The First to Fall: A Fallen Novel (The Fallen Series)

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The First to Fall: A Fallen Novel (The Fallen Series) Page 17

by Tanisha D. Jones

  “He isn’t is he?” Her voice was soft but powerful. She removed the glasses, which were merely for show as Sophia had perfect vision and smiled. “He’s the one you’ve been waiting centuries for, isn’t he dear?” Celeste again felt the warmth grow across her cheeks, and her eyes faded from grey to soft aqua. The one thing that always gave her away was her damn eyes; their color always reacted to her emotions. Just like Elijah’s.

  “Yes, he is. He bears the mark,” she said softly. “He bears the mark of the Nephilim.”

  There was a Collective gasp, then a flurry of questions bombarding her. She nearly fell backwards out of her seat when they surrounded her. Lilith, Julian, and Sophia were the only ones to keep their seats as the noise and energy level in the room rose. Questions were being lobbed at a rapid fire pace and she couldn’t think, let alone decipher who was asking what. Jonas stood with his back to her in an attempt to keep the others from toppling her over as they advanced on her.

  “Quiet!” Lilith bellowed and in a blink, everyone had resumed their seats and stoic postures. All except Julian who was still suspiciously eyeing her, he was leaning forward, his elbows on his knees as he watched her. She returned his stare, her eyes narrowing, the grey again overtaking the vibrant blue and he was suddenly pinned to the back of his chair. His face twisted in agony, and she could feel the evil little smile twisting her lips. She squeezed tighter, her eyes becoming slits as she focused her energy on squeezing the life from Julian. His eyes bulged and his skin turned a fascinating shade of deep burgundy as he struggled for air. He clawed at the invisible hand that grasped his throat in a vice as he struggled in vain against her, her eyes locked with his as he silently plead for his life. That was what she wanted, she wanted him to beg, to remember that she was the most powerful being in this place.

  “Caelestis,” she blinked at the sound of her true name breaking the connection. Julian slumped in his seat, inhaling sharp ragged breaths, his hand massaging his throat. Her powers had broken through the protection spell, not completely, but enough to sting. She looked sheepishly at Lilith and gave a halfhearted apology. “If he truly is Nephilim, with the abilities you claim he has, why haven’t we been aware of him?”

  “Because he’s not aware. Someone has bound him, there are a few things coming through but he isn’t fully aware of all he can do, what he’s capable of. I have tried to break through, but his mind is veiled in some pretty potent magic.”

  “Do you think that you can share his memories again, to act as a sort of conduit for the rest of us?” Silver asked, her eyes alight with growing excitement. They all were excited; Celeste could feel it coming off of them in great waves. A Nephilim that neither the Collective nor Dark Fae had knowledge of, with his abilities having so many implications that it was unhinging them. They were quietly waiting for an answer. She could feel the anticipation and anxiety filling the room. It was stifling. “Can we meet him? See for ourselves? Maybe we can break through the bond?” Silver asked.

  “I don’t know. I mean whoever bound him must have had a very good reason, right? We don’t even know what kind of magic is holding him. Couldn’t it get dangerous?” This was exactly what she didn’t want to happen. She wanted to keep Eli out of this; he had been protected from the Collective for a reason. “He knows nothing of this world; he knows nothing of what I really am. He may just be a lower level Oneiroi or another type of dream walker,” she demurred.

  “We will send Briar. He is familiar with the detective, correct?” Lilith’s question was rhetorical. She knew the answer to that question; obviously they all had known that Briar had located her at Eli’s the previous morning. Closing her eyes, she shook her head. “Then he will bring him to us.”

  She was prepared to protest when she heard the clatter coming from the back of the room. She stood, and spun on her heels prepared for whatever was coming for her, only to find Briar manifesting, knocking over chairs, his face bloodied and bruised. He took a drunken step forward then collapsed to his knees in the center of the dimly lit room. He flashed quickly from man to wolf then back again. She could hear Silver calling to someone unseen for assistance as he looked up at her with a sad crooked smile.

  ”Sorry love, it took him. The little bugger took Nicky. I had him, but it took him. Stronger than it looks.” He mumbled and coughed, blood splattered across the front of her shirt and jeans.

