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A_Taste_of_Decadence_ARE Page 84

by Blake_Harte_Quinn_Ryan_Rylon

  Again he treated her ass to several strong spanks that had to set his hand on fire as much as they did her ass. The shock of the answering desire that curled through her gut didn’t lessen any. And neither did the sweet pleasure humming between her legs.

  In fact, when he licked a path from her pussy damn near to her ass, she would have rocketed forward. Good thing his arm had banded around her waist to ensure she stayed immobile, directly in line with his talented tongue.

  Linley dipped her head so that she could watch him from beneath her body. She spied him flip so that he reclined on his back with her pussy positioned over his open mouth.

  “Come on, love.” He guided her lower as he encouraged her. “Feed me the taste of you.”

  She squealed when her engorged tissue alighted on his mouth. Empowered, she drew on her experience as a leader in the business realm to inform her less-used inner vixen.

  The power of his incredible finesse tempted her to shift until his attention maximized her pleasure. Before long, she rode his face with unabashed abandon.

  His grunts and enthusiastic licking communicated his approval loud and clear.

  So she gave him more of herself. Grinding onto his jaw, she felt the nudge of his nose on her clit along with the slide of his tongue across the folds of her pussy.

  When he probed her opening, ringing the clenching portal with the tip of one long, thick finger, she rocked backward. The attempt to embed him failed when he withdrew temporarily.

  Chase proved how generous he was being by permitting her the illusion of control. He lifted her several inches with a firm clasp on her hips.

  “Tell me what you need.” He nipped her thigh. She wondered how slick the skin there was given his recent foray. “I want to hear you beg, then scream as you come on my face.”

  She shivered in his hold.

  He kept whispering naughty things to her, planting ideas in her lust-soaked mind. “And when you think you can’t take any more, that’s when I’ll fuck you, love.”

  Then he dangled her just out of his reach. She squirmed, attempting to reconnect with the wet velvet heat of his mouth.

  “Tell me.” He shook her just enough to get her attention.

  “Let me down. Please, I’d like more of your mouth on me.” A flush burst over her chest, neck, and cheeks.

  Chase’s chuckle was strained with desire. “So polite, love. I’d like that too.”

  “Then quit teasing me, damn it. Lick me. Suck me. Bury your fingers inside me.” Dirty talk burst from her with surprising ease when she was properly motivated.

  “That’s more like it.” On a groan, he smothered himself with her passion.

  Happy sighs floated from between her parted lips when they reconnected. Quickly, they morphed into needy moans.

  Linley reached behind her, grabbing his hand, which splayed on her ass cheek. She squeezed, desperate to be filled in conjunction with the havoc his lips, tongue, and even teeth wreaked on her body.

  Rapture built, tightening everything inside her until she feared she might fracture if he didn’t relieve some of the mounting tension.

  Chase didn’t disappoint. At her nonverbal plea, he scooted his hand lower and began to seek out her moist center. When the tip of one finger sank inside an inch or two, she knew she wouldn’t have long to enjoy the pleasure he imparted.

  Soon she would implode.

  “Please. Hurry, please.” Linley dismissed the desperation in her entreaty. She didn’t think her current vulnerability was a well-kept secret from either of them at this point.

  His answering grunts as he invaded the tight sheath of her constrictive muscle gave her some reassurance she wasn’t alone in the storm of passion whipping around them, tossing her body and emotions as if they were as insubstantial as a puff of cotton candy.

  God knew this pleasure was sweet enough.

  Chase suckled on her clit while another finger joined the first. This time he burrowed deeper, preparing her for the eventual invasion of his cock.

  That thought alone instigated a clench. It rippled through her channel, hugging his embedded digits.

  His hum of approval guaranteed he realized the impact of his manipulation.

  Linley writhed, rubbing the aching peaks of her breasts on the smooth, heated surface of the silk sheets below her. The potent mix of sounds, sensations, and the surreal victory of her escapade, had her drunk on the man between her thighs and what they’d managed to forge together.

