apologetics: and N. Malul, 10, 222; and Moyal, 10, 199, 203–5, 209, 212, 220, 221
al-Aqsa Intifada, 246
al-Aqsa Library, 136
al-Aqsa Mosque, 43, 52, 53, 166, 168–69, 239–40
Arab conquest, 40
Arab Episcopalians, 33
Arab Hebrews, 111–12. See also Arab Jews
Arabic: and Islamic religious terminology, 211; knowledge of among Jews, 36–38, 50, 103, 187–90, 200; literacy in, 49, 193; and N. Malul, 233; as mark of identity vs. Hebrew, 236; and military conscription, 107, 108; and Sephardic Zionists, 9; and Sephardim vs. Ashkenazim, 127; Zionist literacy in, 187–90; and Zionists, 233
Arabic journals, 9, 12, 26–28. See also al-Hilāl (The Crescent); al-Manār (The Beacon); al-Muqtaṭaf (The Digest)
Arabic press, 187, 232; as anti-Zionist, 9, 106, 127–28, 129, 187, 190, 192, 231–32; Christian-edited, 6n11; letters to editors by Zionists in, 194; and N. Malul, 231–32; and Nassar, 231, 232; and Ottoman ethnic and religious communities, 196; Zionist attempts to influence, 9, 10, 11, 186–87, 191–95
Arabic readers/speakers, 12, 188; and Arabic journals, 135; Christian, 35, 210; Greek Orthodox, 33; Jewish, 36–38, 50, 103, 187–90, 200; Karaites as, 112, 113; and M. R. al-Khalidi, 7, 49–50; and Moyal, 77, 200, 210; Muslim, 32, 35, 210–15; mustaʿribūn, 36; Sephardic, 9, 188–89, 192; Zionist attempts to influence, 10, 197
Arab Jews, 36–38. See also Arab Hebrews
Arab Office, 244–45
Arab Revolt, 240
Arabs, 75, 92; benefit of Jewish immigration for, 128; and Ben-Zvi, 123–25; borders of identity of, 111–12; conquest by, 15, 40, 124; and fear of Jews, 184; and fellahin, 124–25; in ha-Ḥerut, 102, 103; and historically good relations with Jews, 149–50; inexpensive labor of, 76; and intellectual interchange with Jews, 46; Ishmael as ancestor of, 145; Jews as living among, 144; Jews as proof of potential of, 146–49; Jews in land of before Islam, 149, 150; and Jews of Yathrib, 231; Jews tolerated by, 158; Jews under rule of, 149–50, 158; and M. R. al-Khalidi, 40; and Kremer, 105; and language and translation, 185, 186; loyalty of, 35; and N. Malul, 222; and Mandate for Palestine, 244; medieval, 143; and Middle Eastern-born Jews, 114; and nationalism, 3; nationalist nonsectarian notion of identity of, 239; Palestinian identity among, 3, 7, 18, 35, 75, 235–37; population of, 32; and race, 13, 140, 141; as racially linked with Jews, 6, 133, 143–50, 240; and Radler-Feldmann, 93; Sephardic vs. Ashkenazic attitudes toward, 126–30; tolerance as quality of, 158, 159; views of Zionism of (see under Zionism); as workers, 122; in ha-Ẓevi/ha-Or, 102–3. See also Christian Arabs; Muslim Arabs; Palestinians (Palestinian Arabs)
Arafat, Yasser, 50n40
Argentina, 90, 91–92, 143
al-Arish, 90
Armenia, 242
Armenian Orthodox, 33
Armenians, 20
Arslan, Muhammad, 109n62
Aryans, 141
Ashkenazim, 34, 36, 37, 103; and Arabic literacy, 188; attitude toward Arabs, 126–30; and Christian intolerance, 120; and creation of Arabic newspaper, 197–98; First Aliyah, 95, 96, 100; and ha-Ḥerut, 97–98, 105; and literacy in Arabic, 193; Second Aliyah, 96; and Sephardim, 100, 105, 195; and Zionists’ self-conceptions, 94. See also Jews
asqāmah, 60–64, 66, 69, 70, 91
Assembly of Notables, 62
assimilationism, 195–96, 197
Auerbach, Elias, 139n26
Austria, 29, 183
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 242–43
