Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance

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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance Page 86

by Natasha Spencer

  Sally sunk to the bed that still smelled like Silas and their love making. How could she be so stupid? She had so many questions she was unsure she would have the answers to. She didn’t want to face Silas again. She couldn’t look at the man who she had given herself to freely only to be betrayed by him.

  She lay on the bed curling up with the pillow that smelled far too much like him and cried herself to sleep. She shut her phone off so that all her calls would go directly to voicemail.


  That night she was tortured by dreams of Jackie and Silas making love. The images burned themselves into her brain, and by morning she felt like she wouldn’t be able to work, so she called in sick.

  Staying at home, she tried to plan her next move. Of course, she would need to find another job if she wanted to stay in New York. There was no way she could work with him anymore. Her heart would break every time she saw him.

  She eventually pulled up her computer and started looking for jobs. After a few hours of sending her resumes to other companies she closed her laptop and once more cried herself to sleep. She didn’t want to even talk to her parents.

  She turned on phone only to find that her voicemail was empty.

  Sally couldn’t stand the pain of knowing Silas was with Jackie and that he still hadn’t called her. Clearly he had changed his mind about the divorce and went back to his cheating wife.

  Well if that’s what he wants so be it. I don’t need to be the other woman. I can find another man who truly loves me, Sally thought, but didn’t feel much conviction in her thoughts. She still missed him so badly, and just wanted to know why he had lied to her.

  Her phone rang a little later and she picked it up, “Hello.”

  “Hi is this Sally Yates?” The male voice asked her.

  “Yes it is.”

  “Great this is Jacob Young, I am the hiring manager at Symbol Technology. We got your resume today and would love to meet you tomorrow. Is noon a good time for you to come to our office?”

  “Sure, I’ll be there at noon. See you then.”

  She took a shower to try and wash off the feel of Silas, but it didn’t work. She could still feel his hot touch on her skin, and his kisses that had left her tender in many areas.

  She would go into work tomorrow and finish up the resumes, and leave him with the spreadsheet. She still believed that this new division of his was brilliant and hoped it would succeed. Not for him, but for the many people his new brand of medicines might be able to help in the future.

  Sally planned on going to the interview on her lunch hour. If it worked out well, she would send her resignation letter to his email and be done with him.

  Chapter 17

  Silas looked down at his mother who was still in the coma. She had fallen and gotten hurt, but had not woken up after suffering the bump on her head.

  When he had come home from Sally’s house, Jackie had been waiting for him with the news.

  “Your mother is hurt. She fell down and is in the hospital.”

  He had rushed to her side as quickly as he could get there. Jackie had offered to go along to which he had grudgingly agreed. At least he would have some support through this difficult time, though he was sure she was going to try and convince him not to use the information he had about her in their divorce.

  Along the drive to the hospital, they had argued about many things, “If you use those photos I’ll let the world know of your secret fetish of dressing in women’s clothes!” she said in a threatening tone.

  “Look Jackie, let’s not argue, I want to make sure my mom is okay first, and then we can talk more.”

  “Fine, but I’m not kidding. I’ll make you the laughing stock of the world!”

  Silas remained quiet the rest of the drive to the hospital.

  Silas had remained by his mother’s beside for almost the whole time he had been there. His father was a mess as well and Silas tried his best to comfort him.

  Neither he nor Jackie told his father about their divorce. His father had always liked Jackie. Plus his father didn’t need to be told even more bad news on top of the fact his wife was in a coma.

  The doctors hadn’t yet figured out why his mother hadn’t woken up from her coma. But they were doing all kinds of tests and filling her body with more prescription medicines. He wished his pharmaceutical division had come up with something to help his mother, but they were still working to put it all together.

  He longed to call Sally, but the few moments he had away from the hospital had been spent with his father. He raked his hand through his hair and talked to his mother, hoping she would hear his voice and wake up.

  “Mom, I really wish you would wake up. Dad and I need you here with us. And I also have something really important to tell you. Jackie and I are getting a divorce. I caught her cheating, and well, you know we haven’t been intimate for years now. I also met a new girl. She’s amazing and I think I love her. I think you’d really like her too and she’s nothing like Jackie. She isn’t with me for my money, hell she wouldn’t even take any of it to get a new apartment. She was living in a really bad area of town, and I couldn’t let anything happen to her. So I moved her into that new building we put up last year. I even set up a special offer just to be given to her so she could afford to move in. Her name is Sally Yates and she comes from Nebraska. She had such a fresh outlook on New York and is making me love it all over again. Not only that but she is on board with the new division and thinks it is a wonderful idea. Mom, she even called me brilliant! I can’t get her off of my mind. I really should call her, but I’ve been too busy helping Dad get through this. She’s going to be furious with me since I haven’t called her yet though. I only hope she’ll understand.” Silas stopped for a moment.

  He heard movement behind him and looked up to see his father.

  “Son, if you love this girl you should call her.”

  “How much did you hear Dad?”

  “Enough to know that she is a good girl and that you care about her deeply. Go and call her and at least let her know what’s going on.” His dad stated.

