Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance

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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance Page 39

by Natasha Spencer

  When can I see him again and repeat that action though? I could drool just thinking about the feel of his lips on my own. Thinking about where else I could feel that mouth just- Behave Clarissa!

  Chapter 4

  He never replied to my texts during times when normal people had lunch breaks, or at night until past three in the morning. Werebears are nocturnal, but it’s strange because he clearly is awake during the day.

  That’s one of the many things I’ve learned about him over the past three weeks of nonstop texts, phone calls, and video chats. That, I know never to mention out loud. It makes me sound like some kind of stalker.

  I also learned that he grew up with an absentee father and a mother who would rather focus on her daughter than the bastard son of a werebear who knocked her up and never called again. He loved the color purple because it reminded him of the sky at twilight. He thought my art was amazing. (He was actually being genuine when he said this. I can tell. His lip twitches ever so lightly on the left side when he was fibbing.) His favorite genres of TV shows are fantasy and sci-fi because he finds them fascinating.

  He never believed in soul mates until the first time he looked into my eyes. All of a sudden, everything fell into place. As if I was the lone constant in the universe and everything else grounded him the second he was able to put me into perspective.

  That’s why I agreed when he told me he wanted our next date to be at his penthouse. I can’t say no to him and he seemed to worship the ground I walked on. I did, however, tell several of my friends where I was going and I told him that that’s what I did.

  Love-struck, I may be but stupid, I am not!

  He didn’t even seem offended when I told him I did so. He seemed, almost pleased. As if he didn’t expect me to be that intelligent. I would have been offended if I didn’t know he was right. There are many girls who would just concede to anything. Anything if it gets the attention of a rich guy who thought the world of her.

  I guess I am too, as I’m walking up the steps of his apartment complex. He had a penthouse suite in the nicest apartment building in the city. My house just looks like such a cheap motel compared to this building.

  Wearing a frilly cocktail dress felt like a good idea as I walked in the building. I looked like I belonged here, nobody could even tell how much money I made or the kind of person I am with all the make-up caked onto my face, and I felt beautiful.

  When I got to his suite I gasped. It was beautiful enough to almost inspire tears just from the visuals I was presented with alone. My art pieces were on the wall, so he must have been actually buying my pieces! Oh dear.

  There were candles burning, the scent of strawberries permeated the air as the room was bathed in a soft glow. He was wearing the most relaxed outfit I’ve ever seen him in. He laid on the couch, looking like the most tempting thing I have ever seen. His pristine white shirt opened a few buttons to expose parts of his defined pecs, and his form-fitting jeans clung to him.

  “You look like the most delectable thing at the table.” His voice purred, snapping me out of some daydreams of me, his chest, and a lot of whipped cream. Naughty thoughts, Clarissa. Naughty.

  Only after I snapped out of it did I notice the feast in front of me. All my favorite foods together and a few foods that he had promised me he would let me taste after having him describe the meals to me.

  The meal wasn’t nearly as drool-worthy as his chest, but I needed to focus.

  “Work was good today,” I spoke between bites of the meal. One of the nicer aspects of dating a werebear, they didn’t seem bothered by the amount you ate. I could probably eat an entire buffet in front of him and he would only be concerned when I began puking. I didn’t feel self-conscious about eating in front of him, at all.

  “Oh?” He sounded fascinated. He was interested in even the most boring aspects of my day-to-day life. It was so mundane compared to whatever he did, and yet he was so curious. It felt good. Like I was important.

  “Mmhmm.” I swallowed the bite of food before answering. “I had this nice old elderly couple. They were attentive and had questions instead of being dismissive or rude in any way. They looked so in love still. Isn’t that beautiful? Being together for so long and still loving each other through all of the years together?”

  He smiled softly at me as I continued to eat. “I just cannot think of anything sweeter than that, besides your lips.”

