Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance

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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance Page 81

by Natasha Spencer

  “I can’t say he’s thrilled, and he did warn me against you…but he’s not mad either. It might take him some time to get used to the idea, but I know he’ll come around,” she told him and they were kissing again.

  When she finally pulled away from him, her lips throbbing from the intensity of their kiss…she dropped her gaze to the road and he instantly knew that there was something else on her mind. He hooked a finger under her chin and lifted her face up to his.

  “What is it, Nora?” he asked and she bit down on her lip.

  “I was leaving today, Theo…because I found out something that I didn’t want to face here,” she said and his brows crossed again. “I found out this morning that I’m pregnant,” she said and felt the tightening of Theo’s grip on her waist.

  “Are you serious?” he asked, his face crestfallen and darkened. Nora couldn’t tell if he was just in shock or upset to hear the news.

  “Yes, I took five pregnancy tests and I’ve been sick all morning. I’m sure that it’s actually happening…but Theo, I don’t want to force you into fatherhood if you don’t want it. I love you and I want us to start over, but you don’t have to if you don’t want the responsibility,” she said and Theo released his grip on her waist, to take her face in his hands.

  He was peering lovingly into her eyes again and Nora felt dizzy with love for him.

  “Nothing’s changed, Nora. Nothing about my feelings for you have changed. And if we’re going to have a child together, it still doesn’t change anything. I still want to give our relationship a chance,” he said in a softer voice and she threw her arms around him and pressed her cheek to his chest. He was stroking her hair, weaving his fingers through the golden strands as he held her in his arms.

  “I can’t believe this is actually happening, Theo,” she said, choking up on her own words.

  “You deserve nothing less than everything you want, young lady,” he said and in one swift motion, he had picked her up and thrown her over his shoulder. Nora squealed with joy and surprise as he carried her and her bags to his car and threw her in with care.

  She couldn’t stop laughing as he strode around to the driver’s seat and got in, and planted a long wet kiss on her lips.

  “Do you realize that everyone in this town is going to know exactly what happened here, in matter of a few minutes,” she said and Theo shook his head indulgently as he started the car.

  “As long as Violet finds out, I don’t care about anything else,” he said and Nora stifled another laugh.

  Chapter 26

  Rosalind Heffernan, was born two days early but right on time, and was cradled directly into the loving arms of her father while her mother watched on proudly.

  “She has your eyes, Theo,” Nora said, her face glowing with perspiration and excitement as she watched Theo cling to his daughter like he was afraid of her blowing away.

  “And she has your hair,” he said, stroking the thin tuft of shining golden hair on the baby’s perfectly shaped round head. He walked back over to Nora and placed Rosalind back in her mother’s arms and stood watching his two favorite women with pride.

  Nora cradled the baby in one arm and reached for Theo’s hand which she held tightly.

  “Your father is here to see you,” the nurse poked her head in around the door to say and in the next moment, Andy had bounced into the room, pushing the nurse aside with excitement. He was carrying a huge gift basket in one hand, stuffed with chocolates and toys and confetti. In the other, he was gripping the strings of a bunch of pink balloons.

  “Let me see her,” he came charging towards the baby, and gently tugged her out of Nora’s arms. He cradled the baby’s head for support as he rocked her in his arms.

  “Jeez. She’s got my girl’s looks. Thank God for that!” Andy remarked and looked up at Theo to laugh at him.

  “My thoughts exactly!” Theo walked over to admire his creation from a new angle now.

  Nora looked at the two men huddled together, cooing and baby-talking to Rosalind. A smile formed on her face, as she remembered what her life was like before she came back to this town. Her father looked over at her and smiled.

  “My hands are occupied honey, otherwise I would have hugged you,” he said and rocked the baby some more. Nora could see her father growing attached to his granddaughter already.

  “They’re going to have to take her away and give her a wash, dad,” Nora scolded, but Andy didn’t seem to be in a hurry to let go yet. Theo and she exchanged happy looks as they watched Andy bond.

  It had taken a few months to get used to seeing his daughter and his best friend together. Being the gentleman that he always was, he didn’t make any scenes or argue over it, but he had made it abundantly clear to Theo that their relationship wasn’t going to be the same. Adult or not, Theo had betrayed a “bro-code” and Andy wasn’t about to forgive him that easily for it.

  Although now, as Nora watched her father and Rosalind together, his face glowing with familial love, she could sense that maybe in a few months…even in a few years perhaps, their friendship might have a chance of returning to normal.

  Theo loved her with fury, he was stubbornly possessive of her…showering her with affection and love and attention. It had been nine months since they had been in a relationship, but Nora could have sworn that they had been together all their lives.

  Her life in New York was a distant memory now. The apartment remained, which she rented out and it worked out as a handy monthly income for her during her months of pregnancy. Theo was insisting on investing in a magazine of her own, which she could run from their home till it grew and they needed bigger office space. Nora was toying with the idea, although for the next few months, she knew all her energy would be spent in caring after Rosalind.

