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A_Taste_of_Decadence_ARE Page 48

by Blake_Harte_Quinn_Ryan_Rylon

  Mimi peered over the large, impressive desk of the Harmon & Sons secretary while the poor woman scurried to find Thomas Harmon, Mimi’s supposed reason for visiting. She and Ron had designed one of the corporate offices the company had built a few months ago. Today, she’d decided to stop by to check on the customer’s satisfaction with their work. Such a small world to think her daughter’s possible future and Mimi were connected. Cosmic work, darling, she thought with a smile.

  “Do you see him yet?” Ron murmured as he thumbed through a copy of some architectural digest.

  “Not yet.”

  A tall, handsome older man who looked like Thomas approached in his stead. He had crow’s feet around his eyes, a sure sign of laughter and a fitting temperament for a man working around her daughter’s possible future husband.

  The secretary trailed after him, a pleasant mien over her previously harried expression.

  “Hello.” He held out a hand to Mimi, who took it and jangled as they shook—her bangles were a trademark she refused to leave at home. “I hear you’re looking for my brother, Thomas. I’m Justin. The brains of the outfit.” He had a nice firm handshake he didn’t reserve just for men, she noted. She liked that.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Justin.” She nodded.

  “Hello there.” Oh hell. Ron’s interested voice. Though she couldn’t blame him. She might set her sights on Justin when she’d finished interrogating Shane. Maybe for some added fun, she and Ron could fight over him.

  “Hi. You must be Ron. Thomas told me all about you two.” Justin took Ron’s hand and grinned.

  She’d just bet he did. Thomas recognized talent, thankfully, but he was a stick in the mud compared to this happy soul. Then she caught the look that passed between Justin and Ron and sighed. Another one bit the dust. It just proved to her, once again, that all the good ones were either unavailable or gay.

  She cleared her throat, and they released each other’s hands. As Mimi and Ron engaged Justin in conversation about their old client and sought information on new ones, she gave Ron a subtle nod.

  Happy to take over with the gorgeous architect, Ron slapped him on the back. “Justin, I brought our portfolio with us. I was hoping to show Thomas our more recent work, since he’d mentioned you might have a few clients looking for designers of our caliber. Is there somewhere we could go where I could show you our stuff?”

  Good God. She’s need to work with Ron on the word subtlety. The way he pushed past her to face Justin, batted his chocolate brown eyes, and used his deep bedroom voice was too personal too fast, even for Mimi. At least he dressed the part of a design professional. Skinny jeans that showed off his ass and a dark blue designer shirt with a while collar and cuffs added just the right contrast to his bronzed skin. It really was too bad Ron was gay. His looks complimented hers perfectly.

  Justin blinked hard, looking like prey run to ground when Ron tapped his shoulder in a friendly gesture. “I-I, ah, sure. Come to my office.”

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” she added, irked that the pair seemed to have forgotten her. “I just need to use the ladies’ room.”

  “It’s down the hall,” Justin said vaguely and walked away with Ron.

  Men. She walked back down the hall, looking at the office nameplates, searching for Shane Collins. She’d met his mother already. Waiting on Maggie for information took too long. And while the girl pumped Shane’s friend for information, she and Ron had scored with his mother. The father she still wasn’t sure about, but Lorraine Collins had a take-charge attitude Mimi appreciated. Lorraine was blunt about wanting grandkids, which Mimi seconded. And when she’d learned who Mimi’s daughter was, she’d been all over herself to welcome Ron and Mimi into her house.

  It was with her blessing that Mimi had come down here to watch Shane in his “natural environment.” Though Lorraine couldn’t say enough about her son, she was obviously biased. But it helped Mimi to get a better picture of the man in whom her daughter had once expressed interest. And if she wasn’t mistaken, her girl had done more than express interest with him.

  Maggie was cute but not so bright, surprisingly. She was convinced Shelby was seeing someone. Of course she was. Shane Collins. Who else had her daughter run into who’d altered her aura so much? After he’d smacked into her at Green Lake, Shelby had been a fuzzy purple for days. And another reading after that odd lunch downtown a few weeks ago had turned up a picture of The Lovers in the cards.