  Suddenly, the extent of her selfishness shamed her. The desire to impart even a fraction of that bliss in him spurred her to move. Or at least she attempted to dismount his busy mouth to return the favor.

  The resounding smack he blessed her derrière with forced her closer instead of permitting her escape. Testing him, she squirmed again with the same result. Only his spank came harder this time.

  Never could she have imagined the ecstasy the rougher-than-she-was-used-to contact could deliver. The impact of his strong palm infused her with additional heat that caused a meltdown in her core.

  “Chase!” An attempt to warn him cut short when her entire being paused for several heartbeats as she hung suspended. And then she crashed. Or flew.

  Linley lost track of her surroundings as she convulsed endlessly. Her fingers clenched in the sheets, rending the material for all she knew—or cared—at the moment.

  The relief overpowered her until she collapsed bonelessly. Effortless laughter spilled from her lightened soul.

  Chase wormed beside her so that their eyes were even. He gathered her to his chest and brushed stray locks from her face. “Well, that’s a reaction I’ve never gotten before.”

  His adorable frown inspired her to pepper his face with kisses. When she covered his mouth and sampled their mingled flavor, she moaned.

  Because, just like that, her libido shifted into overdrive like this had been a decadent pit stop. Unused for a while, parts of her begged for another go around on the Chase ride.

  “Yeah?” He smiled as he toyed with her fingers. “Again? So soon?”

  “Uh huh.” More explanation didn’t seem necessary.

  “Still feeling adventurous?” He grinned at her.

  “Uh huh.” They both laughed at her automatic reply. It was true.

  “Good. Then I hope you don’t mind this.” Clearly he had the upper hand, not having his brain fogged by euphoria. The purpose of the lightning-fast move he made didn’t register at first. Not until she realized she couldn’t move her hands to pet his ripped chest and abdomen, which hovered in front of her face. By then he’d finished securing her wrists with the length of silk he’d worn around his neck not too long ago.

  Linley had never been bound before, but the thrill of knowing she relied on him to guide their exchange had a trickle of arousal spilling down her thigh.

  “You like that?” He smiled gently as he rubbed his thumb over her cheek.

  “Uh huh.” She winked.

  “Brat.” Chase reached over her once more to grab a condom from his pants. He tore the foil open carefully then rolled the thin latex over his hard-on in a flash. “We’ll have to see what we can do about that. You seemed to like my hand on your ass. It’s nice and pink. Begging for more.”

  He would know since he’d reset her on her knees, supporting her with an arm around her waist as he parked himself between her thighs. “I’m done waiting, Linley. I’m patient, but I’m not a saint. This is what you want too, yes?”

  “Yes!” She shouted when he nudged her pussy with the tip of his cock.

  And that was all the encouragement it took.

  Chase penetrated her, gliding slowly and smoothly until he lodged within her. Then he worked his erection through her rings of muscle, tunneling a bit deeper with every pass. It seemed he’d grown since she’d spotted him last. The stretch of her pussy burned slightly. Only for a minute.

  When he settled into his rhythm, she was sure it was her pace too. Never before had sex felt so perfect. In a m
atter of minutes, he had stoked her desire to inferno levels once more. She rested on her bound wrists, the tug of the tie only enhancing each of his lunges forward.

  And when he smacked her ass in between two deep strokes within her, she knew she would come embarrassingly fast. Again.

  “Don’t wait on my account.” He breathed hard between each word. “I’m with you, Linley. Any time. Every time, I hope.”

  The sweet promise…of more…collected all the glimmers of pleasure he gifted her with into one ball of bliss. Light touches on her shoulders and ass turned into something better when he dropped forward, blanketing her back as his pelvis slapped into her thighs. He reached around, one hand toying with her breasts while the other strummed her clit.

  Unraveling in his arms, she was grateful for his embrace and the bindings holding her together through the monumental outpouring of their shared pleasure.