Ayalon, Ami, 135
Babylonia, 82
Babylonian exile, 164, 225
Balfour Declaration, 45, 66, 179, 236, 241, 244
Balkan wars, 120n101
Banton, Michael, 5n7
Bar Giora, 123
Bar Kokhba, 53, 70, 219, 220
Barzilay, Isaac, 56n63
Bashkin, Orit, 37n80
Batnitzky, Leora, 56
bedel-i askeri, 23
Bedouin, 31, 123, 124
Beer Sheba, 88
Beirut, 17, 26–29, 43, 202
Beisan Valley, 88
Belgium, 29, 183
Ben-Attar, Hayyim, 129n129
Ben-Bassat, Yuval, 19n13
Benedict XV, 237n8
Ben-Gurion, David, 96, 123; and Ben-Zvi, 123; “Clarifying Our Political Situation,” 120–22; Erets yisroel in fargangenheit un gegenvart, 123, 124, 126
Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer (Perelman), 24, 118; anniversary celebration of, 129; and Arabic literacy, 188; Arabs in newspapers of, 102, 103; attitude toward Arabs, 127; background of, 1; and borders of identity, 112; and Christians as non-Arabs, 107–8; and de Boton, 100; and distinctions between groups, 111; and Europe, 29; and haskamah, 67–68; and Hebrew, 99, 100; and M. R. al-Khalidi, 1, 10, 15, 19, 39; library of, 46n26; and Mendelssohn, 61n83; and Muslims as enemies of Christians, 109; and Nahḍa, 29; and nationalism, 35n74; and religion in newspapers, 99, 100; as representative of Jewish community, 4; and ha-Ẓevi, 96
Ben-Yehuda, Hemda, 108n53
Ben-Yehuda, Itamar Ben-Avi, 108n53
Ben-Zvi, Rachel Yanaʾit, 96, 123
Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak, 96, 123–26, 237; Erets yisroel in fargangenheit un gegenvart, 123, 124, 126; ha-Tenuʿah ha-ʿarvit (The Arab Movement), 123
Berakhot, 203
Bernasconi, Robert, 27
Bezalel, Yitzhak, 97, 98
Bibas, Rahamim, 112, 113
Bible, Christian: and M. R. al-Khalidi, 235; and Moyal, 206–8, 209; and Septuagint, 212
Bible, Christian, books of: Gospel of John, 206; New Testament (al-injīl), 71, 73, 75, 88n167, 205, 206–8, 209, 235; Romans, 206n79
Bible, Hebrew, 18; and Amalekites, 144; and archaeology, 169–72; basis of Zionism in, 76; European criticism of, 164; European research on, 172; European scholarship on, 161, 162; in al-Hilāl, 169, 170, 171; historicity of, 169–72; and M. R. al-Khalidi, 43, 46, 51–52, 71, 75, 76n129, 77–80, 84; Makaryus on, 173; and N. Malul, 226; and Moyal, 201, 202, 212; in al-Muqtaṭaf, 169–72; Muslims on corruption of, 212; origins and historicity of, 133; and prophecy, 77–80; prophets of, 70; and racial link between Arabs and Jews, 144–45; and Rida, 152; Septuagint, 210, 211–12; and E. Zaydan, 132, 180; and Zionism, 132. See also Torah
Bible, Hebrew, books of: Daniel, 71; Deuteronomy 6:4, 116; Ezekiel, 51, 52; Isaiah, 76, 84, 217; Lamentations, 51; Psalms, 51
Bilu movement, 35n74
Bliss, Daniel, 30n58
B’nai Brith, 46n26
Brenner, Yosef Hayim, 93n1
bribery, 87
British Palestine Society, 179
Brugman, J., 42n10
Brunswick Conference (1844), 62n88
Bulgaria, 242, 243
Bulgarians, 21
Byzantines, 40, 124
Cairo, 26–29, 112, 131
Capitulations, 21–22, 31; as term, 22n23
Carmilly-Weinberger, Moshe, 68n108
Casanova, José, Public Religions in the Modern World, 57
Catholics, 21, 33, 158, 159, 166. See also Christians
Christendom vs. Islamic countries, 120, 133, 150, 157, 159, 165
Christian Arabic press, 6n11, 106, 120, 122
Christian Arabic-speakers, 35, 210
