The First to Fall: A Fallen Novel (The Fallen Series)

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The First to Fall: A Fallen Novel (The Fallen Series) Page 20

by Tanisha D. Jones

  “You know Grace?” he asked, his eyes still on Celeste and Remy.

  “Honey, I know everyone. I’ve been haunting this city for centuries.” Once again she handed him one of the pale pink drinks, this time he actually tasted the nectar. It tasted of fruit and he was sure some sort of alcohol, yet he couldn’t place it.

  “That’s good,” he muttered and she quickly handed him another, her hand coming to rest on Eli’s ass. He paid no attention, even when her tiny hand began moving in a slow circular motion. “And what are you?” he teased. She pulled her hair back to expose delicately pointed ears.

  “Pixie, of course.” She gave his arm a teasing slap. He touched one of her ears, his eyes wide with wonder.

  “Sweet,” he whispered.

  He glanced back towards Celeste and Remy. He was closer now, running his hands up and down her arms, speaking to her in low tones, his head nuzzling her shoulder. He lifted his face and kissed her. This was greeted with a resounding slap across his face. Remy grabbed her by the arms and gave her a hard shake. Eli was at her side in the blink of an eye, his hand wrapped around Remy’s neck as he lifted him off of the ground. He had never in his life felt as much rage as he did at that very moment and it took all of his will power not to tear Remy’s head off. There was a hushed gasp in the room as Remy struggled. Eli looked up into Remy’s startled eyes, his own turquoise eyes sparked to life as his fury grew. He couldn’t hear anything except a strange high pitched squeal in his head as he focused on hurting this man. He pinned Remy to the wall with such force it splintered.

  “Don’t you ever touch her like that again.” Eli growled. Remy’s eyes grew wide with terror as Eli slammed him into the wall. “I will destroy you,” he spat. His eyes seemed to glow neon, and Celeste felt her heart in her throat.

  “Let me go, you crazy bastard.” Remy tried to pry Eli’s fingers from his throat, but they just tightened, his nails digging into the tender skin until he drew blood. Celeste watched in terror as her brother struggled. Knowing how strong he was, he should have easily broken Eli’s grip. She touched Eli’s arm, which felt like solid granite and drew his attention to her. “Eli, let him go.” The sound of Celeste voice was the only sound that seemed to break through the haze of fury and he slowly let Remy down. When he released him, Remy, who was suddenly very sober, huddled in a corner trying to catch his breath, his hand rubbing his bruised and battered neck.

  “Who the fuck is this guy?” He croaked, and looked up at Eli who towered over him.

  “This is my detective.” Celeste stared at Eli with wide fascinated eyes. His skin had taken on deep ebony hue; his eyes illuminated and when he smiled her heart stopped. Those perfectly even white teeth and that damn sexy dimple of his were only emphasized by the long white incisors that glinted in the light.

  Jinxie sashayed over handing Eli another of those sweet tasting pink drink. “I like a good brawl as much as the next pixie, but y’all are killing my buzz.” She smiled slyly as Eli downed the drink and stared at the glass in satisfaction.

  “How many of those has he had?” CeCe barked.

  “Three, four, twelve. Who knows?” Jinxie teased, and Celeste leveled her with a gaze that would have withered a charging bull.

  “Don’t toy with me pixie. How many?” Jinxie shrugged.

  “Ten at least.” Celeste sighed and looked from a drunken Eli to a somewhat sobering Remy. Neither of them would be easy to get into the car and she was not dressed to carry them. Closing her eyes and counting to ten, she took a deep breath before turning back to Jinxie.

  “I need to get these two home and since you were so helpful in getting them in their current states, you’re going to help me.” Jinxie looked completely stunned but didn’t dare to oppose Celeste in her current state or she’d be the next one pinned to the wall.

  Getting them into the car was made ten times easier by the Kulivichek twins who hauled the men into the back of Eli’s SUV as if they were mere children. Celeste slid behind the wheel, her frustration ebbing as the pixie dust and cherubs that flitted around Jinxie’s garden lightened her mood. Eli looked over at Remy as he was buckled into his seat.

  “You’re Doc’s brother?” he asked. Remy nodded.

