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A_Taste_of_Decadence_ARE Page 90

by Blake_Harte_Quinn_Ryan_Rylon

“I’m afraid I can’t draw this out as long as I would like.” He frowned. “I usually have more self-control than this. But…you’re getting under my skin, love.”

  “Glad to know the feeling’s mutual.” She reached for him but he dodged.

  “Not just yet or I’ll lose my mind before I give you what you’ve asked for.” He shook his head, standing his ground. “I get the feeling you don’t make requests like this often. I’m going to deliver.”

  “Really, Chase, you’re enough. This thing between us, it’s more than I’d hoped for.” She held her arms up and open to him.

  He took the opportunity to snag her wrists and hold them high above her, as far as she could comfortably reach. “Shush. Just watch…while you can.”

  Trembling—not from cold or fear—she gaped when he activated a button on the black box he still held in his free hand. It was a remote of some sort. The subtle whir of motors followed. Thin wires descended from discrete panels in the elaborate canopy above the bed. No wonder it was so ornate.

  At the end of each dangled a ring. She didn’t have to wonder about their purpose for long. Chase snagged one of the silk scarves from the bed then threaded it through the circle. With deft movements of his long, skilled fingers, he tied the material to the fastener. It made sense when she thought it through.

  A bed this large wouldn’t have accommodated even the generous lengths of the scarves. The equipment probably also allowed for more adventurous play. Maybe even suspension. She’d seen pictures on the Internet that made her moan just at the thought. Next time…

  Once satisfied with the security of the silk, Chase slid his hand down the length then wrapped the other end around one of her wrists. He spread the fabric so that it became a wide cuff, which didn’t cut into her skin in the least. Careful, he didn’t fool around while he secured her then checked his handiwork.

  “You’re to tell me if you feel any numbness. Right away. Understand?” His serious tone brooked no argument.

  “Agreed.” She nodded.

  “Damn it turns me on when you go all prim and proper.” He stroked his erection a few times before reaching for another tie. “I can’t wait to make you crack and turn dirty girl instead.”

  “Somehow I don’t think that’ll take long.” She turned her head and nipped his ankle, which rested beside her as he treated her other wrist to similar treatment as the first.

  And when he’d finished, he crouched beside her. Impressive balance kept him from squashing her on the flexible surface of the bed. “Let’s see how good I did, shall we?”

  The arrogant smirk on his face might have taunted a smartass remark from her except that he chose that instant to slide his fingers over her belly to tickle her ribs. Linley thrashed. Her bindings held.

  When she laughed so hard she could barely breathe, he relented. “Had to be sure you wouldn’t hurt yourself if we get carried away.”

  He stood again to slide a finger beneath the improvised cuffs she wore like a fantastic accessory. Satisfied, he knelt down and kissed her.

  Although she hadn’t once considered retreating, having no choice in the matter made the gentle assault of his mouth that much more enjoyable. Her pussy quivered, and she arched toward him, her body begging for more.

  “Almost,” he whispered before departing again.

  Chase poked a different button on the remote. Panels in the bar spanning the foot of the bed popped open. From them he withdrew two identical lines with twin metal hoops. He made quick work of mimicking her wrist fastenings on her ankles.

  Spread wide—though not uncomfortably so—Linley groaned at the light pressure of the tensioned cables on her legs. Chase’s quality control testing was distinctly more pleasurable.

  He dropped into the V made by her thighs and snuggled up to the trunk of her body. She had to admit, his shoulders fit nicely there. Air stuck in her lungs when he extended his tongue and licked one long line from the bottom of her slit to her clit, pausing to circle the entrance of her pussy along the way.

  Pure ecstasy rolled through her. When he pulled away, reaching for the last tie, she attempted to wrap her legs around his waist to prevent his retreat. No could do.

  “Ah, perfect.” He bent to lay a kiss on her nose. “Now, you’ll have some idea of what it looks like so your imagination can fill in the blanks when you’re blind and I do this.”