  Mimi nodded at a few men talking by an actual water cooler. How quaint. Then she turned the corner and spied a partially open door at the end of the hall, next to which a placard reading Shane Collins had been mounted. She quickly clamped down on her bangles, aiming for stealth, and stepped closer.

  A husky feminine voice spilled out of the room. A look through the door showed Shane and the woman, and no one else. Mimi took the opportunity to eavesdrop.

  “I’m glad you stopped by today, Gloria. I’m only sorry Jonathan missed our meeting.”

  “But Shane, I wanted to see you.”

  The hussy. The woman sounded like she had asthma, breathing so hard.

  Mimi peered through the crack, being careful not to get too close and give herself away. Uh oh. Gloria Grace was a knockout. Long black hair framed a delicate face, to which artfully applied makeup turned her features from pretty to dazzling. Her pouting lips looked cherry red, her blush was becoming, and her heavily lashed eyes were so blue they must have been contacts. Yet they captivated as well.

  She looked to be about Shelby’s age and had a terrific body that surgery or constant attention to exercise and diet kept in top shape. A repeat of Rick and his secretary came to mind, a terrible thing for Shelby to experience again. If it came to that, Mimi would skewer Collins herself.

  Yet Shane didn’t appear to be eager to step closer to the woman. If anything, he put his desk chair between them. It didn’t prove much of an obstacle when she pushed it aside and backed him against the wall. Mimi approved of aggressive women. In this day and age, if you didn’t go for it, it wouldn’t come to you. Her mantra, and one she lived by. It would have been comical to watch this she-wolf corner Shane—a seemingly healthy, strong male in his prime—if he hadn’t been the one Shelby wanted.

  Shane braced his hands on Gloria’s shoulders when she leaned in to kiss him. “Gloria, I’m sorry. I like your husband very much.”

  Good boy.

  “I won’t sleep with you, no matter how beautiful you are.”

  “Oh Shane. Johnny won’t care.”

  “I will.” He took a step away, his hands outstretched to keep her back. “And besides, I’m seeing someone.”

  “Oh? Since when?” she asked, sounding annoyed.

  He’d better be referring to Shelby.

  “For about a month and a half now. She wouldn’t like it knowing I threw my affections around.”

  “Affections?” Gloria snorted. “Honey, I just wanted some sex. If I want affections, I’ll go to Johnny.”

  It sounded as if Shane had a conventional streak. Affections? Please. The younger generation was all about sex. Except for Shelby, and apparently Shane.

  “Let’s keep this between us, shall we?” Gloria fussed with her hair. “I must have misread your signals.”

  To Shane’s credit, he didn’t argue. “I apologize if I did or said anything to lead you on.”

  “Yes, well. We won’t speak of this again. From now on, you can deal with Jonathan on your own.”

  “Whatever you want.” Smart guy to put the power in her court, and from what she could see by Gloria’s proud stance, the woman liked it as well.

  “You’re cute, Shane. And you’re talented. I think if you keep at it, one day you’ll have your own firm.”

  He smiled, and Mimi could see what her daughter saw in the man. A handsome straight-shooter with principles. A rarity in today’s world.

  Gloria turned and Mimi hurriedly backed away. She swore when her bracelets jangled and stopped, looking ar
ound her, pretending to be confused.

  The door opened and Gloria walked out with a swagger that would set most men to staring. But not Shane. He smiled politely, told her goodbye, then turned to Mimi.

  He just stared at her, his gaze lingering on her bracelets, her dress, and her face, then gave her a broad grin. “You’re Mimi Vanzant.”

  She inwardly groaned. If he told Shelby he’d met her at his office, there would be hell to pay. The girl never seemed to realize Mimi only wanted the best for her. Never to marry someone so unbearably wrong, like her father. He’d been dull, but Mimi had been in love. All his promises in the world hadn’t changed the fact that the man couldn’t give her the adventures he’d promised, nor had he the staying power she’d wanted to help raise her daughter. He’d crushed her girlish dreams of marriage and happily-ever-after in the same blow.

  Mimi wanted true love for her girl, a love she still searched for daily. Had Shelby found it with this perceptive fellow?

