The Frenchman's Woman

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The Frenchman's Woman Page 1

by Lee Taylor


  The Frenchman’s Woman


  Taylor Lee

  The Grandmaster’s Legacy

  Struck by Thunder

  Race for Redemption

  The Frenchmans’s Woman

  The Frenchman’s Revenge


  Table of Contents

  Start Reading

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44



  The Grandmaster’s Legacy: Release Schedule


  About the Author


  Copyright Information


  Chapter 1

  Villa de las Vistas


  June, 1905

  Jake’s cock ‘bout jumped out of his pants when he saw her. He whispered to himself, “Je - sus, will you look at them titties and, Christ, that ass.” He signaled silence to his men and waved them forward to one of the purtiest sights they were ever gonna see.

  They snuck up to the waterfall to wash off a month of stink, but someone beat them to it. And that someone looked like a fuckin’ angel sent from God above. Jake exchanged lecherous glances with his men, then laid low in the brush, and took in the heaven sent sight in front of them.

  Her face looked like a kid, all young and innocent. But that body sure as hell wasn’t. And goddamn, she was all but naked. That flimsy little lacy thing she had on her top barely covered her tits, and her nipples were pokin’ up from the cold water. Christ, talk about two handfuls of hot womanly flesh topped off with them sweet pink, pointy tips! As he watched, his tongue nearly hanging out and drool running down his chin, she rolled over. As she dove under the water, her ass shot up in the air. Like her top, the lacy drawers didn’t cover a goddamn thing. Damn, he saw her ass cheeks and pussy hairs right through the wet cloth. He nodded to his men. Together they let out a soft mutual grunt.

  She stood up and started back to the edge, water running in rivulets down her slender curvy body. She shook out her long dark red hair. It shone in the sunlight like fire sprinkled with gold. Wringing out her thick rope of hair, she tossed it back over her shoulders. It hung in long strands down her naked back then sprang up in wild curls when she shook it free. She hummed as she walked back to the pile of clothes she’d thrown in a careless heap by the side of the pool.

  Yeah, they were on Tong land, Chink gang land, Wan Chang’s land. But, hell, the waterfall was the only watering hole in miles. A month of hard riding and living in dirty caves made the thought of washing off their shit worth takin’ a chance. The waterfall was nearly on white man’s land. If they heard anyone comin’ they could always run like hell to safety. Lookin’ at the young girl in front of them pullin’ her riding breeches up over her wet curvy ass, Jake was sure his men would agree. If they all had to die, this was a hellova way to go. Plus, this was no Chink cunt, no way. This was one sweet assed white girl who the angels above, or more likely the devils below, were servin’ up to four hungry men.


  Elena smelled them before she saw them. She kept her eyes down, looking for the pistol she knew was somewhere in her pile of clothes. Somehow, she had to get her gun and make it to her horse tied over by the ridge. Ignoring the rustling sounds, she buttoned her pants and reached down to get her shirt.

  “No you don’t, sweet tits. You ain’t gonna need to put on any more clothes becuz that’ll jest be more for us to take off, right, boys?” a man said with a lewd chuckle.

  Elena looked up to see four men striding out of the brush toward her. Terrified screams stuck in her throat. Her heart beat so hard it threatened to escape from her chest. The men were filthy, their clothes ragged. They had the hard weathered look of men who lived far from civilization. Their flinty eyes and the guns hung low on their hips confirmed they were part of the outlaw gangs her grandfather warned her about. The only thing more disgusting than their filthy clothes was their smell, as they moved to surround her.

  Kicking aside her clothes, she dove for her gun buried beneath her shirt. She rolled over and came up from the ground firing wildly. As if in a dream, she heard a man scream. She forced herself to stand and aim, but it was too late. The huge man in front jumped her, grabbing for her gun. She swung the silver hand-tooled butt of her gun, smashing him in the face with all her might. Blood spurting from his nose, he bellowed like an enraged bull. She twisted free and ran for her horse, firing over her shoulder. She fumbled with the reins and managed to get them free. Throwing herself halfway up on her sorrel mare, she screamed, “Go, Magic!”

