“Wave, are you smelling me again?”
Walker chuckled.
“Mm Hmm,” she answered, kissing up to his ear.
He questioned, genuine amusement in his eyes.
Breathing him in once more, she answered in a husky voice, “Because you’re mine - and, I am yours.”
“Fucking finally.”
Sitting up and pulling her into his lap, he slipped his hands under her neck, grabbing handfuls of her hair,
”Love this hair,” he muttered against her head.
Pulling it, so her mouth was tipped up for him to drop his lips to hers, she sighed into the kiss. Holding onto his shoulder with one hand and running her other hand through his hair. Walker pulled back abruptly, then slid her a little closer to him.
“Okay, let’s do it,” he said.
She wiggled her ass on his lap until he groaned.
“You wanted to talk,” he reminded her.
“Later, not now,” she whined, licking his neck.
“No. Now, or you’ll over think this, we’ll be apart, you’ll pull some crazy shit to make me jealous again and I’ll have to beat the fuck out of some asshole again.”
She laughed, “That’s not very nice, Mr. Rike.”
“I know. Now put something on, I can’t think when I can see your tits. Let’s get this talk over with, and then I will be ‘not very nice’ to you until you can’t walk.”
Waverly’s idea of a talk consisted of her wanting to know why, a bit of a smile slowly spread across his face, she was pleasantly surprised to see it.
“Why do you want us to be together so badly and what exactly is your idea of together?”
She questioned turning her head so her cheek rested on his chest. Walker removed his hands from her waist, rubbed them over his face as if he was in pain and asked her to look at him.
“I’m not a man who’s good at explaining how I feel or ever wants to explain my feelings. But, because it’s important to you, and I care about how you feel, I will do my best.”
Rolling her eyes at him, then nodding, she watched Walker looked away from her to the window, a little daylight leaving a small patch of brightness on the bedroom floor.
“The house I grew up in had twelve bedrooms, but I alone, other than my parents in that house, and a few servants. It was frightening as a child, the house was large, dark...and cold. Not cold as in the temperature was cold, I mean there was no laughing, no smiling, and very little if any physical warmth. It was dark there, not dark as in no lights, dark as in depressing - no life, or vitality...or happiness.
My parents were rarely home, between the two of them, they came into my bedroom a total of maybe four times. I never sat on my mother lap or held her hand. I was never read to or tucked in by either of them. Occasionally I was dressed and paraded around like a trophy at their dinner parties - as the heir apparent.
It was made clear early on, that I was to take over the business, to uphold the family name, I never wanted or asked for it. From the time I was born until I was thirteen, I had four nannies, Marta, Suki, Regina, and Brenda. I liked them all except Suki, they were the only mother figures that I ever knew, I thought of them as family, they thought of me as a job.
When my father got sick I was told it was time for me to take over running the business, fuck I was twenty-two years old what did I know about running a business? So, I rebelled, doing the usual things stupid, wealthy, frat boys did, and was well on my way to turning into a complete asshole. Women were everywhere and they threw themselves at me, whatever I wanted from them, whenever I wanted - I didn’t even have to try.
Then I met you, I had seen you before that night in the office, I know that I’ve never told you that, it was one or two days before. I was waiting for Adam in my car out on the street, my driver commented on you. You were just getting to the doorway of the building and it was very hot that day, the sun was shining on your hair, it was so many different colors. You were with three or four other girls and you were all laughing. I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.
Then I walked up to you at the copier in the office, you were even prettier up close, your hand was so warm. You had no idea who I was. I could tell you were nervous, but when you smiled at me, and when you laughed, it was so real - not guarded and polite. A real smile.
When we were apart these last few months, I missed you. I’ve never missed anybody before. I’ve always been fine with people leaving, usually wanted them to. But you...I missed your voice, how soft your hair is, your hands flying around when you talk, the way you escape to that place in your mind. I missed how you try to cook, but you’re horrible at it, how it takes you forever to fall asleep.
I feel like you belong to me like you were made just for me. I want to do everything I can to make your life easier, so you can just live...happily,. Seeing you happy makes me feel like I conquered the world. I want to be the person you turn to for everything, pay your bills because you forget, straighten the mess on your desk so you don’t lose everything. Rescue you when you’ve had too much to drink and you’re horny, watch you do yoga in those shorts.
When I wake up and you’re in my bed, I see everything I want and everything I need.”
Walker was an honest man, no bullshit and not given to half-truths or exaggeration, his complements sweet words of devotion floored her. His delivery was so frank and genuine, placed before her as if he had held out his hands offering her the most coveted treasure on earth. The entire time he spoke he was holding her hand between his two hands sliding them up and down, turning it over and back.
That he had shared all of this with her was shocking, that he felt all and had shared it with her was a huge shift in their...relationship.