  “She’s an angel, honey,” Andy interrupted her thoughts as he handed the baby to a nurse. Then he walked over to Nora and kissed her forehead. Theo was holding her hand on the other side, and Nora looked from him to her father and then back to Theo again.

  “Andy, I had something to ask you, and I wanted to take this opportunity to do it,” Theo said and Nora’s brows crossed. She wasn’t expecting another surprise, but her father and Theo had their gazes locked and she wasn’t sure she was in a position to interrupt.

  “Go on,” Andy said and Theo cleared his throat. Nora nearly laughed at his nervousness. Theo was the last man on Earth to feel nervous about anything! What was going on?

  “Andy, I wanted to ask your permission before I went down on my knees and asked your daughter to marry me,” Theo said and there was a pin drop silence in the room. Nora wasn’t expecting it. They hadn’t spoken about marriage, not even for a second. She had no idea that he was even thinking about it. “I know I would expect the bastard who steals my daughter away, to do me the honor of at least asking me first, so that I can kick his ass,” Theo added.

  Nora was holding her breath, unsure of how her father was going to react, but he burst out laughing. Which made Theo laugh too and Nora covered her mouth with her hands in surprise and delight.

  “Come here so I can kick your ass then, Theodor!” Andy barked joyfully and the two men hugged and Andy slapped Theo’s back.

  Then he turned to her and walked over to her side and got down on both knees. His face was now at level with hers and they stared at each other. It was too emotional for Nora to not cry and her eyes welled up with tears.

  “I couldn’t think of a better place or a better time to do it in,” he said and she watched as he pulled a blue velvet box out of his pocket. He snapped it open and a huge teardrop shaped diamond ring sparkled at her.

  “Nora Rose Moor, will you be my wife?” he asked and she bit down on her lip before she nodded her head wildly. Theo Heffernan was asking her to marry him. Of all the crazy things that could have happened in this world!

  “In a heartbeat,” she said.

  The Billionaire's Mistress

  By: Sally Neilson

  The Billionair
e's Mistress

  © July 2017 – All rights reserved

  By: Sally Neilson

  Published by Passionate Publishing Inc.

  This is a work of fiction. All names and characters in this novel are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is entirely coincidental.

  This book is for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher.


  This book is intended for adult readers, 18+ years old. Please close this e-book if you are not comfortable reading adult content.

  Chapter 1

  Sally Yates, 24, looked at her belongings all packed up. She was getting ready to leave her home. She had just landed a job at McComb Industries in New York City. It was a huge step in her life. Leaving the comfort of Nebraska for the hustle and bustle of the big city was a huge step and one she was very excited about.

  Up until this point her life had been fairly boring. In high school, she had been a student who had forgone all the activities. Instead she had chosen to make herself smarter and study while the other kids had focused on becoming cheerleaders and anything else that would make them popular among the crowd.

  There were times she had regretted her choices, but right now as she waited to go to the airport, this was not one of them.

  But even then, there were still many things to be happy about. She had won a scholarship to Kearny State and without it, she would never been able to attend college. Unfortunately, her parents were poor and struggling to keep their farm going.

  This was one of the reasons why she decided to focus on her studies instead of planning to work with her parents on the farm, and all of her hard work paid off when she had received the letter telling her she had gotten a full ride scholarship at the University.

  Sally discovered that college life was more distracting than high school had ever been. Many of her friends had tried to talk her into attending parties at the sororities and fraternities on campus. She hadn’t turned all the invitations down, but when her grades had begun to slide downward, she had started to refocus again in hopes of graduating near the top of her class.

  She had been hoping to land a job at McComb industries in either the marketing department or something else. Somewhere she would be able to show her knowledge and work her way up the corporate ladder.

  Sally had sent her resume out to Silas McComb and had been shocked when she received a reply back from the man himself.

  Dear Ms. Yates,

  I would like to interview you for a position in my company. Your grades in school and your current work position show that you are a talented person. My company would like to fly you out to New York, and you will have an interview with me on May 2nd. We will provide a place for you to stay while you are in town for the interview as well.

  Silas McComb

  She had done a dance of delight when she had gotten the letter. She now had a chance to meet the most brilliant man in the world, the man she’d had a crush on from age 16. Her hopes were to get the job, and maybe possibly catch his eyes. However, her delight was dashed slightly as she thought of his wife, and the fact that she had morals.


  Her first trip to New York had excited her, but made her nervous as well. The atmosphere of the big city was a lot different from the laid back atmosphere of Kearney, Nebraska.

  When she had her interview with Silas she had been extremely nervous as well as excited about the possible opportunity to work in a company ran by a man who she had admired for many years.