  “And you must be…” She squinted at the nameplate by his door and took her trendy reading glasses from her bag. After putting them on and making quite a show of it, she read his name. “Shane Collins.”

  He had the manners not to express his disbelief. Shelby would have been rolling her eyes. “Won’t you come in?”

  Shane invited her inside his office. She approved of the tasteful décor. Manly, professional, but not furnished with stock office equipment, which she detested. “Thank you. Actually, I was looking for the ladies’ room, but my feet could use a rest.”

  “Sure thing.”

  He seated her across from his desk with a courtesy lost in most young men. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  She considered Ron still busy with Justin and decided to give him time to connect with the fox who was anything but silver. Justin looked a little over fifty, maybe? A fitting age for Ron, as opposed to the young men he pretended to care about. Please. At their age, twenty-four was just too young.

  She saw Shane waiting for her response and smiled. “An espresso would be nice.”

  Shane buzzed through to the secretary for coffee and returned his attention to Mimi. “She has your face, you know.” His gaze trailed to her bracelets and he smiled. “Not your eye for fashion, but it’s nice to know what she’ll look like in a few more years.”

  Oh, she liked this one. Mimi chuckled. “You’re good.”

  “Not as good as you. Would you really have left me in here with Gloria if she’d attacked me like she planned?”

  He had heard her. Damn. “I wanted to see what you were made of.” No harm in being honest. “My girl deserves the best.”

  “Don’t you think that’s up to her to decide?” he asked softly.


  He blinked. “No?”

  “Look, Shane. I love my Shelby; I know her. She has stars in her eyes. She’s a forever kind of woman who needs a white picket fence and babies to be happy.” Might as well feel him out about all of it while she had him to herself. If he bolted after hearing the truth, he wasn’t the man for Shelby after all. And it didn’t matter that her daughter had only known him for a few weeks. Love was love. It didn’t have time limits.

  She read his stillness and looked beyond that. A part of her that Shelby had never believed in was attuned to energy, and though she couldn’t read his aura the way Ron could, she felt a good vibe about the younger man. That and his eyes were a mossy green. She liked the color. It was vibrant, earthy, full of passion and life.

  He and Shelby would give her beautiful grandchildren.

  “I’m not sure about the picket fence,” he said dryly.

  “A euphemism. I’m not into fences either, unless you have a dog. Have to contain the beasts.”

  “Ah, okay.”

  The secretary knocked and hustled in with Mimi’s espresso. She left it in a hurry when Mimi waved and thanked her.

  “She’s skittish.” Mimi took a sip. “But she makes a decent coffee.”

  Shane coughed but couldn’t hide his smile from her. “Skittish? Laurie? I think she’s just intimidated by all your color.”

  Mimi looked down at her fuchsia and orange print dress, that only a few women on this coast could have pulled off. It had more of an island zing, but she’d been in a tropical mood today. And it pulled the deeper red highlights from her hair.

  “Well, the girl is beige bland. And she’s pretty, which is sad. That color she’s wearing does nothing for her.” She sipped again. “So my daughter.”

  “Your daughter.”

  “And you?” Mimi pushed.

  “Yep. And me.” He leaned back in his chair and grinned at her. The smug look of a man in lust, and if she wasn’t mistaken, in love. His energy seemed to flare when he mentioned Shelby, though she really needed Ron to be certain.

  “Could you ring Justin’s office and ask Ron to come in here?” she asked.

  Shane chuckled as he punched a few numbers into the phone. “Justin? It’s me.” He paused. “Everything’s good. Gloria’s gone and we’re still on track for the eighteenth. I told you so.” He laughed. “Could you have Ron come down to my office? His partner in crime wants to see him.” He laughed again and hung up. To Mimi he said, “He’ll be right down.”

  She nodded. “You look good in a suit. Has Shelby seen you wearing that?”

  “Yeah. And jeans, and shorts. I like to run.”

  “So I hear.”

  “Oh? Shelby talks about me?” He perked up.

  She felt bad about bursting his bubble. “Sorry, no. I heard about your run-in with Shelby at the park a few weeks ago.”

  “Maggie.” He nodded.

