The Frenchman's Woman

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The Frenchman's Woman Page 9

by Lee Taylor

  When the smoke cleared, he raked his gaze rudely over her body, zeroing in on her breasts, hips, thighs. A wicked grin tugged at the corner of his mouth as his insolent gaze came to rest on the darkened triangle between her legs.

  Swallowing hard, Elena lifted her chin, willing her legs to stop shaking. Bai reached out, loosening the tie on her robe with his long slender fingers. When it fell open revealing her thin silky nightgown with the tiny straps, he took another drag off his cigarette. Sliding his fingers under one of the dainty straps, he tugged on it. Elena gasped, sucking in a harsh, raspy breath.

  Bai shook his head with a teasing grin. “Ah, cherie, you are practically naked now. What fun would that be?”

  He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “Good night, Elena.”

  With a soft smile, he turned and walked away, back through the garden.


  Chapter 12

  Elena stared after him shocked. Her body was shaking so hard she thought she might fall, sink to her hands and knees, and have to crawl back to her chambers. Oh, God, what had she done? She managed to stumble to her door, forcing her hands to stop shaking long enough to unlock it and step inside.

  She leaned against the door, her face hot, her breath raging. Oh, my God, what happened? She didn’t understand. What was he doing? The way he held her tight up against him. She thought he was going to kiss her. She trembled, remembering the feel of his body, his ‘hardness’ against her. Thinking about it, she felt that same hot tingling sensation flood over her breasts, her stomach, then lower, much lower, to her core.

  But then he had stopped and pushed her away. Oh, God. He smiled at her, told her she needed to go to bed, as though she was a child who had stayed up past her bedtime.

  With a blinding rush of shame, she thought about what she said, what she did. She asked him to undress her. Oh, God, how could she have? How could she have been that stupid? How could she think he meant what he said this afternoon? He was taunting her, making fun of her. And she was so ignorant she thought he meant it.

  He looked at her as though he pitied her, was embarrassed for her. He reminded her that she was already naked. Oh, my God, that’s it. A horrible realization hit her. Oh, no, oh no. He must think she was in the garden waiting for him, dressed only in her robe and nightgown. Oh, my God. He is probably in his office with Nianzu, telling him about it. Laughing with him. The next time he sees Sarah and Agatha – will he tell them about tonight? How she went to the garden practically naked hoping that he would come? Dear God, how could she be so stupid?

  She finally dozed in a fitful sleep as dawn broke. She had paced, cried, screamed, and threw things for most of the night. When she woke, she knew one thing clearly. She hated Bai. She despised him, everything about him. His arrogance, his superiority, the way he taunted and made fun of her. His stupid five languages, his fake concern.

  Everything! After last night, she understood what it meant to be in his control. He could do anything he wanted to her. He could hold her, say sweet words in French, pity her, laugh at her, act like he cared, taunt her, ultimately force her to obey him. And her father and grandfather were going to let him.

  She had to do what he told her to do. Or at least pretend that she was obeying him. She had no choice. But she was in charge of her life. He wasn’t. She was as strong as he was. She was going to the university soon. She would never see him again. In the meantime, let him think he was her boss. Let him imagine she was some spoiled, ignorant child he could push around, tell her what she could do, what she couldn’t. But he would never control her, never.


  Bai made a declaration to himself. Last night in the garden with Elena confirmed his decision. He knew he was inappropriate. He deeply regretted holding her, touching her the way he had. For two reasons. First, because it was wrong. He was her protector. Second, because it demonstrated how easy it was to lose control with her. He must remember she’s a child. But, goddamn, her body sure as hell wasn’t. Her body was all woman -- beautiful, tempting, luscious woman. Merde. The worst of all worlds. A spoiled willful child in a gorgeous woman’s body. Damn, he hated the look in her eyes when he left her last night. She was hurt, confused. He couldn’t blame her. Christ, he was confused.

  Pacing his office, Bai vowed to live up to his commitment to Wyatt and Wan. He would get the little spitfire under control, keep her safe, and in the fall send her off to the university with a sigh of relief. For now, he would minimize the time he spent with her. He would assign Nianzu as her personal Sing Leon guard.

