The Devil’s Vow: A Motorcycle Club Romance (The Silent Havoc MC) (Owned by Outlaws Book 1)

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The Devil’s Vow: A Motorcycle Club Romance (The Silent Havoc MC) (Owned by Outlaws Book 1) Page 18

by Zoey Parker

  Suddenly, I saw Jace running towards us.

  Chapter 20


  I had left the hospital just as I got the call from Kenny. I almost hadn’t answered as I’d be home shortly. But he called again when I didn’t pick up, and then I started to realize something had gone horribly wrong.


  “Katie’s gone,” Kenny said instantly. “She came into the living room and we had this weird talk, and then she went to her room. When I went to check on her about half an hour later, the window was open and she was gone.”

  “Fuck!” I cursed, hanging up the phone and sliding it into my pocket. As quickly as I could, I drove home. Where could she be? I panicked as the car sped along the streets. If Katie had left, I knew it was only a matter of time before Troy found her. Why would she do that? Why? After everything we’d talked about, after she promised me that she wouldn’t try to escape!

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of red hair in the center of Shady Woods Park. When I whipped my head around, I saw it was her. She was standing in front of Troy, who was down on his knees. I couldn’t see her expression from where I was, but I could tell that the moment was heated and tense. Troy’s body language made it clear that he was up to one of his old moods, and I could see Katie was trying to back away from him.

  I yanked the key out of the ignition and ran into the park, cracking my fist back and punching Troy hard in the face before he even saw me. As Troy’s body flew to the ground, Katie wrapped her arms around my waist and tried to drag me down.

  “Jace! He’s not worth it!” she yelled loudly. “He’s not worth the trouble!”

  I stood over Troy’s groaning body with my hands on my hips. “The fuck he ain’t,” I sneered down at him. Troy was rolling around on the ground with his hands covering his face. Blood was pouring out of his nose and mouth and I could tell I’d probably broken a few teeth. My hand already ached, but that wasn’t even the start of what I wanted to do to this asshole. “You leave her alone,” I hissed as I stood up and kicked Troy hard the gut.

  Katharina cried out as she stepped forward and grabbed my hand, attempting to drag me away. “Jace, please,” Katie begged. “He’s really not worth the trouble!”

  I couldn’t even look at her, that was how angry I was. I couldn’t believe that my wife would disrespect me so blatantly! She didn’t have any idea what was going on, but she couldn’t have picked a worse time to decide to assert her freedom. I could have tied her up and left her in the house for hours. That probably would have been the better idea, I realized with a groan. At least that way she wouldn’t have gotten out.

  And all of this, just to see Troy! That bitch wanted to sneak out and meet up with her ex, who I was trying to protect her from! I couldn’t believe it—it was like Katie had thrown all of my kindness right back in my face.

  “Come on,” I snarled. “We’re leaving.”

  Katie had to jog to keep up with me as I ran across the park. She kept looking over her shoulder, glancing at Troy, who was still bleeding on the ground.

  “Get in the car,” I ordered. “Now!”

  Katie flushed as I grabbed her by the wrist and tugged her towards my car. I could tell she was about to cry but I didn’t care, I was so angry that I just wanted to get home and be done with the whole thing. I never wanted to think about Troy again; hell, I never even wanted to hear his fucking name. This was too goddamn much.

  “Why did you do that?” Katie sobbed once we got in the car. “Why did you hurt him like that?”

  I couldn’t fucking believe her! I was so mad that I was seeing red. “Katie, tell me the fucking truth,” I hissed under my breath. “Why did you go out to meet him? Why did you do that?” I tried to keep my voice low but I was so enraged that it was impossible.

  Katie trembled. “What the hell? I would never ask him to meet me!”

  “Tell me,” I demanded harshly. “Tell me whether or not you planned to meet up with him!”

  “I just told you I didn’t!” Katie roared. “I told you! I fucking told you, Jace! I didn’t plan to meet up with Troy, and I’d never do that!”

  “Are you sure?” I stared into her wild green eyes. “Are you sure you wouldn’t do it, just to get back at me?”

  I felt the hard, stinging slap of Katie’s palm across my face before I even saw her lift her hand. She hit me so hard that for a moment, I saw stars flash across my field of vision.

  “You are such an asshole!” Katie cried. Her sobs were louder than ever. “I hate you! I wish I’d never married you!” She turned her body away from mine and slunk down far in the seat. “I hate you so much, Jace. I never want to see you again!”

  “And I never want to see you again, messing around with that shitbag of an ex,” I growled under my breath. “You come to me for help! You tell me you’re done with Troy, that you never want to see him again! And I fucking believed you, Katie! You lied to my fucking face!” I knew I shouldn’t be yelling like this but I was too angry to even think about calming down. “You lied to my fucking face! You’re my goddamn wife!” I spat the last word out with as much venom as I could muster. “And you lied like a dog!”

  Katie looked at me with tears beading on her long lashes. “I didn’t mean to lie, Jace,” she said softly. “I swear, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “I don’t give a fuck,” I muttered. “I can’t believe you fucking snuck out like that! What’s the fucking point of even trying to take care of you if you’re just going to throw it in my face? Why do I even bother?”

