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A_Taste_of_Decadence_ARE Page 35

by Blake_Harte_Quinn_Ryan_Rylon

  Shelby tried to smother a grin. “I think so.”

  “Don’t dance around it. Fake Conan dragged me up on stage, was bumping and grinding all over me, and dislodged the sock in his shorts. Talk about false advertising. And that’s the only excitement I can brag about in nearly a year. Just call me Shelby.” She pretended to hang herself.

  “Shut up.” Shelby grinned, and they ribbed each other as they walked. She thought about confessing her confusing emotions about Shane. She needed to talk about them. Bad enough she couldn’t stop thinking about the man. But if she told Maggie, Maggie might run to her mother. The pair of them were determined to get Shelby back on the dating circuit.

  They’d gone a short distance before Maggie stopped short of a water fountain marked Out of order. “Shoot. I forgot my water bottle. Wait here while I run and get it. Well, I won’t really run, but I’ll be quick.”

  “Want me to come with you?” While it had grown darker, twilight still shed pale light across the lake and the trail. Enough people traveled the path to provide a sense of safety, but Shelby always felt protective around her smaller friend. But God forbid she tell Maggie that.

  “Nah. Tell you what, I’ll meet you at the duck sign farther down.” Maggie turned and walked back down the trail toward the parking lot.

  Desperate to keep her mind free of Shane Collins, Shelby resorted to running, the one sport in life she really detested. Yet as she settled into a loose jog, the tension seeped out of her by degrees. She skirted a few baby strollers and dog walkers, as well as a couple holding hands. The love between the pair showed through their smiles and the way they walked in step, shoulder to shoulder.

  Suddenly annoyed with life in general, she put on a burst of speed, passed the duck sign, and sprinted for the turn-around point which wasn’t that much farther past the sign.

  Once there, she turned around and readied to go back when she stumbled into what felt like a steel wall.

  Large hands steadied her. “Easy there.”

  Oh hell. She knew that voice.

  He pulled her out of oncoming foot traffic into the tree line but didn’t let her go.

  Sheltered in his arms beneath the awning of a leaning willow above them, Shelby tried to catch her breath and looked up into the bright eyes of Shane Collins. “What are you doing here?”

  “Well, well.” He smirked as he gave her a onceover. “What a pleasant surprise.”

  “You’re not stalking me, are you?” A stupid question, considering she hadn’t seen him in days, but still.

  He grinned. “I live a few blocks away. You?”

  “No, I live in Queen Anne.” He lived close. That would explain his presence here tonight and how they’d collided the other day. “And I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” She couldn’t believe he could still look this good, at night, in sweaty clothes. Holy crap, his legs were really, really cut. And his chest looked broader than she remember it being. She curled her fingers and tried to concentrate on his words and not the lips shaping them.

  “…sorry for running into you the other morning. It really was my fault, and I blamed you for it unfairly.”

  An apology was the last thing she’d expected. She opened her mouth to speak but didn’t know what to say. She’d been rude to him in her clinic. Should she apologize back? Though it had been his fault, accusing him of starting the mess in the first place sounded awfully third grader-ish.

  He was staring at her, waiting for what, she didn’t know. An excuse? A rebuttal? A kiss? Bad, bad thought.


  He placed his finger over her mouth, and all thought fled. The intense heat of his flesh seared her lips and traveled through her body to center between her legs.

  “I might as well apologize again,” he rumbled.

  “For what?” Shelby stared into mossy green eyes turned dark.

  “For doing what I’ve been thinking about since you first touched me.”

  His mouth covered hers, and she felt warm all over. She clutched his forearms, aware his hands had crept to circle her waist. He deepened the kiss and groaned, then pulled her against his hard body.

  Oh wow. He felt incredible. Firm, warm muscle, so vital, so strong. Yet her reaction to his touch was much more intense. She traced the contours of his chest, slightly damp through the soft shirt he wore.

  She didn’t know what he’d done to her, and God help her, she didn’t want him to stop. When he raised his head and stared down at her, she could only stare back.

