Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance

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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance Page 53

by Natasha Spencer

  “Is this revenge for me eating you out during vacation but not letting you do anything in return?” he asked playfully, his hips gently beginning to roll back and forth, alternatively pushing his cock further into her mouth and pulling it out until only the head remained inside.

  “It might be,” she replied, letting his cock slip from her mouth just long enough to speak before she would envelop it once more with her mouth. A small bit of saliva drooled out of the corner of her mouth and down the side of his cock as she slowly began to bob her head back and forth, allowing him to use his hand to guide her movements.

  She started humming gently, allowing the vibrations to travel along the length of his cock. He let out a quiet, throaty moan that caused her pussy to drool into her panties, the sound of her aroused lover only serving to turn her on more. Her hand slowly stroked along the portion of his cock that she couldn’t fit into her mouth while the other one continued to cradle his balls. She didn’t know how long he would be able to hold out against her skillful mouth, but she did know that she wanted to be able to feel his balls clenching when it happened. Something about being able to feel the cum as it surges up the shaft before exploding into her mouth was something that she absolutely loved doing, though Gerard had been one of the few guys to allow her to indulge in that kink.

  She opened her mouth submissively when she felt Gerard begin to gently thrust into her mouth, doing her best not to gag as he forced his dick into her throat repeatedly. She was starting to feel really turned on, the desire to let him finish in her mouth competing with the desire to feel him take her the way that she wanted him to. She wanted to feel him pinning her down to her bed; to scream out his name as he pounded her tight little pussy the way that only he seemed to know how. Despite wanting all of this, she found that she could do nothing more than allow him to use her mouth as he pleased while her hand snaked down to rub over her drooling slit. She could feel his cock beginning to throb rhythmically in her mouth, signaling that her lover was beginning to approach his climax.

  That’s it. Cum for me, baby. Let me feel you coat my mouth with your creamy load. Her fingers were buried deep inside of her pussy now, pumping in and out of her wetly even as she continued to gag on Gerard’s cock. She didn’t care about how slutty she might look at that moment, her only thoughts centered on giving Gerard and herself pleasure. She didn’t even get a warning from Gerard when his orgasm finally hit, her mouth suddenly getting flooded with his hot cum, having to swallow multiple times to get it all down. She pulled her mouth away from his cock and held her mouth open for him to show him that every trace of his cum was gone, something that she knew he secretly enjoyed.

  Once the last of his cum dribbled out onto her tongue she would allow his cock to slip from between her lips, her hand reaching up to wipe away whatever drool might still be clinging to her mouth. Her panties were off before Gerard could say anything, Elena playfully placing them in his hand before she moved to straddle his body. She could feel her soaked pussy rubbing over the head of his cock, which she was pleased to find was still hard and ready for more. “I love just how much stamina you have,” she murmured as she lowered her hips, biting her bottom lip as she felt the head of his cock push its way inside of her, forcing her inner walls to stretch open around it.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet,” he replied with a toothy grin, eyes glinting in a way that told her she was in for a rough night.

  “Then show me what you’ve got, big boy,” Elena replied affectionately.

  Chapter Seventeen: Gerard

  Four months later, Gerard was sitting in his office when the intercom on his desk began to flash. He was dressed in a pure black tuxedo today, the only spot of color in his outfit coming from the pure white tie that Elena had bought him for his birthday last month. It had been a rather slow day at the office, his meetings had ended hours ago and the last bit of paperwork had been placed in his Finished basket ten minutes previously. He lazily reached over, tapping the button on the intercom with his freshly manicured fingernails.

  “Hello?” he asked uncertainly, not having expected any calls.

  “Hello, Mr. Donahue. I have an Elena Hartwright here to see you,” his secretary Donna said cheerfully.

  A smile immediately spread across his face, Gerard rising from his chair as he kept his finger pressed against the button on the intercom. “Send her in.”

  “At once, Mr. Donahue,” Donna replied, the line going dead a few seconds later.

  He walked over to where a small mirror was hanging on the wall of his office and straightened his tie, his hand moving to stroke gently through his hair to move a few stray hairs back into place. His relationship with Elena had continued with relatively few issues, the two of them seeming to have been made for one another. She drove him crazy sometimes, but it was also her quirky personality that he had fallen in love with. The thought of possibly asking her to marry him had been bouncing around in his mind for the last couple of weeks, but he was worried that he might be rushing things, and the last thing he wanted to do was scare her off by trying to push her into something she wasn’t ready for.

  A gentle knock on the wooden door of his office caused him to turn his head just in time to see Elena walk through the front door. He could tell that something was on her mind, her normally bright blue eyes seeming slightly dull for some reason. Her movements were slow as she walked into his office, her gaze fixated on the floor. That didn’t seem like her at all, and Gerard was understandably confused. “Elena? Is something wrong?”

  She looked up at him, her hands fidgeting in front of her nervously. He had never seen her in such a flustered state before, and that was only proving to make him feel more anxious. He walked over to her and took her hands gently in his, his voice gentle as he spoke. “If there is something wrong you can tell me. I can’t help if I don’t know what the matter is.”

