by Lexi Adams
“You told me last week that you don’t want to settle down. You made it very clear that part of this whole thrill, for you, is buying a new woman when the mood suits you. I’m not willing to sit back and be some trophy for you while you’re off fucking other women. I’m not willing to deal with the uncertainty of this relationship at all! Why couldn’t you just leave well enough alone?” I demand, poking him angrily in the chest. He grabs me by the wrist as he lurches to his feet, pulling me close to him. I struggle against him, the typically soothing warmth that he radiates only serving to inflame me further. He tilts his head down, attempting to capture my lips in a kiss. I resist, pulling away from him with all the might I can muster.
“Why can’t you accept that I care about you? Is it so impossible to believe that I’ve changed? At the very least, that I’ve changed my mind on this one issue?” he hisses, tensing his hands at his sides. I take a step back, towards the elevator. Part of me wants to bolt, but another part of me knows that I can’t let this go unresolved. I need to deal with this, here and now.
“Men like you don’t change, Caleb. You want and you want, so you take. You never give. You’re never satisfied. You only want more,” I grit out. It was a lesson I had learned the hard way in previous relationships and I wasn’t going to make the same mistake. Caleb stares at me through wide eyes, hurt glistening in the gorgeous blue orbs I’ve come to love. A vibration in my pocket drags me away from his intense stare and I yank my phone out to see who is calling. Not recognizing the number, I roll my eyes and step away from Caleb to answer. He looks as if he might be angry that I’m casting him aside so easily, but I’m not in the mood to entertain him.
As I listen to the voice on the phone, my heart feels as if it shudders to a stop. I drop the phone, lurching towards the elevator with my breath coming out in sobs. Caleb grabs me by the arm, forcing me to look at him. Tears spill freely from my eyes and his anger turns to uncertainty.
“I can’t deal with this right now. My mom… my Mom’s in the hospital,” I choke out, trying to get away from him. Caleb’s expression grows steely and he releases me. However, as I move to escape, he follows me into the elevator.
“You’re in no shape to drive,” he mutters before I have the chance to ask. His expression is tense, but there’s also something akin to concern reflected back at me as I gaze into his eyes.
As much as I want to put up a fight, my Mom comes first. He’s right, of course; I’m not capable of driving safely right now. I could easily hail a cab, but as he drags me to his sports car and helps me in, I’m comforted to have his presence as shock begins to wash over me. I tremble in the passenger seat and as he screams out of the parking lot, he reaches out to grip my hand in his own. I choke out a sob, clinging tightly to his hand like a child who has lost their mother. The thought only brings another wave of tears.
We’re at the hospital in what feels like a blink of an eye, yet also an eternity in some strange paradoxical way. I lurch out of the car, rushing into the emergency room entrance with Caleb hot on my heels. I demand to see my mother and the nurse, who seems to assume that Caleb is my boyfriend or something of the sort, leads us into the depths of the emergency bay. She takes me to a room towards the back corner, where I immediately see my mother lying unconscious in a hospital cot. Rushing towards her, I erupt into tears as I’m stricken by the thought that she may never wake up. Caleb rests a hand on the small of my back, but I’m not particularly driven to push him away. Instead, I turn towards him, burying my face in his chest.
“W-what if she doesn’t make it?” I choke out, tears streaming down my cheeks and soaking his shirt.
“She will. She will, Maggie, I’m sure of it,” he assures me. We linger in the room a moment longer before a doctor steps in and advises us that my mother needs time to rest. As much as I ask him if she’ll be okay, the doctor refuses to give me a straightforward answer. I’m nearly ready to strike him when Caleb pulls me back towards his chest. “We can sit in the waiting room. When she awakens, we’ll be back in a flash,” he says gently, guiding me out of the hospital room.
As we sit waiting, I expect to be called in to see my mother at any given moment, but the doctor refuses to let me see her, even deep into the night.
“You can leave, now. I don’t expect you to stay with me,” I weakly inform Caleb. He shrugs his shoulders, relaxing in the chair beside me.
“I want to stay,” he says simply.
I don’t argue.
All we can do is wait.
Blinking my eyes open in the morning, I’m immediately aware of a presence to my side. I move to jolt upright, but my body is sluggish and slow to respond. Instead, I simply glance to my side, where I’m surprised to see Caleb still snoozing. My heart is warmed by the simple action. I can’t begin to fathom why he would stay after all I’ve done to him.
Rising to my feet, I shuffle to the nurse’s station to check in on my mother’s status. They’re swift to reply, informing me that my mother is in a stable condition and awake in hospital room 33A. Immediately, without even asking permission, I race in the direction of her room. They call out to me, but I don’t stop until I nearly collide with a doctor emerging from my mother’s hospital room. He raises a brow at me, but steps aside to allow me inside. It only occurs to me after he leaves that I should ask him a few questions, but I’m too heartened by the sight of my Mom to pay attention to anything else.
