
Home > Romance > A_Taste_of_Decadence_ARE > Page 87
A_Taste_of_Decadence_ARE Page 87

by Blake_Harte_Quinn_Ryan_Rylon

  It did something to her insides to hear him curse so naturally. A reminder that he might not always be as gentle as the treatment he’d given her so far. She shivered—part anticipation, part wariness. “Thanks, but no thanks. I want a flesh and blood man. Not that I indulge in those very often either. Suddenly, I have a pretty big craving though.”

  “Does that mean you still plan to take tonight beyond that coffee you promised me?” The inquiry didn’t feel like pressure. More like curiosity.

  “I think so.” She nibbled her bottom lip and shifted in her seat. “It’s been a really long time for me. Can we see where this goes and how it feels?”

  “Absolutely.” His shoulders relaxed. “I already know it’ll be great. Nothing to worry about there. Forget a long time. I’ve never had this kind of chemistry with a woman before. You fit me, Linley.”

  “Well we don’t know that yet, do we?” A blush stole across her cheeks after rushing up her chest and neck.

  “I’ll prove it to you later.” The intensity of his promise distracted her enough to almost miss their exit.

  “Shoot. It’s this one. Sorry.” She instinctively checked over her shoulder as he glided through several lanes, onto the ramp. Quick reflexes, awareness of his surroundings, and familiarity with the limits of his vehicle ensured he delivered them safely. His unshakeable calm put her at ease.

  The chaos of her life would overwhelm a lot of people. Chase would be able to handle it. She didn’t doubt that for a second. Should she tell him a little bit about her? She’d never had a one-night stand before and didn’t intend to start at this point in her life. What if she fell into bed, into lust, and into something like infatuation with a man who wouldn’t be interested in her once she revealed her identity?

  “Left or right at the light?” He broke her from her internal debate.

  “Right, thanks.”

  “You know, you could share what’s on your mind.” Without taking his eyes from the road, he played it cool.

  “I’d rather not ruin the moment. Tonight is for fun, right?” She slipped her cell phone from a pocket sewn discreetly in her dress.

  “It can be for whatever you like, Linley.” He peeked at the screen she tapped. “What do you have there?”

  “My phone. It’s how we’re going to get through the gate. Around this corner there’s a tall hedge. Slow down and turn in by the stone pillar.” Extending her wrist as they neared, she allowed the gadget to align with the sensor’s range.

  “Wow. Are you really Batgirl?” He wiggled his brows. “I always had a thing for superwomen.”

  “Hardly.” A laugh burst from her, though his assessment probably hit nearer the mark than he could know. “I do have a thing for toys, though.”

  “I wish you’d confessed that before we left the stashes at Underground behind.” Chase sighed. “We’re definitely going to have to take another trip there someday.”

  The wrought iron parted, admitting them to the property. Although the simple structure utilized clean lines and a quaint charm she’d adored on first sight, the appointments were still high quality. Henry had personally attended to the security, which meant it outshone the needs of an average woman’s home. Hopefully it didn’t look too suspicious.

  Chase parked on the cobblestone near the garage. When she would have joined him in the driveway, he wrapped his fingers around her wrist. “Stay there. I’ll come get you.”

  Chivalry could feel oppressive, but not when he doled it out.

  He assessed her through the windshield as he rounded the hood then reached in to hand her out of the car. “I like that look.”

  “I’m glad since you’re easy on my eyes.” She accepted his quick kiss before allowing him to walk her up the stone and turf pathway to the front door.

  “I know the feeling, love.”

  A rustle came from the wildflower bed beside them. Before she could catch a glimpse of the trespasser, Chase had her tucked behind him. Feet spread shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, he faced the offender. As a living barrier between her and whatever lurked in the bushes, he impressed her with both his protective instincts and his lightning grace.

  If she were ever in trouble, she wouldn’t mind having him by her side. In this case, she laughed then rubbed the tension from his impressive shoulders. “Calm down. It’s only Mr. Hoppers. That’s his favorite spot. The lawn guy tells me he’s ruining the landscape. I don’t mind though. He’s pretty adorable.”