  Katie didn’t answer, but I knew what she was thinking: You bother because you made a promise to my father. That’s why you’re taking care of me. I know you don’t love me.

  An odd feeling welled up in my chest, something like jealousy and anger combined. It wasn’t a sensation I was used to feeling, especially now, and it caught me off guard. I tried to take a deep breath and relax but my muscles were clenched too tightly. I looked at Katie. She looked the same as ever: sexy, foxlike face, long red hair, stunning green eyes. She was beautiful, but I wasn’t going to let some hot chick boss me around and sneak around behind my back. But something else kept me glancing at Katie for longer than I should have. I couldn’t admit to what it was because I didn’t even know. But it was like I felt some draw, some pull towards Katie that I shouldn’t ever have felt. It was dangerous, and it was the kind of thing that could ruin a man. The last time I’d felt it…ah, fuck it. No use going into that now.

  “Come on,” I muttered under my breath. “We’re going home. And if you try to leave again, you’ll face serious consequences.”

  Katie swore and scowled in the passenger seat. She hunkered down so the top of her flaming head was barely visible to other cars, and I could hear her muttering about how angry she was. Good. I was glad she was angry; I was glad she had been acting so defensive.

  My heart was pounding in my chest and I could still feel the hot, blind rage coursing through each and every vein in my body. The shock I’d just experienced was immense—not because I wasn’t expecting it, but because I wasn’t exactly expecting Katie to elicit that reaction from me.

  When we pulled into the driveway, Katie ran out of the car and ran sobbing into the house like a little girl. I rolled my eyes; she was going to have to grow the fuck up and stop trying to solicit my sympathy every time she did something wrong. I wasn’t that kind of man anymore, the kind of man who could be swayed by a smile or a sweet caress. No, I was a tough man, the leader of The Silent Havoc. And some people even think I’m a murderer, I thought to myself.

  Kenny was sitting in the living room, staring at the wall. When I let myself in the house, he stood up and his face darkened with blood.

  “Man, I am so fucking sorry,” Kenny said. He twined his hands together in front of his lean, muscular torso. “I am so fucking sorry,” he repeated. “I should have kept a better eye on her. I should have known she was up to something when she kept talking about mechanic

  “What?” I frowned. “Who the fuck is a mechanic?”

  Kenny sighed. “I dunno, man. She comes in here all high-minded and sits down and starts telling me how much more bank I’d be making if I wasn’t in the MC anymore, how I’d be fuckin’ rolling in dough if I set up my own mechanic business.”

  “What the fuck?” I glared at him. “And you fucking believed her?”

  “No,” Kenny snapped. “I didn’t fucking believe her, boss. I just thought it was fucking weird, and I thought she was acting strangely. Then she went off to her room, which wasn’t a big deal because that’s usually where she hides when you’re gone.” He rolled his eyes and took a long pull from the bottle of beer clutched in his hand. “I don’t fucking get it, man.”

  I shook my head. “She’s in fucking trouble,” I snarled. “I saw her at the park with that asshole ex of hers. She says she didn’t meet him on purpose, but…” I trailed off. “I can’t believe that. She fucking lied to me. My own wife lied to me.”

  Kenny shook his head. “Women,” he said with a sigh. “They’re all untrustworthy bitches.”

  My heart aches as I thought of poor, dead Margot. Margot never would have done this to me. She never would have lied. Sure, we fought but she’d never have run off and met up with her abusive ex-boyfriend and then slapped me when I tried to rescue her. Some of the hot anger was coming back as I remembered the way Katie had slapped me in the car, like she hated me.

  Well right now, I hated her, too.

  “Margot never would have done that,” I said aloud. “She was a good girl, a good fiancée. She would have been a good wife, too.”

  Kenny nodded. “She was a hell of a woman, boss,” he replied. “I miss having her around sometimes. Do you think about her a lot?”

  I bit my lip. I’d talked about this with Axel a few days ago, and part of me didn’t feel like circling back to the subject so quickly. But then I realized I couldn’t keep it in any longer, had to confess to someone how I was feeling.

  “I think about her every goddamn day,” I said softly. Closing my eyes, I could almost see Margot’s wild smile, her long dark hair whipping over her shoulder as she rode behind me on my bike. “I miss her so much.”

  “I know,” Kenny said. He reached out and clapped a hand hard on my shoulder. “It’ll get easier, man, you know. With some time.”

  “I don’t think it ever will,” I said sadly. “For a moment, I thought Katie and I were gonna have something real special. I know we didn’t exactly get hitched under the most ideal of circumstances, but I thought we were really gonna be important to each other.” To my surprise, my sinuses started to burn and I realized tears were welling up in my eyes. I felt like the world’s biggest pussy, but I knew at least Kenny wouldn’t judge me.

  “Things can still change, man,” Kenny said. “This is a rough time, you know that. Once you get shit taken care of with her, maybe things’ll calm down.”