  “Put up a hell of a fight though.” He fell, his head hitting the polished grey concrete with a dull thud. As he lay, his shirt rose, exposing the white flesh of his toned stomach, a large chunk looked as if had been bitten away by dozens of needle like teeth, exposing the muscle beneath. Mixed in the blood and gore, something thick and black slithered across the wound, tightening as the air touched its oily skin. The smell that emanated from him was of sulfur, rotted flesh and pure canine. She recognized that foul stench as soon as it assaulted her nostrils. It had lingered in her bedroom the night before and had permeated the guest room in which poor Ingrid had lain dead. She knelt beside him cradling his head in her lap as Lilith summoned for more help.

  “Nicky, he was different, love. Something was different. He’s-changed.” He coughed and blood sprayed from his mouth, spattering her cheek.

  “I think I’m hurt, Sarge.” He smiled, exposing blood coated teeth and closed his eyes. She could feel Jonas pulling her away from the injured Lycan as Silver and Julian knelt beside him, each touched him, eyes closed in concentration, and then the three were gone. The tears that she’d refused to let fall, streamed down her cheeks in rivulets. Not just for the injured Briar, but also for the missing Nicky.

  “What is happening?” She asked herself.

  “It’s going after Eli.” She half choked. “I have to help him.” She turned to look at Jonas and Lilith. The sheen of tears made her eyes glow in the darkness. “I have to talk to him, Jonas. I’ll get him to help just-just send me to him.” Jonas kissed her forehead, and then she was gone.

  Once she was gone, Jonas and Lilith shared a concerned look. “She’s getting stronger,” Lilith sighed.

  “Should we be worried, Jonas?” Sophia asked.

  He looked at the remaining members of the Collective before rubbing his eyes and sighing heavily. For the first time in many years, he felt all of his 800 years. He’d managed to keep her safe for all of these centuries and he knew, eventually, that he would have to let her go. He’d hoped that day would never come. Yet, here it was. She was getting too strong; she was able to break through magic that was centuries old and more powerful than all of them. Lilith touched his arm with concern and obvious affection, and he eased away from the contact. It was as if her touch burned him. There was bad blood between Lilith and the entire Kent clan. She had removed Remy as Commander of the Grey, excommunicating him from the Collective. She had used others to obtain her position as High Regent. Her predecessor had died in the most suspect fashion. Murdered, many said, by Lilith herself. Lilith who’d coveted the position in the Collective and in Jonas’ heart. But even now years after Arbor Kent’s death, she only had the Collective. She would never have Jonas’ respect or his love.

  “Yes,” he seemed to deflate at the word and shook his head. “We should all be very worried.” He exhaled before turning to leave the room.


  Grace loved the holidays. In fact, she loved them so much that by Thanksgiving Day, she had the entire place decorated for Christmas. She had Boogie prepare a buffet of all of the things she loved. There were the traditional trappings of Thanksgiving, turkey and stuffing, green beans and mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. But there was also the traditional New Orleans Thanksgiving staples, baked ham, seafood gumbo, oyster stuffing, candied yams and of course, bell peppers stuffed with Gulf shrimp and crab meat, which were Eli’s favorite. Pumpkin, pecan and sweet potato pies and bread pudding with rum sauce lined the buffet table as neighbors, family and friends helped themselves. Some of Grace’s more famous musical neighbors came in and played for guests who danc
ed and drank and had a rip roaring time. Ever the gracious host, she insisted that even the homeless kids who hung out around Jackson Square, the gutter punks and runaways, got their fill on this night. Boogie had always protested letting street trash into the house.

  “One of these days, they are going to knock you over the head and rob you blind old woman,” Boogie had blustered on more than one occasion. But she always made sure they left with doggie bags, clean new clothes and fresh blankets. She would deny it, but she had a softer heart than Grace.

  When Eli and Riley had entered, Grace, who had been in a deep conversation with the laughing red-faced mayor, turned a beaming smile on them.

  “There you are.” She came over and gave them each a hung and loud smacking kisses on their cheeks. She held Riley at arm’s length, “Where’s Adam? I expected to see him here.” Riley smiled just as brightly, but Eli noticed that it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  “He went home for the holiday. He’ll be back on Monday.” That explained it. Adam was born and raised by devout evangelical Christian parents in a small town outside of Lake Charles called, Brimstone. And that was all there was to say on that subject.

