Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance

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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance Page 88

by Natasha Spencer

  “This is not for my parents Sally, this is for us too. Sure I love the idea of being around them more often. I get to spend more time with them, and I’m here if anything goes wrong, not hours away. But in the long run it comes down to whether you will be happy here in this small town.” Silas commented.

  “Silas I would go anywhere to be with you. But the fact is that I love this little town and I love your parents. Let’s do it!” Sally said.

  “Wait you love this little town and my parents what about me?”

  Sally smacked him in the arm, “You know how much I love you Silas! Don’t act like I don’t tell you all the time!”

  He laughed, “I know honey, I just like picking on you!”

  “Oh the ways of the manther, I may never understand them all!”

  He picked her up and tickled her. His touches soon became gentler as he moved his hands over her body. They had made love almost every night since his mother had come home. Being discreet about it, he moved his mouth down her body.

  Sally was soon crying out as he took her to the edge more than once. She knew she would never tire of his gentle touches and his love making.

  She sighed happily as they lay on the bed together.

  “I can’t believe you had a crush on me all that time.” Silas commented.

  “Hey you are one sexy man and I couldn’t help it.” Sally stated.

  “Maybe I should come up for a name for you, like manther, but better!”

  “Nah that’s okay, you can just call me all those sweet things you do! Let’s look for a place for the business. Will you move the other divisions her as well?” Sally said, trying to refocus them on the business at hand.

  “Good questions. But I think we’ll have to leave some of the divisions in New York City. It’ll be wrong to relocate all of the workers as their lives are all set up there. But maybe we can open the new one here with the corporate headquarters. That way we’ll be able to keep a closer eye on the production of the new drugs, and [people who are offered the position can than choose whether they want to move here or not.” Silas said.

  “I saw a nice piece of property for sale the other day when we were driving around. Maybe we should go and have a look.” Sally offered.

  “Do you remember where it was?”

  “Sure, it’s on the way to the hospital. You know that one corner where the office structure is surrounded by all the trees?”

  “Yeah I know where you are talking about. Let’s go and look at it again. I’ll contact the agent once we are out there.” Silas stated.

  “We should also let your parents know the good news, they’ll be thrilled.” Sally said.

  “My mom was pretty sure you already had me talked into it. She’ll love having you close by. You know she never got along with Jackie very well. Jackie always had this snobbish attitude towards my parents.” Silas explained.

  “Oh I’ve heard plenty from your mother and how she felt about Jackie, believe me.”

  Silas laughed, “You’ll have to tell me some of those stories.”


  Chapter 24

  Silas was discussing the deal with the agent as Sally listened. They had agreed this would be the perfect spot. Perhaps the hospital would even be willing to partner with them and test out some of the new drugs the division would create one day.

  They both had high hopes in this endeavor, though it would be an uphill battle against other huge pharmaceutical companies.

  “Silas you know what I never thought about, my new lease with on my new apartment. I don’t know if I’ll get as lucky as last time, and I might have to pay the full lease.” Sally said, thinking for the first time of the dilemma it might create.

  “Oh I think the owner will let you off without a problem.” He chuckled.

  “How can you be so sure?” She asked still not catching on.

  “That building was built by a division of McComb Industries. I’m the owner; well my parents and I are joint owners. I think you’ll have three people who will let you out of a lease without a problem.” Silas explained.

  “Oh no wonder I got such a sweet deal!”

  “Hey, I was watching out for the woman I love.” Silas commented.

  “You didn’t love me at that point.”

  “How do you know? Sally you wowed me the first time I met you. You claim you were nervous and that you felt like you messed up during the interview. But what I saw was a confident woman who was the perfect choice to add to our company. I won’t say that I didn’t find you quite attractive. But I wasn’t thinking of you that way, not at that point anyway. However, that first day of work, sitting close to you, oh and seeing how that dressed hugged your curves. I will be honest and say if I had been a lesser man I would have seduced you that first night, especially when I was watching the delight that spread over your face looking out over the city. I saw a woman who was not only happy, but thrilled to experience something new. That night when I went home I tried to reconcile the feelings you had brought up inside of me. I felt guilty at the same time, knowing that I was considering cheating on my wife. I took my vows very seriously, and had never been this tempted in the past. The next day was the day Jackie had come in asking for the divorce. But right before you showed up I was on the phone with the private investigator I had hired. He had just told me about the pictures he had gotten of Jackie and her new lover. So when she came in I was prepared, well not for the slaps across the face, but for what she was going to do or say. I saw it as a gift from God; he had brought you into my life and helped to remove the person who stood in our way. It seemed like a sign to me, one that meant I was open to pursue you earnestly and without repercussions. So I took the chance and here we are now. I love you Sally and I’m not quite sure when it actually began, but I know that I want no one but you by my side as we pave the way to a new future together.”

  She teared up at his words, “That was beautiful Silas, thank you. I love you and want no one but you for the rest of my life either. Though I fear the day that you will pass and I’ll be left alone to continue.”

