. Once inside, she checked her hair, glad she wore it down, casually flung over her shoulders.

  It looked good with the tight red dress, painting her body. She turned around. Her ass was lethal in this dress. It barely covered it, just the way she wanted.

  “Want a line?” Allison shoved the bag over to her.

  “Hell, yeah. Thanks.”

  Jess bent, sniffing six lines off the sink. Feeling like she could suddenly run ten miles.

  “So, Allie. What’s the deal with Nick?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s that mobster I’ve heard about, right?”

  Allison looked around the bathroom nervously.

  “Jess, please don’t ask or talk about his business, ok? Yes, he’s who you think he is, but that is all you ever need to know. If you keep digging for answers, eventually you’ll find them. He’s trouble, so please don’t get caught up. Please? It’s for your own good.”


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