The First to Fall: A Fallen Novel (The Fallen Series)

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The First to Fall: A Fallen Novel (The Fallen Series) Page 23

by Tanisha D. Jones

  “Funny, huh?” he mumbled, his eyes on her face, watching for any hint of change in her demeanor. She swallowed hard, he knew something. She could see it in his eyes.

  “It seemed so real.”

  She shrugged, placing both of her feet on high on his chest. “Well, you had a lot to drink last night. I, on the other hand was too exhausted to dream. That is of course, when I was allowed sleep.” She let one foot sink beneath the water, toying with him. He moaned softly, going hard almost immediately.

  “You, Elijah Cain, are something to behold. Your stamina is incredible,” she whispered.

  “What’s the deal with you and Remy?” The question was so sudden, her brow shot up in surprise.

  “Right to it, huh? Okay, well, we’re really close in age, flirted since I came to live with Jonas, he was my first friend, my best friend until Nicky; there was an attraction, though one-sided. We’ve never gone on one date, made out a little-but that’s about it.”

  “I would say there’s more to it than that.” Eli‘s strong fingers kneaded the soles of her feet and he was making it hard to concentrate.

  “A long time ago he wanted more, but since he broke up with the love of his life, he’s been...different. But no matter what, he wants me to be happy, I suppose.” She sank lower into the water.

  “And what do you want?” His voice was low and expectant. She looked into his eyes and sat up a little straighter.

  “You.” It was a straightforward comment, no pretense or playfulness and he appreciated that. He continued his massage of her feet, a satisfied smile on his face.

  “You don’t hold back do you?”

  “No. If I don’t tell you what I want, how will you know?” A smirk teased the corners of her mouth as she watched him contemplate her statement with amusement.

  “I’ve never shared a bath with someone,” he said finally, sounding a little amazed.

  “Really? I doubt that. I see you having women doing whatever you want them to. All you have to do is flash that little dimple and the panties come off. ”

  “Nope. That is not my style. Just because someone is willing doesn’t make them attractive. And how could I ever want anyone else as long as you’re in my world? You’ve corrupted me, Doc.” He kissed her big toe and a shiver went through her. All it took was a touch to bring her blood to a boil.

  “That was my plan all along. “ She lifted her brow in quick succession, twirling an invisible mustache and he laughed.

  “You are diabolical.” He teased and she playfully splashed water at him.

  “You don’t know the half of it.” As she spoke his cell phone chimed to life from somewhere on the bedroom floor, possibly underneath a pile of discarded clothing. She lifted a curious brow, but said nothing. She could remember that phone ringing off and on most of the morning and Eli’s total oblivion to it. She wasn’t even sure he knew where it was or if her even cared, for that matter.

  “I know where it is and who’s calling.” He mumbled at that particularly moment, the most important thing in his world was the muscled curve of her calf.

  “Hannah Freeman. Man, she’s got your scent- like a dog after a bone. I bet you have women throwing themselves at you left and right. Are you sleeping with her too? Have your cake and eat me too?” He laughed at her bawdy remark and shook his head.

  “Not my style. My last relationship lasted three years. She was a great girl, but she was needy and we had nothing in common. She said I was too black and white and that I saw no grey. She also said I had no passion and that I was too closed off and that I never really let loose. Grace hated her.”

  “Why do you call her Grace?”

  “Because- she’s just always been Grace. She doesn’t look or act likes a grandmother. And she would kill me if I called her Nana or Granny. She’s a true old New Orleans broad, you know.” he shrugged. “I think you two will really like each other, once you get to know each other.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You’re a lot alike. Strong, smart, graceful, funny –beautiful-but I find you much, much sexier.” His voice took on a strange tone, one she couldn’t identify.

  “Are you close to her?”

  “Yeah, she’s the only family I have; her and Boogie, and Riley, of course. We have a standing lunch date once a week. And at least every other week, she tries to set me up with someone just like the girl she hated; socialite types, who spend their time planning charity events and bridal showers, boring pretty girls who pose well for pictures. Ironic, isn’t it?”

