Sought By The Lion

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Sought By The Lion Page 7

by Tara Gill

  After that the women brushed Mia’s hair and left it free to hang in red-gold, luxurious waves. Her hands and feet were polished with a lotion. She noticed all the creams and unguents had no perfume in them, apart from her soap which smelled of lemon. A yielding cloth patted over every part of her until her skin felt baby soft.

  When Mia saw her reflection, her jaw dropped. She looked like a goddess and fairly glowed with luminous beauty. “May I have something to wear?” she asked, embarrassed at her breasts and mons being so exposed.

  Faheme frowned. “You are from a society that insists women not be creatures of the lusts. Yet even in Earth, there is a section of women who revel in passion and are abused and degraded for it. It seems a warping of the understanding of nature to me.

  “Women, as are men, are meant to procreate. Nature has bestowed upon both the urge to mate and create the next generation. It is sad that they have been made to forget that. But that is your truth no more, Lady Mia. Own your body, its imperfections and its beauty. Own your passions instead of seeking excuses or blaming it on anything else. You will be the happier for it. I am not your mother, but I stand here in her place telling you what I would tell my daughter if she were raised among the women of Earth,” she said earnestly.

  Mia smiled tremulously, moved and a bit amused. Mother indeed, Faheme looked as young as Mia, as did the other women here. She hadn’t seen a single woman who looked old enough to be a mother.

  “Thank you, Mistress Faheme. I haven’t had much of motherly advice in this life.” Mia tried to smile. “I will think on what you have said.”

  With an understanding look, Faheme touched Mia’s shoulder, “You do that. Now let me remove your necklace. I understand it holds a Dreamstone.”

  Faheme detached the stone pendant that Mia had been wearing. “I will return this to Barghurr after the mating ceremony. I can see now, how he came to you.” She winked. Mia’s cheeks reddened, as Faheme left the room with the stone.

  The other women wrapped a translucent gold robe over Mia. It was so light that she couldn’t even feel it. It outlined her shape and if she moved, it showed the swell of her breast, the curve of her thigh, the pink of her nipples, the tender slit of her mons. Another woman, a strawberry blonde with a serious demeanour poured some juice in a glass, added two spoonfuls of a pale pink powder, mixed it with a spoon and handed it over to Mia. “Drink, My Lady.”

  Mia sipped. The juice was now sweeter than ever. Too syrupy for her. She held the glass back indicating to the blonde that she did not want it.

  But the lady widened her eyes. “Lady Mia, you must drink this. It will make it easier for you to accept Lord Barghurr—”

  Faheme re-entered the chamber just then and saw them. “Ari, no! Her heat is already too intense. This will only make it worse.”

  “But Mistress Faheme, she is small and inexperienced. And Lord Barghurr, he is such a large man…” Ari made an expressive face.

  Mia frowned. “What is it, Mistress Faheme?” she asked, bewildered. “Is it something I should take or not?”

  Faheme’s stern face softened at Mia’s confusion. “This is an aphrodisiac that we give the females. Matings can be rough. Virgins especially will need the aphrodisiac to prepare their bodies to take the large, demanding lions for hours, perhaps days. However, though it is harmless, it also increases the mating heat which is undesirable. We will let Barghurr take care of his mate in this instance,” she said crisply, turning to Ari.

  Ari looked unconvinced but backed off.

  “Look at me, Lady Mia,” said Faheme.

  Mia faced Faheme who placed both her hands on Mia’s small shoulders. She indicated that Mia mirror her actions. When she did, Faheme murmured, “Hold on to me, we are going to the Aetherium.”

  Not again. Mia braced herself to shift locations.

  Chapter 7

  When Mia blinked again, she was in a huge amphitheatre. Large circular benches curved around the peripheral space on various levels circling a sunken floor. On the flat central floor stood an enormous, canopied bed large enough for twenty people. It was decorated in white and gold furnishings and the canopy was transparent and lacy. Next to it was a squat, broad table surrounded by fat, squishy cushions that lured Mia to place her behind on it.