  To her disappointment, he stepped away, and it was all she could do not to look at the front of his shorts, having missed that part of him during the massage. A good thing, because if he was as large as he’d just felt against her, she might have done the unthinkable and given him a rub-down he’d never forget.

  Shelby blushed, grateful to the limbs and leaves that obscured them from view. She heard Shane take a few deep breaths. The same sense of urgency rode her, and she had to work to will it away. After a few moments, he tugged her with him out from under the willow trees.

  A devilish glint lit his eyes. “I’m sorry. Again.”

  “You should be,” she muttered. For making me want you like crazy.

  His gaze traveled from her lips to her breasts and lingered. She crossed her arms over her chest, hiding her nipples that screamed for his attention.

  “You’re so cute when you’re pissed off.”

  “What a lovely thing to say.” She couldn’t help liking his sense of humor. On top of that kiss, his attitude made him even more attractive. She had to keep remembering his rudeness, spilled coffee, anything except how utterly sexy he was. A man like this could do a lot better than Shelby. She’d learned that the hard way not too long ago.

  The sex she could more than go for. The hurt feelings? The lies? Not so much. And unfortunately, she’d never been a one-night stand kind of girl.

  “So am I forgiven?” he asked, his voice a low purr.

  “For the kiss or the coffee?” Damn. She sounded out of breath.

  He grinned. “Either. Both.” He paused. “Is it wrong that I want to kiss you again, in a place where we have some privacy and time to…explore?”


  “Shelby. There you are. I was looking for you.” Maggie stared from her to Shane and back again. “Who’s your friend?”

  As if she didn’t know.

  “Shane Collins. Nice to meet you.” He held his hand out and shook Maggie’s. Once done, he immediately turned his attention back to Shelby. She gave him extra points for not fixating on the blond bombshell most men couldn’t look past. “I have to be going. I’ll see you again soon.” He called over his shoulder as he started jogging, “And Shelby? Thanks for the massage Friday. I definitely owe you one.” Then he put on a burst of speed and ran off.

  Crap. He’d found out.

  Maggie grabbed her by the arm and walked with purpose in the direction he’d gone.

  “What’s your hurry?” Shelby managed, still tongue-tied from Shane.

  “That was Mr. Rude. Shane Collins, he of the magnificent thighs and tight, tight buns.” Maggie and she craned their necks to watch him disappear out of sight.

  Shelby sighed. “I guess he’s not that rude.”

  “What is that look? You’re flushed and glassy-eyed. What the hell did I miss?”

  “He apologized for being a jerk the other day.” Shelby let out a deep breath, knowing she shouldn’t say anything, but she had to share. “Then he kissed me.”

  “Oh my God.”

  “Shh. Keep it down.” Shelby still swore she could feel his lips over hers, where her mouth tingled.

  “What was the kiss like? He looks like a really good kisser,” Maggie prodded. “And holy hotcakes, but he has a nice body. You should have thrown coffee on him tonight. We could have gotten a good look at his top and bottom.” She wiggled her brows.

  Shelby chuckled. “Yeah, that would have been a sight. Okay, I’ll give you details on on
e condition.”

  “Sure, anything. Come on, Shelby. This is the most exciting thing that’s happened in your love life for the past six months. Except for my date with the cross dresser, it’s the most exciting thing that’s happened in mine. Spill it.”

  “First, promise not to tell my mother. Or Ron,” she tacked on for protection.

  “Now why would I tell Mimi?”

  “Because you think with her help I’ll be more social. But the truth is, too much Mimi and I’ll need to be institutionalized. No more interference in my lack of a love life. Swear.”

  Maggie blue eyes swam with guilt. “But—”

  “No buts. If—and I do mean if—I see Shane again, it’ll be because I want to, not because our stars align.”

  Maggie shrugged. “Okay. Fine. We have progress. At least you’re calling him Shane and not Rude Guy.”

  “Or Buns of Steel, though I kind of like your nicknames.”

  Maggie snickered. “Yeah, well, they fit. Because those buns were fine.”

