Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance

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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance Page 30

by Natasha Spencer

  I heard him revving the motor and I looked out the window through the threadbare white curtains to see him straddling the black behemoth of a motorcycle. He was wearing one of those old-fashioned fifties helmets with a scarf around his mouth. He had mirrored sunglasses and wearing the leather jacket that I had gotten for his birthday.

  I put on a pair of distressed jeans on with my backpack over my shoulder and I came out onto the driveway to see him reaching out with a helmet for me. I put it on and held my breath when I wrapped my hands around his waist. My fingers were no more than a few inches away from my desired target.

  “I want you to hold on tightly and don’t let go.” I had no problem doing that and the feel of touching him was compounded by the vibration of the beast underneath me.

  We lurched forward and I made involuntary gasp. I could feel the faster we went that I wanted to get my hands on more than the machine. The feel of his chiseled stomach through his shirt was like I was tracing railroad tracks. I’d already seen them, but feeling them was something that left me on the edge of my seat.

  We breezed through traffic and I noticed before I got on there was a sticker for the Marines affixed to the bike. There were some that gave the proper respect and others who turned a blind eye which must have felt like he was doing all of it for nothing. But itt wasn’t about the accolades or the medals for him, and my stepbrother’s sense of pride was something nobody could deny.

  “I’ve never been on one of these things, but I’ve always wanted to. I do believe I might want to invest in getting one for myself.” Half the job would already be done for him by the time we arrived on campus. I would’ve jumped at the opportunity to find him lying in my bed naked and waiting for me when I got home. That would’ve been a gift from heaven, but it was too much to ask for. It wasn’t like he was showing any signs other than physical that he was interested, at least not for the moment.

  “I got on an Indian scout in Vietnam during leave a couple of years ago. I came home for a week furlough and I immediately went looking in the classifieds and found this little beauty ready to be snatched up. It’s the reason why I’m cash poor at the moment, but it was worth it to feel alive like I do when I’m in battle.” He leaned to the side and my heart leaped out of my chest and into my throat. It was a thrilling moment and one that I would want to repeat over again.

  We stopped and a friend of mine was standing not more than a few feet away. She had her head cocked to the side and then she smiled when I took off the helmet to reveal who was underneath it. Bailey sped away with his ass looking like a marvel of modern day technology. I could easily bounce a quarter off of that thing.

  “I don’t suppose you want to tell me about the young man who brought you to school.” It was no wonder Stephanie didn’t recognize him and the last time she had seen him was a few years ago. “I wouldn’t mind taking a bite out of that myself and maybe you would consider sharing with a good friend.”

  I’d never considered tag teaming anyone, but with her, it would seem almost natural.

  “You’re going to feel mighty foolish when I tell you that was my stepbrother Bailey. He just got back from the Marines and is staying for a month to recharge his batteries before going back overseas.” Her mouth was open like she was going to catch flies and it was quite obvious she was taken by the boy who had become a man.

  Her red hair was natural and the drapes did match the carpeting. She was a little loose with her affections and had a new flavor every month. She was between boyfriends and had expressed interest in finding some young impressionable lad to put a smile on his face.

  “I can’t believe that’s Bailey and he certainly did grow into his ears. I’m glad that he’s not my brother and it must be difficult for you to see him this way.” She didn’t know the half of it.

  “I’m having impure thoughts about him, but I’m trying to contain them. It’s not right and I know people would look at us differently if they were to find out we were more than step-siblings. I find myself inappropriately thinking about him and touching him is like getting a taste of electricity on the tip of my tongue.” I was feeling the effects and there was more on the menu for this evening than just the steaks that he was going to barbecue to perfection.

  “I would suggest you tone it down, but I know better than to get in your way. I would tell you not to do anything I wouldn’t do, but you know that is such a broad term to make.” I was lucky I was able to finish my homework before my stepbrother came home unexpectedly. He was the distraction and the only way to get over him was to get under him.

  “We’ve lived under the same roof for years, but I’m seriously considering changing the dynamics of our relationship. It seems a shame to let a body like that go to waste. I would love to tie him down and have my way with him until we are both spent flesh.” I was keeping my voice low and I had no interest in letting people know my business.

  “As you have eloquently stated, you are not related to him in any way and that is the kind of man that should never be taken for granted. Be sure about what you are thinking before you can’t take it back. It would be prudent to test the waters before you dip your toe in the deep end.” She had the guys falling all over themselves and she was not shy about sharing her bounty.

  She was sexually promiscuous and anybody who had the fortune to be with her had to understand from the very beginning she was not one to stay faithful. Some guys were perfectly fine and were just grateful to be with her, but then things changed when they tried to put a label on her to no avail.

  “I do have my reservations, but I’m not sure that’s going to stop me.” I was thinking about him and wondering what little games I could play to make him fall victim to my charms. “I will take my cue from him. I’m playing with fire but I’m not concerned about getting burned. I just want to make sure we’re both on the same wavelength and that I’m not asking for trouble,” although trouble had been my middle name for quite some time.