  “It’s sad my own daughter won’t share her life with me.” She sniffed. “But at least I can see she’s dating a wonderful man.” She shot him a smile.

  He chuckled. “You’d like my mother. She’s a lot like you.”

  She knew that. Another reason Shane would make a fine addition to the family. The in-laws were more than tolerable. “If you break Shelby’s heart, I’ll string you up by your toes. I know people.” Lorraine Collins was no one to screw with either.

  “I think you’d be better off warning her not to break mine.” His quiet words brought home how much they meant. “She’s wonderful, and I’m not Rick.”

  She liked the fact he knew about the ex from hell.

  “I’m loyal, honest, hardworking, and not a momma’s boy,” he warned. “I don’t need anyone peering over my shoulder telling me how to behave with a girlfriend.”

  Mimi sagged a little. “Just girlfriend?” She’d been hoping for so much more.

  His lips quirked. “Or fiancée or wife. However it happens, it’ll be between me and Shelby. She loves you, but she’s tired of you interfering.” He leaned closer. “And you can tell my mother the same thing from me the next time you talk to her.”

  “How did you—Oh.” She pursed her lips. “Smart boy, aren’t you?”

  “I try.” He sat back, again looking satisfied. “For the record, I do love your daughter. But she’s not ready to hear it yet, and I’d appreciate it if you let us work it out.”

  “Oh sure. Right. Of course,” she agreed, giddy to hear what she’d been praying for. She could almost see herself holding a grandchild with Shane’s eyes and Shelby’s smile. Mimi couldn’t have said why, she just knew it was time to hold a baby again. And God knew it wasn’t coming from her.

  Ron appeared moments later with Justin behind him. “Mimi. There you are. We were getting worried.”

  “I just bet you were,” she muttered and ignored the sparkle in his eyes. “I made a wrong turn and Shane was helping me adjust. The dear made sure I had coffee.”

  “Good man.” Justin smiled.

  There was an energy between Justin and Ron that told Mimi she’d be seeing more of him in the future. She could handle that, she supposed. Ron’s romances never lasted long, and she liked Justin’s positive attitude anyway.

  She nodded toward Shane. Ron looke
d him over and shook his hand when Justin made introductions. She felt a decided shift of power, and then Ron took his hand away.

  “Nice to meet you.” Ron turned to her. “Mimi, we need to finish up with Justin. He has an appointment in half an hour.”

  She stood, clanging as the sweet chimes of brass, gold and silver bands collected at her wrists. “Wonderful. Thanks so much for your hospitality, Shane. I’m sure we’ll meet again.”

  He escorted her to the door. In a low voice meant for her ears alone, he answered, “You can bet on it.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Geo had just about had it with his brother. He’d overheard his mother complaining to his father about Shane’s lack of movement in Shelby’s direction, which told him his mother knew more than she’d said about Shane liking Shelby. How she knew, he didn’t question. His mother knew everything.

  He was only glad she hadn’t mentioned his sex life in any way after dumping a huge box of condoms on his bed the day he’d turned seventeen. Though she didn’t condone his actions—and she’d told him just that in a loud, penetrating voice—she wasn’t taking any chances.

  Now that Gina was out of the picture and Amber in, he’d talked over the matter of his brother with her, and she’d come up with a brilliant idea. Mac had panned it and told him to butt out, that Mac had the situation under control…which was utter bullshit. From what Geo had seen, Mac wasn’t paying attention to anything lately but that cute little blonde with the hot body, the new aerobics instructor at the gym. Geo understood the fascination, because yeah, he had a pulse, but that didn’t help Shane.

  He had no intention of approaching his mother and asking for her advice. She’d tell him not to interfere, then make Shane’s life a living hell. Hadn’t she apologized to Gina on Geo’s behalf? Seriously, the woman needed to back off a little.

  His father told him to adjust and give in gracefully, that his mother was readying for an empty nest next summer and starting to hold too tight now to compensate. George felt for her, he did, but he was ready to fly the coop. Football, college, and college women consumed his thoughts. Gina had wanted to be exclusive after a few dates, and he didn’t roll that way. Not like his brother, Mr. Steady Relationship Guy.


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