  “And you are the chosen one,” Remy snarled. Eli stared at him in confusion. He knew that something about this entire night was wrong; something was off about all of these people. But he couldn’t get his mind to move past the overwhelming feeling of ecstasy. He felt lightheaded and fuzzy, but good, like he was floating on a pink cloud. He frowned, yes, something was wrong but for the life of him he couldn’t figure out why.

  “Am I drunk?” he asked Remy.

  “Lil bit,” Remy agreed. “But doesn’t it feel good?” Eli sighed and closed his eyes, he had to admit, it did.


  “Do you need us to follow you?” one of the twins was asking Celeste in Russian.

  “No thanks, Ivan. I think I’ve got it now.” She glanced at Jinxie, who had eased into the passenger’s seat, her large eyes downcast, and her large pointed ears hanging low. The thing about pixies is that they were more or less errant children. They weren’t generally mean spirited or even hurtful in anyway, they were basic in their need for mischief; it’s what kept them young and fed their magic, what kept them alive. Laughter, pleasure and joy surrounded them wherever they went and fed them. It was why no one was ever sad in Jinxie’s garden. Anger seemed to melt away once you inhaled the wafting floral scents that hung around the outside of the house like a shroud.

  Also like errant children they did pout and sulk when reprimanded. Celeste looked over at Jinxie who’d changed once again to blue jeans and a bright pink V-neck sweater. She looked even more childlike as her feet dangled off of the edge of the front seat of the monster SUV. Celeste had never realized just how small she was until they were seated beside each other in the car. Her heart softening, she sighed.

  “I’m sorry I yelled at you,” she conceded, and Jinxie’s ears flicked just an inch. “I tell you what, you can stay and play with Remy at the St Charles house.”

  She just about lit up the interior of the car as her ears perked up and she smiled brilliantly at her. “Just don’t-break anything.” she warned, and Jinxie nodded. She spun around in her seat to look back at Remy who was smiling drunkenly at her.

  “Well alright,” he hooted. The last time she had allowed Jinx a little “play time “with Remy, he’d ended up with a broken collarbone.

  “So what are we going to play, Suga?” She asked excitedly, her eyes dancing with mischief. “Whatever you want Jinxie.” Remy laughed. “Whatever you want.”

  Eli was vaguely aware of his surroundings as they moved through the city. He was mildly amused that the St. Charles house, as it was referred to, was actually a mansion, a huge thing with wrought iron gates and circular driveway. He was conscious of someone hauling Remy out and tossing him over their shoulder like a sack of potatoes; someone large in a dark suit. He also remembered that same someone moving him from the back seat to the front, and he could feel Celeste beside him. He could smell her, lavender and vanilla and all Celeste. He felt Jinxie kiss his cheek as the same someone snapped the buckle on his seat belt and turned to see Celeste driving his car.


  Once they were moving again, he was all too aware of her and her alone. In the confined space of the car interior, she filled his senses. He could smell her scent wafting in the air, intoxicating him. Her caramel colored skin beneath his fingertips felt as soft and smooth as satin and seemed to glow in the moonlight. He traced intricate swirls across her bare thigh and kissed her neck. His hand dipped into to the loose cowl neck of her dress to cup one full breast, his thumb teasing her tightened nipple.

  “Eli,” she gasped, trying to focus on the road. They weren’t that far from her apartment, but the traffic at Lee Circle was always kind of tricky. He pushed the material aside, exposing her and she squealed in shock.

  “Eli, people can see in here. Y
ou’re going to get us arrested.” She gently pushed him away with one hand.

  “Well, I suggest you hurry up.” When he lowered his head and took a tightened nipple into his mouth, her eyes drifted closed from the feel of his hot mouth on her skin. The blaring of car horns shook her back to reality as she swerved into the next lane.

  “Eli, I’m driving,” she moaned pushing him away, again. He raised his lips to brush her cheek, his mouth next to her ear.

  “I have never wanted a woman as much as I want you,” he mumbled before his put his tongue in her ear. The sensation was a shock of pleasure and she felt her eyes drifting closed. Again, horns blared and tires screeched as she shot through a red light avoiding a collision by inches.