  Silas got up and walked down the hall, going outside to enjoy the sun. He dialed her number and it went to voicemail. He didn’t leave a message, but instead he tried her again.

  He pulled up his emails and looked through them. There were a few from Sally. He stopped and muttered, “What the hell?”

  Mr. McComb,

  I am formally giving my two-week’s notice. I will be leaving the company effective May 12th. I have sent you the updates on a spreadsheet I created for the new division. I really appreciate the opportunity to work at your company, but I feel that I will no longer be a productive employee.

  Sally Yates

  He dialed her number again and this time left a message.

  Sally it is Silas, I’m sorry I haven’t called you before this. But my mom fell and she’s in a coma. I came up here and I’ve been in the hospital with my father ever since. Please don’t resign, let’s talk it out first. I hope to be back in town shortly, but I want to make sure my mom is okay first.

  He still wanted to talk to her and find out why she was leaving the company, so he tried her number a few more times. Finally, he dialed the number to his office at work, knowing if she was there that she would surely pick up.

  “McComb Industries, Sally Yates speaking.” She answered.

  He breathed a sigh of relief at hearing her voice. “Sally, thank goodness I got a hold of you! I got your resignation letter. What’s this about?” He asked, more sad than angry.

  “I’d rather not talk about that right now.” Sally said.

  “Too bad, I want to know. We were just fine the other night. I thought we had a special connection. I’m pretty sure you would agree with me. Your body was calling out for my touch.” Silas said.

  “That was before you ran away with Jackie. Yeah don’t be shocked. I know. I called you the other night and she picked up your phone. Said you were in the shower.
Well Silas enjoy her, because you’ll never have me again! If you value yourself so little that you would go back to her after she cheated, well you really deserve her!” Sally commented.

  Silas could hear the unbridled anger in Sally’s voice. “What are you talking about? Jackie is with me, but only because my father loves her. But we are not in any way back together. I didn’t even know you called me. My mom fell and she’s in a coma and the doctors are still trying to figure out why. But I have not or will I ever touch Jackie again, I swear to you, even if she was the last person on Earth!” Silas explained.

  He heard her voice softening, “Oh my goodness your mother was hurt? I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope she will be okay, how are you handling it?”

  “Better than I am handling your resignation honestly. But it is still tough. And it’s especially hard on my father. They’ve been married for 52 years now and he is lost without her. I just hope she pulls through this okay.” Silas said.

  “I’m really sorry about her, I know you love her.” Sally commented.

  “Does this mean you won’t resign? Will you at least let me talk to you in person? I miss you so much Sally.”

  “I don’t know Silas, I’m scared now, and I don’t know if I can trust you. Why would Jackie be in the same room with you when you were taking a shower?”

  “She wasn’t in the same room as me. I left my phone out in the kitchen. She never told me you called, and I didn’t check the messages, I went back to the hospital.”

  “I’ll talk to you when you get back, but I don’t know if I can work for you anymore.” Sally finally said.

  “Okay fair enough. I guess it’s all I’m going to get you to agree to right now.” He sighed. “I miss you Sally, and I can’t wait to see you and kiss you again.”

  “Good bye Silas.” She hung up the phone.

  Chapter 18

  Sally went home thinking about what Silas had told her. She wanted to believe him, more than anything. His story made sense, though she didn’t like the idea that Jackie was with him at all.

  She would have to trust him, he had really never done anything to betray her trust. Though she was still upset he hadn’t called her before today. She could understand. He had talked about his parents many times, and she knew he loved his mother very much.

  Heck, she was the main reason he was opening up his new division to find better medicinal choices. She sighed as she picked at her food once more.

  Though she didn’t really have the energy, she went to work out and run a couple of miles, and it helped her feel a little better.


  It had been almost five days now since she’d last talked to her parents, and had no doubt they were wondering what she was up too.

  She dialed them and had a pleasant conversation with her mother, though she had heard more than once about how long it had been since they last spoke.

  “You sure you’re doing okay? It’s been almost a week since you called.” Her mother asked.

  “Yes I’m fine mom, I’ve just been really really tired lately.” Sally said. It wasn’t a complete lie, she thought to herself.

  “Does this have to do with your boss and what you told your father the other night?” Her mother pried.

  “Some yes, but not all of it.” Sally admitted.

  “You know Sally, I know you’ve always had feelings for this man even before you met him. Your father said Silas is getting a divorce. You still should have waited until the divorce was final, but our flesh makes us weak. I’m not upset at you.” Her mother stated.

  “I know mom. But I’m not sure what is going on with us right now. He’s out of town, his mother was injured and is currently in the hospital.” Sally said.

  “Oh dear I’m so sorry to hear that, your father and I will say a special prayer for her healing tonight.”

  “Thank you mom.” Sally said.

  “So why don’t you know what is going on with you and him right now?” Her mom asked.

  “Just circumstances mom, I’m not sure how serious he is about me and I don’t want a casual thing. But I didn’t get a chance to talk to him before he left. Once he’s back we’ll talk and figure it out.” She didn’t want to tell her mother his wife was with him because she would only make comments that would make her sad.

