The Wizard's Tizz [Milson Valley 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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The Wizard's Tizz [Milson Valley 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 10

by Jo Penn

  “Oh, bite me, wolf.” Mason zapped a lamp with lightning, happily watching it explode. “Tizz or not, if someone apologizes, they apologize. Not just say ‘oh yeah, I see your point, babe.’ Insulting. I want a real apology. I’ve seen you big Alpha types before, and you talk around it but don’t actually say the words and that irritates me enough to want to turn you all into spineless jellyfish.”

  Drax looked like he was being faced by a lunatic. Mason decided to ignore that he was ranting like a madman and concentrate on the fact apologizing meant saying sorry, and being sorry. Acknowledging and knowing you had done something wrong were high on his list of good character traits, like caring when someone was sick or needed a helping hand.

  If you were man enough, or woman enough, to admit when wrong, then you respected yourself and others, which showed strength and good character.

  That was Mason’s “thing” anyway.

  After a few minutes of glaring at each other, Drax finally untensed that long, muscular body, hands flexing and he nodded once, sharply.

  “Okay, mate, you’re having a trust issue with me because I didn’t give you a choice when we met. You felt that was disrespectful. I am sorry about how I dealt with that back then and that I hurt you. I see things differently now. I see we can be a team. That doesn’t mean I won’t go Alpha and be overprotective, but I respect your capabilities and your position here and with the councils.” Drax smiled. “As for the desk issue, yeah, thanks for setting that up and thinking where I would want it. You know me better than I thought you did. That gives me hope. I’m sorry for not thanking you properly and for not appreciating your time and efforts.”

  Mason blinked, the fire inside him snuffing out. Well, damn, now he was hot for Drax and falling a bit more for his wolf mate.

  “Err, that was…a pretty good apology.” Mason ruffled his hair. “Want some coffee?”

  “Love one.” Drax though crowded close to Mason and did the strangest thing.

  Well, while Mason might feel it strange, this was actually normal wolf behavior. Drax began petting Mason. Sniffing his hair, his neck, his face while using his hands to pet and stroke Mason’s arms, back, and chest. Drax nuzzled and pressed Mason close against that big hard body that practically heated Mason up like he had brushed against a furnace.

  Or he’d cast a lust spell over himself.

  They were mates and of course felt the pull, the overwhelming attraction to one another. But to Mason what he and Drax shared, this between them was so much more than mate pull and fate. He felt Drax in every cell of his being, his magic tingling even when they were apart, and his thoughts elsewhere. He wanted, no, Mason needed, desperately to merge his being with this amazing wolf’s so they were never apart in spirit and could always sense one another.

  But he was afraid. For the first time in his life, Mason Armstrong, said to be the most powerful wizard in the states, independent, and coven second…was afraid he would be taken over, his choices gone.

  “Hush, my beautiful mate.” Drax’s soft voice tickled Mason’s sense, his hands soothing, touch stirring him and reassuring at the same time. “I’m here, I’m yours. Always.”

  “H-how did you know?” Mason wrapped his arms around Drax’s slender waist and pressed his forehead to his mate’s neck.

  “Instinctual. I feel your body, feel your emotions. You’re everywhere and falling, baby. But I’ve caught you, and now we can let our spirits settle and merge.”

  His wolf would. Never would Drax go back on his word. He never had. Drax might have made the wrong choice that affected both of them five years ago, but he’d learned, as was Mason. It was time to put it aside, not just whenever someone was around.

  They were destroying each other with the mistrust and holding back.

  “Do you trust me?” Mason asked quietly.

  “With all of me.” Drax’s response was immediate, firm. Truthful. “You just have to decide if you trust me.”

  “I do, in so many ways,” Mason murmured.

  Drax lifted Mason’s chin with his forefinger, eyes intense. “I will not make the same mistake again, Mason. I didn’t know you and let my need to protect cloud my judgment. It’ll be…different, but good.” He rushed to add, “To talk situations over before making decisions.” He flashed a wolfish grin. “It’s not like we haven’t talked situations to death since.”