  “Shit, Eli,” she growled and pushed him away. “You’re going to get us killed,” she mumbled.

  “You’re the one driving,” he teased, and she shot him an evil glare. “Okay, Okay.” He sat back in his seat, his hand still resting on her bare thigh. “I’ll be good.”

  When the car finally came to a bone shattering stop, the seat belt tightened across his chest, snapping Eli to his seat. She exhaled and turned off the motor, before looking at him, her anger melting away at the intense way he was looking at her. He was looking at her like he was going to eat her alive.

  “Okay,” she breathed, “Okay. We’re here.” On shaky legs, she climbed from the cab of the Lexus SUV, to stand in front of the car, waiting. He eased out of the car, and slowly made his way to her, his hands on either side of her, pushing her back against the warm metal hood of the SUV. Leaning over, he kissed her slowly, softly, his tongue moving into her mouth to taste her. When he released her, he stepped aside so that she could stalk toward the elevator; Eli followed silently, his hands on her hips. Her every nerve was on fire from his touch along with the added adrenaline of nearly killing them both in a fiery crash. If it weren’t for the surveillance cameras, she would have mounted him in the car. He followed her past the public elevators to a door that appeared to be the entrance to a closet. She placed her thumb on a hidden pad and the door slid open to reveal an elevator large enough for perhaps two average sized people. For the two of them, it was a close fit.

  From the moment the door slid closed, he seemed to fill the space, looming over her, blocking the light from the single fixture. She took a step back and felt the cool metal of the wall against her bare back. He reached for her, his hand slipping into the silken waves of her hair, his mouth moving slowly over hers. The kiss took her breath away and she pressed herself hard against him, her hands balling into fist against his chest.

  “You’re going to ruin my sweater,” he smiled against her lips. He took her wrists and held them high above her head with one hand. The other hand cupped her breast, his thumb torturing her nipple as his mouth took hers. When he moved the material aside and the air touched her bared skin, her breasts tightened, her nipples became rock hard pebbles begging for his touch. She chewed her lip as he lowered his head so slowly, taking one hardened nub into his mouth. She sucked in sharply as the immediate rush of pleasure assaulted her.

  “You are so beautiful,” he mumbled as his teeth grazed the tender flesh. It was as if every nerve in her body converged in that one spot.

  “I want you so much, Doc.” His voice was so low and thick, she had to open her eyes to make sure it was him. He was looking down at her with those bright blue eyes; his entire body, tense and hard, pressed into her.


  The elevator pinged and the door slid open. But instead of a lobby, they exited into a posh living room of a penthouse condo. She reluctantly backed away from him and led him in, dropping her purse on a nearby table as she did. She took his hand and backed into the living room, the elevator door closing behind him.

  Eli stared around the open space of exposed brick walls with a long dark marble island that separated the kitchen from the living area. The room was open with plush sofas in vibrant jewel tones, rugs covered the marble floors and every wall seemed to house artwork from several cultures. In the center of the room there were two marble pillars and against the far wall a staircase. She had a wall with kabuki masks flanking a suit of Samurai armor. There was a Middle Eastern tapestry hung on wall and a freakishly pointed metal art piece jutting from the wall near the kitchen area. It was ten feet tall and had metal peaks all crested with sharp pointed tips that stood four feet away from the heavy wooded base. One stumble and one could easily be skewered. He could see her in every aspect of the room, from the Japanese weaponry on the walls to the stacks of books on the floor. Taking his hand, she led him up a narrow glass and metal staircase to her bedroom.

  The room was not at all what he expected. Downstairs was a jewel toned study in eclectic modern style, the kitchen a stainless steel and sterling silver hodgepodge of clean simple lines. Even the rather terrifying artwork had a simplistically modern feel. Looking at that open space downstairs had given him a very distinct feel for the well-traveled multi-faceted Dr. C. Keegan Kent.