  Celeste thought about that for a moment, then shook her head.

  “Not really, Eli. Even though she didn’t like your ex, she figured that’s your type. So that’s where she’s starting. She wants you to be happy. She wants you to have love in your life. That’s what parents want for their children.”

  He’d never actually thought of it that way. Oh he knew Grace loved him and wanted him to be happy, but until last night, she had no idea what he wanted in a woman. Hell, until a few days ago, he hadn’t known. When she put it in those terms, it made sense that Grace would do what she did; she had no other point of reference. He kissed the sole of her left foot, and it tingled all the way up her thigh. “Well I have you, so that won’t be an issue anymore, now will it?”

  “Elijah Cain, are you falling in love with me?” she fanned herself and fluttered her eyelashes, a coy smile teasing her lips. She was teasing, but his face was suddenly serious. He was staring at her, silent and solemn, and she thought that perhaps she had said something wrong. What he felt for her was pure primal lust, not love, love was not allowed. She was supposed to choose a mate who would best suit her and the Collective. She was to marry for position and for political reasons, never for love, not that he’d proposed marriage. For a second she felt an odd twinge of some unrecognizable emotion twisting in the pit of her stomach.

  “I didn’t-” she stammered nervously, not wanting to burst the bubble that surrounded them. Not just yet anyway. It would come to an end soon enough, but not just yet. She hadn’t had him long enough yet. Her growing dread ebbed when she looked at him. He smiled and ran his hands up her calf to her muscled thigh his eyes on her face.

  “I think I may be.” Her heart skipped a beat at his words and her breath caught in her throat. “There is something about you, I feel like I’ve known you my entire life; like we’re supposed to be, somehow. A whole world opened up for me when I met you. From the minute I met you all of the puzzle pieces of my life fell into place, with you right in the middle of it.”

  There was a great big piece of the puzzle he wasn’t seeing, she thought, and she really, really didn’t want to have to tell him what it was. Damn it, if only she hadn’t been called before the Collective she could have kept him hidden. She could have kept him her secret. But now that they knew; she would have to bring him in. If she didn’t they would send one of the others, one who wouldn’t care in what condition he was brought in. They made their money whether the capture was dead or alive.

  Nervously, she chewed her bottom lip something he found increasingly sexy and he told her so. “It makes me want to bite you.” She didn’t say anything. Something was bothering her, something she still had hidden from him. He probed her mind and again came up empty; there was a veil over her mind. She had a funny way of doing that. She could close herself off completely from him. She locked her entire life away behind a wall.

  “You do that a lot don’t you?” he asked. She looked at him, confusion flickering in her eyes. “You close yourself off from people. You know you never mention any friends other than Nicky. Only your family. And you moved all the way to the city, over an hour away from them. You lock yourself up in this high tech penthouse at night and go to a locked away lab to work. You don’t even have pictures of your family on the walls. I’ve been with you for hours and your telephone hasn’t rung once. You are incredible, smart, beautiful, loving, funny-what are you hiding from? It’s like you’re of this world, but not
in it. You keep yourself outside of it. Why do you lock yourself away from the world, Doc?”

  “What do you want from me Eli?” she asked quietly, sinking lower in the tub. A smile lifted one corner of his mouth as he moved through the tepid water, splashing some over the sides, as he came face to face with her. He hovered, between her thighs, his damp skin against hers and she saw that dimple. She rose to meet him her tongue darting out to lick that little dimple, her dimple.