  Linley regretted she wouldn’t witness his complete dismantling of her inhibitions. At least until the slippery material settled over her eyes and her personal dusk descended. The loss of her vision forced her to rely on her other senses, which magnified their input.

  “You’re doing great, love.” Chase petted her, dissolving the last of her unease.

  Unable to see him approach, the wet warmth of his mouth brushing hers came as a delightful surprise. She moaned and arched into the contact as best she could. Pleasant tugs on her wrists and ankles reminded her that she’d surrendered control. The pleasure storming her system renewed her faith in others.

  Chase especially.

  He would take care of her. When was the last time someone could say that?

  A string of sighs left her mouth, each one in response to a kiss he placed on her body. The direction of their occurrence convinced her of his destination. She wished he’d hurry. But he didn’t. And when he dallied at her hipbone, she nearly screamed.

  Until he finally, finally settled his lips over her pussy.

  Then she did shout. His name, some demands, God knew what else. But it didn’t matter. There wasn’t a single thing she could do to speed up the relentless cycle of licks and kisses he treated her to. If she hadn’t been at his mercy, she might have given in to the guilt of their one-sided exchange, reaching for him to return the favor. But like this…she couldn’t deny the treatment was his decision.

  When he slipped a finger—then two—inside her, she knew there was one thing he couldn’t regulate. Or didn’t seem to want to. The inevitable pulses of her approaching orgasm began deep inside her belly. Before she could warn him of the effect he had on her, Chase groaned.

  He broke contact, setting her adrift in blackness, for just long enough to encourage her. “You’re so damn tight. Slick. More every second. You’re close, aren’t you?”

  Linley cried out her agreement.

  “Then why are you holding back?” He nipped her thigh, startling a yelp from her.

  And when she relaxed, the pleasure his hand delivered by working within her was more obvious than it had been before. Sensations bombarded her. All of them focused between her legs, where he touched her.

  She had to be honest. “I want to come with you inside me.”

  “You will.” He granted her wish. “But after you show me exactly how good it’s going to be. Hug my hand. Come around me, love. I’ll bring you with me again in a minute. Hurry, please. I need to bury myself in this soft heat soon.”

  His words contributed as equally to her destruction as his persuasive suckling did when his mouth latched on to her once more. His generosity mixed with the wicked things his tongue did to her clit. The circles he rubbed on her from the inside pushed her over the edge.

  The pressure of her bindings as she contracted all over added to the swell of rapture in her. And suddenly it was all too much. She exploded, committing herself to enjoying every ounce of pleasure resulting from the epic orgasm he inspired.

  Before she’d finished quaking, the rustle of foil ripping traveled to her overly alert ears.

  An aftershock rocked her as she considered what was to come.

  The spasm made it impossible for Chase to penetrate when he lined up the blunt head of his cock with her opening in the same instant. “I can’t wait to feel you milking me like that.”

  His voice had changed. Gravelly, a little harsh, she knew he was on the edge. She regretted that she wouldn’t be able to recover quick enough to have her wish after all. But the beautiful release still singing through her veins made it impossible to be sad after the gi
ft he’d given her.

  He deserved to take.

  “Fuck me, Chase.” The dirty words slipped right out of her mouth. The blindfold might have helped. She felt free to say and do whatever she wanted, emancipated by the tools he’d used on her to their greatest advantage.

  “Yes.” He advanced with a powerful thrust that lodged him an inch or two deep in her still pulsing tissue. “There’s the girl I was looking for. No more façade, Linley. I want the real woman. The one hiding inside.”

  He had no idea the mischief he’d unlocked.

  “Give me your cock.” She grunted when he retreated a bit then did as she demanded. Though she clearly had no authority, she felt as if he’d given her the power. To do as she’d dreamed forever without fear or self-doubt.

  “More,” she yelled.

  He obeyed. A few more thrusts and they locked together as tightly as two people could get. The heat and pressure of his chest covered hers, relieving the aches in her breasts with the contact. His mouth covered hers and they kissed ferociously as he began to ride her.