  “Maybe,” I said darkly. “But it’s not the same, you know? I miss Margot. I miss her scent, I miss her hair, I miss the way we’d fuckin’ scream at each other until two in the morning. She was a woman who knew how to keep up, she was someone really special.”

  “Katie is, too,” Kenny replied. “She’s just messed up right now.”

  I let out a long sigh. “You can say that again,” I muttered. “Do you know she actually tried to pull me away from beating her ex to a pulp? It’s like she wanted him to survive!”

  Kenny shook his head. “It’s hard to see your abuser gettin’ beat on,” he replied. “Sometimes you feel obligated to them somehow.”

  I shook my head and laughed humorlessly. “Then she’s a fucking moron,” I said slowly. “She’s a fucking imbecile if she doesn’t want that motherfucker dead and rotting in the ground.”

  “Give her time,” Kenny replied. “You don’t know, man. Maybe she’ll come around after all.”

  “I fuckin’ doubt it,” I sneered as I got up from the couch. “I fuckin’ doubt it.”

  Walking into the kitchen, I pulled a glass out of the cabinet and poured myself two fingers’ worth of whiskey. When I drained the glass, I barely even felt the burn in my throat. My heart was aching, like physically aching, and I just wanted to numb the pain.

  Chapter 21


  I sat in my room crying for hours. I couldn’t believe the day had unfolded like that—it had been a complete disaster. If I’d have known Jace and I were going to have even a fraction of the fight we’d had in his car, I never would have snuck out. I would have decided it wasn’t worth it.

  “Yeah, right,” I muttered under my breath. “I still would have gone.”

  I was so angry at Jace that I couldn’t believe myself. I’d never been this angry, not even when Troy made me miss my father’s funeral. Jace had treated me in the worst, most humiliating way I could think of. As if I’d want to meet up with Troy! As if I’d ever have anything to say to that scumbag of a human being ever again.

  I shuddered as I remembered the way Troy’s face looked when he’d dropped down to his knees in front of me. It had been filled with disgust and desire, and the combination was truly horrifying. My body was shaking as I tried to clear the horrible image from my mind. I never wanted to see him again! He’d hurt me so badly, that I couldn’t imagine ever wanting to go back to him. I knew a lot of women returned to their abusers but Troy was more than my abuser; he had been the very definition of hell for me.

  I was so angry at Jace but I wanted him to apologize first. So I waited in my room for him to come. I knew that sooner or later, he’d come and tell me that he was sorry for screaming at me, sorry for dragging me out of the park like an unruly kid. I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted at the door for what felt like hours. When I heard Jace and Kenny’s voices rising from the hall, my heartbeat quickened. Now, he’s coming now, I thought. He has to be coming soon. He just has to be!

  But hours passed with no apology. My anger slowly started to disappear and, more than anything else, I felt humiliated. Part of me was still angry that Jace would have suspected me of meeting up with Troy. Did he think I was so desperate for attention that I’d escape from his house and go meet up with my abuser in a public park? Was that really what my husband thought of me?

  Steeling my nerves, I yanked the door open and strode down the hall. Jace and Kenny were watching TV together, both drinking beer and reclining on the couch, looking as comfy as you please. They didn’t hear me enter the room for a few awkward seconds I stood there, staring at the television and waiting for Jace to acknowledge my presence.

  “Ahem,” I coughed after what felt like an hour. “Hello, I’m standing right here.”

  “Yeah, I see you,” Jace replied. He didn’t even turn his head towards me. I stared at his elegant profile and felt my body fill with anger once more. “What do you want?”

  “I want to talk to you,” I whined, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. “Come on, Jace.”

  Jace let out a long sigh and turned to me. “What?” He glanced at Kenny. “We can talk here.”

  “Yeah, I won’t listen,” Kenny said, holding his hands up in the air. “I’m totally into this show.”

  I balled my hands into fists and clenched them at my sides. “No,” I hissed. “I want to talk privately.”

  Jace rolled his eyes. “You’re not capable of doing anything privately,” he sneered. “Why do you have to be such a fucking drama queen?”

  I blushed hard with shame and anger. “Come on, please,” I begged. “Come on, Jace. Just a few minutes.”

  Jace sighed. He stood up very slowly, taking his time to stretch and hold his arms over his head. “Well, I guess I’m off to the slaughter,” he said to Kenny with a grin and a wink. Kenny laughed and Jace joined in until he was clutching his sides.

  Whatever little sorrow had built up inside of me was rapidly disappearing.

  “Jace, come on,” I ordered. My voice was shaking with rage. “
I want to talk to you now.”

  “Yeah, princess, I got that,” Jace snapped. “Hold your fucking horses. It ain’t like you got anything else to do.”

  His words stung and I felt myself gasp.

  Kenny shook his head and laughed again. “You gotta calm down,” he advised. “Y’all better not start fighting again.”

  I swallowed hard and turned to the wall, flouncing back towards my bedroom. It was a matter of seconds before Jace’s heavy footsteps were following me.

  “What?” Jace’s voice was dull and heavy. He was leaning against the doorframe of the room as I sat primly on the bed.

  “I’m sorry for sneaking out,” I mumbled. “But you didn’t have to treat me so badly!”


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