“Are you alright? Christ, Mom, what happened to you? I was… I thought…,” I trail off, allowing the words to hang in the air. She simply smiles, reaching out to take me by the hand. She gently kisses my knuckles, stroking her thumb along the back of my hand in a soothing motion.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to cause any ruckus or trouble. I was just feeling so well yesterday, I worked too hard and fainted while you were gone. I was on the balcony. They said I’m fortunate not to have fallen off the edge. Although, that’s also how I was spotted.” She chuckled weakly and I feel my eyes widen in disbelief. “But I assure you, Maggie Mae, I feel much better now. Don’t you worry about me. The doctor mentioned something about my prior bills being paid off entirely, which caught me off guard. Do you know anything about it?” she asked.
“I… well, the anonymous donor is in the waiting room. He stayed the night at my side in spite of how cruel I’ve been to him lately,” I begin, noticing the confusion in my mother’s gaze. “His name is Caleb Robertson and we’ve been dating. He paid off the bills without telling me and now I feel as if I owe him something. I wouldn’t mind, but he’s made it clear that he’s not interested in anything long term. At least, that’s what he said when we first got to know each other,” I continue, making certain to leave out the parts where I met him online and the fact that he’d been paying me to sleep with him.
“He seems to want something more from you now? You seemed to like this boy, judging from how excited you always were before your dates. To pay off all of my hospital bills seems a bit much, but if anything it indicates just how deeply he seems to care for you. The fact that he stayed the night in the waiting room with you only takes it a step forward. What’s stopping you from giving him a chance?” my mother inquired gently. I hesitated, drawing my lip between my teeth and worrying it nervously.
“Men… men don’t change, Mom. Especially rich men who think women are a dime a dozen,” I manage. I feel tears pricking the corners of my eyes, internally cursing myself for how hysterical I must seem.
“You should hear him out, Maggie, dear. It’s obvious to anyone with eyes that you care for him, but it’s especially clear to your old mother. People really can change, you know,” she murmurs warmly. She reaches out to caress my cheek and I struggle to keep the tears from spilling any further.
“Uhm, is it alright if I come in?” a familiar voice calls nervously from outside the hospital room. I glance up, fear in my gaze as I realize Caleb has likely been lingering there for some time. He clears his throat awkw
ardly, forcing a smile as he approaches the side of my mother’s hospital bed. “I wanted to tell the two of you not to worry yourselves with the costs of this hospital stay. I’ve taken care of it. The doctor told me that you were free to leave, assuming you have the proper transportation,” he continued, wringing his hands nervously. He refused to meet my gaze, but I reached out to touch his arm.
“Thank you, but that’s not necessary, Caleb,” I start before immediately being interrupted by my mother.
“Well, the cutie seems to have more cents than sense! Let him spend a few dollars on me, it makes an old girl feel good!” She grinned, gesturing for Caleb to step forward. He obliges her with a nervous smile, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“If you’re able to finish the paperwork regarding your release, I can arrange for transportation. I have no doubt that you’re a strong woman, but the doctors have advised that the ride home is under medical supervision. They’ve also offered to provide a nurse to tend to you once you’re home,” he says. I cross my arms over my chest, considering him critically.
“Why did they tell you all this?” I demand.
“I may have told them that I’m her son-in-law,” he answered somewhat dismissively, though his cheeks flared an obvious shade of red. My mother laughed out loud, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. I couldn’t help but feel enamored by how utterly sweet the man was being with my mother, even with the amount he was spending on us put aside.
A nurse stepped into the room, interrupting the scene to finish up my mother’s paperwork. I kept a close eye on things, noting that the costs had, indeed, already been covered. Caleb caught my eye, but I was quick to look away, feeling my own face grow warm. The necessary papers were soon filled out and the emergency transport workers slipped into the room to wheel my room to a proper vehicle.
“I’ll meet you at your apartment, if I may?” Caleb inquired softly. I nod my head, leaning in to kiss his cheek before slipping away to join my mother in the emergency vehicle. She’s settled in comfortably, quirking a brow curiously at me as I step up into the back with her.
“Why aren’t you with tall, cute, and stinking rich man?” she asks with a gleam in her eye. I roll my eyes exasperatedly, but with hints of embarrassment as well. The medical team pretends I’m not even there, checking my mother’s vitals every so often.
“He’ll meet us at the apartment, nosy,” I say smiling in spite of myself. The drive to the apartment feels extraordinarily long, cooped up in the back of the ambulance. As soon as we stop, the doors are opened to reveal Caleb lingering at the front of the complex. He smiles as he meets my gaze and I hop out of the back as the team gathers my Mom’s cot and pulls her out of the ambulance. They inquire as to the apartment number and all of us hustle to an elevator to get to the proper floor. I’m pressed almost uncomfortably tight against Caleb in the crowded lift, but he doesn’t seem bothered. He simply rests his chin atop my head, his breathing steady and even.
Once we’re on the correct floor, the transport team rolls my Mom to our apartment and I open the door to allow them inside. My Mom directs them towards her bedroom and Caleb rushes to trail behind them. A soft giggle spills past my lips and I follow with a grin on my face. Soon enough, my Mom is in her own bed. Caleb makes quick work of exchanging payment information with the transport team before busying himself with tucking a blanket around my Mom’s pillow.