  She took a deep breath, clearing her throat as she brushed a lock of her golden blonde hair away from her face. “I just got back from seeing my doctor for a checkup, and I have some news.”

  “What sort of news? Good or bad?” he enquired, his eyebrow rising slightly.

  “I suppose that depends on how you look at it,” she said delicately, not seeming to want to come out with what it was that was on her mind without some deliberate prodding from him. “I can just say for certain that it is probably going to change our lives in a big way.”

  A sudden flash of fear rippled through the billionaire, his throat growing suddenly dry as a thought occurred to him. “You aren’t dying, are you?”

  That made her smile, her head shaking slowly back and forth. “No, it is nothing as dramatic as that. You won’t be rid of me that easily, I’m afraid,” she said playfully, moving to stand on her tiptoes as she threw her arms around the back of his neck gently.

  “Then what is it, darling? Your unwillingness to tell me what is going on is making me slightly anxious, you know,” he said, his own hands moving to gently rest on her hips, stroking over them softly.

  She didn’t say anything at first, instead taking one of his hands and moving it from her hip to her stomach, which he realized now was slightly rounder than he remembered. Realization dawned on him in an instant, a small smile starting at the corner of his mouth before soon transforming into a huge grin. “You are pregnant,” he said, his words more of a statement than a question at this point.

  “That’s right,” she said quietly, a nervous smile on her face. “Looks like our habit of not using protection caught up to us,” she added sheepishly.

  “Worse things have happened,” he said dismissively, his hand continuing to stroke over her slightly swollen belly. “I don’t really know what to say.”

  “You aren’t going to leave me or something like that, are you?” she asked, biting her bottom lip as she spoke.

  “Leave you for getting knocked up with my child? Hardly. What sort of piece of garbage would I be if I abandoned the woman that I impregnated?” he as
ked, a gentle smile on his lips as he leaned down to kiss her forehead gently. “I’m not going anywhere, Elena. I promise you that.”

  “I’ll hold you to that,” she said, relief evident on her face as she leaned up to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek. “I plan on being with you for quite a long time, after all.”

  “It’s funny that you say that, because there is something that I wanted to talk to you about regarding our relationship,” he said, pulling away from her gently and walking with her toward the comfortable leather couch that sat in front of the large window in his office. “I’ve been thinking about how wonderful these last few months have been, and I’d like to be certain that these good times aren’t going to end anytime soon.”

  “What are you trying to say, Gerard?” she asked, gazing up at him with expectation.

  “I was thinking that maybe we could move our relationship forward just a little bit more. Deepen our commitment to one another,” he replied, scratching his cheek nonchalantly with his pointer finger.

  “Deepen our commitment how? We are already dating, and we just finished moving into our new house together a few weeks ago. I think I am already kind of in it for the long haul,” she said, a note of amusement creeping into her voice.

  “I can agree that is a pretty big commitment, but I had something even bigger in mind,” he said, his hand moving over so that he could gently take hers in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Something that I’m slightly hesitant to bring up considering we’ve only been dating for less than five months now.”

  “Now who is beating around the bush?” she asked playfully, giving him a gentle push. “Just tell me what you are thinking already!”

  “How would you like to become my wife?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he popped the question.

  Elena’s jaw hung open slightly, the question obviously having taken her slightly off guard. She cleared her throat, trying to speak but not seeming to be able to get the words to come out the first time. She closed her mouth and smiled sheepishly, looking away from him for a moment as a slight pink blush began to spread across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. “I-I don’t know. I guess I never really thought about it before,” she admitted, glancing back at him out of the corner of her eye.

  “Well, I’m just thinking that it would be the best way for us to handle this. I don’t want our child to be called a bastard, and I think that you are a woman that I could feasibly spend the rest of my life with and remain quite happy while doing so. I know it might seem slightly sudden, but you were my partner far longer than you’ve been my girlfriend. We probably know each other better than anyone else, so I don’t think it would be too far-fetched to think that we could make a marriage work,” he said, feeling the hot flush of embarrassment spreading across his own cheeks.

  She was quiet for a moment, moving to rest her head on his shoulder gently, her eyes closed. “I can’t say that I disagree with you, Gerard. I just don’t know what to say right now. I feel like rushing into things isn’t something that we should do. Why don’t we just start by getting engaged and go from there?” she suggested, a smirk tugging at her lips.

  He laughed gently at that. “Getting engaged is the same thing as planning to get married,” he said, his arm wrapping around her shoulder gently.

  “Then the fact that I suggested it should tell you my answer,” she replied cheekily, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

  He smiled at that, his heart beating quickly in his chest. “I’ll have to go find you a decent engagement ring, then.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be able to manage that, Moneybags,” she said teasingly, tapping him on the nose gently. “You’ve never exactly had trouble when it came to finances.”

  He chuckled at that, cupping her face gently with his hand as he allowed his lips to press against hers. She didn’t even try to fight it, her own lips pushing back against his insistently. Her hand moved up to grip into his hair gently, their tongues rolling over one another as the two made out. They didn’t stop until the two of them had run out of breath, panting gently after breaking their kiss.