  “Yeah.” Shelby sighed.

  “I promise not to tell your mother anything. Now talk, woman.”

  “He has a killer body. Having seen it on my table then massaging him, touching him… All I can say is wow. Really, really, wow.”

  “I told you he was handsome.”

  “Yeah, you did. But that kiss blindsided me. I don’t think I’ve ever been kissed like that before. Too bad it was there and gone before I could get into it.” She fanned herself as they walked around another couple holding hands. Is it romance night at Green Lake or what?

  “I’ve never seen you so dazed. Maybe you’re human after all.”

  “Thanks so much, bestest buddy.” She knocked Maggie on the arm.


  “So if I do see him again, and there’s no guarantee I will, what then?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s sexy, handsome, and built. He’s also a professional who happens to work downtown at one of the best architectural firms in the city.”


  Shelby nodded. “Denise mentioned it. Said when she’d met him, she asked him where he worked, and he’d named a place she recognized, because her brother interned there one summer. Bottom line is Shane is handsome and probably well-off. In other words, out of my league.”

  Maggie scowled. “Says who?”

  “He’s the type.” Just like her ex. “Except I think I might like to see him again, even though I know I shouldn’t.”

  Maggie sighed. “This is about Rick. Man, I hate that guy.”

  A handsome, wealthy jerk who’d stomped all over her heart. Shelby hadn’t cared about his money or his social connections, she’d loved him for himself—or the man she’d thought him to be. But over time, his snipes about her career, her mother, and her job had taken its toll. Then to find him doing a blond knockout in the bed they’d shared for a year… Of course she was still scarred. It hadn’t been that long ago that she’d given Rick the keys to her castle, only for him to toss them aside in lieu of some tart with large breasts. She could only be glad she and he had never moved in together.

  Their split had been so easy it depressed her all over again.

  “You need to forget him,” Maggie continued. “Not every guy is like Rick Matinson. Take Shane. He apologized.” Maggie took a swig of water.

  “Gee, I guess for that I owe him a blowjob.”

  Maggie choked on her water.


  “Give me some warning next time,” Maggie wheezed between laughter. “Okay, I get it. Just because he had the sense to say he was sorry doesn’t mean he’s a prince. But he seems decent enough.”

  “I guess.”

  “So if you’re starting over, you might as well start with him. I’m not advocating a relationship.” Maggie lowered her voice. “But it would be nice if at least one of us was getting some, so we don’t both turn into the cat lady on the block.”

  Shelby snorted. “Please, Maggie. We’re not even thirty yet. We have time to indulge in some good old celibacy and planning for the next Mr. Wrong.”

  “See? That’s my point. You’re so negative.”

  “I am not.”

  “Prove it.”

  “This is ridiculous. I shouldn’t have to go out with some guy—”

  “—who kissed you.”

  “Who kissed me.” Shelby glared. “Just to prove to you I’m not afraid to go out again.”

  Maggie just stared at her while they walked, and Shelby finally gave in.

  “Okay, fine. I’m sure if I don’t give him a shot, you’ll tell my mother.”


  Somehow, getting Maggie’s encouragement loosened that ball of fear Shelby didn’t want to acknowledge. She could exploit this physical connection with a hot guy and leave it at that. No point in trying to indulge in a relationship that wouldn’t go anywhere. And after that kiss, she knew he wanted her sexually at least.

  “So I’ll have the power in this—it’s not a relationship.”

  “Nope. Nothing to worry about. Just some harmless flirting, some fun, and if you’re lucky, some hot sex. That’s it.”

  When Maggie said it, it sounded so simple. “So I’ll have the power in this flingship.” Control. Shelby prized power. She could handle Shane Collins.

  Maggie blinked. “Flingship as opposed to relationship, I take it?” She nodded. “I like it. Yeah, Shel. And just think, if he’s that good with his lips, imagine how good his other parts will be.”

  Shelby thought about it as they headed back to the parking lot. “Thanks for the walk, Maggie. I’m not sure about the advice, though.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t charge you for it. This time.” Maggie winked. “Anything to get one of us out there, moving and shaking again.”