  “Get something to eat before it’s all gone. Eli, Boogie saved you two peppers, she put them in the kitchen.” She smiled brightly and kissed Eli again.

  “I need another drink; my glow is starting to fade. Enjoy.” She twirled away and Eli couldn’t help but smile. Riley watched Grace with quiet awe, at her age she still moved like a woman at least thirty years younger.

  “What is it about your grandmother that makes her so wonderful?” he asked.

  “Probably the liquor,” Boogie mumbled as she came to stand beside them. Riley turned and kissed her cheek.

  “Hey Boogie,” Eli kissed her forehead and gave her a bear hug lifting her off of the ground. She pushed fruitlessly at his shoulders, squirming in an attempt to get away. He put her back on the ground and laughed as she playfully slapped at him.

  “Why do you do that?” she asked.

  “You act like you hate this, but I know you don’t. I’ve seen you sneaking food to the homeless kids in Jackson Square.”

  She gave him a narrow eyed stare and smiled. “I saved you some peppers and gumbo in the kitchen. Make sure you get it before you leave.” She gave his arm a pat as she walked away. Eli smiled after her. His Boogie, to know her was to love her.


  The night was warm enough for the patio doors to be open, and guests spilled out into the crisp November air. Eli had greeted old friends he hadn’t seen in years, he danced and drank and shared small talk. For once he was completely relaxed. That was until he heard that nails on a chalkboard laugh that raised the hairs on the back of his neck.

  “Elijah, there you are. I have been looking everywhere for you.” He turned and came face to face with Hannah Freeman. She was in a nude dress with a black lace overlay that clung to her slight frame. The deep v of the neckline showed an obscene amount of cleavage that had been lotioned until it shone. Her thick hair hung in loose sexy curls around her narrow face, and her make-up was done to perfection. Behind her stood a rather stiff man in a dark grey suit and bright red tie, and a suspicious look on his face. Next to him, a woman who was simply an older version of Hannah. The parents, he thought and he managed a tight smile.

  “Hannah,” He leaned over and gave her the obligatory kiss on the cheek in greeting. She smelled of some sweet flowery perfume that tickled his nose, overpowering his senses. He stifled a sneeze as he held out his hand. “These must be your parents? Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, so nice to meet you.” Hannah smiled brightly, and looped her arm through his protectively, pressing her breasts into his side. “Daddy, Mama, this is Elijah. Elijah these are my parents Lowell and Ana Freeman.” She looked at him as if he were a prized pig, her eyes large and dewy.

  Lowell Freeman took Eli’s hand and gave it a brusque shake, nodding his head in acknowledgment but said nothing. Lowell openly sized Eli up, while Ana just about gushed.

  “I didn’t know Grace had such a handsome grandson. Hannah has spoken so highly of you. It’s a pleasure.” Eli nodded, and searched the room for Grace. “She tells us you’re an officer with the New Orleans Police department. Do you wear a uniform? I always thought a man in a nice uniform was so dashing.” He smiled weakly.

  “No ma’am, I’m a detective. I wear plain clothes.”

  Lowell cleared his throat. “Ever shot a man?” He looked at Lowell curiously. “I have.” Lowell blustered and Ana gave his arm a slap.

  “Lowell you have not, cut that out. He’s trying to scare you off. Be nice to Hannah’s young man.” He gave a tight laugh and searched the room for a rescue. When he had become Hannah’s anything, he wondered. Riley stood near the bar on the patio with Boogie. They both raised their glasses in a toast as they laughed.

  He made a mental note to pay the two of them back for this, very soon.


  Celeste manifested on the sidewalk underneath a balcony on the corner of Ursulines and Burgundy. She stood for a moment, waiting for the nausea and dizziness to subside, before she mentally searched for him. There was always that jarring almost sea sick feeling after being transported in and out of the Collective’s chamber. Mostly because it wasn’t her own power used; instead it was like being propelled through space in a gyroscope. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and listened. He was nearby, and in some sort of distress. Making her way down the block, she could hear the music and laughter coming from behind a high stone fence covered in delicate ivy. Eli was behind that wall. She could feel the tension in his body and an overwhelming need for rescue. Yet the desperation wasn’t due to any imminent danger; it was something else. Moving closer, she felt her curiosity piqued by the strange emotion roiling through Eli. There was a definite need of help but no panic or pain, just the need for someone to get him away.