  “A rabbit? I think I can handle one of those.” He glanced over his shoulder at her. “You don’t have any guard dogs inside, do you?”

  “Nah.” A horrible pet parent, she didn’t mention her two kitties safely ensconced in the hilltop home where she spent most of her non-work hours. The burn of omissions started to steal some of her joy. Is this what she really wanted? A night she could never repeat?

  “Just teasing, Linley. I actually really like animals.” He took her hand and started them up the two rock-hewn stairs to her porch. “I work late a lot, so I’ve limited myself to an aquarium for now, though.”

  “Really? Fresh or saltwater?” She paused with her hand at the pinpad on her doorframe.

  “Actually I have one of each. I like the live plants and other fun stuff—like shrimp and snails—in my freshwater tank, but the colors of the fish and corals in my saltwater tank are incredible.” The pause that followed made her wonder if he censored himself too.

  Linley tried to hide her frown by concentrating on the lock mechanism. “They are very beautiful. There’s a giant setup in the lobby of…my…office building. I swear I see something different each time I pass by.”

  “They’re relaxing, too.” He stroked his fingers through her hair as if to diffuse her mounting tension through manual intervention.

  To give her privacy to type in her security code, Chase turned toward her more fully. His position allowed her to discreetly place her thumb on the fingerprint reader, which had the door swinging open. She looked at him with a smile designed to invite him across her threshold.

  The impact of his attention hit her full force.


  “Don’t whisper to me in that sexy tone if you’re still hoping we can hold off long enough for you to brew that drink you wanted to share.” He cleared his throat and backed her through the doorway and against the wall inside it. “I’m not used to waiting for what I want.”

  “Me either.” She gulped as he trailed fingers across the bare skin at the top of her chest, parallel to the neckline of her dress.

  “And this…?” The chain of kisses he laid down her neck nearly had her forgetting what he asked. “Is this what you had in mind?”

  “Yes.” She squeaked when he kicked the door closed, locked it, then scooped her into his arms.

  “No reason we can’t both have our wish then. Which way to your bedroom?” The growled question came in sections between languid kisses he dropped on her lips. Draped against his chest, she swore she could hear his heart pounding. Or perhaps that was her own.

  Unable to pause long enough to inform him of the direction, she caressed his cheek, testing the faint scratch of his five-o’clock shadow. Then she drew herself up and reclaimed his lips.

  He groaned as his tongue slipped out to tease the seam of her smile. Allowing him entrance, she parted her lips and was rewarded by the gentle probing of his wet, silky skin on hers. Totally engrossed in the gentle nips and licks, she didn’t realize he’d ferreted out her sleeping space until he lowered her to the plush duvet.

  Chase swiped his jacket from beneath her, folding it over the arm of a wingback chair in the corner. He slid her shoes from her feet then kicked his off as well before climbing onto the ultra-comfortable mattress topped with layers of soft covers and a mass of pillows.

  “This thing feels like a cloud.” His sigh fanned stray hairs from her forehead. “It’s easy to believe I found an angel tonight.”

  “I don’t plan to be that wholesome.” Anothe
r laugh mingled with their desire as she reached up to bite his bottom lip.

  Chase levered himself onto straight-locked arms to peer into her eyes. “Really? How do you want this to go? Slow and gentle aren’t my specialties, but you make me want to take the scenic route and enjoy every curve of your gorgeous body.”

  “I could work with that.” Preparing herself for the torture of an extended teasing, she realized he’d only paused—not finished—when he offered another option.

  “Then again, if you’d rather something a little more daring… Well, I know you must have been craving at least something slightly out of the ordinary if you ventured into Underground tonight.”

  She closed her eyes and moaned as she imagined him peppering her with kisses in an endless midnight seduction. Until the fantasy morphed into one where he took her harder. Faster. With the inherent authority she’d desperately tried to surrender tonight. Maybe he would even lay his palm on her ass as he took her from behind, giving her more than she could have dreamed possible at the beginning of the night.