  The thick, long length of his cock filled her to capacity. Maybe a bit beyond. The burn only added to her desire. She’d never been stretched like this before. Not physically, or emotionally.

  To her surprise, the killer climax she’d relished began to rejuvenate with the measured strokes he continued to supply between her legs. As they made out, he lost a little of his finesse and gained a bit of rawness that she savored.

  “You’re going to come with me, love.” It wasn’t a question. It was a command. The urgency with which he made it implied haste.

  When she feared she might disappoint him, he added a swing of his pelvis to each lunge, grinding their bodies where they joined. The stimulation on her clit combined with his penetration, the weight of his body, which she supported gladly, and the sweetness of his kiss, invigorating every sensitive place inside her.

  Tendrils of pure bliss rose within her. She focused on them, growing them until she shouted. “Now, Chase. I’m there. Coming.”

  “I know. Damn, love. I know.” He grunted the last as her body began to squeeze him, making him work to tunnel as deep as he had been.

  Chase didn’t seem to mind. He fucked harder, faster, obeying the draw of her pussy. She screamed his name and was surprised to hear her own flying from his lips. In the midst of it all, he yanked the blindfold from her head. The sight of his handsome face, contorted in ecstasy, flung her even higher.

  He pumped into her, making her wish she could feel each warm blast of his come, which she echoed with a wring of her pussy.

  It went on and on until neither of them had the strength to move, or even moan.

  Long, luxurious minutes passed where they absorbed the pleasure they’d created together until she kept her promise. “Chase.”

  “Yes, love?” He kissed her cheek with tenderness that threatened to bring tears to her eyes.

  “My left hand is getting tingly.” She wished they never had to move. “Sorry.”

  “Thank you for saying something. It’s important for me to trust you if we’re going to play like this…or more.” He smiled at her as he released her then massaged her offended palm. “Go ahead, put your arms around me.”

  She didn’t have to be told twice.

  Linley snuggled up to his chest, laid her head on his shoulder, and hugged him tight.

  To find out what happened next, click here or search for 5A - Chase Epilogue.

  5B - Ryder Epilogue

  When the storm had passed, they lay wrecked on the bed. Silk sheets tangled around them, partially caught between their bodies, which pressed together everywhere else.

  Please, please don’t let real life ruin this.

  Linley cleared her throat.

  “Ryder, there’s something I need to tell you.” She bit her lip. Pressure built in her stomach as she considered the ramifications of coming clean. But this night had meant something to her. She couldn’t ignore that. Linley refused to jeopardize their future by not being straight with him upfront. Mostly upfront.

  “What’s wrong?” He leaned on his elbow, brushing the hair from her face.

  “I’m sort of…rich.”

  He laughed. “That’s it? Wildcat, you’re well off I’m sure, but so am I.”

  Linley didn’t mean to crush his pride. “Actually, I’m the founder and owner of Lane Technology.”

  “I know, Linley. It’s a beautiful and unique name. Like you. There can’t be many of those around. Especially not women Henry would vouch for.” He held her in place when she would have bolted. Betrayed, her stomach fell through the floor.

  “You knew who I was?” She tried to block the tears of frustration welling in her eyes. It had been too good to be true. “The whole night?”

  “Of course. I’m not a moron.” He tried to subdue her with a kiss. For a few seconds it worked. And then he shocked her into total stillness. “But I am a prince. Go ahead, make your frog jokes here.”

  She gaped at him. “You mean like…royalty?”

  “I know. No one else in my family can believe they had an heir as unsavory as me either.” Ryder flopped an arm over his eyes. And that’s when she noticed the family crest tattooed on the underside of his biceps. “Don’t worry, I’ll only make you kneel for me in the bedroom.”

  Bad boy sovereign. Of course!

  She’d heard plenty of stories about him.

  “Wow. It really is you, Prince Haider Naim.”

  “Yeah. If you say it fast, it almost sounds like Ryder, huh?” He grimaced. “At first it was an easy cover. Eventually it stuck.”

  “Are you sure sleeping with me won’t ruin your image?” Linley wrung the edge of the sheet where it draped across her chest. “I’ve never been very scandalous before tonight.”