  “Linley!” He grunted her name over and over as he emptied himself within her, each jerk of his hips timed to one of the answering wrings of her pussy around him. They came with wild abandon, similar to everything they’d done that night and hopefully would do many times more.

  As the clenching of her pussy faded, she tried to dismiss the similar pump of another muscle, one much higher…in her chest.

  To find out what happened next click here or search for 5A - Chase Epilogue.

  2B - Linley Picked Ryder

  To his credit, Ryder didn’t gloat. The wide span of his smile made his slightly crooked front teeth visible. The imperfection endeared him to her. Whatever this man had achieved in his life, he’d blazed the path to success himself.

  The part of her that had clawed its way to the top recognized its counterpart in him.

  He draped his arm around her waist and tugged her against his side. Heat poured off his rock-solid torso, infusing her with warmth. Thank God the table prevented her from climbing into his lap right then and there.

  That would have been embarrassing. Especially given the resigned shake of his head that Chase surrendered when he detected her instant capitulation to Ryder’s allure.

  “Sorry,” she murmured. Neither of them deserved rejection. In five minutes they’d turned her on more than a year of pointless dates. “It wasn’t any easy decision.”

  “Not a big surprise. Everyone loves to go wild their first time out of the gate.” Chase smiled at her, sincere in his encouragement. “I don’t blame you in the least. Don’t be afraid. Ryder will take good care of you, even if he is an ass. And when you’ve got the initial rowdiness out of your system, you know where to find me.”

  “Don’t hold your breath.” Ryder chuckled. “It was good seeing you again.”

  “You too.” Chase reached across the table to shake Ryder’s outstretched hand. “We should grab a game again sometime soon.”

  “Definitely. Let me know when you’re free and we’ll see what we can do.” The guys put her at ease with their sportsmanship. Underground clearly excelled at weeding would-be jackasses from their roster with extreme prejudice.

  “It was lovely to meet you.” Chase leaned across the small table and dusted a kiss over her temple before slipping from the booth.

  “Same goes.” She smiled as he sauntered away. Before he’d even crossed to the wide doors on the other side of the space, a leggy blonde had approached and fawned at his side.

  “No worries. That bastard will have plenty to distract him from his loss tonight.” Ryder rolled his eyes, belying his tough-guy act. “The instant he sits at the piano in the library with a tumbler of the expensive whiskey he prefers, women fall all over him.”

  “Jealous?” She wondered.

  “Hell no.” He snorted. “I’ve got the sexiest lady here tonight. A new recruit at that. You know what they say… You never forget your first. It’s considered a big honor to escort a newbie. So thank you.”

  Linley bit her lip. A little worried, she’d rather skip to the meat of the matter than dance around what she’d signed herself up for. If she waited too long, she might bail. “You’re welcome. But would you mind if we don’t chitchat too much before we get started?”

  “Nothing to be nervous about, wildcat.” Ryder turned her face toward him until she couldn’t avoid his stare. “I’ve got you. I meant what I said before. I won’t let you bite off too much. I may not be the smartest guy in the world, but I know this. If you’re scared or not turned on, I’ll pull us back to somewhere safer. Softer. Promise.”

  She nodded.

  “But something tells me you’re going to be pacing me, or maybe even keeping me on my toes. I’ll be racing behind you once you really get started.” He growled as if he could sense the fire lighting inside her.

  The clash of their lips inspired her to take more. With Ryder, she didn’t have to worry about propriety or being subtle. He granted her freedom from the restrictions of her daily life and all the bureaucratic bullshit she had to endure. No one had warned her about those trappings when she’d been in business school. Thank God or she might never have kept going.

  Spearing her hands in his unruly hair, she dug deeper.

  “That’s right. You can get as dirty as you want with me.” He nipped her bottom lip. “I’ll only like it more.”

  Their tongues met and sparred. Champagne combined with something suspiciously like chocolate, making her moan at the taste. When they broke, she arched a brow at him. “You have a sweet tooth?”

  “I’m here with you, aren’t I?” He grinned when she slugged his shoulder. “But yes, if you must know, dark chocolate—preferably Belgian—is one of my many vices.”