  Though both scenarios appealed—like two amazing dessert options on a menu—she knew which flavor she hungered for tonight.

  If Linley said I confess, I’m a hopeless romantic click here or search for 4A - Romantic Interlude.

  If Linley said Let’s be nice and naughty click here or search for 4B - A Pinch Of Spice.

  3B - Stay Downstairs

  Linley smirked. “Go home? I don’t think so. Not until I’ve had a taste of this place—and you.”

  “Ah, that’s what I figured. You don’t strike me as a quitter.” He kissed her quick and hard. “I like to be right, though.”

  She took a step toward the curtain, surprised when his fingers wrapped around her wrist to stall her. “Don’t tell me you changed your mind?”

  “Not going to happen, love.” The grin lighting up his handsome face mesmerized her. “But you’re a bit overdressed for Downstairs.”

  When he lifted his chin in the direction of the shadowed corner, she realized an attendant monitored a bank of lockers. “We’ll leave our clothes here. You can keep your underwear if you prefer, but most patrons go bare beyond this point. I’m surely not going to complain if you decide to jump right in.”

  As he spoke, he unknotted the light blue silk tie he wore. Loosening the material from around his neck, he got to work on the buttons of his crisp shirt. Frozen, she stared as he put himself on display for her. Tan skin took the place of his fancy clothes. Naked looked so much better on him than his designer suit that she nearly swallowed her tongue.

  “Thank you.” His smug smile had her shaking her head, tempted to pinch the disc of his nipple, which tightened at the loss of his shirt.

  Deciding it’d be better to undress before he had nothing left to occupy his attention and could stare at her in return, she curled her fingers in the hem of her dress. Several deep breaths later, she walked the pliant material up her thighs.

  Chase groaned. “You’re gorgeous. I’m a sucker for long, pretty legs.”

  “Who wouldn’t love those?” The attendant winked at her.

  “Focus on me.” Her escort drew her gaze to him once more. “There will be lots of people and distractions around tonight. If you get shy or overwhelmed, concentrate on me and ignore the rest.”

  Either her imagination played tricks or he’d edged closer when she glanced away from him. His suit jacket, tie, and shirt were draped over his forearm. He extended them toward the attendant then got to work on his belt. The clink of the buckle coming free, then the leather slipping through his loops, had her shivering. She watched as he toed off his shoes.

  “Don’t worry. It’s warmer inside. The floor has radiant heat as well.” Chase paused to rub his hand along her arm. “The sooner you strip, the sooner I can show you.”

  Linley bit her lip. She peeled the dress over her hips, up her stomach, and above her breasts. Ducking out of the outfit, she handed it to the attendant. One hand propped on her hip, she stood before Chase in heels and lacy black lingerie.

  “I shouldn’t have looked until I finished getting this damn zipper open.” He cursed mildly beneath his breath, inciting a riot of giggles from her.

  “Need some help?” She reached for him and he relented, allowing her to tuck her fingers in the waistband of his pants.

  “Pretty sure that’s only going to make the problem worse,” he grumbled.

  Bold and unafraid, Linley rubbed her palm over the bulge impeding his progress. She measured his length with her curious fingers then shifted the pressure from his zipper.

  “Was that a purr you just made?” He grunted as he finally worked his trousers open.

  “Might have been.” Unable to stop herself, she leaned in for a kiss. The press of his smooth chest on her mostly unclothed skin had her breath catching in her lungs. While their mouths teased each other, he dropped his pants.

  “Excuse me, Chase.” The attendant cleared his throat. “I’m going to have to ask you kids to take this into Downstairs. You know the rules.”

  “Sorry, Nick.” Chase broke their lip lock to apologize. He scrubbed his knuckles over his eyes and breathed deep as if trying to get himself under control.

  The racing of her heartbeat meant she could relate. Nice to know she wasn’t the only one revved to the max. To speed along the process, Linley sank to her knees at his feet. He glanced down at her then scrunched his eyes closed. “You can’t do that here, love.”

  “What? Take your pants off?” She nipped the bulge of his quad as she tapped one of his heels. “Lift for me.”