  Rolling his eyes, Mason gave Drax a shove backward. “Those Alliance meetings are necessary. And you wolves need to stop riling up the vampires, or we’ll never get anything agreed upon in the damn meetings.”

  “Yeah, because they’re such relaxed, easygoing creatures who never extend a talon in challenge,” Drax retorted and looked around. “Hell, I better get this desk set up before the investigators outside start searching in here. So, coffee, baby?”

  “Sure. You know how I like it.”

  Grinning at his mate’s disgruntled look, Mason got back to work, satisfied that some of their issues were on the way to being resolved and that he would soon have a much-needed coffee.

  He needed to flush out a traitor before the tainted creature went after more than just Drax’s truck and equipment.

  Chapter Seven

  Drax had made quick work of setting up his desks and had one of the pack office staff run over his computers, files, and a big creaky leather chair that drove Mason crazy within five minutes.

  Resulting in Mason threatening to turn Drax into a horse’s ass. Drax argued Sebastian would see this as an act of aggression and violation of their mateship dispute contract, Mason countered with he didn’t care, and after having a little fit when Drax kept creaking his frigging chair, the wolf relented.

  After dealing with that issue by applying some WD-40, which Drax grumbled over, saying he liked the creaking—Mason having guessed that by how much the wolf had kept doing it—they were then interrupted and spent hours speaking to investigators and members of the coven and any visitors.

  By the time the investigators left, it was well after midnight. They managed a late dinner Xavier left out for them before showering and climbing into bed together. Mason thought this would be awkward, but it appeared he was too tired to worry over their issues, what might happen, and what he wanted to happen for as soon as he lay down, he must have fallen asleep, for the next he knew it was morning and he was curled up in Drax’s arms.

  The rest and being together so long yesterday and all last night settled some of Mason’s tizz. He was thinking more clearly, seeing situations, words, and actions in a more reasonable light and able to process everything that had happened between them without overwhelming hurt and anger. And mostly, he wasn’t jumping from one emotion to the next, which had become frustrating.

  “Morning, mate.”

  Drax’s sleep roughened voice caused Mason’s already awake and aching body to practically vibrate. He rolled over in Drax’s arms and pressed their bodies together, groin to groin, flesh hard and hot.

  There was no hesitation between them. They both knew what they wanted and needed, and moved together, bodies straining, knowing each other, holding tight. The friction intensified, their grunts and moans deepening, moisture spreading across their aching groins.

  “Need to claim you, mate. Let me?”

  Mason’s response was immediate. Lying half beneath his heated-up wolf, he tilted his head up and to the side, exposing his neck and giving himself with trust and desire. Drax’s growl was low and shot straight to Mason’s balls, which jerked up close to his body at the heady sound.

  Drax struck. Long thick canines sunk into Mason’s throat, his body tensing and arching up. First, there was a sharp pain and then overwhelming stimulation and pleasure flooded him, his body jerking as Drax held his head in place and wrapped a big hand around both their penises and moved in fast, long strokes. Mason could barely think. He could only feel, and with each suck on his neck and the sensation of that strong, calloused hand around his aching cock, his magic shot from him.

tning magic struck the bed beside them as Mason’s climax roared through his body. Drax sucked down a few mouthfuls of blood and worked Mason through his pleasure and once empty, closed the puncture wounds but would leave his claiming mark for everyone to see.

  “Merge with me, baby, let me feel you always inside me, and me in you.”

  So beautiful. Sometimes Mason forgot that beneath the tough exterior was a lover and man with a big heart who had needs and wants, too. He let himself go. His magic rose and swirled around them as Mason opened himself like a conduct, and as his magic moved over them, covering every inch, and merged them together, he saw how simple yet beautiful the action was.

  With a groan, Drax’s big body shook and thrust against Mason. The merging tingled as it connected them together and tingled every part of them. Mason let his hands wander, explore, and took over working Drax’s long, thick red cock through the merging. He slowly began to feel his mate’s heart beating, could sense his emotions, and would always know where Drax was.

  With a howl of pleasure, Drax’s cock emptied long streams over Mason’s chest, hand, and stomach, his own cock rising to the occasion at seeing such an erotic sight, his mate so full of lust and pleasure.