  She found herself pushing through the crowd milled around the heavy wooden double doors that stood open in greeting to any and all. She stood on the threshold, peering inside and smiled. She eased further into the foyer and found the place teaming with people, from the well to do, to street people milled around with heaping plates of food. Music bounced off of the walls and laughter seemed to emanate from everywhere. The room was dressed for Christmas in shades of white, blue, and silver, the entire place smelled delicious, like Christmas and Thanksgiving and home. Near the open patio doors was an enormous tree flocked to look as if it had been caught in a gently falling snow and then she saw him.

  Eli stood head and shoulders above the crowd. He was clean shaven and wearing a blue grey sweater and dark denim jeans. He looked absolutely delicious and she wanted to take a bite out of him. She had an overwhelming urge to go and wrap herself around him. Just the thought of his mouth and hands on her caused gooseflesh to rise on her skin. Damn it, if he wasn’t the sexiest thing she’d ever seen. The things she would do to him...

  Giving herself a mental shake she studied him a little closer, something wasn’t right. He was smiling tightly, his eyes darting to the bar where Riley and a red head stood smiling and laughing at him. That’s was when she noted Hannah Freeman gripping Eli’s arm making sure he stayed put as they spoke with an older couple. Celeste had to admit, Hannah looked beautiful. She’d stepped up her game since their last meeting, and she was more than sure this little bitch was in heat and had Eli’s scent. She could feel the immediate fury rising up in her, and she wanted Hannah’s blood and a good bit of her hair, too.

  Celeste felt the devious smile start as she moved into the living room, passing a mirror as she exited the empty foyer. She paused and looked down at herself. She was in worn jeans and a white tee that had been splattered with blood and grime from Briar. Her hair was a tangled mess piled high on her head, her blood splattered and tear streaked face was a mess. She smelled of blood and sweat and animal.

  “Oh, this will not do,” she mumbled. She looked around before slinking into a shadowy alcove to
change. One good thing about being who she was, instant wardrobe changes were always possible. She closed her eyes and snapped her fingers. There was a quick flash, like that of a camera and she was done. She went back to peer in the mirror and smiled at what she saw.

  “Okay bitch, let’s play,” she mumbled and adjusted her breasts before turning on her heel. She was gunning for Hannah Freeman, and in this man trap of a dress, she was loaded for bear.


  Eli was mouthing what he would do to Riley who stood laughing at the bar, when a scent caught his attention. It was warm vanilla and light flowery lavender with just a hint of honey. From the corner of his eye he glimpsed a glint of gold, moving through the crowd. Turning his head, he saw her and his mouth went dry and his body hot immediately.

  Her hair hung over one shoulder in long dark cascading waves of black silk, her eyes seemed to capture his with laser like precision. She wore a short gold dress that dipped dangerously low in front exposing her bare golden skin from neck to cleavage, and clung to the toned muscles of her upper thighs. She was tucking something into a small clutch she held in her perfectly manicured hand; but looking at him coyly through long dark lashes. His eyes moved over her long, lean legs and gold stilettos. He could still feel those legs wrapped around his waist as she pressed her warmth against him. Every nerve in his body came to life at the thought of her.

  As she approached, the crowd backed away, giving her a wide berth. Heads swiveled as if on pivots as she sashayed through, her eyes never straying from his face. She bit her bottom lip and his body ignited. What was wrong with him, he had never craved a woman the way he craved Celeste. He had always been regimented and in complete control of his carnal urges. Except with her, something about her made him lose all semblance of control. It was as if she had cast a spell on him, and he as helpless against it.

  In unison, the Freemans turned to see what had captured Eli’s attention and the stoic façade of Lowell Freeman evaporated. He stared at the Amazon stalking toward him, sucking in his gut instinctively. Ana’s smile faltered for a moment, as Eli slipped his arm from Hannah’s death grip and walked toward her, his intent clear. He closed the space between them in two steps and took her into his arms, his mouth covering hers in a kiss that made her knees buckle. She clung to him to keep from falling, her fist balling into his sweater as she held onto to him for dear life. His mouth was hot and hungry and tasted of champagne. Eli held her face, his hands buried in her hair as he thoroughly kissed her. She felt that kiss down to her toenails. When he finally released her, she looked at him through her lashes.


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