  The bedroom was all Celeste. The first thing he noticed was that the room was bathed in moonlight from the skylight over the bed. It was a large room with warm gold walls and light colored hardwood floors. Near one of the large floor-to-ceiling windows was a sitting area with a small white love seat and a small dark wood table. He smiled at the stack of books piled up on the floor. The walls were covered in abstract art work in deep reds and purples. He briefly took note of a dresser near an open door that led into a bathroom and dressing area. The thing that he zeroed in on, beside the gorgeous woman in front of him of course, was the bed. It was a romantic king sized bed that dominated the room with delicate metal scroll work and solid wood posts adorning the headboard. The comforter and pillows were a warm and inviting deep purple matching the drapes at the windows that bookended the bed.

  She turned to him, her breathing harsh and shallow, those ever expressive eyes, glowing a deep dark blue with dancing silver flecks. The soft gold of the dress against her moon kissed skin made her look unearthly, ethereal. Eli pulled her close, running his hands through her thick blue black hair, his lips brushing her forehead. She pulled his mouth down to hers, one hand moving under the soft cashmere of his sweater to the hard muscle beneath. She pulled away long enough to pull it up over his head and tossed it away. She paused, staring at the bright blue t-shirt he wore underneath with the Superman S emblazoned across the chest in red and yellow. Lifting a curious brow, she stared up at him in amusement.

  “Riley’s idea of joke. He buys me one every Christmas.” Sheepishly, he pulled it over his head and tossed it to the floor. His sheepish grin melted away and he looked at her with obvious want and her skin grew hot. He ran a hand over his mouth and took a determined step towards her, his hand on the nape of her neck. His mouth moved over hers, a hand on her lower back, pressing her hips against him. He was straining against his jeans, his body on fire for her, his mouth moving down her neck, his hands on her breast. He moved the soft gold material aside and took one breast into his mouth, and she arched into him, rising on tiptoe to allow him easier access to her aching body. His mouth was hot and she leaned forward, raking her nails over his smooth back.

  As he teased her with his tongue, his hands moved under the hem of her skirt, up muscled thighs to the soft skin of her naked rear end. He smiled, lifting his face to hers. “It was bothering me all night,” he whispered against her lips.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Trying to figure out what kind of scrap of lace you considered panties were under this dress.”


  “Not at all.” He smiled against her lips, his hand moving to cup the soft moist curls at her center, his fingers teasing her. She pressed against his hand, her body moving against him slowly. He slipped a finger inside of her, stroking slowly in smooth movements until she was moaning into his mouth.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered and he stopped for a moment, his entire body coiled tight. His breathing wa
s strained and labored against her ear.

  “Are you sure?” he asked. The last thing he wanted to do was to rush this, to make her regret trusting him. And in his current state, he wasn’t sure he would be as gentle as she needed. If he had his way, he would have been her first, her last, her only. He knew that once he made love to Dr. Celeste Keegan Kent, he would never be able to leave her. He touched her cheek, rubbing her kiss swollen berry stained lips with his thumb.

  She kicked off her shoes and took a step back, sliding the clingy gold dress off of her shoulders and down her hips until it lay in a gold pool around her feet. She kicked it aside and stood under the sky light, the moonlight playing across her skin. From the glowing caramel skin, blue black hair and vivid turquoise eyes to the full breasts and runners legs, she had the classic hourglass figure and soft curves of a pin-up. She watched as a muscle worked in his jaw, as he took her in, his eyes glowing in the darkness. He wanted to say something, but honestly, his throat had gone dry at the sight of her. She stood waiting, and when she nervously bit her bottom lip he was finally able to breathe again.

  “You could have left the shoes on.” He teased, closing the space between them dipping his head to take possession of her mouth. He held her against him and the feel of her soft naked body against his sent a new surge of electricity through him and his cock strained against the constraints of his jeans in protest.

  She kissed him, her tongue playing with his, tasting him while her nails raked across his nipples. The unexpected sensation made him suck in air. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with concern. She was doing something wrong, she thought. She had never really been an active participant in this part of sex. For her, sex and pain went hand and hand. She looked up at him, her face a mix of emotion.

  “Did I do something wrong?” She asked breathlessly and his heart ached. For a woman with such confidence, she seemed so unsure, so sweet and innocent. To see her like this, so vulnerable, with those large blue eyes and angelic face staring up at him; he wanted her even more. He kissed the tip of her nose.


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