  When he did, she swept his pants—and the gray boxer briefs he’d also shimmied down to his ankles—from his foot. Shortly, they repeated the gesture on his other side. She gained her feet carefully, thankful for his hands beneath her arms, helping her rise. Especially when she got an up close and personal view of his thick hard-on.

  Tonight was going to be one for the history books, she was sure.

  She handed her clothes to the attendant, who beamed at her. “I wish I wasn’t on duty the whole evening. I’ve never seen our boy so dazzled before. This could be fun to watch.”

  Linley gasped. “Is this a spectator sport?”

  “Only if that’s what you want.” Chase addressed her uncertainty in a flash. “Tonight is about your pleasure. You tell me what you’d like to try and I’ll make it happen. Or prevent you from being exposed to something that isn’t a turn on for you.”

  This time he folded his frame, crouching to slip her shoes from her feet one by one. “These are sexy as hell, but you don’t need them.”

  This time when they stood facing each other, Chase dwarfed Linley. Or it seemed that way to her since it wasn’t very often a man had several inches on her nearly six foot frame.

  “It’s a rare treat to be with a woman close to my height.” He appraised her figure. At least her time in the gym had been well spent despite her busy schedule. It made her proud of her figure when he paused to admire the swell of her breasts and the dip of her waist. “You’re svelte. Yet stacked.”

  “What are you going to do about it?” Linley shifted, trying to appease the pressure between her legs. Letting her gaze roam over the cut lines of his chest and abdomen, she couldn’t wait for the instant he joined them together in this mutual desire.

  “I’m going to show you a good time.” He rose, passing her shoes to Nick.

  “Have fun you two.” The guy waved to them as Chase rested his palm at the small of her back and steered her toward the curtain.

  “No doubt about that,” he whispered, leaning in to nuzzle the soft fall of her hair at her temple. “Ready?”

  “I’m standing here in my underwear, aren’t I?” She angled her head to soften her joke with a quick kiss on his cheek.

  “Quite beautifully, yes.” The tip of his finger trailed along the edge of one of her bra cups. “I’m sort of glad you left the good stuff for me alone. Do you mind me being naked?”

; “Hell no.” A laugh bubbled out of her. He had the ability to put her at ease, even in a potentially awkward situation. “You were meant to be like this. For you, wearing clothes should be a crime.”

  “Likewise, Linley.” After leaning in, he forced himself to stop. “Come on, let’s go inside before I forget myself and break a rule or twenty. You know, that’s not usually a problem for me.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled up into his bewildered face, then latched on to his hand and dragged him through the curtain into Downstairs.

  The moment she set foot on the warm floor, heat burst through her. Her eyes opened wide as she took in the debauchery around her. Each place her stare landed, a new experience unfolded. From the nude servers, passing out drinks, to the couples mingling as though they hung around associates in the buff every day—hell, maybe they did.

  In awe, she didn’t realize at first that some of the couples in the corners were doing more than simply socializing. Several of them were having sex, right there in the open. Others teased in foreplay intended to stimulate both the exhibitionists and their complimentary voyeurs stationed around the room.

  A couple came through the curtain and bumped into her and Chase. “Come on, love. Let’s take a closer look. And while we’re touring, don’t forget to peek at the doors to your right. Their names tell you a lot about what’s waiting inside. If something looks interesting, let me know.”

  Overwhelmed with carnal delights, Linley allowed her guide to shuffle them forward. Several members admired his fresh find openly. He greeted some, waved to others across the room, and never once took his attention from her, monitoring her expression to all that surrounded them.

  He headed for the back of the long, narrow space past endless couches on the left and a parade of ornate wooden doors with plaques. The very first one piqued her interest off the bat. It read: The Toy Chest.

  They continued on past Peeping Toms, Vanilla, The Grotto, and Costumes ‘R Us. Each had a vacant or occupied light illuminated on the front. They went on for as far as she could see until the portals turned a corner. She didn’t doubt as many or more lurked around the edge. One in particular had her shivering, and not out of fear or disgust either.


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