  A big fist grabbed her foot, yanking her from her horse. Screaming, she held on to the reins as Magic charged forward, dragging her on the ground behind her. She shot at the grimy man who held her foot, but missed his face, just nicking his ear. He hollered in pain and let go of her foot. As she twisted, trying to grasp the reins and mount her horse, she lost her grip on her gun. Shots rang out. The whistle of a bullet whizzed close by her head.

  “Christ, Clem, kill the horse, don’t kill the bitch!” someone yelled.

  Clinging to the reins with both hands, she bumped along on the ground behind the terrified horse. She struggled to get to her feet. Suddenly the reins went slack. Magic stood heaving in front of her. Unable to stop, Elena plowed into her horse. She cried in shock when she saw blood pouring out of the bullet holes on her mare’s chest. Seeing the terror in Magic’s eyes, her pained shudders, Elena knew Magic was hurt badly.

  Before she could react, the big man threw an arm across her neck and choked her hard. Obscenities filled her ears as his grip tightened on her throat. She went limp, pretending to faint. When he loosened his hold, she whirled with a practiced turn, and a fierce spirit yell, and drove her knee up hard in his groin. He screamed, doubling over with pain. Elena ran as fast as she could. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the scraggly blond coming toward her at an angle. When he was almost on her, she swung toward him. With a warrior cry, she flipped through the air, smashed her heel in his oncoming shoulder with an audible crack, knocking him to the ground. She dropped to her hands and knees and turned to take on the others when she heard three metallic clicks. She looked up to see a rifle and two pistols inches from her face.

  “You goddamn cunt! You fuckin’ bitch! She-devil! Move and you’ll ‘ave three bullets in your mug.”

  Elena crouched on the ground and stared up at the big man holding a rifle six inches in front of her. Ugly trickles of blood ran from his broken nose down his filthy face into his straggly beard. His free hand protectively clutched his groin. His eyes f
lashed black with rage. One of the other men lay sprawled on the ground, cursing and crying. His shirt and hands were covered with blood. He gripped his shoulder where Elena’s bullet had lodged. The man who grabbed her foot was bleeding from the side of his head where her bullet nicked his ear. He was holding two guns, one in either hand, their barrels like dark holes almost touching her skin.

  “Git ‘er, Clem,” the big man growled. “Git a knife to ‘er throat, Pete, if she so much as twitches, shoot ‘er in the face.”

  With a single move, the filthy man called Clem grabbed her hair, brutally dragging her head back. Elena felt the sting of his blade against her neck. She stopped struggling, forcing her breath to quiet. She needed to think. Someone kicked her from behind, forcing her forward. Her face hit the dirt.

  Scraping the blood off his chin, Jake growled, “Pick ‘er up. Tie ‘er fuckin’ hands, Pete. Keep that knife at ‘er throat, Clem. She don’t look like a Chink, but she sure as hell fights like one. Don’t give ‘er any space. Seems we got us a little tiger cub who likes to fight. Fuck, that jest makes it more interestin’, right boys?”

  “You got that right, Jake. We like ‘em when they put up a fight. Shows they want it bad!” Clem chortled.

  Pete grabbed her hands behind her and bent her arms up hard. Elena cried out in pain.

  “Yeah, bitch. You jest keep cryin’ like that. Hope you ‘ave lots of tears and screams stored up, cuz you’re gonna need ‘em in the next while.”

  Pete held her tight while Clem tied her hands high on her back, the rope cutting into her wrists.

  “Should we tie ‘er feet together, Jake?”

  “Fuck no, Pete. We need those legs of ‘ers as far apart as they can go!”

  All three men guffawed as the big man they called Jake pulled her up to her feet.