  They lay entwined for some time before the itching began, Drax wiggling worse than a toddler that’d sat still for too long and needed to run. Laughing, Mason teased his mate and realized that it felt good, to laugh and playfully tease together, Drax chasing him to the bathroom where they showered and enjoyed playing in a different way.

  The emotions, the love that Mason had once held for his mate before the tizz and feelings of rejection, his pain over his freedom of choice being taken away, were returning. He could feel Drax’s immeasurable love for him, the heartfelt sorrow for their separation, and determination to never be apart again. And Drax was relaxing more, showing a side of himself that was more than the Enforcer and that of a man with faults and was willing to make sacrifices and changes to do better, be better, just as Mason was.

  Sometimes it wasn’t about compromise, but working together to gain something better for themselves. Being themselves, sure, but adjusting behavior and traits that harmed rather than helped.

  They had breakfast together, Drax making scrambled eggs with toast and ham, tossing in some peppers and mushrooms, as that was how Mason liked his eggs. It was good, just the two of them in his suite, no, their suite.

  It couldn’t last though. Halfway through the meal, Lawson had questions and then when he left, Jack came in.

  Drax had been wolfing down the rest of his eggs, but when Jack stepped into the room, he growled low and pointed at the door.


  Jack blinked. “Err…I—”

  “There’s a new rule, wizard. This suite is off limits to anyone but Mason, myself, friends, and family. Work issues aren’t to be bought here to Mason or me. You can call. You don’t just waltz in.”

  Jack opened his mouth, perhaps to protest, perhaps to argue, and snapped it shut when Drax stood, eyes narrowed. Mason kept eating and reading the newspaper. He was well aware of how intimidating, if not frightening, Drax could be. Not to Mason though, and he wouldn’t undermine Drax by questioning him over who was allowed in their suite. He would, once Jack was gone, remind his mate that decisions affecting both of them should be discussed first, where possible.

  They would find their way. Mason certainly wasn’t perfect, and if Drax required a brief time to learn how to discuss first before making decision that involved both of them, Mason could be understanding. That didn’t, of course, mean Mason wouldn’t remind his mate, often if necessary, for he sure as the moon and stars knew Drax would remind Mason, probably loudly, whenever he felt Mason had not been careful enough.

  Jack looked to Mason for advisement. He gave a nod.

  “I will see you when I come to work, Jack.”

  “Right. Fine.” With a bit of a huff, Jack left, shutting the door with a sharp click.

  “Shit.” Drax flopped down. “I forgot you wizards and witches get snippety and hold grudges. With most shifters, you just tell them and that’s that. None of this sugarcoating sensitive shit. Might need Luka to put his interspecies public relations officer skills to use here.”

  “Hmm, and you forgot to discuss any decisions with me that relate to both of us.”

  Mason continued to read a particularly interesting article about the Durand family. He liked to stay abreast of important matters, even those from the gossip columns. He was a huge reality television fan.

  It took a few minutes, and Mason could tap into their merge to see what Drax was feeling but preferred to wait, show some consideration and understanding. He did know what Drax was like. Big and tough with a good heart, a protector and caregiver, he just wasn’t a smooth talker, and he would run a mile from tears.

  They all had their good and bad points, what they were skilled at.

  Mason was excellent at political maneuvering, dealing with delicate situations and anything that needed a finer touch and tongue. He could lend support by listening, or giving a hug and his time.

  Drax did all that in a different way. He found who needed help, led them where they needed to go, and protected, got them what they needed. More recently, he had become a guardian to Ran Markson, the local Avenger’s mate and showed a lot more affection than usual and was more open.

  Drax grunted, ruffling his hair. “Yeah, I should have done that. It’ll take me a while to get used to… I’m sorry, bear with me, okay?”

  “I will. You are getting better at that.”

  “What? Admitting I’m wrong?”

  “Yes, and saying sorry.” Mason put aside the article and smiled at his mate. “Mostly at talking. Since we began having problems I’ve noticed, despite my tizz, you have attempted to talk more. Since Ran arrived, you have really opened up. He needed you to and you did.”