  Nianzu was Bai’s right hand man, his constant companion. As Bai rose through the ranks of the Sing Leon, he brought Nianzu with him. Nianzu was like a twin to Bai, a kung fu master with handsome Chinese features. Like Bai, he was taller than most Chinese men, with broad powerful shoulders and an animal-like litheness. And, like Bai, he had a warrior’s keen instinct for danger. In most other ways he was Bai’s alter ego. Where Bai was hard, Nianzu was thoughtful. Where Bai commanded, Nianzu preferred to lead behind the scenes. Where Bai was arrogant, Nianzu was conciliatory. And while Bai was sophisticated and had lived a privileged youth, Nianzu grew up as a Poo Tow Choy, hatchet boy, in the hard streets of San Francisco’s Chinatown. He would have died there, but Wan plucked him out of that teeming cesspool when he was nine years old and made him Bai’s companion. Nianzu idolized Bai. He would kill his own mother, if he had one, if she threatened Bai.

  Watching Elena with Nianzu last night, Bai saw how Elena used Nianzu as a protective shield against the amorous overtures from Greg and Peter. Nianzu was the perfect foil. Rather than have Elena ask his permission to leave the villa, Nianzu would be responsible for clearing her activities with Bai. Elena liked him. Bai trusted him. So did Wan and Wyatt.

  Bai told Nianzu at breakfast that he wanted to meet with him. He sent word to Elena to join them. Bai looked up when they knocked on his door and told them to come in. He stood up when they entered, nodding to the chairs in front of his desk. Nianzu had a questioning look, not sure what the meeting was about. Elena looked away, not meeting his gaze. Her expression was defiant, hostile. Bai squelched the tug on his trousers, silently cursing his errant cock. Just the sight of her and his damn prick was jerking up to greet her, as though it hadn’t done enough damage last night. Goddamn, he had intended to right the ignominies of last night, not exacerbate them.

  Elena looked pale, tired. Purplish smudges of fatigue pooled beneath her eyes. Bai thought again how foolish they had been to think that she could handle the dinner party only three days after the attack. But he knew that her pained hurt look had more to do with what happened in the garden than at the dinner. A stab of guilt wrenched his gut, making him more determined than ever to put as much distance as possible between himself and Elena.

  “Please sit. Would you like a glass of water or orangina, Elena? No? A cigar, Nianzu?” He pushed a cigar across the desk to Nianzu and took one for himself.


  Elena watched him clip the end of his cigar with an intricately carved ivory cutter, then light it with a matching lighter. He puffed on it several times until it drew, then blew the smoke up in the air. She remembered the way he lit his cigarette last night, how he had used it to put a barrier between them, how he’d smoked it as he boldly assessed her nearly naked body. She flushed thinking about his arrogant, probing eyes. Glancing up, she saw him watching her with a knowing smile.

  Glaring at him, she snapped, “What do you want?”

  Nianzu started, staring at her, his eyes wide with surprise at her rudeness. He looked to Bai with a questioning frown.

  Bai held her gaze for a long moment, not answering. She stared at him angrily, then looked down at her hands, embarrassed that she had let him see her upset.

  “I want to discuss how to protect you, keep you safe on the compound,” Bai said quietly, not taking his gaze off of her.

  “From what?” Elena asked rudely, glaring at him.

  “I beg your pardon

  “What do you want to protect me from, Bai? Men? Animals? Small children? Dinner guests? Insects? Nosy maids? Things that go bump in the night?”

  “Ah, I see that you are upset this morning, Elena. Let me be direct. I want to protect you from yourself. Once I have you in my care, all of those potential dangers –including things that go bump in the night -- will take care of themselves.”

  She bit out the angry words. “As I have told you, I can take care of myself!”

  “So you have. And as I have told you -- no, you can’t.”

  He held up his hand when she reared up. “That’s enough, Elena. You may stop now. You have made your point.