  “Okay, cunt. Listen up. First we’re gonna bring you over in front of Sam ‘ere. He ain’t gonna have much fun with that bullet in ‘im. Least you can watch, right, Sam? Hell, maybe you can jerk yourself off with your good hand,” Jake said with a salacious grin.

  Sam growled in fury and pain. “Fuck you, Jake. You jest make sure that bitch is screamin’ so loud they’ll hear ‘er up at Wan Chang’s. Then I want ‘er bleedin’ like a stuck pig when they find ‘er.”

  “That sounds like a hell of a plan, Sam. Only I don’t want ‘er screams to bring any of them Chinks before we’re done with ‘er. Let’s tie this bandana around that pouty little mouth of ‘ers; right after I kiss it, that is!” Jake said with a hideous roar of laughter.

  Elena fought as hard as she could, twisting her head from side to side, but he gripped her hair, smashing his filthy mouth full of blackened teeth and empty spaces over her mouth. She gagged from the foul stench, but when he pried her teeth open with his gritty tongue, she bit down as hard as she could.

  Jake threw back his head roaring in pain. Blood spurted out of his mouth. He threw her to the ground. “You goddamn fuckin’ little she-devil. Christ, you’ll pay for that, you little cunt!”

  He kicked her in the stomach then hoisted her up by her hair and slapped her hard across her face.

  “Okay, boys, I’m done playin’ around. Let’s git to work. Get them breeches off ‘er, Pete. That’s the way. Now we’re gittin’ somewhere. Rip them lacy things off ‘er too. She ain’t gonna be needin’ ‘em any more.” Jake’s voice shook with an ugly mix of lust and rage. Blood and spittle shot out with every word.

  Elena’s head snapped back when he slapped her. She was blinded by the pain. Mercifully the tight ropes deadened the ferocious pain that racked her arms and shoulders. She was hot with shame that these filthy men would be the first and last to see her naked. While every instinct told her to keep fighting, a voice deep in her soul told her not to give these animals the satisfaction. She forced herself to take deep breaths and promised herself that she would not cry out or beg for mercy. She would move away, somewhere far away, deep in her spirit. If she was going to die, that is where she would die.

  Jake held her up under her arms bending them even higher behind her. Pete and Clem unbuttoned their pants, but Jake shook his head.

  “’Hold on a minute, boys. Before you jerk them cunt stretchers outa your pants, lemme’ tell you how we’re gonna do this. Clem, you come over ‘ere and hold ‘er up. And for God’s sake keep that knife up against ‘er throat, ‘cuz she’s gonna be strugglin,’ at least in the beginnin’. Me and Pete are gonna take her first. Hell, Clem, don’t look so disappointed. Damnit, man, you’ll git your turn. We all will. LOTS of ‘em.” He roared a hideous laugh. The others joined in.

  “Okay, she-bitch. Listen up. ‘Ere’s what we’re gonna do. Pete ‘ere is gonna fuck you in your cunt while I fuck you up your ass. While Clem is holdin’ your head he jest might dangle that big fat cock of his in your mouth. You ever had three men fuckin’ you at once? Well this ‘ere is your one and only chance, bitch. Then we’re gonna move around in a nice little circle. Kinda like them musical chairs, only it’ll be your holes, not chairs, we’ll be movin’ to, and your screams will be the music.”

  Pete ripped off her drawers. He spread her legs and stuck two fingers inside of her. Elena clenched down. Shocked at the invasion, she stifled a scream and retreated into herself further. Pete stepped back and looked at Jake, his face lit with wonder.

  “Whoopee! Hell, she’s dry as a bone. I can’t tell for sure ‘til I git in there but I think we might a got ourselves a little virgin cunt, Jake.”

  Jake threw his head back and roared like a crazed animal in heat.

  “Je-sus fuckin’ Christ! And who says God don’t love me?”