  “Oh honey that will be years away, let’s not focus on the bad things. We’ll have a long life together and I’ve never been happier than I am with you.”

  He hugged her close to him.

  “I’m sorry I just seem to be a lot more emotional lately.” She admitted.

  “Come on, let’s let my parents know the good news.” Silas said as he led her back to his car.

  Chapter 25

  Silas mom was elated by the idea of both of them moving to town. “This is great news!” She cried happily. “I’ll be so happy to get to know you better too Sally.” She hugged Sally tightly.

  “I’m really happy to be moving here too, and hope to have tea with you more often!” Sally smiled.

  “She’s so much nicer than Jackie.” Martha said to Silas.

  Silas laughed, “I know mom.”

  “Don’t you agree Thomas?” Martha turned towards her husband.

  “Much nicer. She doesn’t have that ‘I’m better than anyone’ attitude!” He laughed.

  Silas was shocked by his father’s comment, he had always seemed to enjoy Jackie’s company. Upon seeing his look, his father patted him on the back, “I told you I was the star actor in the high school play didn’t I?”

  Silas laughed, “Wow I didn’t know you were that good, you had me fooled for years!”

  “Well son we always told you as long as you are happy, we are happy. We both thought she made you happy, but then we saw you becoming more depressed. However, you know your mother and I would never meddle in your private affairs.” His father explained.

  “Yeah I know. I appreciate that, but I wish you both would have kicked me in the ass and woke me up.” Silas commented.

  “But then Sally wouldn’t have been here yet. It all happens for a reason. Everything is planned out for us, and when we choose a different path we might have to wait longer for happiness.” Martha said

  Sally liked the words and had to agree with Martha, “You know my mom often said the same thing to me growing up. She tried to teach me to be patient when things didn’t work out how I wanted them too.”

  “She’s a smart woman, and she raised a very intelligent girl. I would love to have them come visit us one day. Before the wedding that is.” Martha said.

  “Well they run a farm, and it is hard for them to take time off. But I guess I tell them and see what they say. Maybe after harvest.” Sally commented.

  “When do you plan on getting married?” Martha asked.

  “Honestly we hadn’t discussed it yet. Silas?” Sally turned towards him.

  He shrugged his shoulders, “As soon as the divorce is final, though I’m not sure how long that will be. It will all depend on Jackie and how she deals with the whole thing.” He answered.

  “Knowing that woman she’ll complain about everything.” His father stated.

  Silas busted out laughing looking at his dad and then stopped, “There are a few things she might try to bring out into the open. I would suspect you might be approached by people asking you about them. So I think I should tell you about them, so you aren’t shocked.” He said more seriously.

  “Well go ahead son.” His father said, “I’m sure it isn’t a big deal, just something she can use to try and hurt you.”

  Sally sat beside Silas and held his hand as he prepared to tell his parents some personal things that were quite embarrassing. He faltered, unsure how to move forward.

  Sally sat up and said, “Silas has been known to like doing a few things that many people will find sick. But he doesn’t do them anymore. Jackie has already threatened to expose this secret in court and to the rest of the world. She’s trying to blackmail him to pay her off since she cheated, and will effectively not get a huge amount of money from Silas as she had hoped.”

  Silas looked at her, “Thank you sweetheart.”

  “What kind of things though? Surely we should know to be prepared.” His mother asked.

  “I would sometimes wear women’s clothes when we had sex.” He said silently.

  His mother laughed, “Is that all? Son you can turn on the television and see worse these days. If she thinks that will work to blackmail you, don’t let her. Who cares what other people think?!”

  Sally smiled at her, “I love you Martha; you are so great! I swear my mother and you would get along like sisters!”

  “I’m sure we will. Hey honey, why don’t you find some workers to take over their farm for them so they can come visit us this week?” Martha turned towards Thomas and said.

  “Sure. I’ll make a few calls.” He went to stand up.

  “I don’t know if they’ll agree to that or not.” Sally said hesitantly.

  “Why not dear?” Martha asked.

  “They owe quite a bit on the farm and are struggling to make ends meet. They would never be able to afford hiring workers. Plus my dad is more of a hand’s on kinda guy, and won’t trust it to be left to anyone but him.” She explained.

  “Thomas what do you say we go visit, where did you say it was sweetheart?” She asked Sally.

  “Gibbon, Nebraska.” Sally stated.

  “Thomas, let’s go visit Gibbon, Nebraska then. We can all go. Surely Silas can allow his fiancé a bit more time off to visit her mom and dad with us. After all it will seem odd if the McComb family shows up to talk about their daughter, and she isn’t along.”

  Sally smiled.

  “Hey what happened to not interfering in my private life?” Silas laughed.

  “Honey, if you remember correctly that was your father who said that before. I’ve never held back my opinion about Jackie before, but I didn’t force you to make a choice either. I knew it wasn’t time yet. Also this isn’t just about you, it is about all of us. So what do you say?” She looked to both Thomas and Silas waiting for both of them to answer.