“You’re playing into the son-in-law part rather well, honey,” Mom jokes and he manages a weak laugh in response.
“Just seeing that you’re alright. The nurse should arrive soon and then… Maggie, if you would join me for a short drive?” Caleb asks gingerly. I hesitate, but the nosy older woman begins to wave us off in something of a tizzy.
“I’m not dying, you two go ahead. Just leave the door unlocked and the nurse can come on in,” she insists. Caleb glances towards me for affirmation and after a moment I nod, taking him by the hand and drawing him back towards the door.
“We’ll be back to check on you, Ma,” he calls back. She simply laughs, seeming tickled pink by his sweetness. I can’t say I blame her. We descend the steps this time, not wanting to fight the transport team for the elevator. Caleb’s car is parked terribly in front of the complex and I can’t believe I didn’t notice the strange parking from the very start. I quirk a brow at him and he shrugs his shoulders.
“I was in a hurry,” he offers. I laugh, pausing as he opens my door for me and allows me to slide into the passenger seat of his sports car. He circles around, slipping into the driver’s seat and starting the engine. It gives a pleasant little thrum and he drives one-handed, resting his other hand on the center console. I stare at it for what feels like an eternity before slowly reaching out, resting my hand atop his.
“So… I guess I owe you the chance to tell your side of the story, at the very least,” I say, squeezing his hand reassuringly. He keeps his eyes on the road, driving some backstretch that I can’t say I recognize. He goes a good twenty miles over the speed limit, but I trust his driving enough to remain comfortable. There aren’t any cops around, it seems.
“I suppose I should just come out with it. Maggie, in the time we’ve known each other, I’ve come to terms with the fact that what I feel for you is unlike anything I’ve felt before. I love… I love… the sensation of owning you of course. Your submission when I ask for it, though that’s not the entirety of it,” he pauses, looking somewhat troubled. “I don’t blame you for thinking I’m incapable of change, but... I’m not looking for a simple sexual relationship. I want something more and I want it with you. The way you’re strong and caring, and know how to put up a fight… it’s all the things that made me fall so deeply for you,” he finishes, keeping his eyes fixed on the road. I flush at the intensity of his words. His jaw is clenched as he obviously fights the desire to look at me.
“What are you saying? That you’re in love with me or something?” I ask teasingly, giving his hand another squeeze. He stiffens for a moment, eyes going wide. Then, as he pulls to the side of the road, he turns to face me. He cuts the ignition of the car and it feels as if the two of us are a thousand miles from anything else in the world. For a time, I can pretend there’s nothing beyond this car, nothing beyond this moment we’re sharing.
“You hit the nail right on the head. I’m head over heels in love with you, Maggie. If you don’t feel the same, I understand. I just felt you should know the truth,” he says weakly. He grips my hand, raising it to his lips and pressing kisses against each of my fingertips, down to each knuckle and finally to my pulse point. My breath catches in my throat and I almost can’t believe that this is happening. Is this some strange, tortuous dream? Will I wake up in the hospital waiting room, with Caleb nowhere to be seen? As he grazes his teeth to the skin of my wrist, however, and the fire of arousal spikes between my thighs, I have no doubt that this is reality.
Caleb Robertson, billionaire and serial user of women has just confessed to being in love with me. Stranger still?
I love him too.
Unfastening my seatbelt, I slide across the center console. He seems startled, but leans the seat back to allow me a bit of space on top of him. Slowly and sensually, I unbutton his top, touching each inch of bared skin with a restraint I can barely hold on to. He sighs softly, stroking a hand through my hair. He leans in, pausing just before brushing our lips together.
“I feel the same, you know,” I mutter shyly and he breathes a laugh before smashing his lips to mine. The intensity of the kiss catches even me off guard and I abandon the task of carefully unbuttoning his shirt to rip it the rest of the way open. My hands splay across his chest, brushing my thumbs to his nipples. He bites back a groan and goosebumps pop up across his exposed skin. I grin, grinding my throbbing cunt against his already straining manhood. “Someone’s sensitive. A bit caught up in the emotions of it, baby?” I say slyly, shifting up on my knees. Fortunately, I’m still wearing the very skirt I’d worn to confront him and while I
’m sure I can’t smell particularly fresh, I’m not entirely put off by Caleb’s warm musk. I can only hope he feels the same about my scent.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he gasps out, burying his face against the side of my neck and grazing his teeth there. I arch into him, digging my nails into the flesh of his shoulders as he sinks his teeth into my neck. He bites hard, enough to break skin, yet the pain mingles so wonderfully with my arousal that I can’t be too bothered. That hot, wet tongue flicks out to lick away the bits of blood that have beaded on the surface of my skin and he wraps his lips around the spot before sucking what will be an obvious love mark.
“Am I? Is that why you chose me? Because I have the prettiest little pussy you’ve ever seen?” I breathe against his ear. He groans in response, his hips jerking up to press his bulge against the cleft between my thighs.
“And the most delectable little tits,” he groans, tugging my blouse off over my head. I toss my hair from side to side, looking at him with a salacious smile.