  Drax smiled. “Ran’s special, but he’s not a big talker. No, baby, you’re the reason I talk more. That’s something you need from me. I knew that and have worked on my…flaw. As for the sorry thing, I’m big enough to say when I’ve fucked up.”

  A cheeky grin flashed, Mason smiling in response. He’d forgotten how sexy and incorrigible Drax could be and was looking forward to rediscovering all these parts of his mate.

  First, though, they had to deal with the next intrusion, this time family. Drax’s brother Luka wandered into the small kitchen followed by Laurie and Marco, Sebastian and Baron’s younger brother. Drax gave a low growl.

  “Knock next time.”

  “Sure, man.” Marco knocked on the wall. “Cool, you two claimed and merged. Congrats.”

  Luka sniffed around Mason, then Drax, the gorgeous wolf filching a piece of toast and eating it in two bites.

  Drax frowned at his brother. “What, don’t the fae feed you? I can hear your stomach growling.”

  Despite Drax’s harsh tone, he was actually showing concern and affection for Luka. And if his brother was in any way not being cared for, Drax would stomp heads. It reminded Mason why he admired Drax. The man never pretended to be someone he wasn’t. Like in the meeting the other day, he was still himself. He could be respectful without pretense and losing who he was. Sometimes to ease the way, Mason had to hold his tongue a bit too much. Xavier and Emile Sanchez had the same difficulty, and it always amused Mason how his cousin simply ignored what he didn’t like and that Emile would sigh and once said he would like someone to step in and ruffle everyone up just for the hell of it, provide him some entertainment.

  “Sure they do, I just left before breakfast was finished cooking—”


  Mason glanced toward the door in time to see a tall, very solid, attractive fae storm into the room and Laurie and Marco scramble out. Drax grabbed his brother before Luka could bolt and glared at the fae, Caspar, Luka’s mate. Well, one of his mates, as the wolf had two. The other one was Tudor, one of Mason’s wizards.

  “What did you do, little brothe
r?” Drax sighed. He might sound a little exasperated, but he also rose and placed himself between Luka and Cas.

  “Nothing!” Luka denied, hazel eyes wide, hands palm up. The innocent expression didn’t gel though.

  “We have discussed this Luka. Now I am telling you. Leave again without protection, and I will lock you up. Do you understand?”

  Fascinated, Mason avidly watched. He adored gossip, and right now, he had a front-row seat. And, honestly, he was very interested to see just how Cas planned to keep tabs on Luka Charmers, for he was one wolf who could never be controlled and restrained.

  “Oh come on! I just came to see my brother and his mate. I was with Laurie and Marco, safe, okay? Wanna go get some breakfast, hon? I’m starving.”

  Cas glared at Drax. “I’m locking him up.”

  “Yeah, I’ve told you that’s not going to happen. So he got away from you I take it.”

  “Two days in a row. Now get out of the way—”

  “Coffee?” Mason interrupted.

  Cas blinked and focused on Mason. “Thank you, no.”

  “I could go for a cup.”

  “Quiet, pup,” Drax ordered, though he sounded amused. “See, Cas, I told you Luka has excess everything. You just need to keep him busy and toss him to the pack when he needs to run or take him to the compound for Baron, who has trainers ready.”

  Cas still looked like he wanted to grab Luka, either to strangle or shackle—it was difficult to tell which would come first—but he relaxed a little.

  “Hi. Hmm, sorry to intrude on your breakfast.” Tudor, Cas and Luka’s wizard mate, stood in the kitchen doorway. “Why don’t we collect our mate, Cas, and let Mason and Drax get back to eating before their breakfast goes cold?”

  “Easier said than done. Very well, I will take your advice, Drax. For now, I would like to take my mates home.”

  “But it’s so boring there!” Luka exclaimed, body vibrating.

  Drax dropped a hand to the back of his brother’s neck. “Easy, bro. I could use another set of wolf eyes patrolling with me in five minutes. Why don’t you eat the rest of the eggs in the pan and whatever toast there is?”


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