Of Shadows and Ash

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Of Shadows and Ash Page 10

by Dana Marie Bell

  “You’re worth more than some bobble-head who nods and accepts whatever I say, Ash. How bored would you be if I agreed with every word out of your mouth, like a bobble-head?” She demonstrated by nodding her head slowly, a simpering, vacuous smile on her face.

  Ash shuddered. “You’re right. That’s Bride of Chucky–level creepy. You can stop now.”

  She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Bride of Chucky?”

  He shrugged. “It gets boring late at night sometimes.”

  “So you watch really bad horror movies.”

  “Hey, now.” He shook his finger at her. “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is must-see TV for all young dryads.” He sniffed. “It’s educational.”

  “That’s one word for it.” She bit her lip, her expression uncertain. “Be patient with me. That’s all I’m asking. I don’t want you to ever think the only reason I fell for you is because of what’s happening around here. That wouldn’t be fair to either of us.”

  “Just so long as you don’t try and kick me out, I think I can do that.”

  She laughed. “Nope. You’re safe from that.” The laughter faded away. “Would it help if I said I’m glad you’re here? I don’t...”

  Her voice faded away, her reluctance to finish her statement clear on her face. “Don’t what?”

  She grunted, disgusted with him. “You would make me finish.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Yup.”

  “Fine. I don’t think I could get through this without you.”

  Ash blinked. “Wow. I’ve never heard anything so romantic said in such a disgruntled tone of voice. You might as well have said fine, I’ll eat the yucky Brussels sprouts, but only because you promised me ice cream after.”

  “Don’t make me hurt you.”

  Ash laughed softly as he kissed her, fully expecting Selena to lash out and deck him.

  Instead, she leaned into him, accepting the kiss, opening her lips for him and allowing him inside. He kept the kisses slow, easy, tasting his soon to be lover the way he would a fine piece of chocolate, allowing her to melt on his tongue and fill his senses. She was warm, giving him what he silently asked for, and in turn tasting him, learning him.

  He could kiss his little witch all day, every day, and never get tired of it.


  “Hmm?” He didn’t want to stop, didn’t want to let her go, but she was beginning to push on his chest.

  “Ash?” Her tone was slightly more insistent.

  With a whimper he ended the drugging kisses. “Selena?”

  She licked her swollen, luscious lips. “I want something from you.”


  “Promise me.”

  He frowned.

  “Promise me that if you get injured you’ll leave.”

  He couldn’t prevent the snarl, and didn’t want to. “Selena—”

  “I can’t see you hurt, Ash.” She shuddered. “I still remember seeing Greer on the ground, dead, and...I can’t.”

  Ash closed his eyes, trying to push back that memory. Greer had leaped after a falling Dragos, catching the unconscious vampire before he hit the ground. But in the process of saving Dragos, Greer had damaged himself fatally. Only Dominic’s presence had saved Greer from death. He had come out of hiding as one of the world’s few remaining unicorns to save Greer’s life.

  The only creature rarer than the unicorn was the phoenix, and from what he’d heard there hadn’t been a sighting of one of those since the World War II.

  “Please, don’t do that to me.”

  As if he’d ever leave her to battle her demon alone. “I’ll think about it.”


  He kissed her, no longer the sweet, soft kisses of before, but one of claiming, of laying his soul bare to her. He would not leave her, even if the demon tried to flay his flesh from his bones. Nothing would drag her from her side. “No.”

  She sighed. “Stubborn man.” But her tone was shaky.

  “I love you too.” If only she knew how much.

  She opened her eyes and stared at him, her expression soft. “I know.”

  For now, it would have to do.

  Chapter Seven

  Ash was wandering around in her office, staring at the bookshelves she’d had installed. Custom made just for the room, they’d been one of the first splurges she’d made when she’d taken over the home from her parents, who’d retired to Arizona. They were filled with all of the books she’d grown to love over the years, from romance to science fiction to books on Wicca and witchcraft. The shelves ran from floor to ceiling and covered every wall.