  “Show me some others?” She nudged him toward the mouth of the booth.

  “Of course.” He scooped her from the bench seat and twirled her around enough to make her worried she flashed her black lace thong at some of the other guests, who smiled at the spectacle they made.

  They marched down the hall, not pausing to investigate the inviting spaces of Underground. Linley did find herself distracted by the menagerie filling the black and white ballroom they skipped through, causing them to slow.

  Her hand tugged on Ryder’s where they were linked.

  “Maybe after the edge is off, you’ll dance with me?” He whirled her in circles and ground their pelvises together to the beat of The Wanted’s “Glad You Came.” He sambaed her in reverse through the crowd, displaying just a hint of his prowess on the floor.

  Though she loved to dance, she didn’t often get to indulge outside the privacy of her own master suite as she got dressed for the day ahead or unwound after the day behind. Sedate corporate gatherings didn’t count.

  “That sounds amazing.” She couldn’t help but notice the hardness he pressed against her belly. “Maybe while you’re recovering.”

  “I like the way you think, Linley.” Her name sounded dark and a little dirty when he said it like that.

  “Though it’ll probably be just before dawn by the time I need more than a few minutes to get ready for another round with you.” He leaned forward and bit her neck gently. “You do things to me.”

  “Good things, I hope.” She laughed.

  “Very.” He pouted just a bit. “Can’t you tell?”

  “I assumed you’re a rake with all the women you meet here.” She dug her fingers into his pecs, loving the resistance of his toned muscles.

  “True, true.” His smile grew. “But usually I have a tiny bit more self-control. If it weren’t against the rules, I’d probably already be fucking you right here on this floor.”

  “There are restrictions?” Suddenly she felt as if she were running full tilt in the dark. What did she know about where they were going or how to behave?

  “Even paradise has rules, sadly.” Ryder explained. “No sex in the main Underground. If being watched is your fantasy, that can be arranged easily. Right over there is the entrance to Downstairs. And if you make it through that decadent potluck without being distracted, there’s plenty more to sample in the Basement.”<
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  Linley peeked over her shoulder. As much as she enjoyed being pressed to him on the dance floor, she knew there were far better places for them to be intimate. Besides, she wanted him naked so she could feel his skin against hers from head to toe.

  “I don’t want to wait anymore.” A few steps later, he’d caught up to her, matching her determined strides.

  “Been craving this for a while, huh?” He slung his arm around her shoulder and steadied her as they began to descend in unison.

  “You have no idea.” She sighed.

  “You might be surprised,” he murmured.

  So unlike him, the tentative rebuttal had her pausing on the landing halfway down the grand staircase. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah.” He glanced away then back. “Sometimes circumstances in real life make it difficult to be who you really are inside. At least not without the fear of repercussions for you. Or your family.”

  The flex of his Adam’s apple intrigued her almost as much as his cryptic comment. Secrets stayed private here, no matter how close she came to begging him for more details. After all, she knew the same was true for herself. If the media ever caught wind of this little foray into darkness, her image would be ruined and her company with it.

  Scandal seemed to work for building the demand for celebrities. Not so much for CEOs.

  “Hey.” She laid her hand lightly on his broad shoulder. “I understand. I’m sorry you’ve had to put up with that crap.”

  His fingers blanketed hers and squeezed. When he spun around, his rogue’s smirk had recovered. “So, what do you think of our lovely mural?”

  It wasn’t until he turned his palms upward that she took in the details of the warm colors swirling around them. Focused on the curtain at the bottom and the hints of flesh she glimpsed beyond, she’d missed the subject matter entirely.

  “Wow.” Her eyes bugged out a little as she monitored the saturnalia strewn about. “Some of these are pretty creative.”

  Ryder laughed again, the raucous sound playing with her insides, making them flip. She scanned the oil paintings of couples engaged in foreplay and sex of all flavors. The skill with which they’d been rendered ensured they were as gorgeous as they were raunchy.


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