Christian Arabs, 6n11, 8, 9; and Balfour Declaration vs. Mandate for Palestine, 241; in ha-Ḥerut, 106–7, 108; and Jewish ritual murder, 201, 202; and M. R. al-Khalidi, 50; and Moyal, 205; as not authentic Arabs, 107–8; tolerance as quality of, 158; and toleration vs. persecution of Jews, 159; in ha-Ẓevi, 108–9. See also Greek Catholics
Christian-edited newspapers, 196
Christianity: and antisemitism, 88n167, 228; divisions within, 227–28; and essential sameness of all religions, 222, 224; Hellenistic Jewish roots of, 209–10; and inauthentic form of Judaism, 210; and Islam, 50, 73–75, 151; Islam’s close relationship to, 227; Jewish conversion to, 53; and Jewish philosophy, 150; Jewish sermons in support of, 118; Jews as unequal under, 53; and Judaism, 50, 75, 205–10, 215–16, 221; Judaism’s close relationship t
o, 206, 226, 227; and Judaism vs. Islam, 235–36; and M. R. al-Khalidi, 50; and N. Malul, 222, 224, 226, 227; and Moyal, 199, 205–10, 215–16; and religion vs. nationality, 138–39; and Zionists, 8. See also Greek Orthodox faith; Jesus
Christian missionaries, 18, 29–30, 99–100, 116–18, 171n126
Christian Muslims, 112
Christians, 8, 21, 166, 235; and British Mandate period, 239; as category of interpretation, 3; compared to Muslims, 136–37; as enemies of Muslims, 109–11; European protection of, 22; and fellahin, 124; in ha-Ḥerut, 100; and Jewish ritual murder, 201; Jews as evicting, 167, 169; Jews as excluding from workforce, 167; Jews as persecuted by, 8, 119–20, 121, 150, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 165, 230–31; and M. R. al-Khalidi, 43; as less tolerant of Jews, 165, 236; and messiah, 163; and monotheism, 116n90, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227; and Moyal, 221; and Muslims, 94; Muslims as persecuted by, 230–31; Muslims in shared religious-communal existence with, 236; as non-Arabs, 107–8; and Ottoman military draft, 22–23, 98, 107–8; population of, 32, 33; preaching to Jews by, 116–18; pro- vs. anti-Jewish views of, 136–37; and racial hatred for Jews, 106–7, 114; and redemption in Islam, 151–53; and religious hatred for Jews, 83–84, 106–7, 114–20, 121; and Septuagint, 212; socioeconomic status of, 115; and Tanzimat, 20; and toleration, 8, 119–20, 121, 157, 158, 159, 165; in ha-Ẓevi (ha-Or; Hashkafah), 99–100; Zionist category of, 95; Zionist views of, 94
Christians, Palestinian: characteristics shared with Jews, 98; in ha-Ḥerut, 98–99; and Muslim-Christian Association, 235–37
Christian Syrians, 26
Church Fathers, 209
Churchill, Winston, 241–42n23
circumcision, 74
Clarke, Adam, 164
Cohen, Julia Phillips, 119n99
Cohen, Mark R., 53n54, 150–51n67
Cohen, Mendel, 199
commerce, 81–82, 83n154, 84, 87, 146, 230
Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), 25
Conference of Rabbis, Frankfurt-am-Main, 62
Copts, 21, 33
Corneilhan, Georges, Juifs et opportunistes, 222, 228
Crusaders, 124, 231
Cyrus, 217, 218–19
Czecho-Slovak state, 243
Damascus, 16n5, 26, 53
Damascus Affair, 201, 202
Darwin, Charles: The Descent of Man, 27; On the Origin of Species, 27
Darwinism, 26–28, 139
David, 49, 168, 172
David ha-Nagid (David ben Abraham Maimun), 200, 207, 208
de Boton, David, 100
Deganiah, 33
Derenbourg, Hartwig, 44
Dhu Nuwas, 144
Disraeli, Benjamin, 148
Dome of the Rock, 41, 52–53
Drews, Arthur, 115–16
Dreyfus Affair, 92, 147