  They stood at the highest level of the amphitheatre which was yawningly empty. The brown stone roof was domed and wide and had intricate work. High, narrow windows surrounding them showed the day ending with rays of pink-golden light slanting in. From what Mia observed, the place was underground with only these vents serving as ventilation.

  It was a strikingly magnificent building. As much as Mia was fascinated by architecture, all her attention was on the man whose presence seemed to overwhelm the room.

  Barghurr paced beside the bed, looking agitated. He pushed his hands through his loose hair which looked wild. He wore a brocade silk robe that covered him to his feet, leaving a small opening at the front which showed that he was not wearing pyjamas underneath.

  “Go to him,” Faheme urged. Her hands pushed Mia from behind and she stumbled down a step. Barghurr stiffened and whirled to face her. The lion’s eyes were aflame, and so were his. A mesmerized Mia made her way down to him as if pulled by a magnet, forgetting everything else. The world fell away.

  Barghurr stood like a statue as she neared him. He seemed to have stopped breathing as his gaze fell on her breasts, her waist, her thighs, her slit all visible in the thin robe. His body seemed to grow larger as she neared him, nostrils flaring and hands clenching. His pheromones grew more potent than ever and filled the room. His lion’s gaze was heavy and explored her exposed body.

  “Mia mine, you’re exquisite.” His voice was so thick that she could barely make out the words. He looked like a tautly pulled bow, and the sexual energy he gave off was intimidating. Mia’s breathing quickened, and her knees quaked. But the increase in the pheromones in the chamber was muddling her mind. The relief she had felt from the attentions of the women disappeared, and she was back to burning up.

  As she reached the recessed floor, Barghurr came to her. “Are you better now?” he asked, gently grasping her hands and pulling her closer.

  She blushed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to kiss you like that. It appears I was the cause of this problem. It was inadvertent, I assure you. I only meant my appreciation.”

  His eyes gleamed. “Was that all you meant to show me? Appreciation?”

  She licked her dry lips. “It may have started out as gratitude and affection, but at the end you know that it became passion.” She met his eyes bravely. His proximity had its effect and she swayed a little, feeling dizzy.

  “You are overwhelmed. Here.” He brought her a glass of juice and guided her onto the low bed.

  Taking the glass, she raised it to her lips, then stopped, “It doesn’t contain the aphrodisiac, does it? Faheme said it would only make things worse?”

  “It doesn’t contain ohimbe. Faheme was right, I don’t think you can handle it.” His appraising eyes scanned her flushed skin and the perspiration at her hairline.

  “Oh.” She took a few sips of the cool drink, and it wasn’t any help. She couldn’t bear the touch of the cloth on her skin and tugged at the now abrasive robe. Her thoughts were fuzzy, and all her concentration went to the apex of her thighs where she felt needy and swollen. She raised a shaking hand to her throat.

  Barghurr loomed over her, eyes narrowed “What is it, love?”

  “It is getting worse,” she panted. “I can’t bear it. My skin is literally on fire.” She touched her own neck and gasped and tore at her robe.

  “It will be all right,” he said reassuringly, reaching out to her but stopping an inch away from her arm. “My proximity and pheromones are probably inciting the heat.”

  “Whatever be the cause, I can’t bear clothing on me anymore.” With a pull of the tie at her waist, Mia was free of the robe, and sighed, too relieved at the lack of friction to feel any modes

  Barghurr’s eyes devoured her body as did the lion’s. He groaned as she leaned back and the dampness on her upper thighs became evident. With sensual innocence, she pressed her thighs together and placed a hand on her lower belly trying to ease the ache, unaware of the voluptuous picture she made. A bead of sweat slid down the side of his ear.

  “Something is wrong with me.” Her breath caught. “I feel so empty here and hot too. I need…something. I think I need you.” Her fingers trembled as she pushed back her hair from her face.

  “I know. Will you let me take care of you? Mate you?” Barghurr knelt, eyes intent on her. His voice was a guttural rumble.

  “Yes. Please, I need you,” she said brokenly. Her body was out of control, and it had taken over her mind.

  Need. Need. Need.

  Gentle hands lifted her body and laid her on the soft bed. She sank into the giving material with a sigh.