  “Nianzu, here is the issue. Wan and Wyatt gave me responsibility for Elena’s safety. I told Elena that she may not leave the villa without my permission, that she must have a Sing Leon guard with her at all times. Those are my rules. She agreed to obey them. We are agreed on that, are we not, Elena?”

  She looked down at her hands for a long moment. Neither Nianzu nor Bai spoke. Finally, she nodded yes without looking up.

  Bai raised an eyebrow and shook his head. He turned to address Nianzu.

  “As you can see, there is a ‘small’ amount of friction between me and Elena. This is where you come in, Nianzu. I want you to be Elena’s personal guard, the Sing Leon who will accompany her any time she leaves the villa. You also will be responsible for confirming she has my permission to leave.”

  Elena broke in angrily. “What does that mean? What are you saying? Now I have to get permission from two of you? I have to ask both of you if I want to go for a five minute ride on my horse? Oh, wait, that’s right. I don’t have a horse. You killed mine. So forget that. How about if I want to walk outside of the garden to the stream ten minutes away to pick wild flowers? Do I find Nianzu, get his permission, make sure he can go with me, and then wait around until you’re not too busy to decide if we will be permitted to leave?”

  Bai’s voice was firm, controlled, his expression impassive. “No, Elena. That is not what I am saying. If you wish to leave the villa and Nianzu is able to go with you, he will decide if he needs to clear it with me. It will not be necessary for you to ask me. Nianzu will be your contact.

  “Do you have questions, Nianzu?”

  “No, Bai. If you and Wan and Wyatt trust me, then I am honored to protect Elena.”

  Elena was startled. She realized what Bai was doing. He didn’t want to have any contact with her. He saw her as a pesky, annoying child and was shunting responsibility for her off to Nianzu. At first, she was upset, then quickly saw the benefit of the arrangement. Nianzu was polite, deferential to her. And it didn’t hurt that he had a crush on her. He would be easier to deal with than Bai. But, then, who wouldn’t be?

  “Elena, do you have any questions?”

  “No, but if I do, I will ask them of Nianzu.”

  Bai shook his head, a slight smile curving his lips.

  “Ah, I can see your brain working now, Elena. Yes, Nianzu is a nicer person than I am, not nearly as arrogant. And, yes, he is more likely to consent to your whims. No doubt he will be more patient with your pouts and tantrums than I am. But, Elena, do know, just as I am Wan’s lieutenant, Nianzu is mine. As much as I am sure he likes you and will treat you kindly, his loyalty is to me. Any questions?”

  She sniffed. Ignoring Bai, she turned to Nianzu with a blinding smile. “Bai has quite an imagination. No doubt because his head is so big, he has room for more imaginings than the rest of us lesser beings. You’ll be glad to know that I do not pout. I do not throw temper tantrums. And I do not have whims!”

  Bai grinned at her impertinence, winking at Nianzu, as if he was humoring a misbehaving child.

  Elena reared back, her eyes dark with anger.

  Glancing from one to the other, Nianzu jumped to his feet. Like the peacemaker that he was, he nodded politely to Elena. He bowed respectfully to Bai. Then with a surreptitious wink, he confirmed he understood Bai’s request -- as well as the delicacy of the task.

  Bai stood, his arrogant posture indicating the meeting was over. “Thank you both for coming.” He added, “Nianzu, I will talk to you later regarding the particulars. As you know, I’m going to Sacramento for several days. I want you to stay here with Elena.”

  “Thank you, Bai. I’m available to talk at your convenience.”

  Nianzu bowed, then walked to the door. Elena got up to follow him, without saying good-by to Bai.

  “Elena, wait for a moment, please,” Bai called out to her as she started to leave.

  She stood at the door with her hand on the handle, glaring at him, clearly angry.

  Bai walked around to the front of his desk and perched on the corner. “Close the door, please.”

  Elena hesitated. She looked as if she might refuse. Taking a deep breath, she closed the door and leaned against it. Her face was pale, her eyes wide.

  Bai put up his hands in front of him and said with a smile, “Do not be concerned, cherie. You see? I will stay right here. You are safe.”

  When she started to protest, Bai put up his hand to stop her. His voice was serious.