  “For the record, this isn’t a dry spell. I’m not dating anyone on purpose. I’m still not sure I want to hop in bed with some guy I don’t know.”

  Maggie shook her head. “You know where he works and what he looks like naked.”

  “He wore a sheet.”

  “He’s not an ax-murderer, we don’t think, and he has a decent job. You could do a lot worse.” She bit her lip then added under her breath, “You have done a lot worse.”


  Maggie stuck out her tongue.

  “Okay, Rick sucked. I agree. But I do know I don’t want anything serious for a while.”

  “Exactly. You want a flingship.”

  “Right.” The feel of Shane’s lips refused to go away. “So where does that leave me?”

  “It leaves you at ten o’clock on a Wednesday night in a parking at Green Lake, standing with your best friend after a smokin’ hot kiss from Buns of Steel.”

  “Shane Collins.”

  “Whatever. I should have your problems.” Maggie stretched her arms over her head. “Now go home, stop worrying, and think about the next step in your flingship.”

  Shelby gave her friend a stern warning, “One call to my mother and I’ll get five cats, become a hermit, and tell everyone I’ve gone gay because of you.”

  “I swear I won’t call her. Cats aren’t my thing. But if this bad streak with men keeps up, I just might try my luck at going to bat for the other team.”

  “So long as I still get to be bridesmaid at your future wedding, I don’t care who you marry, so long as he or she isn’t a psycho.”

  “Or a prick like Rick. Same goes, Shel.”

  Shelby grimaced and left with a wave. But as she drove away, she kept wondering about Shane. Good guy or bad? And would it matter if she only intended to have sex with him?

  Chapter Six

  When Maggie arrived home, she called her brother’s number, knowing he wouldn’t answer while on a job, and left a message checking in. That done, her second call went straight to Mimi. She didn’t consider herself disloyal. Helping Shelby required the big guns, and though her best friend didn’t think Mimi would help, Maggie knew she w
as exactly what the doctor ordered.

  Poor Shelby had been nursing a broken heart for far too long. Rick the Prick, as Maggie liked to think of him, had broken down Shelby’s confidence one block at a time. He criticized her looks, her job, her friends and family. But he was subtle, never going straight into an insult so much as he danced around his unflattering comments and jibes, blending them with humor.

  Personally, Maggie had always thought Rick suffered from a bad case of jealousy. Shelby was young, had her own business and thrived in a town that had a massage clinic on nearly every corner. Beautiful, smart, and independent, she didn’t need Rick. And that had bothered him. Ech. The passive aggressive tendencies in that man had made Maggie’s head spin. But telling her best friend the truth hadn’t been easy, not when she hadn’t wanted to alienate Shelby.

  Little by little, Shelby had become a shell of her vibrant, outgoing self. Catching Rick cheating had been the best thing about their relationship, because Shelby had finally seen him for the asshole he was.

  Maggie clenched her fists, still wanting to belt the creep. She wasn’t alone. Mimi and Ron had known all along he wasn’t the right man for Shelby.

  Maggie had watched Mimi and Ron do their thing for five years. More than designing homes, they worked with energy. Sure, the psychic stuff was out there, but it got results. Mimi and Ron did more than fix houses for folks; they fixed people as well. More than one couple had found each other and stayed together through Vanzant Interiors. Yet Shelby refused to use the help right in front of her.

  Mimi finally picked up on the eighth ring. The woman didn’t believe in voicemail. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Mimi. It’s me, Maggie.”

  “Maggie, how lovely. So what are you and my daughter up to on a school night?” she teased. “It is Wednesday, isn’t it?”

  “All day.”

  “Uh huh.” A pregnant pause.

  Now to ask for help without asking, because Maggie had made a promise. “I just wanted to talk to a friendly voice after my long walk around Green Lake. I have nothing to say about my best friend, who shall remain nameless. I’m also not calling to tell you about her chance meeting with Shane Collins. Or that the man looks incredible in running shorts.”


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