  I flushed, thinking about our last kiss and how I ached to continue it. I actually choked on the food in my mouth and had to wash it down with a few big gulps of water. Ugh. Why am I so awkward? It would be so much better if I was suave and charming like him.

  “Are you alright?” He actually was concerned and I couldn’t help but bark out a laugh.

  “Why are you so interested in me? I mean, you could have any girl you want. What makes me so special?” I genuinely asked him, looking up into his sparkling sapphire eyes.

  His shoulders seemed to droop as his mouth formed a grimace. “You mean you don’t know?”

  “Know what?” I asked him, cocking my head at him in confusion. He wasn’t making sense. Despite what he says, I know the truth. I’m not really that special and he could get any girl he wants. I hear the whispers that go on around us when we’re out.

  “Werebears can smell talent, and it is all over you. But that’s not even the best thing about you. You are kind and quick-witted and funny. You try your hardest every day and you know exactly what you want. I barely ever know what I want. I do know, however, that I want you.” Damian went off on this entire rant. He looked so intense right now, his shoulders stiff and his lips curled into a pout. Passion wafted off of him and I could have drooled.

  How can someone so amazing even be?

  “Okay,” I said in a small voice, before stretching up to his height in order to press a kiss to his lips.

  He made a soft noise in the back of his throat. It was some sort of keening whine and despite myself, all I wanted was to make him make that sound again. To force it out of his lips unwillingly as I took control of the large alpha werebear in front of me.

  Trying to kiss him again was an ordeal. I couldn’t climb up him too well in this cocktail dress I was wearing and he was still more than four inches taller than me as he turned his head away from my lips. When I tried to kiss him again, his hand covered my lips.

  “Eat your dinner first.” He ordered, voice gruff as ever. My pulse sped up and I can barely hear his voice past the rushing of blood in my ears. “You’ll need the energy for… dessert. If that is what you want, of course.”

  Even now, he isn’t insinuating that he would force me. That just made me want him so much more.

  The words sent electricity through my body and I whimpered. The smirk on his lips told me that he wouldn’t budge and he was merely bemused. His bemused smirk widened as I tried to kiss him and I just couldn’t, him moving out of the way of my lips a millisecond before the kiss can land.

  With a huff, I sat back in my seat. I am not going to get what I want until I eat, no matter how charged the atmosphere is and how much I could see his bulge pressing against his trousers. The sight was a million times as mouth-watering as the food, but I knew I wouldn’t be getting any of it.

  So, I watched him as he breathed, robotically eating my food. Each bite tasted of nothing in particular. This food would excite me at any other time, but I could not even bother to pretend that it made a dent in my attentions, which were firmly on the smirking man in front of me.

  “I want to feel your stubble on my thighs,” I told him in between bites of my food. “I want you to take me.”

  Those were keywords ‘take me’. It set off the werebear instincts, and I know I shouldn’t. But it was too delicious.

  Almost as delicious as the way his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, gulping. He wasn’t ready for me to say anything as sexy as that. He saw me as some innocent little flower. Oh, how I can’t wait to prove him wrong.

  “You should
n’t say things like that.” He told me, giving me a look as if I was a disobedient child.

  “Or what?” I smirked at him, eating my food quickly finishing it so he would stop postponing what we both wanted.

  “You’ll make me do something you may regret.” He warned.

  “There’s no possible way I could ever regret you.” I purred, smirking up at him. I can be just as smooth as he can be. Especially when I was intoxicated by his mere presence. If he doesn’t know that by now, he will be intimately aware of how dirty my mouth can get very soon.

  “Oh… fuck it.” He pulled me onto his lap and our mouths slammed together. It was so hard that our teeth clanged together and there was a sharp sensation of pain to go with the pleasure of the moment. He tasted delicious, and his roughness just made everything so much hotter. His lips tasted like strawberries and sugar, like a forbidden fruit that I just had to have another bite of. This was so much more intense than all the dreams my imagination conjured up for me to enjoy. “I can’t control myself with you.”