  “I owe you an apology, Elena, for last night in the garden. My actions were inappropriate, inexcusable. Please accept my apology.”

  She looked surprised, and then tossed her head with a dismissive shrug.

  “It was nothing. It meant nothing. I knew you were probably thinking about Agatha or, more likely, Sarah. I assume I was merely a handy substitute, filling in for them.”

  Bai was startled, then he almost laughed out loud at her outrageous assertion. But it was clear she was angry and hurt. God knows, he reminded himself with a twinge of guilt, she had a right to be.

  He kept his tone mild, swallowing the chuckle threatening to emerge. “Non, non, ma petite. Au contraire. The last thing I was thinking about was Agatha or Sarah or Ginny or Meg. Or any other woman for that matter. I was quite aware of who was in my arms.” He allowed his gaze to drift possessively over her body. A wicked smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

  She glared at him. Bright angry splotches stained her cheeks. Visibly struggling to control her emotions, she said in a casual voice, “Hmm. That’s too bad. I couldn’t decide who I wished you were – Greg, or maybe Peter. But seeing him this morning, I realize it was Nianzu I was thinking about.”

  “I see.”

  Bai made an effort to look serious, but couldn’t squelch the twinkle in his eyes.

  “Well, Nianzu is a lucky man. I’m sure you are pleased with the security plan I developed for you. You will be spending much time with Nianzu. You will not have to deal with me. That will free me up to focus on other young women who need tending. Although, she is old enough to be my mother, I thought Mrs. Sampson had a lot going for her. What do you think? Think I should go after her?”

  He didn’t try to hide his impish grin.

  She grasped the doorhandle, her hands shaking.

  She began to speak, her voice was cool, dismissive. “I know you enjoy making fun of me …You think…I…” Her voice broke. Angry, frustrated tears welled up in her eyes. She shook her head as if to hold back the tears, then said in a harsh whisper, “I despise you, Bai. I hate you. God, how I hate you!”

  She turned and ran out, slamming the door behind her. The reverberations cracked across the courtyard.

  Bai walked back to his chair and sat down. He selected another of his custom cigars and clipped the end thoughtfully. Leaning back, he propped his feet up on the edge of his desk. He shook his head with a rueful grin. Damn, I deserved that. Puffing on his cigar, his smile widened. Greg, huh? Or, Peter? Hmm, I don’t think so, ma petite fille. But, merde, maybe Nianzu is right for her. At least she can push him around. Hell, she can push any of them around. Except me, of course. He smiled a genuine smile. And that, Miss Elena, mon cher, is why I am the man who is in charge of you.


  Chapter 13

  Wyatt left the next morning after
many assurances that both he and Lei would come to see Elena within the month. Elena was insistent, fierce that she wanted to stay in California. It was a matter of her pride. She refused to go back to the sheltered cocoon where she lived all her life. She insisted that she could handle the terrible things that had happened. At base, she was afraid if she went back, she would never leave.

  There was another reason she wanted to stay at the compound. Bai. She told herself she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of running her off. But sometimes she wondered if it was more, more than she was willing to admit. She forced those thoughts deep inside, where she didn’t have to examine them. She only knew that at some level he was like a magnet. He attracted her in a way she didn’t understand -- and couldn’t explain.

  Over the next several weeks, they developed an uneasy truce. Consumed with the rising Tong violence, Bai was rarely at the compound. When he was there, he kept his distance from her. They barely spoke. When they did, it inevitably ended in turmoil. When Bai insisted she do what he told her to do, Elena responding sharply, rudely. Stomping off, she emphasized her point with a slamming door. More and more, Bai saw her as an annoyance to avoid. Elena saw him as an arrogant bully, one she fought every step of the way.

  In the meantime, Nianzu became her friend. Elena grew up surrounded by men, including her four brothers. She was especially close to her twin brother, Alex. All their lives they had been inseparable. Alex was spending a year in China, something he wanted to do since he was fifteen years old. Alex left for China a month before Elena came to California. As much as she missed him, Elena made Wyatt promise that no one tell Alex what had happened to her. If he knew she was attacked, he would insist on coming home.


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