  Meeting him in person had been offsetting for a bit. He was much more charismatic in person than he was in his videos. She could feel his excitement at his work as they talked, and it made her long to win the position even more.

  “Tell me Sally why should I hire you to work at McComb Industries?” Silas had asked.

  “I am a hard worker, and I learn quickly. I think I would be a very reliable member of the team and would give my 110% at this company.” Sally said with confidence.

  “Sally I’m impressed by your schooling, tell me what was your favorite course?” Silas had questioned.

  “Well, I liked many of them, but if I had to pick just one class, I would have to say graphic design class. I loved the chance to be creative with the computer and I learned a lot about working with many programs.” Sally had said.

  “Hmm, okay. Sally where do you see yourself in 5 years?” He had asked next.

  Her immediate thought had been, in your arms, but she couldn’t very well say that. “I hope to still be working at McComb Industries in more of a leadership role, taking the company’s success to an international scale.”

  “Alright, well I’ll be getting back with you. I want to thank you for coming out to visit me. I hope the rest of your stay in New York is pleasant.” Silas had ended the conversation and interview.

  Sally was sure she had blown it but tried her best not to think about it for the rest of the evening.


  Two days later, Sally received an offer from McComb Industries. They had hired her as Silas’ Executive Assistant. Even though it wasn’t the position she was hoping to get, she was glad that it gave her the foot in the door and work hard to move her way up in the company. She was also happy about the opportunity to get out of Nebraska and work for this man who she found not only interesting but quite attractive. Silas had been so personable during that first interview she had found herself wanting to get to know him better.

  But Sally knew that Silas wasn’t looking for anything more than an Assistant. After all he was married to a very beautiful woman. Sally had seen their pictures in some business articles and the couple had always looked happy.

  Her mind still liked to play through fantasies where Silas would come to her and sweep her off of her feet; telling her she was beautiful and that he wanted her.

  She sighed one last time and looked around the little apartment she had lived in the last two years. “Goodbye Nebraska, New York here I come!” She walked out the door, carrying her one suitcase and backpack. Her new life was awaiting her.

  Chapter 2

  She had secured a small apartment near her new job. It was nothing big, but would work for her. Perhaps one day she would be able to afford something larger and in a better area. But this place had been close enough she could take the metro to work and it was a place for her to sleep at night.

  Sally unpacked some of her belongings and settled in, the next day she was to report for her new job. Her excitement was barely contained as she picked out her outfit for the next work day. She picked a cute little dress that accentuated her curves perfectly, but was still modest enough to wear in an office. Yes she would admit to only herself that she was dressing up to impress Silas.

  Her parents had been sad, but still happy for her. They knew that Sally had goals to do great in the business world, and that it would never happen if she lived in Nebraska.

  They had made her promise to call them if not every day at least once a week to let them know how she was doing. Her mom had been nervous about Sally moving to New York.

  “You need to be careful there many bad people in the city. Don’t trust just anyone pick your friends wisely.” Her mom had said to her.

  “Sally don’t forget to call as often as you can. Your mother will make me come and find you if you don’t.” Her father had laughed.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’ll make sure I call and update you as often as I can.” Sally had tried to calm their nerves, even as hers had been operating at high alert.


  Her trip to New York was non-eventful, besides almost getting ran over by a cab while she crossed the street to her new apartment. She looked up at the building where she had rented a room, and smiled. The elevator was out of order, so she had to carry her backpack and suitcase up seven flights of stairs to get to her apartment.

  Sally started unpa
cking the few clothes she had and began arranging them in their rightful place. Her room was definitely tiny, but it was all that she could afford at the time and was happy with it. She shrugged her shoulders; At least I get to work with Silas, she said to herself with a smile.


  Sally picked up her cell phone and decided to call her parents. “Hey mom and dad I got here safely in the new place and just unpacking my things.” She said when they answered.

  “You know you can always come back home if you find you don’t like it there.” Her mother stated.

  “I’m not a quitter mom. I’ll be just fine!” Sally said.

  “I know honey, but you know I’m just nervous about all the bad people.”

  “I’m a big girl mom. I’ll be careful don’t worry please.”

  “Okay honey I’ll try. I miss you so much already.”

  “I miss you guys too.” Sally commented. “Look I have to go and buy a few things to put in the refrigerator so I can have something to eat tonight.”

  “Okay, be careful when you go out.” Her mom said.

  She had hung up the phone and walked to the nearby store. Picking up the essentials she would need to keep at her house. Sally put her frozen pasta in the microwave while she skimmed though several television channels.

  The noises outside were like a symphony to her ears. She could hear the hustle and bustle of the people moving about the city. It was so different from the quietness she had been accustomed to her whole life.

  That night as she took a shower, she prepared for bed and couldn’t help but let the excitement of seeing Silas once more overtake her thoughts.

  Chapter 3

  Walking into the office the next day she went to the receptionist and introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Sally Yates, the new executive assistant.”


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