  “What do you say we go home early and we can celebrate our engagement the way I like,” she said, a seductive purr evident in her voice as she allowed her hand to cup his cock and balls through his pants gently.

  “I thought you would never ask,” he replied, a lustful growl in his voice. “I can think of nothing I would rather do right now.”

  Chapter Eighteen: Elena

  They barely even managed to get through the front door of their two-bedroom townhouse before Gerard was all over her, planting kisses all over her cheeks and neck in a way that made her giggle. He reminded her of an overzealous high schooler who had just gotten the go ahead to have his first time with a girl, an image that was probably contributing a lot to the giggling. She felt his hands moving to try and remove the t-shirt and jeans that she had worn that day, her own hands moving to assist him in that endeavor. She smiled at the look of surprise on his face when he realized that she wasn’t wearing any underwear beneath her clothes, her smooth-shaven pussy and supple breasts now on full display for him.

  She felt slightly self-conscious about the fact that her baby bump was also being prominently displayed, but the fact that the lustful glimmer in his eyes hadn’t faded at all flattered her greatly. If he could still enjoy the sight of her body even when pregnant, then maybe she had found a man worth keeping around. Since he had been kind enough to help her slip out of her clothes, she figured that it was only fair that she do the same. Kneeling before him she undid his belt and tugged his pants and boxers down in one go, giggling gently as his rock hard and ready cock popped into view for her.

  Rising back up onto her feet, Elena motioned for Gerard to follow her as she began to make her way towards the bedroom. She made sure to put some extra sway into each one of her steps, knowing that her shapely rear was bouncing enticingly with every step. If that didn’t get Gerard frisky she didn’t know what would, but judging by how close his footsteps were behind her she knew that she had his full attention. She reached the bedroom and plopped down onto the bed, putting herself into a seductive pose for Gerard with her hands raised above her head to put her body fully on display for him. She had done these kinds of thing for Jeremy before, but only Gerard seemed to fully appreciate her actions, something that had not escaped her notice in the time that they had been together.

  “Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to come over here and give me the loving that I want?” she asked playfully, gazing toward where Gerard’s naked body was currently framed in the doorway of their bedroom.

  “Oh, I’m coming over alright,” he said, a few strides of his long legs bringing him to stand right in front of her. “Wouldn’t want to make my beautiful fiancée wait too long, now would I?”

  Elena purred softly at the flattery, her arms reaching up to him to pull him down onto the bed with her. She kissed him again, her lips pressing firmly against his as she felt him moving his body so that he could position his cock between her legs. She shivered softly at the feeling of the thick member rubbing over her swollen lips, the warmth of his precum oozing down her pussy lips causing a gentle moan to slip between her lips. “No need to tease me.”

  “It’s not teasing; it’s building up the anticipation,” he said cheekily, holding up his weight with one hand while the other moved to grip the base of his thick cock.

  “I don’t need to build up the anticipation. I already want you, so give it to me!” she exclaimed, her legs moving so that they could wrap around his waist gently.

  “As you wish,” he replied smoothly while pushing his own hips forward to allow the thick head of his cock to begin to spread her pussy lips open around it, Elena having to fight back a slightly painful groan as she felt the familiar sensation of her body stretching to accept his sizable girth.

  Thankfully, she was quite wet, which helped his cock to slide in with little to no difficulty. She moan
ed into his ear softly as she felt the last few inches of his shaft burrow into her, the head of his cock pressing against her innermost depths before he slowly began to roll his hips back and forth. Every movement allowed his cock to scrape along her inner walls, sending jolts of pleasure up her spine. Her fingers dug into the sheets of their bed, her teeth biting gently into her bottom lip as she felt his deliberate thrusts continue to send pleasurable tingles through her body. She was going to try and speak, but the feeling of his lips pressing insistently against hers silenced anything she might have said.

  She closed her eyes, letting him take the lead in their lovemaking. The sensations of his thick shaft dragging over every inch of her innermost depths was a delicious one, his kiss serving as icing on the cake. She gently pushed her hips down in time with his thrusts, her hands moving to her chest so that she could grope her own breasts. She made sure to play with the nipples as well, rolling the sensitive nubs between her fingers and arching her back when she felt Gerard’s cock scrape across her g-spot. The sudden flood of pleasure was too much for her, Elena not even trying to quiet down her voice as she screamed in pleasure, her pussy squirting powerfully out onto Gerard’s cock as her inner muscles rippled and milked at his length.

  “Oh my god! It feels so good!” she moaned, her back arching as her hips pushed toward his, wanting to feel him as deep inside of her as he could get. She could feel the spasms of her pussy rippling around his cock, his insistent pounding only serving to send her from one orgasm to the next. She was being reduced to a moaning wreck but loved every moment of it, her arms moving to wrap around the back of Gerard’s neck so that she could pull herself closer to him. “I love you so much!” she panted, saying the words over and over again like they were a prayer of some kind.


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