  Chapter 2

  Wan Chang clipped the end of his cigar, taking his time to light it. He pushed the humidor and silver tiger-head clipper to Bai and Nianzu. Bai selected one of the slender Bolivian cigars he preferred, struck a match, and lit it. The heady aroma of sulfur and fine cigars filled the air. Puffing on his cigar until it was drawing steadily, Bai walked over to the liquor cabinet. Reaching among the well-stocked shelves, he selected a bottle of bourbon and poured two fingers of the amber liquid in each of three glasses. Handing one to Wan and one to Nianzu, he settled in a chair across from Wan. Bai needed to update Wan on the latest Tong violence, but first listened to the news at the compound. Bai was disappointed to hear they had missed Wyatt McManus. Like Bai, Wyatt was a kung fu grandmaster. He was a legend among kung fu warriors and Bai’s personal hero.

  Wyatt came to Wan Chang’s compound outside of San Francisco to drop off Elena, his daughter, and Wan’s adopted granddaughter. Elena was Wyatt’s daughter from his first marriage and not a blood relation to Wan, but he assumed the role of her grandfather when Wyatt and his daughter Lei married. It was well known among Wan’s men that the stern man Elena called Grandfather Wan loved her with a fierce passion.

  “Elena’s internship at the university isn’t due to start until September, but she begged her father and me to let her come to California early,” Wan said with a slight sigh. “Unfortunately, neither her father nor I are good at telling that young woman ‘no.’”

  Bai smiled at Wan’s obvious affection for his granddaughter. It wasn’t surprising that Elena, like any twenty-year-old girl who lived all her life sheltered on a Wyoming ranch, would be eager to test her wings in the golden state of California and the big city of San Francisco. When Wan first consulted him, Bai agreed the Sing Leon could provide the security force Elena needed when she went to the university. They both assumed she was as safe on Wan’s compound as she was in Wyoming. Of course, that was before the Tongs started getting restless.

  Bai spent the next two hours updating Wan. The Tong violence in New York and Chicago was spreading. Relationships among the California-based Tongs were tense.


  When they finished, Bai went out to the garden, looking for Elena. He last saw her twelve years ago when she was only eight years old. He was eager to see her again. He always liked the spunky, pretty little
girl with the red hair and sapphire blue eyes. He grinned remembering how she chased after him, eager to show off her latest kung fu move.

  He called out to Francine, the French maid, who was trimming the azalea bushes by the back fence. “Mademoiselle, have you seen Miss Elena?” he asked in fluent French.

  Francine blushed and lowered her eyes, curtsying shyly when she saw Bai.

  “Oh, yes, Mr. Bai. The pretty miss was here a while ago. She wanted to know where she could go to swim. I told her the waterfall was the only place on the compound that I knew of to swim.”

  “She didn’t go there, did she?” Bai asked, his voice rising.

  “I…I don’t think so. I told her it was far away, too far for a young girl to go. I didn’t think Mr. Wan wanted her that far from the Villa. But she is an impétueux fille, Mr. Bai. She told me she was tired of being in the Villa. I saw her go to the stables. She said she was going for a ride.”

  “Who was with her, Francine?” Bai asked with heightened concern.

  “No one, Mr. Bai. She said she likes to ride by herself.”

  Bai shook his head, annoyed. Wan told him he was clear with Elena. She wasn’t to go anywhere on the compound without a Sing Leon guard. He went to the stables spying Mansu, one of the stable boys.

  Exchanging a bow with the young boy, Bai asked, “Mansu, have you seen Miss Elena?” His voice was stern, commanding.

  “Yes, sir. She took her sorrel for a ride about an hour ago.”

  “Did she say where she was going?”

  “No, but she asked for directions to the waterfall.”

  “Who was with her? Which guards?”

  Mansu flushed, seeing the concern on Bai’s face. “She went by herself, like she always does.” He stammered, “I’m...I’m sorry, Mr. Bai. She told me she doesn’t like guards. She likes to ride by herself. She said she was sure Mr. Wan wouldn’t mind.”


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