  “Everything. I want everything from you,” he whispered, his teeth nipping at her earlobe. She held her breath and closed her eyes wanting so much to give herself completely over to him. She wanted to give him everything, but she couldn’t. Not yet. If the Collective had their way, she would never be able to give him more than these few blissful hours. They were going to take him away from her; she knew that from the moment she’d spoken of him in their chamber. They were going to take him from her, just as they’d taken away everything else. She couldn’t tell him that she was alone because of what she was, what she could do. If she had been bound, blind to the world as he was, then and only then could she have him. But that would never be, they would never allow it. If she were to go against them, they would make sure she never saw him or the light of day again. Or even worse, they would simply kill him. She sniffed as tears threatened and he pulled back so that he could look at her. He sat back and studied her face, worry creasing his handsome face.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” He’d never wanted to hurt her, and somehow he had. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  She shook her head and wiped her tears away, putting on a brave smile. “It’s not you. I’m sorry.”

  “I would never, ever hurt you,” he whispered and leaned back against the opposite end of the tub, pulling her to sit astride him. She held his face in her hands and looking down into his eyes she could see that he meant that. She could also see that his eyes had darkened to a midnight blue she had never seen before and her breath caught.

  “How much of last night do you remember?” she asked, her eyes scanning his face. Panic was rising; her heart thudded against her ribs as she waited for him to say something. He thought for a moment, his thoughts still hidden in a pink fluffy fog. He shrugged absently.

  “I remember you.” His hands, which were on her waist, slowly moved up, his palms spanning her back as he pulled her closer. “I remember this.” He leaned forward licking droplets of water from her chest. He kissed the valley between her perfect and ample breast, his hands moving down her hips. Playfully, she slipped out of his grasp.

  “Don’t start with me, Elijah Cain. I’m sore and stiff.” She stepped out of the bath, wrapped herself in a fluffy pale pink towel and headed into the bedroom.

  “I’m getting pretty stiff myself. I get so hard just looking at you that it hurts,” he groaned. She glanced at him over her shoulder with the most devilish glint in her eye.

  “Poor baby. Want me to kiss and make it better?” She cooed, letting the towel droop enough for him to get the full view of her naked ass as she walked away.

  Eli was on her within seconds, tossing her over his shoulder and dropping her soundly on the bed. She screamed and giggled as he looked down at her. There was gentleness behind his eyes and as always something else. She stroked his stubbly and scratchy cheek, his smile so bright it reached his eyes. He was such a beautiful man, she thought. She was suddenly serious as she reached up and kissed him softly.

  “I want you to always remember us like this,” she thought. “Always like this.”


  He watched her sleep, her hair fanned out over his chest like a silken scarf. Her face was relaxed and free from make-up, she looked angelic. Her long lithe body was tangled in the covers, one leg tossed over his, the long caramel expanse of her back exposed. She slept with her hands tucked under her cheek, the way a child might when she pretends to be asleep. He smiled and ran a hand over the lean muscled back, leaning over to kiss her shoulder. She shifted slightly, her mouth falling open and she began to snore. It wasn’t a light snore; it was like a lumberjack’s loud and droning. Amused, he leaned over and pinched her nose, wondering if that would ebb the noise. She bucked and slapped his hand away, but didn’t wake. She mumbled something incoherent; leaning over he kissed her cheek before he slipped out of bed and slipped his jeans on before padding down stairs. If he couldn’t satisfy that hunger, he should definitely satisfy another.


  Remy was sitting on one of the fluffy deep purple sofas in the living room when he walked down the stairs. He glanced at Eli as he entered the room then turned his attention back to the show he was watching and the bowl of cereal he was eating. Eli watched with amusement as Internet video clips flashed across the screen, and a tall thin man made sarcastic comments about the performers’ mental abilities.

  “You still here?” Remy asked around a mouth full of cereal as Eli made his way into the open kitchen.

  “Apparently.” Eli mumbled and began searching for something to eat. Celeste seemed to live on a steady diet of soda, red wine and fruit. The stainless steel fridge was full of fresh fruit and some suspect vegetables. The top two shelves held dozens of bottles of red wine and a book of poetry. Smiling to himself, Eli placed the book on the counter. He’d seen several half read books scattered around the apartment in the strangest location. It was as if she got distracted and just left her books where ever she was, but they all had been carefully marked so she could pick up where she left off when she finally found the book again. Shaking his head, he rummaged around in the freezer until he found breakfast sausages. He removed them and searched the cabinets until he unearthed the ingredients for pancakes, several more books, and a cordless phone.