  “Being serious for a moment, I think that you should at least consider leaving this alone. Do you think that this has anything to do with not having a boyfriend of your own? Don’t kill the messenger, but you do seem to be lost and looking for something.”

  She had given me a lot to think about. I was going to have to ponder deeply about the consequences of getting together with my stepbrother.

  Chapter Four

  My classes were pretty much a blur with my thoughts constantly on the one thing that seemed out of reach. Could it be that I wanted him because I couldn’t have him? I had to find out the answer, but I had no idea how to go about it.

  I got home and didn’t have much on my plate which left me to think about how this would affect my family. We had never been close growing up and I might’ve been a little harsh on him to keep him from sticking his nose where it didn’t belong. I didn’t have any feelings towards him one way or the other growing up. He was just there and I tried to put on a brave face for my mother.

  I could smell something cooking and the flavor was intoxicating. I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. I saw him in his element with the chef apron over his bare chest. He had found the stash of beer in the freezer in the garage. He was already four cans into a six pack.

  “There’s my big sister…she…she’s really my stepsister and what I have been thinking about her is not anything I can say out loud.” Liquor had a funny way of loosening lips and lowering inhibitions and that was what was happening to Bailey.

  The charcoal briquettes were giving the meat a nice smoky aroma, but I was no longer interested in what was on the menu. I was more interested in something delectable and hard to take my eyes off of. He was giving me an open invitation and I was forcing myself not to do anything while he was under the influence.

  “It looks like somebody has started the party without me. I have a bit to catch up, but I can pretty much drink anybody under the table.” I got a little closer and I saw the makings of a black eye forming around the socket of his right eye.
He didn’t look any worse for wear, but somebody had taken a swing and most likely found themselves on the receiving end of a beating.

  “Chelsea, I don’t know what it is, but last night I finally saw you for the first time. I’ve always wanted your undivided attention, but I was too young to understand you needed to be with people your own age. We’re both consenting adults and what happens behind closed doors is our business.” He was slurring his words, but he still seemed like he was in full control of his faculties.

  “I’m trying to understand what you’re saying without reading too much into it. I find myself thinking the same thing about you and I thought that I was the only one.” There was no way that he would be able to confess his feelings if the liquor wasn’t flowing heavily through his veins.

  “I don’t know how many ways to say it and maybe actions do speak louder than words.” He grabbed me abruptly, holding my waist and pulling me towards him until I could smell his beer-soaked breath.

  He tried to kiss me, but I fought back with very little conviction. I slapped his chest playfully letting him know this was his chance to bow out gracefully.

  “You’re just teasing me and it’s cruel and unusual punishment in my opinion. If I thought you meant anything of what you’re saying then we might be having a different conversation without pants.” His hands had grabbed onto my ass, squeezing the cheeks and making me come in contact with something unfurling inside his own pants.

  “I was barely able to keep my hands to myself last night. I almost took matters into my own hands, but I was too exhausted to finish anything I started. I got up early and wanted to go across the hall to give you a different kind of wake-up call.” I was barely able to speak and his words were melting any preconceived notions.

  He kissed me hot and heavy with his fingers playing down the small of my back along my spine. I fell into his embrace, his tongue searching out and finding my own. It was a passion unleashed and the chains had come off of what turned into more of an obsession.

  My eyes were wide open staring at his glazed pupils and I had never had such a kiss that made me feel like I was floating off of my feet. There was no awkward moment and it felt like we had been doing it for quite some time. I was dipped backward perilously close to the barbecue, but the heat was nothing compared to the scorching presence of his loins.

  He released me momentarily and I stumbled back and fell into one of the deck chairs. I was flushed and there were no words that could possibly describe what I was feeling.

  “I hope I didn’t do anything monumentally stupid. I thought there was a vibe, but I’ve always been oblivious to how a woman’s mind works. You can tell me to go to hell and we will never talk about this again. You might think that I have overindulged, but I know exactly what I’m doing.” He was saying everything I wanted to hear and my finger touched my lips where he had just vacated.

  He rushed over and got down on his knees in a subservient role. He fumbled with my jeans; pulling down the zipper and then undoing them, long enough for me to lift my body to let him release me from the burden of my denim prison.

  My panties were already soaked through and he peeled them down over my legs until he had my legs draped lazily over his broad shoulders. I watched fascinated as he inhaled the aroma from the crotch of my panties, making a sound that only an animal would make before forcing my knees apart to witness the way that I split down the middle.

  I lifted his face so that we were seeing things the same way. “I don’t want you to do anything you’re going to regret in the morning. We do this and there’s no coming back.”

  He smiled with his lids half closed and then he leaned forward and let me feel the hot breath of his mouth coming in contact with my clit.

  My legs were in the air now and one swipe of his tongue made my toes curl. He force fed me his oral digit, invading my personal space and taking liberties with my need to be pleased. He rained kisses on the inside of my thighs before once again using his thumbs to open me to his oral prowess. Whoever had given him these lessons had done womankind a favor and I was now in the position to enjoy what he had to offer.