So let me give you the facts. I want to be with you, only you and I don’t want you with anybody else. I want us to be together every night, together in bed, with your curvy ass pressing up against me, and your leg kicked out from under the covers. I want you to text me every day again with the crazy story about your client or one of your workers. And, I want the texts with those stupid smiley faces and the kiss faces, also a shot of your tits occasionally. When you come into a room I want to see your eyes come right to me looking at me like I’m the best fucking Christmas present you’ve ever gotten. I want you to come to me when you’re going to cry over one of your books or movies so I can hold you and make you feel better. I need you and I’ve never needed anybody. I want to be the first person you want and need for everything because you are everything I want...and everything I need.
He stopped there. Walker was an honest man, a no bullshit man and not given to half-truths or exaggeration. She recognized his factual presentation of his wants as sweet words of devotion. It floored her. His delivery was so frank and genuine, he had placed all of it before her as if he had held out his hands offering her the most coveted treasure on earth. The entire time he spoke he was holding her hand between his two hands sliding them up and down, turning it over and back.
That he had shared his thought with her at all was shocking, that he felt all and had shared it with her was a huge shift in their...relationship.
“Wave? Now you’re speechless? I just said words to you that I’ve never said to another woman and you have nothing to say?”
Looking away from their hands, the corners of his lips had turned up, but he squeezed her hand tightly.
“Stop squeezing my hand so tight,” she whispered, trying to pull her hand free.
“No, you’re going to jump out of this bed and run like hell?”
“No,” she whispered. “No, I’m not going to run. Does this mean that you’re my boyfriend and I’m your girlfriend now?”
Walker snorted and rolled his eyes at her teasing smile then pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her tightly.
“If I say yes does that mean you’ll go out to my gourmet kitchen and burn me up some breakfast and then I get to fuck you on the kitchen table?”
Two weeks had gone by since she had told him that she was his, fucking finally. Since he had spilled his guts to her like a goddamn teenage girl. Afterward, they had sex in almost every room of the guest house. It was his way of reinforcing it to her...and himself that she was his again, that even her body knew that she belonged to him. His confession had seemed to make Waverly just as needy for him physically so that was a very good outcome.
They both still went off to their businesses every day, he remained broody and unbearable during his business hours and was generally as unsocial to most people as he had always been, Waverly of course also went off to work every morning skipping out the door, shining her sweetness and light everywhere she went. Her phone still buzzed, beeped and chirped the entire goddamn time he was with her, which honestly wasn’t as much as he would have liked. She was often away from him, out at dinner with the girls, Mani Pedi’s with the girls, spin glass with the girls, those fucking “girls” monopolized most of her time.
Everyone she came in contact with wanted to claim time with her. Of course, she lay in his bed, in his arms, every night, after the girls took their share. There were many nights that he had her all to himself, those nights were perfect. Waverly would often make dinner, which wasn’t inedible if she stuck to something like grilled cheese, but anything more complicated than that usually ended up in disaster. He had started carrying protein bars with him and hiding them in his office and car.
More often than not they stayed at her place since it was closer to both of their offices. He would never admit it to her but he enjoyed staying at her place more than his, it was the most welcoming environment that he had ever lived in, clean but cluttered with bits and pieces of her, and her life.
On the nights that they were together, after dinner, both of them usually caught up on work while listening to music, Waverly usually finished first coming to him and crawling onto his lap. She would sit there watching him as he wrapped up whatever he was working on as quickly as he could. So he could then devote his full attention to her. And he was completely devoted, to her mind, her laughter, to every part of her body. Walker had always assumed that it would get old to have sex with only one person, but it never got old with Waverly.
Sex with Waverly, always felt like he was connecting with her beyond just the physical, it refreshed and recharged him. It affirmed for him in a brutish caveman way that she had agreed to be his. When she was the one initiating sex, he had a hard time controlling himself, he knew that he was domineering in bed, but when she came to him - wanted him, it sent his ego into overdrive. This woman who was so beautiful and good and sweet would become so sexually needy for him, taking what he gave, willingly, happily, doing whatever he asked. Any man would be a fool to let that go. He worried what he would do if it was ever taken from him.
Benn was still a large part of her life, she, of course, saw him every day at work, but their one on one time had been cut back considerably that he and Kate were now inseparable. Surprisingly Benn and Walker had formed an odd sort of friendship, over dinner one night Benn had confessed proudly that he had arranged the photo shoot to force them together.
Most of her friends were aware that she and Walker were in some form of ‘together’ again and surprisingly to him, they seemed to approve. Collecting Waverly after a drunken group dinner they had high jacked his phone and exchanged contacts with him. Some of them actually texted him occasionally asking his advice on investments, jobs or guy problems. Walker grumbled loudly whenever he received one of their texts, but she believed that he was secretly pleased by the attention. Once he had asked her opinion when he received a text from Amy about the guy she was currently seeing, his reply cautioning her on what a creep he was and that Walker was willing to have a long talk with him.
Walker couldn’t resist his urge to spend his considerable money on her, spoil her, sending her a gift once a week, sometimes it was something funny or something she had mentioned – usually shoes, or sometimes something small and sexy from La Perla. When she insisted that he shouldn’t send her so many gifts, that it wasn’t necessary, he had replied that he had never had anyone in his life that he had wanted to buy for. Tearing up at his charming admission, he had just rolled his eyes and taken her to bed.