  “Look, if you wanted another squeaky clean captain of industry like yourself, you should have picked Chase. You know, Chase Worthington.” Count on Ryder to throw rules out the window. The breach also exposed his vulnerability.

  Too many newsflashes bombarded her logic.

  “Holy shit.” She wondered if she’d heard right. “The venture capitalist?”

  “Mmm hmm.” Ryder patted her ass. “You didn’t think Henry would throw you to the dogs, did you?”

  “Well, no.” Linley hadn’t assumed anything at all. With such short notice, how had her friend uncovered two prime specimens for her to pick from?

  “Underground is an escape for the ultra-elite, wildcat.” He seemed wary, as if she would hit on the million dollar question any instant. And then she did.

  “Captains of industry... Heads of state… If Underground is that exclusive, how is my chief of security a member?” Linley squinted at Chase.

  “That’s a question you’re going to have to ask Henry yourself.” Ryder clammed up for once. “He’s already going to try to kick my ass for bringing you to the dark side here. At least until I tell him it’s not what he thinks.”

  “And what will he assume?” She bit her lip to keep from revealing too much of her own emotion.

  “That I was just fucking around like I usually do.” Her fallen prince looked like he needed a hug, so she obliged. He squeezed her tight in return. “Damn, you’re sweet and honest and so fucking sexy you nearly melted parts of me. Actually, maybe you did.”

  Ryder rubbed his chest as if it ached.

  She kissed him until some of his tension vanished.

  “Thanks. But I’m dying to know…” He closed his eyes then asked, “Was this just some erotic adventure for you, or would you consider dating a guy like me despite all the bullshit drama that it will entail? Will you give us a chance? Yes or no?”

  For Linley, there was only one option. “Yes.”

  Click here to return to the Table of Contents.

  4E - Ryder Loves The Toy Chest

  “I requested a romp in the Toy Chest.” Linley beamed when he grinned. A shiver ran through her.

  “Fuck, yes.” Ryder caught he
r off guard when he threw her over his shoulder and marched toward the fantasy chamber. He drew up short in front of the elaborately carved hardwood. When she peeked around his trim waist, she saw he paused with his hand on the knob.

  “No second guessing here.” She answered before he could ask. “Let’s do this. Show me what’s inside. I hope there’s a bed, or a thick rug at least, because I need you to get me horizontal fast.”

  “What do you have against being fucked standing up? It can be plenty enjoyable.” He grunted when she smacked his smoking-hot ass. “Fine, feisty. I’m going.”

  Ryder ducked inside, closing them in darkness together. He lowered her to the ground and spun her so she faced the interior with him at her back. When he slid the dimmer up gradually, she gasped.

  The room was the stuff of erotic daydreams. Burnished silver accents offset the deep purple of the walls. A gorgeous oval mirror reflected her stunned expression and Ryder’s undivided focus on her reaction.

  He smiled as she discovered the nuances of the chamber.

  Armoires and dressers lined each available space on the perimeter. They ringed a low, tufted bench, which stretched across the foot of an enormous four-poster bed complete with a draped silk canopy.

  Silver and purple sheets were perfectly tucked and a whole host of pillows called to her, inviting her to crash into their fluffiness. Naked. With this exotic, sexy, roguish guy who seemed to be as enthralled by her as she was with him.

  What more could she want?

  Oh, right. Toys.

  An enormous smile spread across her face.

  “That’s the spirit, wildcat.” Ryder smacked her ass lightly as he drew her toward some of the dressers and began to undo several intricate latches. He flipped up lids, opened cabinets, and drew out drawers to reveal their contents.

  To call the collection in the Toy Chest extensive wouldn’t have done it justice. Some of the items were complete mysteries to her. She blinked. Several times.

  “If it’s too much, we can stick to the entry-level stuff. Over here.” He waved to several rows in one of the chests that held standard items even she could identify. Vibrators, dildos, and a pair of fuzzy red handcuffs were visible.


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