  “You taste delicious. Chelsea and I’ve had fantasies about this moment for longer than you think. You’ve always been the guilty pleasure I used to fuel my moments alone.”

  The very thought of him pleasuring himself by his own hand thinking about me was enough to make me cream down the inside of my legs.

  “I’m sure there are other uses for your mouth than talking.” My train of thought was ruined by the distraction of his sweet tongue entering and then retreating many times. I lifted my body and I was grabbing onto his head with both hands with my fingernails digging into his scalp.

  His enthusiasm was infectious and I felt like my body was about to go off the rails. It was coming after me and I had no reason to escape the clutches of the orgasm bearing down. It happened with flashes of light dancing in my vision and my whole body humping in the air to make greater contact with his lips. I rode the wave of euphoria, cascading into a pleasure unknown to me until that moment.

  He wasn’t just going through the motions and this was a man who really treasured the time he spent going down on a woman. He showed there was more to him than a 5-minute wonder and I was about to find out what kind of stamina he had over others.

  “You have literally taken my breath away.” I was having a hard time breathing, but if I were to die then I was going to do it with a smile on my face.

  I was writhing in sweet agony and he ravenously attacked me like a man who was taking no prisoners. I was his lifeline and he was making me a substitute for those things that kept him up at night.

  I didn’t know where his tongue started and ended. It was like he was two different people and the one that I was getting intimately acquainted with was a man who knew what it took to bring a woman to her knees. I used my foot pressed against his bare chest to push him away with his tongue moving across his mouth as if he couldn’t get enough.

  “I’m sorry if I got carried away, but I just couldn’t stop. I could’ve stayed down there much longer, but I understand how sensitive a woman can get after too many climaxes.”

  I had lost count after the fourth one and I was going to need a moment to catch my breath before showing him the proper hospitality.

  “I need…one moment to compose myself and then you better watch out.” He wasn’t taking any chances and on the possibility I was going to chicken out, he decided to up the ante. Unzipping his pants and dropping them and his underwear was like I was seeing the clouds parting.

  “You’ve been hiding that from me all of this time and I had no idea. You should be ashamed of keeping that thing hidden and any woman in their right mind would jump into your arms for the chance to be with you.” He took my hand and placed it on the column of flesh that seemed to have no end. I didn’t want to give in willingly, but any chance to refrain vanished when I curled my hand around the thick 9-inch piece of pleasure.

  I committed his appendage to memory, looking at it from every angle and concentrating my attention on the long and pronounced vein in the back. I touched him and he jumped like he had been touched with an electric prod. I cradled his balls and found them heavy and full of the essence of life.

  “I could say the same thing about you, but you weren’t very shy about showing your body in the skimpiest of outfits. You have any idea what that did to me? I hungered in silence, begging for that moment when you would see me in a different light and knowing you were completely oblivious to my problem. I had to stay in my room or risk you seeing how I felt about you.”

  His mouth had the magical touch, but I was going to do things to his manhood that was going to keep him on a short leash.

  Chapter Five

  It was as if time was frozen and I was this close to sucking him deep. I stuck out my tongue and found the little bit on the end of his cock to savor. There was more where that came from and I was going to coax it into my mouth one drop at a time.
He wasn’t going to be able to hold himself back and I was going to play every trick up my sleeve to get him to succumb to my wishes.

  We were in a typical neighborhood, but this house was situated to give the illusion of privacy. The fence surrounded us and the added bonus of the large trees helped to keep what we were doing from being discovered by nosy neighbors.

  The sun was setting and the feel of his skin on my fingertips was making me realize how much time we wasted. It was time to make up for that lost time.

  “I’m trying, but if you don’t do something quickly then I’m going to have to take it by any means necessary. It’s not a warning and you can take it as a promise.” I didn’t know the way to his heart, but I had a feeling food was a pale substitute. I was going to give him my body freely and without hesitation.

  “You need to learn patience, Bailey. The time you have spent in the Marines did you a world of good. I can’t even imagine what hardships you had to endure. Be in the moment with me.”

  I didn’t know the road that I was walking on was shaky at best. The liquor could wear off and his sense of right and wrong could have come back even stronger than ever.

  I opened my mouth and drew him into the hot recesses awaiting him. I wrapped my tongue around his love muscle, feeling it begin to pump with a life of its own and knowing I was responsible for his reaction.

  “I’ve had women give me blowjobs, but there has been nobody quite like you. No word of a lie, those girls could learn a thing or two from you.”

  He was standing in profile and behind him was the orange glow of the sun over the trees. The solar lights around the perimeter of the deck suddenly lit up like the 4th of July.

  The fireworks I was feeling deep down inside from sucking him was better than any drug I had taken. This was my addiction and he would be lucky to get a reprieve in the morning without me sliding underneath the sheets.


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