  Things had been quiet for days while they waited for everyone’s schedule to be free enough to perform the séance. When Ash had called Mina to send Greer over, he’d found out that Greer, exhausted from numerous healings over the past several weeks, had joined with his tree to recuperate. It would be a bit before he came out, but once he did, Mina assured them Selena would be his top priority.

  She was starting to wonder if the entity had moved on. At Ash’s request Gideon had dispatched some of his witches to watch over Selena when Ash couldn’t be there, ensuring she was never alone. If Ash couldn’t be there, she was still taken care of, still guarded like a treasure.

  It was that last that made her feel safe.

  Ash had settled into her daily life, making himself felt in every corner of her home. His coffee mug rested in the sink next to hers, his clothing was in her drawers, and he slept platonically in her bed every night after discharging his duties to the forest and the Throne. The man wore nothing but cotton sleep pants to bed, riding low on his hips and so thin she could see every ridge and outline of his body. The man had abs that would make a body builder envious, and biceps that bulged every time he stretched in the mornings. She wanted to lick, and touch, and feel and...

  Guh. And because he was right next to her she couldn’t even masturbate. If she didn’t know better she’d swear it was part of some evil plot to get her to agree to mate him just so she could finally come.

  “Andre Norton?” Ash turned with a startled smile, knocking her thoughts of nekkid time out of her head. “She’s one of my favorite authors.”

  “Why so surprised?” She admitted her reading tastes were eclectic, but classic sci-fi was, well...classic.

  He shrugged, turning back to the bookcase. “Witch World is one of my all-time favorite series.”

  “Have you tried the Janus series?”

  Ash gave her the best duh look she’d seen in some time. She couldn’t have done better herself. “Of course. I’m surprised you only have one of the Moon Magic series, though.”

  “Flight in Yiktor is my favorite, but you’re right. I do need to pick up the rest.”

  “I don’t see any David Weber.” He was running his fingers along the spines, the touch light and innocently sensual. She’d never wanted to be dusty paper so badly in her life.

  She coughed, trying to get her raging libido back under control. At this rate she was going to jump him in front of the Anne McCaffreys and scar her poor, innocent paperbacks for life. “That’s because he’s in the fantasy section.”

  “Fantasy?” He looked confused.

  “Yup. You haven’t read the War God series? Bahzell is wicked cool.”

  “No, I haven’t.” He sounded so excited, she knew what they’d be doing for the rest of the evening. “I’ve read all his sci-fi, though. You might like his Dahak series.” He headed over to her fantasy section and picked up Oath of Swords. “I’ve been looking for something new to read. I’ve re-read all my Kindle books five or six times already.”

  Another thing they seemed to have in common. “I’m a re-reader too.”

  “I always find something new every time I re-read a favorite.” He clutched the paperback to him like it was his precious baby.

  She knew how he felt. She loved all her books, whether they were in electronic format or paper. It didn’t matter how she read her books, just that she had th
em. “We’ll have to use that Kindle sharing program, then.”

  He leered at her. “Show me what’s in your folders, baby.”

  She laughed as he waggled his brows at her. “Oh, that was so bad.” She picked her Kindle up off the desk, opening one of her favorite e-books. “I’m in the mood for some cowboys.”

  The glare he shot her was worth the tease. “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, yeah. Come to me, you hot stud, you.” She sighed, clutching the Kindle to her chest.

  Ash plucked the e-book reader out of her hands. “I don’t think I... Why are there two guys on the cover? And why is he kissing that dude’s neck?”

  She burst into laughter at the look on his face. He was now holding the e-book reader like it was covered in dog poo. “It’s called Men Under the Mistletoe, and it has some of my favorite male/male romance authors in it.”

  He shuddered and handed it back to her, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like “too many dicks on the dance floor.” “Enjoy yourself. I think I’ll cuddle up to Mr. Weber here.”