Drumont, Edouard, La France Juive, 228
Druze, 21, 32, 176n141
East Africa, 90, 91
East Central Africa, 143
Eastern Orthodox church, 33
Efron, John, 31, 139n26
Egypt, 88; British conquest and occupation of, 28; Fatimid state in, 156; and al-Ḥizb al-waṭanī (National Party), 220; and intellectual and cultural orbit of, 26; Israelite emigration to from Judea, 208–9; Jewish migration from Palestine to, 131–32, 138, 179; Jews in, 156, 177; and race, 28, 29; and Sudan, 28
Egypt, ancient, 71, 82, 171
Egyptian press. See al-Hilāl (The Crescent); al-Manār (The Beacon); al-Muʾayyad; al-Muqaṭṭam; al-Muqtaṭaf (The Digest)
Eisenmenger, Johann Andreas, Entdecktes
Judenthum, 228
Elijah, 216
Elmaleh, Avraham, 97, 192
Ereẓ Yisraʾel, as term, 18
Essenes, 149
Europe: as imagined Other, 150; immigration of Spanish Jews to, 53; and Jerusalem, 29–31; Jewish acculturation in, 58; Jewish citizenship in, 31, 55–56; Jews in, 125, 146–47, 179; oppression of Jews in, 150, 151, 153, 156–57, 158, 159; religious intolerance in, 120–21; and representation of non-Muslims in Ottoman lands, 21. See also Capitulations
European Christian missionary activity, 18
European Christians: as residents of Palestine, 99–100
European consuls, 29
Europeans: and antisemitism, 228; anti-talmudic claims of, 11; biblical criticism of, 164; and Capitulations, 22; and claim of Eastern inferiority, 146, 147; and context of Jerusalem, 7; and Jewish ritual murder, 201; and Jews in Holy Land, 24; and M. R. al-Khalidi, 8, 43; and Moyal, 207; and Nahḍa, 145–46; protection of Christians by, 22; and race, 30, 139, 140, 146; and research on Bible, 172
Eusebius, 171
Exodus, biblical, 169–70
Ezra the Scribe, 78–80, 164, 217
Faisal Hussein, 240
Faris, Habib, Ṣurākh al-barīʾ fī būq al-ḥuriyya, 202, 203, 208
Fatimid state, 156
Federation of American Zionists, 48
Feldman, Yehoshua, 191n28
fellahin, 123, 124–26
Filasṭīn (Palestine), as term, 50. See also Palestine
finance, 82, 86, 87, 133, 146, 155, 157. See also money
First Aliyah, 34, 76, 95, 96, 100
Fleisher, Rabbi, 118
Four Holy Cities, 33
France, 21, 29, 147, 158, 166, 173, 182
Frankfurter, Felix, 240
Galilee, 33
Gamaliel, Rabban, 219
Gaspo, Shimon, 246n34
Gaza Strip, 16, 246
Gelvin, James, 22n26
gender equality, 245n33
Geonim, 66
Germany, 173, 183
Gershoni, Israel, 220
Gezer, 170
Glass, Cyril, 213n101
Goldziher, Ignaz, 47, 47n31
Gorni, Yosef, 197n52
Gospel of Barnabas, 163
Gottheil, Richard James Horatio: and M. R. al-Khalidi, 11, 40–41, 42, 43, 46–47, 48, 51–52, 53, 62, 71, 76, 77, 86n162, 90, 91, 185; and Makaryus, 11; and Moyal, 185, 186, 190; and Nassar, 90, 91, 106, 185, 190, 231; Zionism, 48n33; “Zionism” (Jewish Encyclopedia), 11, 40–41, 42, 43, 46–47, 48, 51–52, 53, 62, 71, 76, 77, 86n162, 90, 91, 106, 185, 186, 190, 231
Graetz, Heinrich, 216n119
Great Britain, 29, 143; conquest of Palestine by, 179; and Egypt, 26; and grand mufti of Palestine (muftī filasṭīn al-akbar), 239; and al-Ḥizb al-waṭanī (National Party), 220; Jews in, 183; and Mandate for Palestine, 12n16, 16, 45, 66, 236, 237–45; and millet system, 238–39; and national home for Jews, 238, 241; and representation of non-Muslims in Ottoman lands, 21; The White Paper (May 17, 1939), 244
Greater Syria, 26
Great Revolt of 1936–1939, 240