  “Where does it burn the most?”

  Her skin felt irritated everywhere. Mia wanted to scratch her skin off, only she couldn’t bear to touch herself. A calloused hand rubbed her neck and chest, which was bright red.

  “Perhaps I should start here.” A rough tongue licked over her skin, soothing her and she sighed in delight.

  “More,” she sighed. “Do that everywhere.”

  “Oh, I will,” came back the murmured reply. He kept his word, licking her all over, sucking on her toes and in between them, down the line of her spine. He even parted her buttock cheeks and licked a broad swathe between them.

  That shocked her enough to wake her brain up. Here she was lying like a docile kitten while this large lion-human hybrid was licking her all over like a piece of candy.

  She roused herself enough to ask. “Umm, Barghurr. What about the mating ceremony? Won’t there be one?” She’d imagined a ceremony like a wedding ceremony, in front of an audience, mayhap a priest.

  He paused, lifting his head from the back of her thighs. “This is the mating ceremony. Our ways may be strange to you, but I urge you to keep an open mind. I know you read of many cultures and worlds; this is a world that would greet you with open arms and adore you if only you would let it. Will you do that for me?”

  “O,,,Of course.” She was curious, she kept hearing that word—‘mating’. “Why not marriage?”

  “Marriage is a recent custom that has become popular on some child worlds, where the two genders bind themselves to each other and usually a piece of land to provide safety and stability to their cubs. It has never been a part of our culture. But mating is more binding than marriage. Only death can end it. Knowing this, do you still agree to be my mate?” He sounded very serious as he asked for her agreement to be his mate.

  Mia hesitated, then nodded. “You told me of this fact earlier on.” She swallowed. Her throat was suddenly dry, and she felt as if she was stepping into an abyss, hoping someone would catch her. “Very well, My Lord, I… would be honoured to be your mate.” Her eyes squeezed close and she sent prayers to every god she knew, hoping she was making the right decision.

  Barghurr inhaled deeply and was still for a moment with his head bowed. Then he took her hand and kissed it. Staring into her eyes, he said, “Thank you, love. I promise you won’t regret this decision.”

  Standing, he arranged Mia so that she was seated at the edge of the bed. He pulled her legs up and out, like in her dreams. She squeaked. “Oh!”

  Mia breathed faster. No longer in the vague setting of a dream, it was excruciatingly hard for her to ignore the view he had of her. The women had removed all her intimate hair, and nothing impeded him from viewing her private flesh. Even she did not know what she looked like down there. But Barghurr was looking, and his glowing gaze appeared to be glued to her body down there.

  She peeked up. His eyes were avid, and the lion chimera was straining to come to her.

  “Is this really necessary?” she asked in a small voice.

  “But it is, love,” he said in a teasing voice.

  She stifled a sigh. Every time he said ‘Mia mine’ or ‘love’ in an affectionate tone, in that rumbly voice of his, her heart melted.

  “I am going to touch you now,” he warned. Keeping his gaze steadily on hers, he brought up his finger and bit off a claw. He grabbed her hands and placed them on her knees. “Hold yourself. Like this.” He showed her, and she held herself spread open for him, trying to be brave and trust him.

  Shh, she sternly told her protesting mind. Barghurr is to be my husband and will guide me in such things. He is a good man, and I trust he will not bring me to harm. Maybe… he will even make me happy.

  Warm hands slid up her thighs. A feather-like touch on her intimate body made her jerk. A finger circled around the small protruding part at the apex of her thighs.

  “A woman’s pleasure may be brought to her in many ways. One of them lies right here.” He tapped his finger on that nub of flesh. It was so exquisitely sensitive there, with the increased blood flow making that part of her engorged and red, that she winced and tried to escape.

  “Uh-uh. No moving away. You must stay still, whatever I do. If there is a concern, use your words. Do you understand?” He gave her a stern look.

  In a haze, she nodded.

  “Once you are my mate, I will take you here.” He pressed a finger inside her womanly opening, and she gasped. “Whenever and wherever and however I like, as often as I like, and you must submit to me.”