  “Well, by all means, just feel free to make yourself at home,” Remy grumbled. Eli ignored him as he continued his preparations for breakfast.

  “I don’t like you.” Remy sat at the black marble island that separated the kitchen from the open living area. He looked like a teenager with his tight black jeans and oversized t-shirt. His hair was matted from sleep, his feet bare and he moved as quickly and quietly as a predatory animal. As he sat on the leather bar stool, the chains that dangled from his jeans clinked against the wooden drawers beneath the table top.

  “The feeling is mutual,” Eli snarled back at him. Remy snorted and continued to eat from a monstrous bowl of what looked like mushy Fruit Loops. He watched as Eli easily cracked eggs into a bowl and began mixing batter.

  “You wanna know why I don’t like you?” he asked.

  “Not really,” Eli said with a blindingly bright smile. Remy gave a dry laugh and shook his head. “You know I’m going to have to kick your ass for screwing my sister,” Remy said.

  “You want some pancakes first?” Eli asked as he poured the first circles of batter onto the heated griddle. At the same time, the smell of sizzling breakfast sausages filled the apartment and Remy’s mouth watered. Shrugging, he pushed the bowl of mushy cereal aside and sighed.



  They sat across from each other at the island; Remy stared at Eli while forking a mouthful of pancake. He’d already eaten one monstrous stack and was working on his second. Eli shook his head wondering how someone who ate the way Remy did managed to stay so slim. The man should weigh a ton. Eli narrowed his eyes as he studied the younger man. Like Celeste, there was something otherworldly about him, something unnatural but not like her. His otherworldliness was unique to him.

  Remy returned his stare and smiled.

  “There are things about her you don’t know,” Remy mumbled through a mouth full of pancake.

  “I’m sure there are,” he agreed and continued to eat. Remy studied the other man and continued to devour the food that lay before them. Eli was larger than Remy, bulkier, with a pleasant enough demeanor. He was also stronger than anyone Remy had ever come into contact with before. He had to be part demon, that he knew. He could smell that on him. Something ab
out Eli made Remy nervous and though he hated to admit it, he was a little afraid of him. It wasn’t just the size of the man or the aura of power and ferocity that surrounded him. No, he’d been around men like him his entire life. He’d even taken down a few, that wasn’t it. It was the unflinching way Eli looked him straight in the eye. It was probably an asset as a cop, but in day to day life, it was unnerving and somewhat intimidating. Elijah Cain exuded pure, undiluted danger.

  “She’s not like other women. She doesn’t really do relationships,” Remy said through a mouthful of sausages.

  “We’ll see.” Eli effortlessly flipped a pancake into the air, catching it in the pan.

  “She can be as mean as a viper; she’ll attack if she feels threatened.” Remy pulled the neck of his ratty t-shirt to the side exposing a long jagged scar that ran from his shoulder to his arm pit. If Eli didn’t know any better, he would have thought Remy’s arm had been nearly severed. “See this, CeCe did this the first time I tried to kiss her.”

  Eli lifted a brow that made Remy smirk in satisfaction. There was a devious glint in his eyes. “Come on man, you know we aren’t blood. She’s adopted and she’s – well you know. She kind of draws you in with those eyes and that smile. But when Jonas first found her, she had been treated – like an animal, worse. She was damn near feral. She was so thin, so broken-” Remy shook his head and Eli got a clear image of Celeste. She was covered in filth, her eyes hollow and haunted, and her feet bare. She lay on the floor, barely alive and covered in blood, her clothing ripped, her body broken. She was dying, crying for help in a voice that was barely audible from lack of use.

  “Who did that to her? Who could hurt her like that?” Eli whispered, a pain growing in the pit of his stomach. He could feel the heat rise, his skin prickling in sudden, irrational rage. Remy paused mid-bite to look at him.


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