  Sally had no doubt that Martha often got her way. Thomas caved in first, “Of course dear we can visit them and we’ll help with the harvest even.”

  Silas looked at the rest of the people in the room and knew he had been outvoted. “What choice do I have? Of course we can go! But Sally and I really need to work on this new division and go over the resumes to try and get it set up and going as quickly as we can.”

  “I don’t have a problem with that, I’ll take the file along and my laptop and I can work on it on the way there.” Sally smiled.

  “Alright, when do we want to leave?”

  Sally jumped and hugged Silas, “Oh thank you, my parents will be so happy to see me. I’ll be happy to see them too. The last time I visited them was about four months before I came to New York City.”

  Silas kissed her but stopped after he heard both of his parents clear their throats, “Sorry.” He apologized.

  “Don’t be sorry son, you got a very beautiful girl, and of course you’ll want to do those things, but please reserve them for behind closed doors.” His mother commented. “You know I’m old fashioned that way.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Silas responded.

  Chapter 26

  “I called the pilot he’s getting the plane ready now. Everyone pack your stuff.” Silas announced as he hung up the phone.

  “How long are we going to stay?” Martha called out from her room.

  Silas looked at Sally, “How long are we going to stay?”

  She shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know, but we have a lot to get done, so maybe not too long.”

  “We are taking the work along with us.” Silas reminded her. “So how long do you want to stay, if we are still working?” He asked again.

  “Well the place isn’t that big, so we’ll have to rent a room in the hotel. But, damn Silas I don’t know, if it was up to me I’d stay a month because I know my parents miss me a lot. However, I don’t think we can spend that long away.” Sally muttered.

  “We can stay as long as you want Sally. I don’t mind, as long as we are doing some work and I’m with you, I’m good. The business won’t fail while we are gone.” He kissed her, calling out to his mom he said, “We will stay for a month mom!”

  “Should I call my parent’s and let them know we are coming?” Sally asked.

  “No, why not surprise them? Or do you think they’ll be upset if we all show up together?” He asked.

  “No, they’ll be thrilled to see me and I’m sure my parents will hit it off great with your parents. Heck my mom will try and convince us to stay there, she’ll even offer to give up their bed!”

  Silas laughed, “Sounds like something my mom would do too!”

  He kissed her and pulled her to him. “Hey you look awfully tired, are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah I think so, maybe I just have a bug that is coming on, and I’ve been tired and feeling kind of queasy the last few days.” She responded.

  “Okay, but if you aren’t better soon, I’m going to make you visit a doctor, I’m sure you know plenty of them out there.” Silas stated.

  “I won’t take prescription medicines. If I don’t feel better my mother will look me over and give me something natural to help out. Don’t worry Silas I’m fine, really.” Sally hugged him.

  “You fit perfectly in my arms, you’re the right height for me as well. I can rest my chin on the top of your head.” He murmured as he rubbed her back.

  “Don’t start! We still have to pack, and I don’t want to have your parents come looking for us and find us otherwise engaged!” Sally laughed.

  Silas laughed, “Yes ma’am. Have you been taking lessons from my mom?”

  “Nah, mine was the same way, so I learned it long ago!”

  He laughed and swatted her butt. “I can’t promise I’ll be good once we get to Nebraska.” Silas laughed.

  “Fair enough my love.” Sally smiled at him, “I don’t expect you to be good once we get there either!”


  Silas drove the four of them to the small airpor
t on the edge of town. “Why didn’t we just fly up here the first time?” Sally asked.

  “I don’t know, I really enjoy driving, but Nebraska is a bit too far of a trip.” Silas answered. “We can fly from now on if you like.”

  “No I was just asking, I liked the drive. I get to look at you the whole time, and the scenery is nice when I look out the window.” She smiled at him.

  Martha sat down on the plane and asked, “How long will the flight be dear?”

  “The pilot said almost three hours; then a short drive, I’ve already reserved the vehicle. So you should have plenty of time mom to do your crocheting.” Silas responded.

  “So are we flying into your hometown Sally?” Thomas asked.

  Sally laughed, “Gibbon is far too small, but we’ll most likely go to Kearney and drive from there.”

  “Yep that’s what we are doing.” Silas commented. “You didn’t sneak a message to your parents did you?” Silas whispered to her.

  “Not a word.”

  “Good. I can’t wait to see their faces when they see you.” Silas smiled at her, and then pulled her closer, “So have you ever wanted to join the mile high club?” He laughed as she punched him in the chest.

  “Silas, behave your parents are with us.”

  “I have a private office on the plane!” He raised his eyebrows as if tempting her.

  She thought about it a second and then questioned him, “Is it sound proofed?”

  “No, not yet, but once we get back it will be!”

  She laughed, “Than next time it is, but not this one. I really don’t want your parents to hear us making love.”

  “Spoil sport!” He laughed and she joined in.

  “Keep it up you manther!”

  He held his chest as if she had injured him deeply, but she knew better. He couldn’t hold the fake sad lost look long and cracked up laughing. “I swear my little gerbil I’ll eat you up!”



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