  “Okay sweetie, try to not make it so long before we hear from you again.”

  “I won’t mom, tell dad I love him and I’m fine.” She said, “I love you both.”

  She hung up, and for the first time she actually did miss the slow pace of Nebraska. She could hear the people outside rushing about their lives as hers was at a standstill.

  Chapter 19

  When he went back into the room his father asked him, “Did you get it all straight?”

  “I don’t know Dad. I guess she called my phone the other night and Jackie answered. She thinks I slept with Jackie and that we are back together now.” Silas sighed.

  “Have Jackie tell her it’s not the truth. She’ll believe it if she hears it from her.” His father stated.

  “Jackie left to go with her boyfriend. She said we had it under control and that she wasn’t needed anymore.” Silas said.

  “So why not call Jackie and tell her to call this girl for you?”

  “Because Dad, I don’t trust Jackie. I’m sure she’d lie to her just to ruin my happiness.”

  “Well I can vouch for you. I know you were never with her while you were here.” He offered.

  “Maybe I’ll take you up on that Dad. But she also resigned from her job. She was so upset at me she went out and found another place to work. She’ll leave the company in two weeks unless I straighten this out before that, but mom doesn’t seem like she’s getting any better.”

  “Why not go to her? If there are any changes with your mom, I’ll let you know. You can always bring this young lady back with you so that we can meet her you know.”

  “You know that’s a great idea Dad. Thanks.” Silas got up and rushed out of the room. He came back in and kissed his mother on the top of the head, “I love you mom. I’m going to bring back that girl I was telling you about, you’ll love her. I know I do!”

  Getting behind the wheel of his car he was happy his father had come up with the idea. If he timed it right, she would just be getting back home after work and they could have some much needed alone time together.

  Silas practiced what he would say to her, even though he was sure when the time came, the words would escape him. He wanted nothing more than to hold and kiss her. He didn’t want Sally to feel like he had the last few months when he began to suspect Jackie was cheating.

  The trip was far too slow for him and as soon as he hit the outskirts of New York City the traffic became congested. More than once he honked his horn trying to get the cars around him to move. But there was nowhere for them to go.

  He beat on his steering wheel as the traffic began to move and then just as quickly stopped. He looked at his watch, she would be getting home now and wanted to be there with her.

  Finally, after another 45 minutes, he was pulling into the parking lot of her new apartment. He got out of his car and rushed inside, punching the number to her floor in the elevator.

  Chapter 20

  Sally heard her doorbell ring and went to answer the door, having no clue who it might be. Perhaps it was the doorman; he had been coming up and checking on her from time to time and she began to think that he might have a bit of a crush on her.

  Looking through the peep hole she wondered if she was seeing Silas or if her mind was playing tricks on her. She opened the door and he swallowed her up in a big bear hug.

  Sally was stiff but soon couldn’t resist the felling to hug him back. He lowered his mouth to hers and didn’t give her a choice as he forced his tongue down her throat.

  She tried to not kiss him back as she was still angry about this whole mess. But once more her body betrayed her and she felt it reacting to him. Her tongue moved as if it had a m
ind of its own.

  “I’ve missed you so much Sally.” He said when he finally came up for air.

  “Is your mom better?” She asked, trying to sound cool to him, but failing miserably. Her voice cracked with untold emotions and the love that she felt for him.

  “No, not really. But my father told me to come to you. He could tell how upset I was, and knew how I felt about you, so he told me he’d let me know if there were any changes.” Silas explained.

  Sally was flattered that he would leave his mother side just to come see her. It made her heart melt a bit more for him. How could this man have done anything to hurt her?

  “Sally look at me, I’ve never lied to you and I won’t. I didn’t touch Jackie. She was at home when I left your place the other day. She told me about my mom. We didn’t want to pile on top of my dad’s worries by telling him about our divorce, so she came along. But she only stayed a couple of days and then was off to be with her boyfriend. I don’t ever want you to not trust me, and I want you to know that you are truly the only woman I want from this day forward. I’m not even divorced yet, but once I am will you do me the honor of being my wife? I love you Sally Yates.” Silas went down on one knee and held out a box to her.

  Sally’s heart beat faster in her chest. She would never have guessed this would happen when Silas saw her. She opened the box and saw a beautiful ring. There were blue stones on the side and a rather large marquis diamond in the middle. “Oh Silas, yes, of course I will. I’m sorry it was hard to not jump to conclusions, she made it sound like you had just been intimate. I should have trusted my instinct. I know you are an honest man. I love you too!” She put her hand out and he placed the ring on her finger.

  “Now that we have this straight, let’s talk about this resignation letter.” Silas commented as he kissed her. “You can’t leave me alone at the office. You are the perfect person to help put this team together; I need you Sally.”

  He kissed her neck and tenderly bit the area below her ear. He whispered words of love to her between each kiss. Sally could feel her body react. She had missed him so much and could no longer fight him off.


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