Great War, 2, 6, 7, 8, 16, 32, 35, 123, 178, 240; and Jews, 132, 179–80, 183; new political discourse after, 10; and Paris Peace Conference, 242
Greece, 29, 242
Greek Catholics, 33
Greek Orthodox faith, 20, 21, 33
Greeks, ancient, 209
Greek-speakers, 36
Griffith, Sidney H., The Bible in Arabic, 76n129
Groyser Kundes, Der (The Big Stick), 181, 182–83
Haddad, Rashid, 232
hahambaşi, 19, 36
Haim, Sylvia, 154n75, 161n92
al-Hajj, Najib, Fī az-zawāyā khabāyā aw kashf asrār al-yahūd, 222–23
Halevi, Judah, 53
Halevi, Solomon, 53
Hallaq, Wael, 63–64
Hama, 202
Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement), 246, 247
Hammurabi’s Code, 164
Ḥanafī madhhab, 32
Hanina, Rabbi, 206–7
Hanioğlu, M. Şükrü, 21, 23n30
al-Ḥaqīqa, 223
al-Ḥaram ash-Sharīf. See Temple Mount
al-Harizi, Judah ben Solomon, 200n56
Hasidic Jews, 1
haskamah/haskamot, 61, 66–68
Hayes, Carlton, 5n7
Hebrew, 55, 189, 191; Arabic as mark of identity vs., 236; an
d Ben-Yehuda, 99, 100, 108; learning of, 188; and N. Malul, 233
Hebrew press, 8–9, 11. See also ha-Aḥdut; ha-Ḥerut; ha-Ẓevi (ha-Or; Hashkafah)
Hebron, 33, 97
Herodotus, 171
ha-Ḥerut, 96, 185; anti-Christian polemics of, 117; and anti-Zionist Arabic press, 190; and Arabic press, 192; Arabs in, 102, 103, 126–30; and Ben-Gurion, 122; Christian Arabs in, 106–7, 108; and Christian religious intolerance, 119–20, 121; Christians in, 100; and Christians’ religious hatred for Jews, 114–20, 121; “A Christian Stabs a Hebrew,” 103; and creation of Arabic newspaper, 195; “The Enemies of Judah,” 114; “The Great Danger,” 106–7; “Heresy or Incitement?,” 116–18; “Jesus of Nazareth Never Existed,” 115–16; and Jews in Christian countries vs. Muslim world, 119–20, 121; and Kremer, 104, 105; “The Libel of our Enemies,” 129; and literacy in Arabic, 193; and N. Malul, 233; mission statement of, 97–98; Moyal’s translations of Arabic press in, 191; Muslims in, 100; and Nassar, 232; as offended by criticism of Zionism, 128–30; religion in, 98–99, 100, 101–2, 103; and Sephardic Zionists, 97–98; and Zakka’s an-Nafīr, 193
Herzl, Theodor, 35n74, 42n12, 50, 54, 62, 66, 84n157, 172–73; and Hirsch, 91; and Yusuf Diyaʾ al-Khalidi, 89; and Kremer, 104; and Makaryus, 175; and Nassar, 90; and Pius X, 237n8
Hibbat Zion, 35n74, 50n42, 197n52
al-Hilāl (The Crescent), 133, 134–35, 158, 184; agent in Jerusalem, 135–36; Bible in, 169, 170, 171; cartoon from, 181, 182–83; Christian vs. Muslim editors, contributors, and audience of, 136n19; defense of Judaism against defamation in, 159, 160–61; “The House of Rothschild,” 154–57; “The Jews and the War,” 131–32, 138–39, 179–84; “The Jews in the Lands of the Arabs,” 143; and N. Malul, 11; and Moyal, 11; and pro- vs. anti-Jewish views, 136–37; and race, 9, 28; on Rothschild family, 174–75; and J. Zaydan, 141, 203
Hillel, 204–5, 214–15
al-Hindi, Rahmat Allah, 164
Hirsch, Maurice de, baron, 91–92
Histadrut ha-poʿalim ha-ẓeʿirim be-ereẓ yisraʾel (Organization of Young Workers in the Land of Israel), 127
Hitler, Adolf, 247
Ḥizb al-umma (People’s Party), 220
al-Ḥizb al-waṭanī (National Party), 219, 220
Holland, 29
Holocaust, 246
Holy Land. See Palestine
Hourani, Albert Habib, 83n155, 153n74
Hourani, George, 65
Hugo, Victor, 51
Hungary, 243
al-Husseini, Hajj Amin, 247
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