One night he insisted they go out to dinner at the country club his family had belonged to since he was a child. They had been like two teenagers rarely leaving the house, other than work they spent a majority of their time with their hands all over each other. Walker wanted to take her out and show her off, he was proud of her and proud to be seen with her, and although her culinary skills had greatly improved he needed a meal that she hadn’t cooked.
She had been hesitant until he agreed to watch one of her chick flicks with her when they came home. By the time they were seated at their table he realized that he should have thought the idea through more thoroughly. Their waiter had practically sat in her lap trying to help her decide upon an appetizer, twice he had to clear his throat before the waiter finally scurried away. Dressed in a sexy little black dress every male head at the bar had swiveled, shamelessly eyefucking her as they passed the bar on the way to their table.
Anytime he was with Waverly he enjoyed himself, she was whip smart and he enjoyed her input on any of his business decisions. As usual, her mind zig-zagged around to many different topics keeping him on his toes intellectually. They were interrupted repeatedly by male acquaintances stopping by to say hello, she unabashedly charmed them all, while he remained abrupt and curt hoping there would be no need for any punching before they left.
As they were enjoying an after dinner coffee he informed her that he had come to a decision.
“Wave, I think we should take a break.”
He wanted to travel somewhere with her, Portugal, Spain, anywhere with a tropical climate, where she would wear only a bikini the majority of the time, and none of her girlfriends were around. No sooner were the words out of his mouth then he saw all the blood from her face, she looked like she had seen a ghost. For a moment he thought she was having a heart attack and began reaching for his cell phone to call 911. It caught him off guard when she confessed that she thought he meant ending or slowing down the relationship. Didn’t she realize that he couldn’t see them ever ending?
It did explain why he sometimes caught her watching him with the furrow between her eyes, a habit she was more prone to do when she was worried or upset.
Couldn’t she see how happy he was with her? Wasn’t she happy with him? Did she think he wanted someone else, wanted sex with someone else, did she want sex with someone else? Or was it something else entirely, something she was keeping from him? Something that maybe still bothered her and would drive her away from him? He meant what he said, she was his.
At Benn’s apartment for dinner, he and Benn were enjoying a bottle of Cognac, while Kate and Waverly had escaped to the bedroom doing God knows what, but laughing hysterically while they did it.
Benn asked Walker if everything was good with him and Waverly. He had replied that he thought so but reluctantly admitted that Benn probably knew her better than anyone. Benn happily gave his take.
“She seems happy, and her anger with you seems gone but, you know her, she’ll blow up crazy mad, then cool down just as quickly. Very true he thought, when they had gotten into a heated disagreement over whether the two party system of government was working, she had thrown a muffin at him, hitting him right in the head.
“I think she trusts you as much as she is capable of trusting anyone - just barely. No real surprise that she doesn’t trust easily given her family dynamics. I think she’s waiting for you to abandon her, she’s just waiting for you to leave her or she’ll leave before you get the chance.”
Benn answered, his eyes sliding from him away to glance towards the hallway.
“She said that? Why the fuck would I leave her, I fought like hell to get her back?”<
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Benn finished his drink and shook his head slightly.
“No, she didn’t actually say it. I just know her,” he replied.
“This girl...fuck...for someone so open she is very closed off.?” He grumbled.
“Funny, for someone so closed off I find you remarkably open.”
Walker didn’t respond, just flipped him off.
They sat silently just drinking there cognac, no talking, just both thinking over how difficult women could be. It was quiet and calm. It made Walker nervous.
“Any idea what they’re doing in there?”
Walker asked, leaning back over the sofa to look down to the room where Waverly and Kate had secluded themselves. It was suspiciously silent. Had they fallen asleep? Waverly had been up early. She had gone for a run, then jumped him in the shower, where she had left him...drained. Literally and figuratively. He smiled.
“You were taking a call. They came out and grabbed a bottle of scotch,” Benn answered.
“I told them that stuff sneaks up on you,” Benn offered.
Walker snorted.
“And, what did they say to that?”
Benn didn’t answer until Walker cleared his throat looking at him expectantly.
“They both flipped me off,” he confessed.
Walker smirked at him.
“Waverly gets really horny when she’s drunk?”
Walker chuckled. Benn grinned his face reddening.
“Kate too.”
When the two men entered the bedroom, the two women were huddled under one blanket watching a movie, both were crying and drunk. Walker didn’t know what movie they had been watching but Waverly called him farm boy repeatedly as he carried her out to the car, the driver chuckling as he opened the door for them. Sobering up slightly in the car, Waverly climbed onto his lap and began unbuckling his pants, informing him that the only words she would permit him to say for the rest of the night were, “as you wish.”
The Dumbf*ck - Part Two of The DumbFuck Series: A Billionaire Bad Boy Humorous New Adult Romance (The DumbF*ck Part Two Book 2) Page 6