  She grinned. “See? You are into male/male relationships.”

  “Evil, wicked woman. As much as I love Brian and Greg, I don’t want to swap sausages with them.” He followed her back into the living room, steering her toward the sofa as she giggled like a little girl. “Sit, I’ll put some music on. You want something to drink?”

  She blinked, touched. The man so casually took care of her it was amazing. “Wine?”

  “Sounds good. Red or white?”

  “Red, please.”

  He nodded and headed into the kitchen. She could hear the clink of glasses, the sound of liquid pouring. She put her feet up and began to read.

  She barely registered when her feet were lifted and Ash settled on the sofa. He put them in his lap and opened his own book, quickly losing himself in the tale of Bazhell and his best friend Brandark.

  It was so nice, listening to the soft music Ash had picked, tasting the wine and reading her book. Ash’s soft breaths, the occasional touch on her calves or the tops of her feet, gently reminded her that she wasn’t alone any more.

  She could get used to this. He was still bossy, still somewhat arrogant, and always concerned for her safety, but he’d mellowed out a little since moving in with her. Perhaps that’s what he’d needed—to know without a doubt that she was safe.

  Ash sighed and put the book down. “Selena?”


  “I’m wondering if the reason nothing’s happened is because we’re facing the calm before the storm.”

  She knocked her knuckles on the coffee table three times.

  “What was that for?”

  “I knocked on wood to ward off evil.”

  “Does that actually work? Because I’ve got some wood you can knock any time you want.”

  His tone wasn’t quite as suggestive as he probably hoped, but it was nice that he tried to lighten the mood he’d accidentally darkened. “Keep it in your wood box, Captain Planet.” She looked around the room, trying to use her senses to test and see if the entity was still present. They were still dull and sluggish to respond, but it didn’t take much to give her the answer he sought. “The dark energy is still there. You may be right.”

  “Damn. Sometimes I hate it when I’m right.” Ash rubbed the top of her foot. “Care to revisit moving to the Throne?”

  She sighed. She should have known he’d bring it up again. “Look.” She put the e-book reader down and leaned forward. “I know you think I’m being a pain in the ass, or some wimpy female scared of her own shadow.” She winced. “Okay, I’m scared of someone else’s shadow, but that’s not the point. You know what will happen if it turns out to be in me and not the house.”

  “I do, but...” He sighed. “But what if bringing you to the Throne helps? What if the protections wind up keeping you safe?”

  “What if they don’t?” She patted his hand. “Is it worth risking Greer, Iva or Mina, just for me?”

  “Yes.” Ash’s expression was grim. “You’re my mate, Selena. I’d risk anything for you.”

  “Including your tree?”

  He glared at her.

  She glared right back. “You might be willing, but I’m not.” She relaxed, not wanting to argue. “I’m trying to keep your family safe, Ash.”

  He made a disgusted noise. “Stupid noble witch doctor.”

  “Two out of three ain’t bad.” She grinned. “Come on, Ash. You’d do the same, and you know it.”

  “Fine, but I don’t have to like it.”

  “Look. If it makes you feel better, if this thing escalates much farther, we’ll go, all right? If it’s a matter of life and death, we can try things your way, but for now let’s keep doing them mine. I’m used to dealing with spirits of all kinds, and as much as this is freaking me out, I can handle it.”

  He grumbled under his breath and took a sip of his wine. “Fine. I don’t like it, but all right.”

  She moved over to him and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “If someone gets hurt, you or me or anyone else, we go.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” She put her head on his shoulder.

  “You’re lucky you’re cute.” But his arm wrapped around her shoulder, drawing her closer.


  “Grab your book, little witch, and get comfortable.” He moved her glass of wine closer to him while she picked up her e-book reader.