  I panted, smirking as we pulled apart for a moment of breath. His cheeks were flushed, and the sight sent a surge of confidence through me. Enough for me to purr in my most sultry tone, with my half-lidded eyes, “Who said I wanted you to?”

  The look on his face almost made me think twice about this. Should I really have pushed him so far? I was almost panicked for a second as he pushed me down on the sofa, climbing on top of me. “You wanted to feel my mouth on you?” He purred as he tore off my cocktail dress. He did it roughly enough that my dress is now unwearable. Ouch. There goes that one nice dress I had. “I’ll buy you a new one.” He promised as he ran his hands over my body.

  I want to say that I wasn’t upset. He didn’t have to pay for a new one. I don’t like mooching off his money, afraid he may see me as a gold-digger. I opened my mouth to say so, but, I suddenly found that I could barely breathe. I expected his hands to be rough, overly so in his passion-induced haze. I was pleasantly surprised to feel his soft fingers tracing my skin. He touched me as if I was breakable, exploring every inch of me.

  He touched me as if I were made of glass and the slightest fracture could destroy me.

  “Beautiful.” The word was said as a reverent whisper. It felt like a fire scorching through my body at every spot he touched, as he even caressed my chubby belly and his lips gently caressed my stretch marks. He really thinks I am, and some part of me believes him when he says it. “May I?” His voice was that same love-filled tone.

  It took me a moment to realize what he meant. A moment to feel the sensation of his fingers caressing the edges of my lacy crimson colored panties. My face flushed and I nodded. I wanted nothing more than to feel him on me.

  As he slowly pulled down them down, I blushed and looked away. I stared at his face from the corner of my eyes, my red cheeks still not facing me. His eyes darkened even more, he looked like he was going to drool. I can actually make him drool? The way he makes me drool? That’s the least believable thing about this whole situation.

  “I’ve been craving this dessert.” What a naughty thing to say. My legs tried to close. I couldn’t help it, I felt so embarrassed right now. “But I am not touching you until I can see your face.”

  I was incredulous. Didn’t believe him. It took almost two minutes of his hands not on me to realize he was completely serious.

  Finally running out of patience for this, my eyes snapped to him. I opened my mouth to growl something out at him for his teasing.

  “Shhh.” He shushed me as his big hands tried to encircle my thighs. He pulled my legs apart, but my thighs were way too chunky for his hands to completely wrap around. It was kind of cute that he tried in the first place. He buried his nose between my legs and inhaled. My face turned bright red, Oh My God.

  He began kissing and nipping my thighs, ignoring my pussy. I whimpered. It was throbbing for attention and I was almost ready to start begging. I bit my lip hard as he continued to nip and lick my thighs, his stubble scratching them. I’m not going to beg for him! I have my ego and it’s not going to happen. That being said, I could just feel the smirk against my skin as he teased me.

  “Damian,” I whined, running out of patience. He seemed like he liked teasing me more than he liked actual sex! He was teasing me on purpose. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. “Stop it.”

  “Oh?” He pulled away from between my legs, still holding my thighs open. He couldn’t pull off the innocent look. His eyes were too devious and his lips were too thin to properly pull off a puppy-dog pout. “You want me to stop?”

  A low growl left my lips and for a fraction of a second, his hands tightened on my thighs. Ooh. Good to know. He’s nowhere near as unaffected as he likes to pretend he is. “No.”

  He coughed for a second, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks and clear his throat. Werebears and growling. Who would’ve guessed? I guess it’s the primal instincts. “Then what do you want? I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what you want.” He purred.

  “Lick me! Please! I’ll do anything! I just need to feel your mouth on me!” I burst out, unable to control myself. I was completely out of patience at this point.

  “Oh? Why didn’t you just say so?” His voice was teasing and humorous.

  My glare would have killed him if looks could kill. I opened my mouth to snap at him that I had been trying to do exactly that, but I couldn’t. My voice was stuck in a loud moan as his hot, wet tongue made one broad stroke up my pussy. Oh god.