  Mia blushed. Of course, she knew that a woman must submit to her husband in these things but… “Wherever you wish? Um...”

  Barghurr chuckled, a wicked gleam in his eyes, “That’s all right. It is my job to convince you to accept me anytime and anywhere, and I accept the challenge. Now shush. You’ve been untouched for a while. I want to check if you are ready to take me.”

  His finger drove into her to the first knuckle. He was thick and long, and felt oh, so good. So wonderful that she lost her grip on her knees, with a pleased moan.

  “You are not to release your hold until I say so.” He gave her an admonishing look, and she resumed her position. Her swollen tissues resisted him when he tried to enter her deeper. There was a stretch and a faint pain when he pushed, and she grimaced.

  “You are burning hot. Tight.” He watched her face carefully and pulled away. “This will never do.” He moved away and went over to the table which held many other covered items that Mia didn’t recognize.

  Her heart sank. Does he find me lacking? Will he leave my needs unmet? She moved restlessly and clenched her thighs together trying to ease the emptiness inside her.

  Even though his back was to her he said, “Uh-uh. No moving. Not until I tell you to let go.” Blushing, she resumed her hold, the breeze wafting through her intimate parts, which felt rather strange.

  He returned to her, a small glass bowl in hand. She recognised the pinkish powder that Ari had mixed in her juice. The ohimbe powder. “This should help.” He knelt before her and dusted the powder all over her womanly flesh. Her hips jerked, but he soothed her with low-pitched words. Dabbing on the ohimbe, he slid his finger into her, pushing the fine powder into her channel.

  “Ooh! What are you doing?” Mia asked, shocked as the cool particles rubbed against her inner walls.

  “I am well-endowed, love. The aphrodisiac will relax your woman’s channel and will allow you to take my cock. A woman’s circulation is high in here.” He prodded her walls, now inside her to the second knuckle. “The powder will be absorbed faster and show its effects much quicker, than if we have you drink it. Also, it will help avoid the undesirable side-effects.”

  Going deeper and deeper every time, he shoved more powder into her with his finger. Her hips lurched with every pump as he made her take his full length.

  Her limbs were like limp wool, and she trembled finely. When her hands lost the ability to grip her thighs, Barghurr manifested velvet ties that did the job. Her woman’s parts became flushed and inflamed, her inner muscles clenching and uncl
enching as if seeking something to grasp. She moaned, needing to be filled.

  “It is all right, love. I have you.” He brought his mouth to her mons. His rough tongue licked her unbearably sensitized flesh, as he held her outer lips apart with his thumbs. He licked through every crease, every crevice, tasting the sweet powder on her.

  “The ohimbe is sweet, but you are sweeter.” Her taste seemed to drive him mad, and he grew fierce. With a growl he laved her from her bottom opening to the small protruding nub at the top. His visage flashed with the lion’s chimera and together they sucked and tasted and drank her in and licked their lips, relishing her taste. She could only moan and thrash her head, held as she was by the ties. His hard and pointed tongue began driving its way inside her channel. Mia writhed, trying to wriggle away. “Please stop. This is all so very improper!”

  He gazed at her steadily. “When I said I will take you in any way that I wish, this was one of them. Trust that I will only give you pleasure.”

  Trust him.

  He kept asking her to do that. It seemed important to him. With a sigh, she laid her head down in acquiescence. “Very well.”

  Barghurr’s tongue was long and rough and pushed and pushed, forcing the walls of her channel apart, until she sobbed out loud. It rubbed against her insides and did something indescribable to her. Her hips wriggled as she was unable to stay still. He licked his lips again, savouring her taste. Then he thrust his tongue into her so deep that she felt he was touching her very womb.

  “It…feels so strange!” Mia’s hands clenched in his hair, and her hips arched, trying to get closer to him. His fingers circled her nub and when he pressed down, something extraordinary happened to her. Her whole body went weightless, and an explosion sparked in her mind, leaving her stunned.

  “Ugh, Barghurr!” she cried out, her hands fisting the bedsheets, her legs straining against the ties. An instant later, she crumpled, mind floating among the clouds, a small blissful smile on her face.


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