  Selena cuddled back against his chest, smiling when he dropped a kiss on top of her head. Most people were almost afraid to touch her—as if she were some nun who had taken a vow to keep her person sacrosanct at all times. But Ash had no trouble touching her, giving an easy affection that was heady for someone who was used to being alone. Because of her position most other witches treated her with affection, but rarely just brushed her shoulder or offered her easy affection the way Ash did. Amara was the only other person who hugged her so freely, but she’d never once wanted to knock the hamadryad down and take her like a wildebeest in heat.

  Ash, on the other hand, she wanted to ride like a rodeo pony. But the whole mine forever thing kept holding her back. She found herself drawn to touch him just as much as he seemed to be drawn to her. She longed for the simple touches, a brush of a hand against her shoulder or his hand stroking over her hair as he passed behind the couch. The way he pulled her close and made her feel special, even when she was bitching about the towel he’d left on the bathroom floor or the stupid cupcake wrappers he sometimes forgot to throw away.

  But he also didn’t complain about how she often didn’t put the cap back on the toothpaste, or the way she forgot to do the dishes because her mind was whirling with magical thoughts. While she couldn’t cast spells, she could consult with the others on the best ways to deal with magical issues, and she was still called upon to give advice on almost every aspect of life in Maggie’s Grove. People called at all times of the day or night, seeking the advice of the witch doctor on everything from spiritual issues to birth control. And while she could tell he was startled and a little upset about the numerous demands on her time, he let her handle her job however she wished, even if he didn’t quite understand it. She was part counselor, part witch, and part best friend.

  And Ash merely watched and listened with a bemused smile as she did her job, allowing her to be exactly what she, and the town, needed.

  * * *

  Ash picked up the pot of water and placed it on the stove. He added some salt and some oil. The entire house smelled of the sauce he’d made, the rich tomato and meatballs making his mouth water.

  Selena was on the sofa, enjoying her book, the glass of wine still partially full. It was nice to watch her relax and to know that she’d put her meal, and her safety, in his hands.

  He could get used to this.

  They’d been working their asses off in the last week, researching not only what kind of demon they were dealing with but ways to confine it. The library, not surprisingly, had numerous b
ooks on the topic, half of which confused the hell out of Ash. The other half simply scared him to death. Stopping a demon was no simple matter. The witch performing the spells necessary to do so was at as much risk as the possessed person.

  After one particularly bad passage where Ash had freaked the hell out, Selena had confined him to doing research on séances and carrying her books.

  So tonight, they’d agreed to a little R&R. They’d read nothing more heavy than sci-fi, enjoy a nice, quiet dinner, and try to pretend that nothing was wrong in their lives. Already he could feel himself calming as he watched Selena unwind. She needed this as much as he did, and he was happy to provide for her.

  His stomach growled so loudly he was surprised Selena didn’t turn around. “Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes.”

  “I hope so. It sounds like your stomach might crawl out and attack the cookie jar soon.”

  “You have a cookie jar?” He looked at the assorted canisters on the counter, wondering which one held her cookies.

  “The blue police box.”

  Of course. A TARDIS cookie jar. The woman had a serious addiction to Dr. Who. “Do I need to worry about this time travelling guy?”

  She shivered. “I wouldn’t kick him out of bed for illegal use of his sonic screwdriver, that’s for sure.”

  He blinked, not quite sure what she was talking about. “I don’t think I’ve ever watched the show.”

  The slow, incredulous look she gave him had him biting back a laugh. “Jesus on a breadstick, man. That’s like saying you’ve never seen Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock.”


  Her eyes went wide. “Oh, sonny-boy, do I have some BBC fun for you tonight.” She patted the sofa next to her. “Park it, my brother, and let your indoctrina...I mean, your education begin.”

  “Now you’re scaring me.” But he put the spaghetti in the boiling water, fully prepared to enjoy one of his mate’s favorite pastimes. “If I have to watch your shows, you have to watch mine.”

  “I’m not a fan of sports, Ash.”

  “Neither am I.” He stirred the spaghetti and then set the timer. “I like to watch shows on ancient Greek and Roman history, and the science of the universe. I also like the Colbert Report and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.”


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