  It felt amazing. Better than pleasuring myself or any of the inexperienced guys in college who tried this. It felt better than when my past girlfriends and I did this even. I mewled and whimpered, my legs trying to tighten around him.

  It was ineffective as he held my thighs still. He held them hard, I just know I’m gonna get bruises tomorrow. I wish I hated the idea, but I am kind of turned on by it.

  He licked and noisily slurped all the juices I made, like a man starving. It was so passionate and I just writhed on the sofa, unable to even find the words I wanted to say. It felt so amazing and I could barely breathe. Oh god. How is he so good at this?

  As he ravaged me with his mouth I tried to form words, but it was just mindless whimpers and nothing else. Sometimes I could form semi-complete thoughts like “Please!” and “Don’t Stop!” and his name. But nothing else.

  He seemed to be pleased regardless of how little actually was escaping my mouth. A little too pleased. Smug jerk was so proud that he could reduce me to this. I wish I could, but I couldn’t help myself. The feel of his tongue on my pussy, his nose bumping against my clitoris, and his beard scratching my thighs was too much. I came in a matter of minutes, which was the fastest anyone had ever pulled an orgasm out of me.

  I saw stars as my entire body shivered, fireworks going off behind my eyelids. He slurped up every drop of cum as I tugged roughly at his hair, almost pulling out some of his locks in the process. My oversensitive nerves were going haywire and I don’t even know what to say to describe such an intense experience.

  The best orgasm I’ve ever had.

  He pulled away and smirked at me as I panted. “Was it just like you have imagined?” He purred.

  “Even better.” I thought though I would never say that aloud. He already too smug. It’s just as well, as he didn’t give me any chance to answer his apparently rhetorical question. His lips slammed down against mine and I gave a soft whimper. He felt so good against my lips.

  His tongue was insistent and as his tongue entered my mouth, the taste of myself exploded onto his tongue. I had tasted my own cum before, after many a session of self-pleasure. I don’t believe I’ve ever tasted good before, but the taste of it as it glazed his tongue was a million times better.

  That may just be him, though. I am sure he could make anything taste good. He could make Brussel sprouts taste good by just being in his perfect mouth. This man is so perfect and all mine.

  All mine.

  I kisse
d him back roughly, running my hands over his chest, tearing his shirt open. The extra buttons popped off but I couldn’t bring myself to care as I finally got to caress those rippling muscles. I’ve been aching for this chance since the day I met him.

  They’re so beautiful.

  He pushed me down on the couch. “Behave. Or you will be punished.” He purred in my ear, before giving it a rough nip. Ooh. I want him to do that again. Over and over.

  “Punished?” I blinked innocently. I could feel it down to my bones. Some part of me wanted it. Wanted him to punish me. “What does that entail.”

  “You’ll find out.” His gruff voice made me melt into a pile of goo.

  His hands gripped my hips, opening my legs as he dropped his pants and briefs. I didn’t get a good look at his penis because he immediately pressed himself against me.

  I know he must be huge by the sheer size of his girth rubbing against my opening, getting wet with my juices. He also took out a bottle of lube and began wetting himself, because there is never too much lubricant.

  “Do you want me?” He teased me with his cock again. Next time we do this, I have to get the chance to worship his perfect body. I would demand it right now, but I was too worked up to properly explore his body.

  I needed to feel his cock inside of me or I may just explode. “Yes. Please!” I practically begged.

  “Hmm? I didn’t hear that.” He was smirking, this open-mouthed smirk that showed off his pearly white teeth. That douche.

  Of course, I couldn’t control myself from begging. It felt so good that I was afraid I would start sobbing from need as my pussy throbbed in need.

  “Please. Damian. I need to feel your huge cock inside of me! Please! I need to feel-” I couldn’t finish the barely coherent thought because I was moaning too loud. It seems he was pleased with my begging because he roughly thrust into me one time.


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